The Secret Playroom - Complete

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The Secret Playroom - Complete

Postby Miki Yamuri » Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:02 am

Title: The Secret Playroom


Vickie Carter - 18yo neighbor: Played by - Miki Yamuri

Glenn Blunt - 36yo Engineer: Played by - verylittlejennie

Scene: In Glenn's very large basement

Glenn wiped his brow with his wadded-up bandana and stepped away from his basement workbench. He was done with that for the day. His project never worked properly, and he was starting to think it never would.

He went up the lightweight wooden stairs, which strained to hold him up -- he was heavy, over 270 pounds, but it was mostly muscle. Muscle he had never wanted or asked for, but life had given him anyway. He had to think. There was too much in his head. He went outside, and down the street.

He hoped she wouldn't be there. He went down to the small playground on the corner and sat down on one of the swings. The metal swing set creaked a bit, but it held him. It was made of strong steel pipe and 5/8 chain. It was strong enough to hold a horse.

Then, there she was. She even scowled at him out her window before coming out. Agnes Pent, gray-haired neighborhood harpy.

shaking her cane at him and scolding, "What is wrong with you? I keep telling you! Those are for the children! A big man like you sits on them, they're gonna break! Get off there! What do you wanna sit on the swings for anyway? Are you one of those perverts? Yes! That's what you are ... one of those perverts!"

It was incessant. He sighed and got up off the swing.

Somewhere, hidden deeply away in the playroom, a little girl started to cry when the mean old lady took her only toy away.

Vickie Carter was a very pretty young woman who had just moved into a new house. Vickie had received a full scholarship to attend the College of Computer Engineering near by. She had plenty of money left to her by her mother, and wanted for nothing.

She loved the neighborhood, and especially this huge man that lived next door. Vickie had wanted nothing more than to meet him. She and he both appeared to be very shy, which made it hard for her to meet him. As she looked out the window, she saw a very old wrinkledy crone of a woman come and chase him off the swings at the park across the street. This gave her the perfect opportunity to meet him.

She ran down the stairs as fast as she could, forgetting that all she had on was a cute powder blue babydoll jammie. The top was a cute smock type top with puffy sleeves and the bottoms were bloomer type panties with lace around the legs and the waist. She was a very pretty girl. She did have a secret though, but her panties hid the fact she had to wear diapers or pull ups.

She ran across the street to where the man stood dejected and shyly introduced herself, "Hello?? My name's Vickie ... I'm new in the hood. What's your name?"

He had been shuffling toward home, his thoughts turned inward, but he looked up to see this vision of beauty in powder blue.

"Huh?" was the first word he said to her, but he quickly recovered and said, "Oh. Hi. I'm Glenn. Glenn Blunt. You moved into the Millers' house, right? When they moved to Arizona?"

Vickie realizes she has on nothing but her jammies and a diaper. She blushes rather pink and nods her head, causing her pony tails to fly.

She says softly in a shy voice, "Yes ... the Miller's place. Umm ... would you like to come to ... my house? I have a rather large wooden play set in the back the Millers left when they moved."

She looks at him and smiles a shy smile, fidgeting over how little she had on in the middle of the street.

"Oh yeah, I ... remember that one."

He did. He had helped put it together when the Millers had gotten it for their three children, but although he had longed to use it, he knew there was no way it could happen. Their backyard was surrounded by a privacy fence, so he couldn't get in sometime when they weren't home, and he knew there would be all sorts of uncomfortable questions if he had gone to the family and asked to play on their kids' swing set. But this was someone new ...

Somewhere, in the playroom, the little girl stopped crying when the nice lady across the room took out a dolly and showed it to her.

Vickie takes the large man by his hand. She is so excited by how large and strong it is. The calluses on them feel pleasantly rough in her hand.

She says in an excited tone, "Kewlies, I can makes us some cookies and Kool-Aid ... you do like ... Kool-Aid?" as she leads him back across the road with the old crone staring a hole in them both.

They knew she was making some kind of nasty comments, but they were too far away to bother with her.

Vickie continues, “I hope you don't mind me being so forward ... it's just ... I can't stand grumpy people running others off for no reason."

They had reached the gate into the back fence. Vickie dialed the combination quickly on the new lock ... the gate opened with a rusty metallic squeak. There in front of them, was a huge wooden play set. More than sturdy enough for both of them to play on and then some. Vickie sees Glenn's eyes light up and sparkle as a smile crosses his face.

"Yeah, I don't know what her deal is. That swing set creaks, but it can hold me just fine. I know how much I weigh, and I know what kind of steel it's made of," said Glenn. "... And I do like Kool-Aid."

When they reached the fence and she opened the creaky gate, it was like the gates of Heaven opening for him. He knew the play set was sturdy enough for him. He had added extra supports just in case, when he'd put it together, more than just what had come in its crate, even though he knew the chances would be slim that he'd ever get to play on the swings himself. But now, here he was.

"If you knew ... if only you knew how kind you were being to me."

He stepped up to the swing set as if in a trance, then, not wanting the opportunity to evaporate before his eyes, sat down and started swinging. He did not notice the huge smile on his face. He didn't care who else noticed, either. It was like the lifting of a great weight from his heart. And ... he had this beautiful girl to thank. He didn't even know her last name.

In the playroom, the little girl happily hugged the nice lady and sat down at the play table to play with the dolly. She didn't really know how to play with a dolly. But the dolly had some different outfits to try on her.

Vickie watched as Glenn played on the swing. It pleased her so much to see him having this much fun. She runs inside, forgetting she was still in her jammies. She prepares the plate of cookies and a pitcher of Kool-Aid. She takes it out to the picnic table and set it down.

Vickie says, "Here's the treats, Glenn. Is it fun?" She walks over and sits in the swing and starts to swing.

Vickie couldn't believe how much fun it was to swing. She began to swing slowly back and forth. Glenn watches as she swings. She looks just like a little girl in her jammies. He wasn’t sure, but it seemed she was wearing a diaper too. This only added to the adorable little girl look Vickie had.

Glenn was the happiest he'd been in months, since his trip to Florida, which he had told his friends and relatives was to go to the Daytona 500. Although he had gone to watch the race, he had also made a bit of a side trip to Disney World. Now he was thinking how much more fun it would have been if he hadn't been there alone.

"Have you ever been to Disney World, Vickie?" he asked as they swung.

Vickie continued to swing as she replied, "I've never been there before. Thought about going to the MGM Studios place once, but no one wanted to go with me ... so I didn't wanna go alone. It would be fun if someone went with me though."

Vickie continued to swing higher and higher. She didn't realize how invigorating it felt when gravity pulled her into the seat on the upward swing, or the weightless giddy tingles in her tummy on the way down.

She asked, "Do you like this swing set? You can come back here any time you want. That way, that old lady won't bother you."

Glenn gasped, but kept swinging. He could scarcely believe his good fortune.

"Do you mean it, Vickie?" he asked, in a voice that seemed oddly childlike coming from such a large man. "You don't know how difficult that Agnes makes things. She has even called the cops. She's got it in her head that I'm ... something terrible. Good thing the cops think she's a batty old crone."

Vickie giggles adorably and replies, “Of course I’m serious. Even adults need to play some times.

Glenn closed his eyes and swung higher, enjoying the feeling at the moments when he weighed nothing. At that point where he stopped going up and started back downward. It felt like it used to feel, when he used to be able to swing on the swings as a child, in his family's back yard, before the accident that had taken his parents and his childhood away.

"Vickie?" he asked. "I ... I just have been noticing ... you have on such a cute outfit. Do you ... dress like that a lot?"

Vickie stops pumping higher and looks down at her clothes. Her eyes get big as she realizes again .... she's only in a cute babydoll jammie and a diaper. She looks at Glenn with big eyes as she slows down.

Her pretty face turning a wonderfully shy crimson, "I ... I uuuuhh ... Not out side ... I don't."

She stopped the swing and stands up like she's going to go. Glenn takes her gently by the hand and stops her. Vickie looks at him. She looks just like an adorable little girl.

Vickie hadn't felt this way since her mother had passed away when she was 9 and her dad had brought her Aunt to live with them. The woman was sort of eccentric and had always dressed her very young because of her incontinence. She had accepted her outfit as just normal until he had brought it back to her attention.

