The Game

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The Game

Postby Miki Yamuri » Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:28 pm

Title: The Game


Melissa Brown - 26yo Mistress - owner of the babydoll

Jack Kent- 20 male, and soon to be babydoll

Vickie Agina - 18yo babydoll

Scene: In the local happening nightclub


Jack had finally finished all of his homework and had decided to go to the local night spot in town. He had dressed casually and arrived. The place was almost packed. This was a very popular meeting place and had one of the more popular bands playing.

The name of the place was The Hang Out ... a very appropriate name for this particular place. All the College kids did just that.

He walked up to the bar and ordered himself a pop. While he was waiting, he looked around at all the people. He noticed a very pretty and petit girl sitting at a booth seemingly all by herself. A waitress brought a tray with several drinks on it to her table. Jack noticed the girl brought out several pieces of paper from her purse and showed it to the waitress. The waitress then took hold of several gold decorations attached to the girl's choke collar necklace and examined them closely before leaving the drinks and walking away leaving the girl seemingly alone.

Jack found this strange. Why was the woman looking at the charms? What did the girl want? Curiosity got the better of him, so, Jack picked up his soda, got up, and walked over to where the girl sat. "Excuse me. Mind if I join you?"

The girl looks up at him with the most beautiful blue eyes and smiles radiantly. She says softly, "Sure. I would love to have someone to talk to." as she scoots over and makes room beside her.

She was dressed in a very short smock dress with puffy sleeves. She had shoulder length blond hair all done in cute long curls. He necklace had a large Champagne diamond in the setting in the front and had 2 gold tags attached underneath. He noticed the top tag had a name and a number on it. The Name was Vickie, the number said Babydoll ID: 01. Jack didn't know what to think of this.

Vickie giggles pleasantly and asks, "What's your name?"

Jack had been about to sit across from her, but when she offered the seat next to her, he went ahead and took it, not knowing he was falling into a trap. Carefully he looked over her ensemble, noticing her collar and it's large diamond and gold setting , before turning back to her. "My name? Jack Kent."

She giggles again and replies softly, "Hi Jack. My name's Vickie. Do you come here often? Is my first time." She blushes softly pink a she demurely takes a sip from her drink.

He nodded, picking up his own drink and taking a sip. "Nice to meet you Vicki. This is my first time as well."

She bats her eyes and says softly, "Forgive me sweetie ... I jus gotta do this ... is portaint."

She then leans over and gives him a sweet little kiss on his lips. She sits back and blushes softly a deeper pink as she says, "Sorry about that ... you're so cute ... I couldn't help it."

Surprised, he yelps a bit, taken aback by her kiss. Blushing, he blinks a bit, watching as she pulls away, apologizing. "Oh... no... that's okay..." It was his first kiss to be honest, and he was very shy about it. Which of course, was what they were looking for.

Trying to change the subject, he looks around, searching for something to talk about. He settles on her collar. "That's... um... a nice necklace you have."

Vickie’s eyes get large for a bit as the comment took her slightly by surprise. She replies, "Imma babydoll. One of the companion series. This Ids me n lets everyone know I special."

She leans over and shows Jack her necklace. Attached firmly under the diamond, were 2 gold tags. One, of course, had Vickie's name and babydoll number. It actually Ided her as the first. The second had a woman's name and an address and phone number. He held the tags in his hand as he looked at them in wonder.

Suddenly, a shadow crosses the table. Jack looks up and a very large and beautiful woman was standing there looking on. Jack had been looking at the tags, trying to figure out what she meant by Babydoll and why it appeared she was wearing a pet collar, when a shadow came over. Looking up, he saw the tall woman, stared a bit in wonder, before blushing and letting go.

He gasps out in apology, "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were sitting here." He then tried standing, as if to leave.

The woman smiles radiantly and says softly in a musical voice, "Not at all. Please, stay."

She sits gracefully across from Jack and Vickie and continues, "I have no problems with a handsome young man like you sitting with me. It seems you're even interested in my babydoll."

