An Angel Speaks

The place to know your heart

An Angel Speaks

Postby Miki Yamuri » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:03 am

An Angel Speaks

Special Thoughts just for Jennifer Funshine

I see the way all lofty n high
Much darkness painted across the sky

The trail covered in thistle n thorn.
My clothes all tattered n torn.

A light, simple and sweet
Comes and lights the way of my feet.

Softly by my hand I am led
Tears are dried, no more shed.

Her words are soft and kind
My burdened heart they unbind

In her arms all safe and sound
An angels truth I have found.

With loving kindness

Miki Yamuri
Posts: 344
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:06 pm

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