"But ... you are outside," said Glenn, reaching out to gently catch her hand. "Oh, please don't go ... I didn't mean any harm. I mean ... please, if you'd rather, go in and change, but ... please come back." He was blushing, he realized. When was the last time he'd blushed?

Vickie stands there for a second in a state of confused embarrassment. She looks down at her jammies and decides she had already run all over the neighborhood in them already, so it probably didn't make any difference now. Glenn was such a wonderful person, she felt safe in his presence.

She sits back in the swing and replies softly in a shy voice, "Ok ... if you want. I ... I normally don't run around outside in my jammies like a little girl. It's just ... I had to do something when the old woman ran you from the park. You looked so ... sad. I just had to ... you know?" She looks at him with wonder in her expression.

He looked at her with no less of a sense of wonder. "You ... you know, you sort of ... well, you saved the day. You're like ... a super heroine, saving me from the mean old lady. The cutest super heroine ever."

Vickie's mouth falls open as she gasps softly. Her hand goes to her mouth as she blushes even deeper red if it were at all possible.

She giggles like a little girl as she says, "Aww, that's ... silly. I'm just your next door neighbor." She looks shyly at the ground, "I just couldn't let that old woman do that to you. It's ... not right."

Glenn sighed. "No it isn't," he said. "I mean, there wasn't even anybody else in the playground." He paused. "I guess ... I guess I could explain why I want to swing at all. Agnes doesn't care. You ... you might. I think."

Vickie says softly as she squeezes Glenn’s large hand gently, "I would ... love to know, tell me."

Glenn nodded and looked in her eyes as he went on, "Well ... it was where I was when I found out ..." His voice got ragged for a moment. "Found out that my parents had died. It was a car crash. Drunk driver. He lived. The police came and got me. I was on the swings in the back yard. And ..." He swallowed. "I got put in foster care. I didn't use swings again until ... until I was too old for them."

Vickie sat with a feeling of compassion building in her heart. She gets out of her swing and walks to Glenn. She wraps her arms lovingly around him as she coos softly in his ear, "It's all right Glenn. I promise you can come here and swing on my swings any time you feel the need. I will even give you the combination to the gate."

About that time, a squeaky old whiney voice rings out, "Aaahhhaa! Caught you, you old molester. Come to molest a little girl has ya. I'm callena cops! They'll put you where you belong and fast!"

The 2 of them look to the gate and see the old woman shaking her fist in their direction for a second, before she turns and hobbles off.

Vickie says with incredulity in her voice, "Wow! Just what in the world is her problem? This is my house ... she's on my property. Why in the world would she even care?"

Glenn shook his head in bewilderment. "I really don't know what her problem is," he said. "I just know that ol' Agnes seems to see perverts hiding under every rock."

Vickie looks down at her jammies and blushes. She says with a tinge of shy in her voice, "Well, I'm sure I look rather young dressed like this." She sighs softly, "If the cops are coming, I probably should put some clothes on. I don't think I should talk to them dressed in my pajamas."

Vickie bends slightly and kisses Glenn on his cheek, before she turns and runs to the sliding back door on the patio and vanishes, leaving Glenn to his many thoughts.

Glenn sat at the picnic table, chin in one hand. His thoughts were spinning. On the one hand, the cops had to come; it was the law that they had to investigate all reports of child molestation. On the other hand, the number of false reports that Agnes had made was, by now, in the dozens. The only reason she hadn't been charged with making false reports was because of her age, and because there wasn't a law demanding that all false reports cases be prosecuted. The cops would do what they'd done before, he was sure.

He was also thinking about Vickie. She was unlike any girl he had ever met since ... the memory was too painful. Vickie was a ray of sunlight, a burst of color. He was thinking that he might already be falling in love with her when she came back outside.

Vickie came back out the sliding door. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans, a pair of hidden pull ups, and a very cute smock top with puffy sleeves. She looked every bit of the little girl. She had on a pair of white tennis shoes to top off the look.

She bounds up to Glenn and hugs him, "Don't look so glum. I promise, I will take care of this and make sure she won't bother us back here again. Crazy or not ... she has no right."

Vickie pokes out her bottom lip adorably and looks so cute. The 2 of them could hear the old woman's voice screeching how she had caught Glenn dead to rights this time. They both turn just in time to see a policeman with a very board and disgusted expression come in the back gate with Agnes in front.

"There he is!" crowed Agnes, pointing a gnarled finger at Glenn, who was looking up worriedly. "Caught him this time!"

The policeman looked at Glenn, then looked at Vickie, then sighed. "Please calm down, Ma'am; I'll take it from here," he told Agnes. To Glenn he said, "I'm sorry, Sir; you know we have to investigate every --"

Nodding his head, Glenn finished, "Every report of child molestation, yes, I know."

"So, just for the record, you're Glenn Blunt, right?" The policeman was filling out a form on a clipboard. Glenn nodded. Turning to Vickie, the officer said, "You must be new in the neighborhood, Ma'am. Is this your home? Could I ask your name?"

Vickie reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her driver’s license and hands it to the officer.

She replies, "Vickie Carter, and I just bought this house, yes." She points to Agnes and says with a tinge of anger in her voice, "What gives this old woman the right to open my gate, trespass on my property, yell at an invited guest, and then call the police on me? I want it put on the record, if she bothers me again ... I'm .... I'm gonna prosecute for trespassing!"

She puts her hands on her hips and gives Agnes a real dirty look. The policeman sighs again as he too gives Agnes a dirty look.

He says, "Miss Pent, this young woman is perfectly within her rights to have you arrested for trespassing and for creating a disturbance. I will have to ask you to leave this property immediately, or I will have to arrest you."

Agnes looks at the officer with wide eyed surprise. He shakes his head and points out the back gate. She turns with a disgusted snort, and hobbles off.

The officer sighed. "OK, just for the record, Miss Carter, do you have any children, or are there any on the premises?" When Vickie shook her head no, he filled out more of his form, saying, "All right then, folks, just give me a moment and I'll be on my way."

Somewhere, in a secret playroom, a little girl was cheering so loudly that she was wetting her diaper, because a policeman had come to take away mean old lady who had stolen her toy.

Glenn was smiling tiredly. "Sorry that this had to happen again, Officer Morgan," he said.

"Me too, and I wish we could do something, but the captain says arresting old ladies would make us look bad," said the policeman. "All right, then, this is filled out -- you are free to file a complaint against Agnes if you want to, either of you, but I'm afraid not much would come of it. Still, call the station if you want. Good day to you both."

Officer Morgan nodded at them and let himself out through the gate. Vickie takes Glenn by his hand and walks him back to the swings where they both sit.

Vickie says softly, "Well sweetie, I can be your little girl if you want me to. That way, When you come over we can both play on the swings together and have fun." Her cheeks turn a soft pink as she looks at the ground. She continues softly, "My Aunt used to dress me as a very little girl all the time. I was ... my Aunt's babydoll." She blushes even more red. “Because I was the baby and the youngest. It was always a lot of fun ... and I really don't mind. Why does that old woman hate you so much Glenn? You are such a sweet person ... it doesn't seem right."

"I don't think she hates me," Glenn said. "I think she really thinks she's protecting the neighborhood children, but there aren't many now that the Millers have moved away and the Johnsons' and Charlese’s kids are all in high school." He paused. "Would you want to come to my house?" He pointed next door. "I've been making a ... well, I'd really have to show you. We could talk more, too. Away from ..." He pointed without looking toward Agnes's house across the street, knowing that she would be watching them from her upstairs window.

Glenn stands up and takes Vickie by her hand and leads her out the back gate. Vickie only pauses long enough to lock it and hand Glenn a card. On it ... was the combination to the gate, a phone number, and the words: The key to my playpen. Vickie stares hard at Agnes' upstairs window where Vickie could see the sparkle of the old woman's glasses.
Vickie snuggles comfortably into Glenn as they walk across the road ... putting on a show for the old woman she was sure to go into a fit over.

Vickie asks, "And just what is it your working on? I'm sort of a computer geek myself and love messing with them. I’ve even got a scholarship to college for it.. I can actually build one from parts." She beams a beautiful smile.