Her babydoll? He thought to himself Confused. He sits back down, looking at Vicki, and then back at the new woman. "Not really.. I was just wondering why she was wearing a collar. I'm sorry to intrude."

The woman extends her hand and says softly in her musical way, "My name is Melissa, you can call me Missy if you want. You're in no wise intruding. The reason Vickie is wearing a collar, is because she is a living breathing babydoll of the new Companion series. I suppose you could say ... she's a genetic construct designed to bring lonely people and children of all ages companions and playmates."

Jack thought to himself, And this woman ... owned Vickie? That implied then, that she was lonely, or had been at one point. Or perhaps she was the creator. In all, it seemed complicated to him. Not fully convinced, he raised an eyebrow.

He asks curiously, "Tell me how does that work? I mean ... how is she a living .. babydoll?”"

Melissa smiles broadly and replies, "Well ... 6 months ago, Vickie didn't exist. I wanted to make a babydoll that children could grow up with and one that could watch over and baby sit when ever necessary. I created the Companion. Some of the ads show the boy doll ... it's called Little Buddy. You mean you haven't seen the ads? There's even a poster on the window across from here."

A babydoll that was alive, and didn't grow up? It was certainly a strange concept. He followed her gaze, looking at the poster ad on the window, before turning. "Sorry, I don't watch TV or read the newspaper, so this is a first to me. You mean she's supposed to be a living baby doll, who is unable to age anymore? She's stuck that way?"

Vickie giggles and says softly, "I no stuck silly. Is who I am."

Melissa caresses Vickie’s ear lovingly and explains, "Vickie is a very special person. She is custom designed to fill a very personal role in an adult person's or a child's life. With a Companion in a child's life. There is little adverse peer pressure that other children can exert because the companion will steer the child in the proper directions. She cannot be dissuaded from her Mistress’s chosen course, which makes her the perfect playmate."

It still seemed strange to him. It was like a living and breathing Barbie doll, capable of being played with and babied, but also living with and providing support. For him, being a science major, the only thing that could convince him was evidence and experience.

"So, her Mistress, that is you, chooses what she does, and what she is to do, and that is provide support and be a good playmate?"

Melissa smiles softly and replies, "Exactly." She turns to Vickie and coos lovingly, "Would you like to play with Jack here for a while? Make him happy?"

Vickie blushes shyly and nods her head. Melissa then turns to Jack and takes him by the hand. Her hand is very soft and warm.

Melissa asks in a conspiratorial way, "How would you like to play with Vickie. Sort of like ... a test for you to see how she really is? Lots of people are unsure until they actually get to interact with one." She smiles a very attractive smile as she awaits jack's answer ... still softly holding his now moistening hand.

Jack thinks this is a very good question. He isn't sure what he wants, and he can feel himself turn scarlet and sweat a bit as she holds his hand. After a while, he makes a decision. "Let's do it your way. I'll play and do everything you two want me to do, for tonight. Is that okay?"

Melissa releases his hand. She digs in her purse for a bit and removes a small round object that had 3 round marble sized feet on it and places it between her and Jack. He had never seen an object quite like this. It appeared to be engraved with a male and a female all cuddled together. There was a very sparkly jewel of some kind in the palms of the figures outstretched hands at the top.

Melissa says softly, "All I want you to do ... is play a little word game with me first .. ok?"

This didn't sound too difficult. Jack always thought he was good at word games, so he nodded. Little did he know, this would put him on the road to a life altering event.

Jack finally replies, "Sure."

She turns on the devise ... it begins to glow and sparkle softly in beautiful colors.

Melissa leans over the table and takes both of Jack's hands in hers. She says in a cooing musical voice, "Repeat after me sweetheart ... She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

Ha, this was easy. He felt a strong tingling sensation run pleasantly through his body, but he shook it off and replied. "She sells sea shells by the sea shore."

