Prayer By: M.L. Faup

By: M.L. Faup
Our Holy Father in Heaven
gives the gift of prayer,
that we may commune with Him,
while He is reigning there,
Prayer is a privilege,
It is an honor from our Lord,
so we may ask forgiveness
when thoughts have been untoward,
We must seek His Face
and from sincerest hearts repent,
We have been forgiven
through the only Son He sent,
In our prayer we shall Praise Him,
His Holy Name we Bless,
We thank Him for His Grace
and we show our gratefulness,
We read His Holy Word,
And we pray to understand,
We treasure and love our God
Whose majesty is grand,
We make our supplications,
We pray they be His will,
We trust in His decisions,
We know Him and we’re still.
We praise Him Who is perfect,
We, His sheep, do hear His voice,
We follow Him and worship,
We revere Him and rejoice.
The God of Creation,
Grants Salvation through His Son,
Pray and receive Him,
Yeshua is the only One.
Written by Leah
in Honor of Our Lord on Shabbat 6/10/17
(Copyright 2017: ML Faup)
By: M.L. Faup
Our Holy Father in Heaven
gives the gift of prayer,
that we may commune with Him,
while He is reigning there,
Prayer is a privilege,
It is an honor from our Lord,
so we may ask forgiveness
when thoughts have been untoward,
We must seek His Face
and from sincerest hearts repent,
We have been forgiven
through the only Son He sent,
In our prayer we shall Praise Him,
His Holy Name we Bless,
We thank Him for His Grace
and we show our gratefulness,
We read His Holy Word,
And we pray to understand,
We treasure and love our God
Whose majesty is grand,
We make our supplications,
We pray they be His will,
We trust in His decisions,
We know Him and we’re still.
We praise Him Who is perfect,
We, His sheep, do hear His voice,
We follow Him and worship,
We revere Him and rejoice.
The God of Creation,
Grants Salvation through His Son,
Pray and receive Him,
Yeshua is the only One.
Written by Leah
in Honor of Our Lord on Shabbat 6/10/17
(Copyright 2017: ML Faup)