"Well," said Glenn as he unlocked his front door, "I'm not a professional computer geek -- mostly I do construction contracting -- but I do a few things. Want a soda?" He was looking in the refrigerator for a Mountain Dew Livewire, his only addiction.

Vickie giggles, "Sure, I could use a soda. We didn't get to drink any of the Kool-Aid."

She looks around the living room. There are several Engineering Diplomas in frames hanging on the wall. Vickie walks over to them and sees they are from MIT. Vickie is most impressed. She sees many book cases full of book from all over the world.

She’s standing admiring a wooden carving when Glenn walked back to her with a Mountain Dew.

Vickie turns and says, "Now, show me this secret thingy in your basement. It's not going to eat me or anything is it?" She giggles.

"Well we don't actually have to go in the basement," Glenn said. "Just wear these."

He handed her a pair of goggles. They had mirrored lenses and some glowing indicator lights along one side. There were ear buds to go in the ears too. Glenn had another pair and was putting them on.

"It's a virtual reality." He said.

Vickie giggles, "This is so cool!"

When Vickie held the goggles up to her eyes, it was as if she saw the same room, but changed. Everything was brightly colored. The diplomas on the walls changed to framed crayon drawings. And the ceilings looked very high up.

Vickie can't believe it. It seems as if she had become a whole lot smaller and was looking at the same room, but from a Toddler's perspective. She lowers the goggles for a bit and sees the room back to its normal self. She puts them back on as she looks at Glenn. He appeared to be a little boy, dressed in a cute playsuit. She was very impressed.

She said excitedly, "This is so neat! If this had a mobile feature, we could play on the swings ... and make it feel like we really were children."

She walks over to Glenn and hugs him around his waist. She can tell immediately, what she sees isn't reality.

"Try looking in the mirror," said Glenn, smiling. His voice sounded to Vickie like a little boy's voice.

Glenn points to a floor length mirror. Vickie bounces over to it. What she sees looking back is a very cute little girl in a Strawberry Shortcake romper. There were large ruffles around the bib and legs and several rows across her bottom. She had on no top and her hair was held in pony tails by adorable strawberry berets. Vickie turns and looks at the ruffles on her butt. She suddenly realizes .... in the image, she's in a very thick diaper.

She gasps, "Glenn, I'm in a diaper!" She turns and looks closely at Glenn's adorable outfit and realizes ... he was too.

She giggles more, "Glenn, this is so precious. I look just like I used to when I lived with my Aunt."

Glenn laughed, which came across as a child's giggle through the earphones. "I ... well, I like cute. You are the only one I have ever shown this to. I ... I guess my childhood was kind of ... lost. This is sort of a way to try to get it back." He paused for a moment. "Wait, did you say something about going out and playing on the swings? Wouldn't it be great if they could do that? But -- that would mean extending their range, and programming in more of the neighborhood ... or would it? Would it? What if ...?" His mind was racing. "Vickie! You've given me a great idea!" he said. He hugged her, reminding her that he was in reality a lot larger than she was, and very strong. "I'm going to have to totally rewrite the programming, and I might need more powerful hardware, but it could mean we could go almost anywhere!"

Vickie replies, "What if you put an algorithm in that ... extrapolates? I mean ... it takes the real image and ... adjusts it accordingly. It would take less memory and would add more room for upgrades."

She walks back to the mirror and looks at herself. She can't believe the accuracy of the images the goggles are producing. It sends a tingle down her spine. She wonders what Glenn would think if he found out she was in a pair of little girl pull ups right now.

"Yes! That's just exactly what I was thinking!" Glenn said enthusiastically. "Augmented Reality, instead of Virtual Reality."

Vickie giggles, "I'm not a master coder by any means ... but if you let me ... I know I can help you lots."

She then whines adorably as any baby, even the ear buds had no problems ... they had no modifications to the sound to augment.

"Vickie ... you would want to help? That would be ... wonderful!"

Somewhere, in the playroom, a little girl's eyes glittered with wonder as another little girl joined her. For the first time in a long time, she had a playmate.

Vickie says adorably, "I would cry a whole lots if you didn't let me help." She then pokes out her bottom lip.

Several months pass as Vickie and Glenn work steadily on the new algorithm. A new pair of goggles emerge as the relation between them deepened as well. Amid the piles of components, emerged a new pair of goggles that looked remarkably advanced and compact. They contained Blue tooth and WiFi internet connections and could pick up the central broadcast of Glenn's main server from over 2 miles away. They were also capable of connecting via cell phone networks, so they could communicate with the server from anywhere there was cell phone service if necessary.

During those months, Glenn and Vickie showed each other sketches and diagrams they had made, worked in front of computer screens, and even just sat on the swings in Vickie's back yard talking.

Vickie of course, dressed as adorably young as she could to please Glenn. She even began to wear a thick diaper when she was in a romper so she would have a cute poofy butt. Glenn was suspicious, of course, but he never could prove it convincingly to himself enough to believe it.

Old Lady Pent called the police several more times during those weeks, of course, and every time, Officer Morgan or another officer came over, wrote out a report, warned Agnes, and went away.

They had had to totally redesign Glenn's project, so it really wasn't possible to test the result until the rebuild was nearly finished.

Somewhere, in a secret playroom, a little girl was having one of the happiest times in her life playing with her new friend.

Finally, though, the day came. Glenn got home from his construction work and rang Vickie's doorbell. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Agnes watching him from her living room window, but he didn't care.

He just waited for Vickie to answer her door. Vickie came to the door dressed in an adorable babydoll dress. It was a soft pastel peach color with white lace adorning the hem and the flutter sleeves. She had on soft black flats, a hand crocheted pinafore, and a pair of the goggles. In her other hand, she had the other pair of goggles. Vickie looked all the world like a little girl of about 4 or 5 dressed as she was.

She giggles and says in a cute voice, "Would Glenn likes ta play wif me onna swings in back? Ia little girl n woulod love ta has my friend come n play."

She bats her eyes as she lifts the hem of her short dress enough for Glenn to see her ruffled panties underneath as she puts her thumb in her mouth. Glen couldn't be sure, but it looked like she might even be wearing a diaper. She hands the goggles to Glenn with her other hand and waits for him to react.

Glenn couldn't help smiling happily at Vickie's choice of clothing and cute voice. It was all he could do to keep from breaking into giggles himself.

"Hi Vickie!" he said, almost shouting with enthusiasm. "I'd love to come over to play!"

It was actually difficult for him to hold back and not answer her in a similar childlike tone of voice. He put on the pair of goggles that Vickie had handed him, and saw the world change as the system started up. He supposed that Agnes could probably see him putting them on, but all she would see was him putting on what looked from a distance like a pair of mirrored swim goggles anyway.

But what he saw was a transformation of Vickie's house into a small child's playhouse and a transformation of Vickie into an adorable little girl who looked a lot like Vickie and was wearing a very similar pastel peach babydoll dress ... only she looked just like a girl of 2 or 3, even wearing visibly thick diapers under the dress.

He looked at a mirror Vickie had in her hallway and saw himself -- as a little boy of 2 to 3 years old wearing a short-legged playsuit with obviously thick diapers underneath it. His smile dimmed just slightly, as there was a secret here that he had been keeping from Vickie, but he just didn't know how to go about telling her about it.

Vickie giggles happily as she takes Glenn's hand in hers and pulls him towards the swing set. Vickie couldn't believe how everything looked. It was so perfect. Before she got to the swings, the pile of sand that had been the other family's children's sandbox became irresistible. Vickie ran into it and plopped on her hinny in it and started to dig. She giggled happily as Glenn stood and watched her.

Agnes had now seen enough. She saw the cute little girl pulling Glenn to the sand pile and plop on top of it. She was going to get him this time as she called the police and started to fuss. It wasn't long before the 2 of them heard Agnes’s voice screeching about the monster and what he was doing to the helpless little girl hidden in the back yard.

Vickie stood up and brushed her panties and the back of her dress off as she exclaimed, "Oh, no ... not again. And this time, I'm dressed for the part ... my Id is in the house."