Unknown to jack, his body had changed slightly. His clothes had gotten to be just noticeably large on him. His body hair had begun to fall out too except for his scalp, eyelashes and eyebrows, which had changed slightly too. Melissa was overjoyed at how well the mobile devise was working.

She coos in her sweet voice, "Now, sweetie, say ... Rubber buggy baby bumpers."

Jack is confused. Why are they so happy at what he said? Shivering a bit at the sensations, and not realizing yet the changes happening to his body, he looks at Melissa and says with a thickening tongue, "Rudder buddy baby bunders?"

Melissa and Vickie giggle softly. Melissa says in her cooing voice, "No sweetie, it's Rubber Buggy Baby BUmpers ... try again like a good sweet heart."

The compulsion to do it again wells up hard within him. An order. Now subjected to the radiation, forcing him to obey a potential Mistress and comply, he blushes and repeats, even more ridiculously. "Rudderbudderbadybunters?"

His body had shrunk noticeably now. His clothes hung on him. It appeared as if he were playing dress up with adult's clothes. Both Melissa and Vicki giggle again.

Melissa says in her cooing voice, Let’s try something else then sweetie ... why doesn't babydoll try; babydoll loves blue bunting buddy bags?"

He was almost Vicki's size, and looking pretty ridiculous in his way oversized boy clothes. He frowned and tried repeating the last statement ... All that came out was gibberish, meaning the process had been a success. Jack realized he couldn't understood what he'd just said, begins to feel a tingle of fear run up his spine.

Melissa stands and moves over to where Jack now stood in the pile of his over sized clothing. She picks him and the clothes up and sits him on the table within the bundle of clothing.

Melissa coos softly to Jack a phrase he in no wise misunderstands ... because he is unable to repeat it. She coos, "Now say ... Ma Ma for Mistress."

He frowns, struggling as she picks him up, setting him on the table. "Mmmm, mmmuuuhhh ... mahhh?"

He struggles hard. Jack can’t quite get his mouth and tongue to pronounce the simple words. He had no idea how she done that? Why was he so small? He was now smaller than Vickie. Why was he talking like that? Why was he unable to talk? Confused, he began to fuss and sounds like an upset baby.

Melissa looks at Vickie and coos softly, "See?? Mistress told you I would get you a babydoll too. Now, she's your responsibility. You have to change her diapers and feed her and play with her and teach her how to talk and walk again ... you understand this don't you? Just like I had to when I first did this to you."

Vickie nods enthusiastically as she coos to Jack, "Can babydoll say .. Ma Ma??"

Jack is shocked. Her own babydoll?! She means him! He's Vicki's babydoll! This was all a set up! Blushing he shakes his head, fussing and trying to squirm, fighting the therapy and regression being done to him. "No... Waaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Jack can’t believe he had started to cry. It just ... felt like the right thing to do. He tries hard to talk ... the only thing that comes out of his mouth, are adorable gurgles and coos.

Vickie stands up and picks up Jack in her arms. She hugs him and kisses him softly on his cheek.

She coos to Jack, "Mommy take her babydoll to the potty n change her into the proper clothes."

Melissa gave Vickie a bundle of something neatly wrapped. Vickie carried the squirming Jack off the women’s room. He is helpless to stop her. The end is near, that much Jack can sense. Panicking, he fusses, squirms, and fidgets aware of the stares as Vicki carries him and the bundle of clothes back to the ladies' room.

Vickie is obviously over joyed. She opens the changing station and set Jack on it. Jack looks down and realizes he can get really hurt if he tries to jump off. He sees Vickie open the bundle. In it was a very adorable Strawberry shortcake romper and a thick cloth diaper. The romper had a plastic lining. There was also baby powder and a pen looking thing along with several large diaper pins and a brush.

Vickie quickly removed all of Jack's oversized clothes. She takes a hand full of soft baby wipes from the changing station and cleans his privacy. Jack was horror struck ... he had no male gentailia anymore.

Vickie giggles softly and coos, "Mommy gonna calls her babydoll Allie. I promise ta take goo care of you .. we gonna be together foe a looong time sweetie."