"Oh, don't worry about it," said Glenn. "Every time she calls, the cops take longer and longer to get here. You've got lots of time if you want to get your ID."

Vickie had pulled him down onto the sand pile, so he was helping her make a big mound of sand, and wishing they had a plastic pail and shovel.

"But in the meantime," said Glenn, "maybe we should take these off." He took off his goggles and helped Vickie take off hers. He put them in a padded briefcase they used to store them in, so they wouldn't be damaged when they weren't wearing them.

Vickie sighs softly as she goes into the house. She returns shortly with a cute little purse that goes wonderfully well with her outfit. Glenn smiles happily a he looks her over. She is perhaps one of the prettiest women he thinks he has ever seen. Vickie walks over to Glenn and is hugging his neck and kissing him on his lips as Agnes and Officer Morgan entered the back gate.

Agnes screams, "See!!! I told you so!!! He's molesting that little girl back here!!!" Officer Morgan sighs. He recognizes Vickie, although he has to admit ... she does look just like a little girl.

Officer Morgan clears his throat and says, "I'm sorry to bother you fine folks ... but it seems Agnes is having another psychotic attack."

Glenn and Vickie both giggle. Agnes is furious as she has a real tantrum.

"But she -- little girl -- he --" spluttered Agnes, and she continued her incoherent tirade until Officer Morgan gently put a hand on her shoulder and ushered her back to her home.

"Ma'am, I am concerned for your health," he said. "You need to calm down. There's no crime going on here, and you're working yourself into a fit. That can't be good for you, Ma'am."

Agnes, however, wasn't listening and continued spitting out incoherent syllables.

"I'm sorry again, folks," said Officer Morgan, when he returned to Vickie and Glenn after seeing Agnes home. "I'm really afraid that lady's going to give herself a heart attack one of these days. Wonder why she's so darned afraid that there's some kind of child molestation going on when she knows there are no kids in either of your houses?"

"I don't know," said Glenn. "She's just been that way, since I moved into the neighborhood about eight years ago, and maybe even before that. Was she like that before then?"

"I'm not sure," said Officer Morgan. "I'll have to look in the files. Anyway, I'll just finish filling out this form and be on my way. Sorry again, folks."

Vickie says with a bit of irritation in her voice, "I would like it if you would keep her from barging into my back yard. Old woman and nuts or not, it's still trespassing ... and there is a sign on the gate stating it is. At least, give her a ticket for trespassing. You don't have to arrest her."

Officer Morgan nods his head and says tiredly, "I agree, that’s the least I can do."

He gives Vickie a copy of the report and the Ticket resolution form as he walks to Agnes’s house. The 2 of them can hear her still screeching as he gives her the very expensive ticket.

Vickie puts he goggles back on and the ear pieces back in her ears. She giggles and says in a really cute little girl way, "Would Glenn swing wif me onna swings?" She takes him by the hand and pulls gently in that direction.

"Me would wove to," said Glenn, not noticing his imitation of Vickie's cute childlike voice.

The two of them swung on the swings for a while, talking and giggling like little children about how well the augmented reality seemed to be working.

"Vickie, this is working so well!" said Glenn. "You look just like a little girl swinging on the swings!" He briefly lifted one of the goggles away from his eye. "And it's starting to get dark, but there's no sign of that in the goggles -- the graphics routines are using the stored information about the surroundings to draw a day lit scene, and the infrared cameras are keeping the server updated when something moves. We could even make it a night-time scene,"

He pressed some buttons on the goggles. Suddenly, from Glenn and Vickie's perspective, the sky suddenly turned a dark blue, with lots of big five-pointed stars in it and a big crescent moon with a happy face and a nightcap.

"Look! Hi Mr. Moon!" Glenn waved at the Man in the Moon, who smiled and winked back.

Vickie stops swinging and walks close to Glenn. She scuffles her feet and acts really shy.

She says softly, "I wanna kiss little boyyeee."

She bends quickly and gives Glenn a wonderful little girl kiss on his lips. She stands there and blushes adorably in character as she waits for Glenn to say something.

Glenn sat there in the swing, blinking and blushing, too stunned to say anything, but obviously smiling.

Without warning, both of them see a very cute little girl standing in the sand pile. She had her thumb in her mouth and was wearing a cute little hello Kitty jumper and a hugely thick diaper and panties.

She turns quickly with a giggle and runs hides behind the corner of the house as she chants, "Run, run, fast as u can,! Can't catch me ... no matter how fast you ran!"

The both of them look at each other with big eyes and amazement written all over their faces.

Vickie gasps softly, "Who .... or what was that? I don't remember programming any people exactly into the code ... did you?"

Glenn was stunned, "N-no," he said. "I mean -- h-her outfit was one that I entered -- along with a hundred others ... same with her hairstyle and her face and her shoes ... but I never programmed it to generate whole people out of nothing!"

Vickie gasps softly in amazement, "Then who ... is that??"

Glenn ran to the corner of Vickie's house that the girl had disappeared behind. "She's gone!" he said. "I wonder if she could have been some kind of glitch in the system. But ... for a glitch she sure acted realistically ..."

Vickie shook her head. She smiles finally as she holds out her hand to Glen.

She says in an adorable voice, "Wanna come in with me and ... play for a while? I promise not to bite ... at least ... not hard." She giggles, "I have a surprise for you inside."

"Surprise?" Glenn asked. "Come inside and play?" He actually blushed a bit. "Who could resist the cutest girl in all of Playtown?" He took her hand and looked into her eyes. Glenn always loved the sparkling energy he saw there. Even in the goggles, it was still there.

Vickie giggles adorably as she kisses Glenn on his cheek. She leads him in the back door by his hand to the hall across the living room.

She says softly, "Now, silly, close your eyes I have the first of the 2 surprises for you in that room. Glen Closes his eyes as a huge grin crosses his face. He hears Vickie open the door and feels her gently pull him into the room. He hears the door close with a click.

Vickie says in her adorable little girl voice, "Mmk sweetie, open your eyes n getsa biiiggg surprise."

Glenn slowly opened his eyes. He wasn't sure whether what he was seeing was in reality or in the augmented reality of their playful overlay-world. It looked like a child's playroom and nursery, with a white play mat on the floor featuring colorful letters of the alphabet and animals whose names started with those letters. There was a rocking horse big enough for Glenn to use, let alone Vickie, and there was a big toy box with some very large plush animals peeking out. But then ... there was a huge crib, painted a pale pink with a Raggedy Ann and Andy theme, and there was a baby changing table too, large enough for someone Vickie's size, or even possibly Glenn's.

"W-wow, Vickie," said Glenn. "Is this ... real or programmed?"

He looked at the fine details with appreciation. Whether it was real or just in the computer, everything had been thought of. The wallpaper featured a pattern with tiny pink strawberries and had borders that showed Raggedy Ann and Andy playing, matching the crib. There was even a night light shaped like a little pink strawberry.

Vickie reaches up and removes Glen's goggles. The room remained unchanged, although the perspective changed to normal.

Vickie was blushing softly as she said, "This is my bedroom. If you follow me, the rest of the surprise is in tha potty room."

She took Glen by his hand and led him into the next room.

Vickie says in a shy whisper, "I want you to know something ... I ... I'm ... I'm, wearing a diaper under my panties. It .. seemed appropriate."

She pointed to the padded counter by the bassinette looking tub. On it lay a hugely thick diaper, just Glen's size ... and an adorable romper. It has snaps between the legs and crisscross straps that fastened to the bib in front. It had cute little Raggedy Andy motif.

Next to it, was a cute little shirt with snaps across the shoulders and down one side. Vickie says shyly, "I hope you like it. I'll leave and let you change if you want." She blushes an adorably deep pink.

"It's ... real?" Glenn asked, looking around and seeing the room firsthand. "And you're wearing a ... diaper?" Vickie was always full of surprises, but today she seemed to be exceeding her quota. "I, well, I --" he began, but then he saw the outfit she'd laid out for him.

It was more adorable than anything Glenn had ever really imagined himself wearing. Could it be that he was allowed to be that cute? Would he feel as happy and good as he imagined if he put on that diaper and romper?

"V-Vickie ..." he said, "I guess ... I guess you know by now that ... I sometimes wish I was little and cute again and could play like a little kid. But I ... well ... I always felt like I didn't have permission to. Like ... it wasn't OK." He turned away shyly.

Vickie says in her adorable little girl voice, "Silly baby has my mission. *giggle*"

He turned back toward Vickie and hugged her! "Oh, Vickie, I think you're the wonderfullest girl in the whole world!" There were tears in his eyes. He let her go. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab you like that."

Vickie's expression was one of awe. She slowly came up to Glen and wrapped her arms around his neck. She stood on her tippy toes and kisses him softly on his lips.

She backs off a step and says while she blushes several shades of red, "I hope so much this pleases you. I'll leave and ... let baby dress. I waits for u inna play room."

Vickie turns and skips out, shutting the door behind her, leaving Glen to his many thoughts. Glenn stood there for a minute at first, unable to believe this was happening. Frankly, his life had become like a dream since meeting Vickie, and he sometimes wondered whether he was imagining her, or whether she was a character in his computer simulator, but of course she wasn't. She just made him feel so ... free.

He turned toward the tub. It really did look a lot like a bassinet. But aside from that, on it lay a very thick diaper of some kind and a wonderfully cute romper. He undressed and picked up the diaper. It appeared to have a waterproof outer cover and several snaps on either side. It wasn't hard to put on, but when he had it on, it felt very thick and awkward, but on the other hand very soft and comfortable.

He put on the shirt and snapped the snaps, then the romper -- it was a lot like putting on overalls, so it wasn't difficult. He was soon dressed in this wonderfully cute outfit that Vickie had somehow picked out or maybe even made for him. He looked at himself in the mirror and could hardly believe it was him.

Then he turned to the door and started to open it. "V-Vickie?" he called.

When Glenn opened the door, he saw Vickie sitting spraddle legged on the floor with lots of large ABC 123 colored blocks. Glen could see that Vickie was wearing a diaper under her cute panties, just like she had said.

Vickie looks up and smiles, "Hi silly baby, wanna come play wif me? No gotsa weara goggles less ya jus wanna. *giggles* it won't change muchies ... promis." She looks at him with bright sparkles in her eyes.

"I don't think we need 'em in here, and ... I'd love to play! Those blocks look so fun!"

Glenn sat down on the soft floor and helped Vickie build a tower of blocks. Vickie so naturally put her thumb in her mouth and began sucking it as she began building another tower beside the first. She grabbed one of the plushy toys sitting near by and hugged it to her.

She giggles softly as she says, "Now silly, we can b babies aww we wanna. Can even" she blushes adorably pink, "potty in our diapers like I jus did."

She lifts the hem of her short dress. Glenn could see the shadow of the wetness creeping around her bottom. Vickie looks at Glenn and says shyly, "I no can helps it ... amma baby." She pokes out her bottom lip and looks so precious.

Glenn blushed, seeing her lose control like that, which struck the everyday adult side of him as weird, but there was another side of him that had been longing to return to those innocent and simple days of childhood for many years. Glenn couldn't help feeling so drawn to the inner little girl that Vickie was obviously expressing.

"Aww, Vickie," said Glenn, "every time I think you can't get more adorable, you do! How do you manage ... to be so free spirited? I just feel like ... like I couldn't possibly ever go as far as you. But ... I also feel like I want to."

Vickie dropped the plushy toy and got up on her hands and feet. She stood up from there and seemed to toddle over to Glenn.

She hugged his neck as she whispered in his ear, her warm breath tickling it, "Sweetie, remember I told you, my Aunt keeps me as a baby lots of the time. It's easy, just ... let go. If your inner baby needs help, I have some suppositories and diuretics ... that will make it happen. If you will excuse me .... this baby has to go and change her diaper."

Vickie then Toddles adorably to the potty room, blowing a sweet kiss in Glenn's direction before she shut the door.

Glenn smiled at Vickie even after the door was closed, but then just smiled bemusedly at himself. His eyes fell upon his goggles, which had been lying on the padded floor nearby. He picked them up for some reason, and put them on. Sure enough, the room looked a lot like it did in reality, although it had a higher ceiling and a forced perspective that made Glenn feel even smaller than the oversized toys and furniture already did by themselves. He looked around and admired the work that Vickie and he had done.

Then he looked at the toy box and spotted a pair of eyes looking at him that didn't belong to a plush toy. It was the girl, the same girl from before. She had blonde pigtails and that same Hello Kitty jumper. She looked as if she had been watching him, smiling, for some time. But she wasn't speaking.

Glenn blinked at her. "Who are you?" he asked. "You seem -- familiar."

The girl's eyes suddenly widened, as if she were surprised. "You no 'member me?" she asked. Then she frowned. "You gonna 'member me. Soon." Then she disappeared into the toy box with a fading giggle.

Glenn was sure that if he looked in the box, he wouldn't find her there. He just sat there scratching his head and wondering.

The door to the potty opened and Vickie emerged. Now, all she had on was a very thick diaper, an adorable powder blue pair of plastic lined rumba panties with large ruffles on their bottom and around the legs, and a matching baby Tweety babydoll shorty top.

She poses adorably as she says in her cute way, "Would ... baby likesa spenda night wif me? We sleeps inna crib there." She points to the large crib. "I even gots 2 bottles made up. They makes sure we wakes up wet inna moring too, baby promis."

She stands there with her thumb in her mouth and big eyes waiting for Glenn to answer.

Glenn took the goggles off again, putting aside the confusing vision for now -- Vickie was a vision of cuteness as it was. "Vickie ... if you are sure ... I would love to!"

Vickie nods her head in agreement. She toddles out of the room and is gone for a few minutes. When she returns, she hands Glenn a warm bottle of pink colored liquid. Glenn tried to stand up but was a bit awkward with the thick diaper. He ended up looking like a toddler pushing himself up with his hands, which actually made him feel good, as if he were doing something right.

"Oh! Hey," Glenn said, taking the bottle Vickie gave him, "what's this?"

Vickie giggles as she says, "Is baby's night time bottle silly. Is strawberry quick n milk. It also gots sompin in it ta makes sure you aww wet inna mornin likesa goo baby."

"Ohhh, OK," said Glenn. "I'll drink mine if you drink yours. And ... I hope you are giving lessons on how to talk as cute as you do!"

Vickie giggles again as she takes Glenn by the hand. She puts the nipple of her bottle in her mouth and begins to suckle it as she leads him over to the crib. She lowers the rail and climbs in and sits, as she begins to suckle her bottle again. She reaches over and takes Glen by his hand and tugs him towards the crib.

She says in her adorable way, "Is easy silly. Jus gotsa say things lik me. Baby giv u lessons alla time is ya wanna." She then continues suckling her bottle.

Glenn held Vickie's hand and came with her to the crib, where he sat down by her and put the bottle in his mouth. A drop of sweet strawberry-flavored milk came out. He wasn't sure how to go about drinking from it, but it didn't take him long to figure it out ... again. "You gonna 'member me ... soon," echoed the voice of the mysterious little girl in his memory.

Glenn remembered to take off his goggles, laying them carefully on the padded floor to one side so neither of them would step on them.

"Wike dis?" he asked Vickie. "Me twy talk wike Vickie."

Vickie giggles more and says, "Is perfect." She leans over and raises the rail. She pushes Glenn on his back as she snuggles up close to him. She continues softly, "Baby hopes u no mind dwessin likesa girl sometime. Auntie Nana will wanna dress u thata way when u meets her. Is so wunnerfuls ta meetsa nuther Adult Baby *giggles* I so wanted ta hasa playmate ... now I do."

She hugs Glen tightly as she kisses him softly on his cheek. She then snuggles in comfortably beside him and continues to suckle on her bottle. As if by magic, the lights dim suddenly, the soft pinkish glow of the strawberry night light fills the room as a soft lullaby begins to play as the night time program for the nursery begins to run.

Glenn was impressed. Vickie had gone to a lot of trouble to make this nursery as realistic as possible. Dress like a girl? Glenn wasn't sure, but ... there was something, something deep in his memory. He couldn't track it down. But he wasn't worried, especially not here, lying down in a crib next to the most amazing girl he had ever met.