Jack whimpers a bit, squirming. He doesn't want to be a babydoll, or be called Allie. He regrets agreeing to play with them, fearing that this condition will last far longer than one night.

Unable to get up, he pouts. "But I don't want to be a baby..." All that comes out of his mouth ... are the cutest goos and gurgles.

Vickie pushes Jack onto his back gently. She takes him by his ankles and lifts. She places the hugely thick Diaper under his bottom and sets him in it and powders him well. The sweet and clean odor of baby powder fills the room. Vickie expertly pins the diaper snugly but comfortably on.

She coos softly to Allie, "No be upset sweetie, I inna diaper too .. we will be alla rest of our lives ... cuza babydoll wear em ya kno?"

She then threads his feet through the leg openings of the romper. She stands him up and holds him on his wobbly feet as she pulls the romper the rest of the way on and ties the bib around his neck. The romper had ruffles around the bib, the legs and on the bottom. Allie also realized how noisy it was when she tried to walk. Allie was adorable.

Vickie the sat her on the counter and brushed her hair until it shown and had arranged itself into cute curls. Allie can't help but blush and wriggle, murmuring as Vickie powders and diapers him, before putting him into the romper. Now on his feet and in the romper, he can't help but wobble and blush, now a convincing baby doll.

As Allie sat on the counter, she squirms, as Vickie brushes Allie’s hair, curling it into ringlets. Vickie picks up the pen looking thing and puts it to Allie's arm. There is a loud hissing pop. Allie feels a sting and a very hot sensation washes quickly through her body.

Vickie Kisses Allie on her lips and coos softly, "Welcome to the world babydoll. Now you're jus like me." She giggles softly as she picks up a collar just like the one she was wearing. She showed Allie the tags. One had the name Allie and the Pet Id number 02. The other had Melissa’s name, address, and phone number. Vickie attached it around Allie's neck. Allie feels a really weird sensation run through her as strange thoughts, wants, and emotions begin to invade her thoughts.

Vickie coos softly, That collar will never come off. It's a genetic part of you from now on. It also will define you as my babydoll. You can resist if you wanna .... it makes no difference. The shot, fixes your genetic structure to its current state so you wont regress beyond birth and become a pile of yukkie gooo."

She picks Allie up after throwing everything else in the trash, and returns to the booth with Melissa. Allie blushes and wriggles, yelping at the shot and then wincing as Vickie clips the collar around her neck, feeling it mold to her skin. Now officially a pet and their property, she squirms as Vickie picks her up and takes her back to Melissa. The effort of the transformation has by now severely drained Allie’s body, and she is very tired. Allie sleepily has her head laying on Vickie’s shoulder.

Vickie pats Allie reassuringly on her bottom as she coos softly, "It's ok sweetie. Jus I wanted someone to keep me company too n I picked you."

Melissa pats Allie's hinny as well and says in her musical voice, "Ok babydoll, get your new toy and lets go home. We have accomplished what we came here for."

Vickie giggles happily and carries Allie out to the car. Melissa opens the doors and insures her babies are secured in the car seats before driving them all home.

Jack is very tired. He is overwhelmed at what has happened to him, in the course of an hour. One moment he's himself, the next he's being babied by these two women. How had it come to this? How was it even possible? He wonders this and more as the women fawn over Jack and carry him out, where he's soon strapped into the car seat in the back of a sedan. In no time at all, the poor girl is fast asleep. The collar removing all of his past and rewriting her new self ... now Vickie’s babydoll forever.

~The End~
Miki Yamuri
Posts: 341
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:06 pm

Re: The Game

Postby TiresiasRex » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:22 pm

Ah, how we all need a Melissa in our lives....

Fun story, Miki...once more returning to your fans' favorite fantasy. But I had to laugh with Vickie's reminded me of the femme fatale of AUSTIN POWERS: "Alotta Fagina." V_ickie AGINA indeed.

"She sells seashells..."

Ooh, poop. It's started.
Posts: 57
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:05 pm

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