Somewhere, in an invisible playroom, a little girl with blonde hair in pigtails, wearing a Hello Kitty jumper, happily hugged her new best friend.

~~ End Pt1 ~~

Title: The Secret Playroom: Pt 2 - A Little Girl Named Glynn ( PG )


Vickie Carter - 18yo neighbor: Played by - Miki Yamuri

Glenn Blunt - 36yo Engineer: Played by - verylittlejennie

Scene: In Vickie's Nursery Crib


Glenn was using the augmented-reality goggles. He vaguely awoke knowing that he was in a beautiful nursery, and the system's forced perspective made him feel really small. He could see and feel that he was in a romper and thick diapers, diapers that he knew were wet. But he didn't feel upset by this; instead he felt comforted, knowing that he was in diapers for a reason and was therefore safe. Without another thought he put his thumb on his mouth, began sucking on it, and drifted back off to sleep.

... and then he started to become aware again, aware that there was someone lying beside him, and someone was lightly touching his ... diaper? ... Had that been a dream or had it been real? His eyes fluttered open. He WAS in a beautiful nursery. But he wasn't wearing the goggles. It was real. And so was the thumb in his mouth. And ... the wet diapers. And the person next to him ... Vickie! But then who was ...?

Glenn sees a very handsome older woman in a black dress and a white apron bending over him. He felt her hand as she checked his wet diaper.

She coos softly, "Aww sweet heart is wet. That's so adorable. Now be a good boy and let Aunt Nana change you."

He feels a wonderfully reassuring pat on his bottom as he sees the woman move to Vickie and check her in the same manner.

Vickie wakes and stretches sleepily as she says in her adorable voice, "Mornin Nana, baby hungry."

Nana giggles and coos softly, "As soon as we get you babies all cleaned up and diapered, breakfast is in the kitchen."

Vickie sits up as Nana lower the crib's rail. She begins to climb out of the crib as Glenn looks on with fear in his eyes. Glenn sat bolt upright, looking at his romper and thinking about the wet diaper under it, then at the woman who seemed to be the aunt that Vickie had mentioned. He tried to muster up as much composure as anyone could under the situation ... which was not much.

"Uh, h-hi Ma'am, I'm Glenn, and I'm Vickie's neighbor -- uh, wow, morning already! I should really get home to change my -- uh, change into my work clothes and -- work! Yes, I have to get to work! Look at the time!" There were no clocks in Vickie's nursery.

Nana coos reassuringly, "Settle down baby, Nana needs to change you first."

"Oh -- thank you, Ma'am, I'll be just fine!"

He hopped out of the crib, started picking up everything that he had brought over, the only thoughts in his head being not wanting to leave a mess that someone else would have to clean up and being embarrassed about a total stranger who had seen him in a wet diaper. He grabbed both pairs of goggles, put them in their carrying case, and smiled nervously at Vickie as he ran out the door.

He heard Vickie calling after him, "Please come back later sweetie. Baby wants to play some more."

It wasn't until he'd gotten home that he realized that he had left his clothes in Vickie's "potty room." He had just run from Vickie's house to his house wearing nothing but a baby romper with a diaper under it. Luckily he hadn't locked his side door. Nobody in this neighborhood ever locked their houses; crime just wasn't a problem -- especially with the frequent police visits thanks to their hallucinating neighbor.

A pair of old eyes watched as Glenn ran across the road in nothing but a baby Romper. This brought back many bad memories from many years past. Tears began to fill Agnes's eyes as she began to tremble. In her mind, she knew she had him this time. He would never get away with this a second time. She walks to the phone and picks it up ... then stops. She has another idea. She will wait until that pervert has gone to work, then ... she'll get the evidence she needs to put him away ... after all these long years.

Vickie pokes out her bottom lip and whines, "Nana ... baby love him lots. *whimpers* He so muchies fun, specially inna play room. I jus gots him ta start openin up too."

"Well, sweetheart, you never told me he was so good-looking!" said her aunt. "Come on, up on the table and we'll get you all changed for breakfast. He seems to be a bit nervous, though!"

Vickie whimpers softly like a baby as she climbs onto the table. Nana pulls off her rumba panties and removes the soaked diaper. She tickles and blows a loud raspberry into her tummy. Vickie couldn't help but stop whimpering and began screeching and squirming under the loving assault.

As Nana lifted Vickie by her ankles, Vickie said, "Nana, is baby could get him ta least be more baby ... I kno him b lots more happy."

Nana sets her cute bottom into the soft embrace of the diaper and powders her. Then pulls it between her legs and fastens the tapes snugly.

"There we go, all snug and safe, Li'l One," said Aunt Nana. "Don't worry, dear; I suppose I did kind of surprise him. I don't blame him for running off like that. After all, he'd never even met me before and here I was offering to change his diaper! I doubt he's worn diapers for many years. No wonder he was shy."

Vickie pouts, "But Nana! Baby tol him bout u ... an .. an ... an that u would dress him inna cute baby girl's clothes even. *sniffs* He sould least ... try it ... it in him ta do it."

Vickie climbs off the table as Nana holds out a clean pair of lacy panties. Vickie steps into them and Nana pulls them up and pats her hinny softly. She hands Vickie a pair of jeans as she shakes her head slowly.

"Well, sweetheart, I'm sure that will come with time," said her aunt as Vickie put her jeans on. "This is all so new to him, after all. But ... from what you've told me, it's not hard to understand. Didn't you tell me he was orphaned at age 8 when his parents died in a plane crash? How awful! He must still miss them terribly."

She picked out a lovely babydoll top for Vickie to wear to class. Vickie holds her arms up as Nana fits her hands into the puffy sleeves and pulls the top on. Nana takes Vickie by the hand and leads her into the kitchen and puts her into her High Chair and feeds her breakfast. When all was done, and Vickie's face and hands had been washed squeaky clean. Nana Kisses her bye and pats her hinny.

Vickie skips out the door, and down the street to her Computer Class. Nana straightens up every thing and lays out 2 diapers, one large for Glenn and one small petit for Vickie. She selected 2 adorable babydoll outfits for the 2 of them before she locks the door and leaves.

Agnes watched from her upstairs sewing room window as that little Victoria girl skipped off to school. A little while later, the woman who was probably her aunt, got into her car and drove off. Then, shortly after that, Glenn came out of his house. He wasn't dressed in that ... baby outfit he had been in earlier. He was in disguise again, wearing khaki pants and a blue shirt and red tie. He couldn't fool her, she thought, watching him get in his car and drive off as well.

She waited for a full hour in case one of them forgot something and came back, but none of them did. Now was the time. She picked up her camera and hurried out the door. If the police weren't going to do their jobs, then she'd just have to take matters into her own hands.

Agnes creeps across the street and finds the side door unlocked as she knew she would. It had taken many years of waiting, but now ... she knew she was going to get the evidence she needed to get justice. She entered the house slowly and looked around. Despite herself, she was impressed at the many diplomas and achievement awards hanging on the wall beside the book case. She took several pictures of them. She walked around to the den. She saw an open briefcase sitting on a table. When she approached, she saw those weird goggles she had seen the both of them in many times nestled safely in the deep foam.

She picks one pair up. On the side was Vickie's name. The dial was set to 100% augmentation. Slowly and timidly, she puts them on and plugs the buds into her ears. At first, all she sees is darkness ... then suddenly, she hears a soft echoing click in her ears.

The den came into view again, and it looked like the same room ... nearly. Everything seemed somehow bigger, and the ceiling seemed so high up and far away. She got a definite feeling of being ... small, somehow. She held up her hands and looked at them; they looked tiny and childlike, not gnarled with arthritis and wrinkled with age and bitterness. She gasped.

She looked down at herself and saw herself wearing something pale pink and lacy. But when she felt it with her fingers, she felt the same blouse she had put on this morning. What was going on? She'd seen a mirror in the front hallway, so she went there.

When she saw the mirror, and herself in it, she gasped. She was ... a little girl? She wore a pale pink babydoll dress with white lace, matching lacy socks, and white Mary Jane shoes, and had blonde hair in a pixie style ... and apparently some kind of diaper underneath. This is just the sort of thing that Glenn boy would get off on, she thought, just the thing that caused her to lose her dear grandchild on that horrible day so many years ago.

"That's a pwetty dwess," said a voice.

It was a little girl's voice, and it came from behind Agnes. But she didn't see anybody behind her in the mirror. She was startled and turned around. It was a little girl. She wore a bright pink dress with some sort of cartoon cat on it, and her blonde hair was in pigtails. She was barefoot. She looked like ... no, it couldn't be ...

The little girl -- the same height as Agnes, further reinforcing the feeling that she was now small. The little girl apparently got tired of Agnes staring at her and said, "Betcha can't catch me!" as she turned and ran out of the living room, toward the dining room.

Agnes gasps loudly, her heart begins to pound. She runs as fast as she can into the other room looking for her long lost grandchild. She practically tore the room apart and did major damage looking for the girl.

Once again, she heard the mocking giggle and the cute voice say, "Peekaboo ... I see you!"

Agnes turns quickly and sees the smiling face peering from under a table cloth. Agnes rushes over to the table and snatches the cloth off, pulling the entire setting of expensive antique lead crystals into the floor , shattering them. Agnes hears the laughter as it seems to retreat up the hall. She follows in a mad run. Agnes finds herself in the hall. She sees the little girl standing at the far end.

Agnes gasps out breathlessly, "Deborah, sweetheart ... where have you been all these years? Since ... since the accident?"

The girl gets a quizzical look on her face. She says, "I hid. I no wanted ta be hurt no more."

"Hurt?" Agnes said, still panting from the exertion. She wasn't as young as she now looked. "Sweetheart, your parents and your Grandma, we would never hurt you."

"I not allowed out," the little girl said. "I hide 'cause the world outside was mean. I hide in the secret playroom. It's inside. It's safe."

"Secret playroom?" Suddenly she remembered why she had come. This girl couldn't be her granddaughter Deborah ... if she had lived, she would be grown up now, not still a little girl. Still, the resemblance was uncanny. But was this twisted adult that Glenn had grown into keeping children locked up in his home? She had to know! "Where is this secret playroom, sweetheart? Show me and I can help you."

The girl frowned. "It's inside. You gots an inside too. You not go there in a long time, I think."

"Deborah, I don't understand," said Agnes. "I mean -- I don't know your name, but you look a lot like my granddaughter Deborah. I'm sorry."

"I not Debwa. I Glynn. That my name," said the little girl, pointing to her chest.

"Your name is -- Glynn?" That sounded a lot like Glenn, she thought. Had Glenn had children? Did he keep them locked away somewhere in this house? "Glynn, listen to me," she said. "You're in a lot of danger, and I have to help get you out of here. Are there any other children here?" She reached to take Glynn's hand to lead her away, but her fingers closed on empty air. "What? --"

"I tooooold you," said Glynn gleefully, "Can't catch me!" Agnes clicks a picture as the little girl ran down a hallway out of sight.

With a cry of anguished frustration, Agnes tore the goggles from her head and threw them against a wall, shattering one of the lenses. She didn't really have any evidence except for a picture of the little girl, but she was going to call the police anyway. She'd seen a child here, a child who had told her that she was kept hidden away inside the house in a secret room. That had to be enough to get them to search the place.

Agnes turned over another table on her mad dash out the door, breaking another lamp and several picture frames that had old pictures of Glenn's parents. She was in such a rush, she forgot to even close the side door as she ran back to her house.

Breathlessly, she called the police station and in a simi-incoherent way, told them what she had discovered and about the picture she thought she had. Officer Morgan came on the phone and asked her to repeat what she had told the Desk Sergeant. Agnes repeated it ... slightly more coherently ... and a lots less out of breath. Officer Morgan told her not to leave her house, He would be there shortly. As Agnes hung up the phone, She was thinking to herself in a vicious way, "At last, revenge for what you did to my Granddaughter."

It had been several hours since Vickie had left for school, and today was a short day. She was skipping home with many happy thoughts of Glenn when she suddenly saw all the police cars. She saw dozens of police men entering and leaving Glenn's house as well as Agnes Sitting on her front stoop in handcuffs. She saw Glenn pull up into the driveway and get out of his car. As several police approached him, Vickie started to run towards them ... she had to know what was going on.

Glenn was mystified ... what was happening in his house? There were police all over ... was he in trouble for something? Then she saw Agnes. He was suddenly angry and afraid. All her accusations -- had she finally gotten the police to believe her crazy delusion? Would he go to jail?

Several police approached him as he stood there. They did not seem to be treating him as potentially dangerous though; they did not have their weapons drawn. Officer Morgan was one of them. His expression was apologetic, not accusing. Then he saw Vickie running toward him, and somehow everything felt OK again.

Officer Morgan said, "Sir, we're sorry you had to come home to this. We knew she was eccentric, but we didn't know she would go this far."

He nodded toward Agnes, sitting on her front porch -- Glenn now noticed that the old woman was handcuffed, and silently seething with rage.

"Seems she broke in and damaged some of your property. She has some kind of story about seeing a child, but there's no evidence other than some pictures she says she has on film. We're having that developed to see."

"What?" Glenn was confused. "A child? Officer, if there's a child in my house, then he or she is trespassing too."

He felt like he was getting a headache all of a sudden.

"Well, Sir, we'll just have to wait for the photos to come back from the crime lab. But if we could ask you to stay here for just a little while, we'll get this straightened out." He sighed. "Poor Ms. Pent ... we're gonna have to charge her with breaking and entering, willful destruction, maybe even malicious trespass. And I think she was trying to gather some kind of 'evidence' against you, but even if she had evidence of something, it wouldn't be admissible in court." He looked past Glenn and nodded again. "Here comes your neighbor." Glenn turned to see Vickie running up.

Vickie runs quickly up, her ponytails flying behind.

She bounds up and says in an excited breathless voice, "Glenn?? What's up?? What's happenin? Why are alla police inna world here?"

She looks around and realizes, Agnes is on her porch ... in handcuffs.

Her eyes get big as she looks at Glenn and continues in a more quiet way, "What did that crazy old bat do this time sweetie?"

Vickie sees the side door was open ... and there was a lot of carnage visible.

Officer Morgan says, "It seems Mrs. Pent has had a psychotic break, Miss Carter. We have arrested her and are going to take her someplace where she won't harm herself ... or others."

Officer Morgan turns to Glenn and says softly, "There is something I think you might be ... interested in about Mrs. Pent, however." He hands Glenn a thick folder full of many photos and reports by numerous officials. He continues, "I thought ... since she's been on you for the last 8 years ... those sealed files were something ... you would be interested in knowing."

He turns and walks across the street to Agnes. Glenn and Vickie can hear her voice rising and falling as she has a large temper tantrum.

"Sealed files?" Glenn said to Vickie, opening up the folder and holding it so he and Vickie could both see what was inside. "What's this? ... This is about the death of a six-year-old girl named Deborah Simmons ... wait."

Glenn closed his eyes for a moment. "That name ... it's ... familiar ... There was a girl that I used to play with," said Glenn, opening his eyes again. "Her name was Debbie. I think her last name might have been Simmons. She ... we ... umm ... we used to kind of play ... dress-up. Nobody minded. Until one day her grandmother was over to visit and saw us and ... I remember she just went ballistic, screaming and yelling. I was upset and ran away, across the street, all crying ... I was a little boy; I was five years old. I got home and got inside, and I looked out the window and there were a bunch of cars and people in the street outside her house ... and my parents told me I couldn't play with Debbie anymore after that ... oh my G -- Look at this, Vickie! It says ... she was hit by a car when she ran out into the street!"

Vickie gasps loudly as she sees a photo of Debbie.

Vickie says in a tone of incredulity, "Glenn! That picture ... it's the one in the Augmented program!"

Glenn holds up the picture as his mouth falls open. Vickie pulls a sheet from the stack and reads it. Attached to it was another Photo ... it was much younger ... but it was still Agnes Pent ... Deborah Simmons’ Maternal Grandmother. Vickie gasps again as she nudges Glenn for his attention. She shows him the page. Glenn's mouth falls open even more and his eyes almost fall from his head in surprise.

Vickie says in a small voice, "I ... I think baby gonna be sick."

She staggers over to the side of the house ... and throws up. Glenn was in tears, but he saw Vickie in distress and put the folder down to help her. He held her, and took out a handkerchief to give her.

"Vickie ... I'm sorry you had to see this ..."

He looks over to the violently angry Agnes as Officer Morgan escorts her to the police cruiser, and puts her in. He watches as the car drive off. He can hear Vickie gagging behind him, he turns and hugs her. He caresses her gently as he tries to help her feel better.

Glenn says softly, “It's ok sweetheart. Here, let me take you inside for some Mountain Dew. I'm sure it will help settle your tummy."

Vickie nods and allows Glenn to escort her into the house. When they enter, another shock greets the 2 of them. The amount of damage Agnes had caused was enormous.

Vickie's tummy had settled and she felt a lot better after Glenn had washed her face and hands. She looks at Glenn as her eyes filled with tears.

She says in a soft coo, "Baby so sorry sweetie."

She hugs his neck as she kisses him on his lips as lovingly and tenderly as she could. She breaks the kiss and continues in an adorable voice, "I b your little girl is ya wanna. No can takesa placa Debbie ... but I be ur playmate." She takes his large calloused hand in hers, "An ... an ... Nana lov u lots too. She wanna b ur Nana is ya lets her ... baby promise. Now that I kno who .. and what the manifestation is, I can enhance it so that when ever we're in Virtual Augmentation, she can come out and be our playmate too. What you think?"

There is a loud knock on the open side door. Several new police officers with large CSI letters stamped on their black uniforms stood there with 3 photographs in their hands.

Vickie stands up and walks to the door. The officers take off their hats and ask, "Is ... your mommy or daddy home little girl? We are looking for Mr. Glenn Blunt."

Vickie giggles, "I'm not such a little girl officers, I'm 18. Glenn is right here."

She point to him. The officer with the photo's enter the house.

He says, "These photos were taken from Mrs. Pent's camera. We can see the damage she caused, but no evidence of any forced child slavery. Would you mind if we kept these as evidence against her? After all ... they are photos of her vandalism."

Glenn looked at the photos. "Well, technically I guess they're not even mine," he said. "Agnes took them with her own camera and film. And these two do show that she was in here, and they show the damage she did. But this one ..." He looked at the third photo, showing an empty hallway. "That's just the hallway. Did she take that one accidentally?" Glenn frowned, confused. "Or ... maybe she thought she saw something that wasn't there." He shrugged. "At any rate, I have no claim to them." He gave them back to the investigators.

Vickie leans close to Glenn and whispers softly in his ear, "Sweetie, I know what happened in the picture of the hall ... the old crone had on a pair of the goggles. She saw ... Glynn and thought she was taking a picture of her. When Glynn vanished, she probably threw the goggles down and left to call the cops."

Vickie walks into the hall and pick up the shattered goggles. She looks at Glenn with sadness n her face.

"Awww, Vickie ... she broke your goggles," said Glenn. "But don't worry, we can just build you some new ones. I even have some ideas for improvements!"

Vickie walks back to Glenn and asks, "What kind of improvements? I would sort of want to add the feature ... where we can interact with Glynn more. I think that encounter would be lots of fun, especially if we're in my nursery or the swings." She snuggles close to Glenn, "Humm? You think?"

"Vickie, I think that you are going to be seeing a lot of Glynn," said Glenn, blushing. "Because ... I want to try to let her out of her hiding place. After all ... she's me ..."

Vickie kisses Glenn softly, "Exactly sweetie."

"But wait ... if Agnes had the goggles on ... we can see what happened," said Glenn. "Come on, let's go down to the basement," he said, reaching for Vickie's hand.

Vickie takes Glenn's hand and follows him to the basement. They both sit at the terminal with the huge 44 inch flat screen wrap around display. Vickie begins to type in the request for the last running data file prior to the goggles being critically damaged. The both of them watched as Agnes became aware of herself as a cute little baby girl. They watched the chase ... and saw why Agnes destroyed the house. She was looking for what she thought was her grand daughter. They also watched as she snapped a picture of the running Glynn in the hall and then the tumbling of the goggles through the air until critical impact with the wall and floor.

Suddenly *** SIGNAL LOST *** appeared in huge letters on the large screen. Vickie sat back and shook her head.

She says quietly, "It must have been truly traumatic for her to see her granddaughter. I see why she had a psychotic break."

Glenn nodded. "But she also was the one who screamed at me and made me run away," he said. "Poor Debbie ran after me and was so upset she didn't look before crossing the street. Agnes ... she convinced herself it was all my fault, and I guess she remembered me, even though I didn't remember her. After all, she was a lot older, and I'd only ever seen her once."

Glenn turned to Vickie. "I have to make sure she gets the help she needs," he said. "I feel like I have to ... for Debbie."

And Glynn, Glenn thought to himself, you won't have to hide anymore. That's my promise to you.

Vickie smiles and nods her head in agreement. She says, "I think I should help too. It would have been a lot better if I knew before what we know now ... I would have reacted ... differently to her."

Vickie sits for a few seconds looking at the floor, then pulls open a drawer full of components. She grabs a micro driver and begins to disassemble the smashed goggles.

She continues, "Well .. Glynn *giggles* before we both need our diapers changed, tell baby what the improvements are you're planning. I think I'm adding a subroutine to the character rendering protocol. Make it able to enhance the tactile sensations we feel if we wear the pezio gloves. What you think?"

~~ Several Months Later ~~

Glenn and Vickie sat in Vickie's playroom, playing a game of Giant Candy Land.

"Ooo, me gots yewwow again," said Glenn, crawling to the next yellow space on the big soft game mat.

The mat was real; it was the soft floor mat of Vickie's playroom, but the Candy Land board was provided by the goggles, which he and Vickie were wearing. Vickie was in a beautiful pink baby dress dotted with little cartoon ladybugs, and she had ladybug slippers on her feet and some silly springy ladybug antennae on her head. Glenn was dressed in a familiar pink Hello Kitty dress, his long blonde hair tied into pigtails with pink ribbons in bows.

"Having fun, girls?" asked Vickie's aunt, entering the room. "Anybody need a diaper change?" she said, checking Vickie's bottom first, as if she didn't trust her to answer the question truthfully. "Looks like you're OK. Let's check little Glynn next ... nope, only a little damp." Glenn blushed a bit but smiled widely up at her.

Vickie sat back on her diapered bottom and said in a cute voice, "See silly baby? Tol ya Nana would makes ya bea girl *giggles* Baby knew u had it in u too ... so there."

She put her thumb in her mouth and starts to suck it. Nana returned to the nursery, the wonderful smell of oatmeal cookies precedes her. On a large tray, she had 2 large bottles of green liquid, and a huge mound of hot cookies.

Nana coos softly, "Would my babies like to hava snack? They're fresh from the oven. I have 2 bottle of Glynn's favorite ... Mountain Dew ... with a special additive to keep you babies at heart."

"Yummmm cookies!" said Glynn. "But ... we gots to finish the game!" She took another card. "Can't catch me!"

Nana smiles at her 2 'babies' fondly as she coos softly, "I think you 2 should be out on the swings in the sun. It's better than the both of you being cooped up in here all day."

Nana takes the 2 by their hands, and escorts them to the back yard. Vickie and Glynn bounce happily over to the swings and begin swinging. Nana goes back into the house and brings the tray of treats and the bottles out. She leaves them on the picnic table. She watches them enjoying themselves and listens to their happy screeches and giggles for a few minutes, before walking back into the house.

Across the street, Agnes waved goodbye to the young therapist lady who the state sent around every week. What a nice girl she was; she listened so carefully to everything Agnes said.

She looked across the street as she heard activity in Victoria's back yard. She knew that Glenn was over there, and Victoria's aunt was visiting. Agnes went back inside her house, closed the door, and went upstairs to the sewing room, where she watched Glenn and Vickie swinging. She understood now. Nobody was going to hurt those kids as long as she was watching.

In the invisible playroom, Glynn opened the door and, for the first time in a long time, went outside to play.

~~ The End ~~
Miki Yamuri
Posts: 344
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:06 pm

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