Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Complete

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Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Complete

Postby Miki Yamuri » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:01 am

Title: Invasion of the Penis Snatchers


Dr. Hill - Emergency Room Psychiatrist

Dr. Miles Bennell - Penis Snatch Victim

Becky Driscoll - Bennell's girlfriend

Dr. Dan Kauffman - a psychiatrist in the town

Scene: A dark and remote section of a farm belt town


The night was dark with no moon showing. The stars twinkled above like tiny jewels in the sky. The sounds of the night sang clearly round about as all the night time creatures scurried around on their nightly chores.

Without warning, one of the stars in the sky began to move and grow larger. Its light began to cast long shadows across the land. A huge explosion rocks the land as large numbers of strange spores scatter to the four winds. Many acres of woodlands were seriously contaminated with the spores.

Nearby, two young men were camping out near a small stream when the sky lit up bright as day, a huge explosion, then silence as darkness returned to their remote campsite. The two men crawl from their sleeping bags and pup tents quickly to see what had happened. All they saw was the light in the sky rapidly fade away. They heard the sound of something similar to sand as it rained down all around them. Their skin began to itch. It felt like thousands of ants were crawling all over their bodies. They drop to their knees and scream as extremely sharp pains run through their heads. The last thoughts they had is “This must be how it feels to be in hell.”

~~ Emergency Room later in the week ~~

Dr. Hill was the Emergency Room Psychiatrist on call that evening. He was slightly annoyed that the police had contacted him at 2am to come to the hospital and interview a young hysterical woman. The officers had told him that the woman was demonstrating signs of severe mental delusions, but gave no other information.

Dr. Hill arrived and was immediately escorted to the isolation room. He could hear the screams and insistence of the young woman she wasn't a woman at all, but a male PHD from nearby. She was insisting her name was Dr. Miles Bennell … a psychiatrist from a local small farming town several miles away named Charmington.

Dr. Hill raised one of his eyebrows in surprise. He knew of Dr. Bennell's work through a book he had written on Delusions of the Mind.

Hill smirks as he thinks, “I suppose this would make a good irony for the good Dr. no doubt.”

Dr. Hill has the orderly unlock the door. He enters the room and sees a very beautiful young woman of approximately 18 years of age with a short crew cut. She was wearing a very oversized gray suit, white shirt with tie, and was barefooted except for a pair of over sized socks.

The woman looks at Dr. Hill with wild fearful eyes as she exclaims, “Thank Goodness … someone I'm familiar with.”

She rushes over with her hand extended and takes Dr. Hill's hand and shakes it vigorously.

She says, “I'm glad to finally meet you in person, Dr. Hill. I know it sounds totally nuts, but I'm Dr. Bennell. Something terrible has happened to me … and it's spreading rapidly! Something has to be done to stop the two men who are infected with … whatever it is as soon as possible before it can't be contained.”

Dr. Hill sits easily in one of the two chairs. He asks softly, “Do you mind if I smoke? I usually puff on a pipe while I'm thinking.”

The young woman grabs the back of her sagging pants and flops in the other chair as she says in exasperation, “No, I don't mind. We need to get on with this … it happens suddenly and right after those men touch you or shake hands.”

Dr. Hill slowly packs his pipe, then lights it with his butane as he watches the young woman. He is thinking she must be suffering from some kind of drug induced psychotic hallucination. It's obvious she's extremely agitated … and has signs of near hysteria to boot. Dr. Hill thinks the oversized suit was an interesting touch to this delusion, although, he wonders ...”

Dr. Hill asks softly, “Do you still have some form of ID on you? Or did the officers take it from you in the initial pat down search?”

The girl sighs and settles down as she reaches into the breast pocket of the suit and pulls out a long black leather wallet. She opens it, removes a card, then tosses it over to him. Dr. Hill catches it and looks down. It's a State Driver's License with … Dr. Miles Bennell, PHD's name and home address on it.

Dr. Hill then asks, “Would you mind if … the officers take your finger prints and … run a comparison on them? I'm sure if you are who you say you are … they will remain the same.”

The Young woman nods. Dr. Hill stands, walks over to the door, and knocks. A pair of eyes appear at the slot.

Dr. Hill says, “I need a finger print kit and an officer to take this young woman's finger prints if I may.”

The eyes vanish from the slot as Dr. Hill returns to his chair and sits.

He says softly as he puffs his pipe, “Now, we will see if the finger prints match. While we are waiting for that … why don't you tell me your story.”

He watches the very attractive young woman as she leans back in the chair, rolls her eyes, and sighs.

She says, “Well … it started earlier this week when two men arrived in a brown Blazer …”

~~ Mystery Men Arrive ~~

In the cool of early morning as the sun was just peeking over the horizon, a brown SUV pulled into Charmington's only fuel station, Blighted Pushwater … or BP as everyone knew it. The SUV was loaded with typical camping equipment and had mud splatters over the fenders and sides. Nothing abnormal in anyway. Two men got out of the the vehicle. One began to fuel, while the other seemed to wander around in a daze.

The proprietor of the station noticed the confusion the man was showing and came from the garage portion of the shop where he was working on a customer's vehicle.

He walks up to the young man and asks in a friendly voice, “Can I be of some service in anyway?”

A chill ran down the proprietor’s back as the other man turned and looked at him. His eyes were as black as any pit of hell. His face had absolutely no expression of any kind. A rash of some sort that looked like really bad acne appeared to cover his face, with some of the redness having broken out into open pussy sores.

The young man reached out fast, like a striking cobra, and grabbed him by his arm. The proprietor screams as he feels a rapid burning rush up his arm and all through his body. He falls first to his knees, then crumples to the ground.

The man gets into the SUV along with his partner and they drive off, leaving the proprietor wallowing on the ground in pain.

Another car had been passing and the driver had witnessed what had transpired. He quickly pulls into the station and exits the car, kneels beside the proprietor, and turns him on his back.

The man says softly, “Relax, young lady, My name's Dr. Miles Bennell. What happened? What did they do to you?”

The proprietor opens his eyes and begins to relax as the pain rapidly subsided. He says in a very cute female voice, “ I … I'm … I'm not a woman. Isn't that obvious? My name's Tony Stroight … I own this place.”

Miles looks the young woman over. She is extremely pretty. She appears to be about 18 years old and has a very short haircut with a part on the right side. Her jeans and shirt were many sizes too big for her as were her shoes. Miles also noticed the ring on her finger was for a person many times larger than she as well.

Miles smiles as he replies softly, “Ok … ummm … Tony. Lie here for a bit while I call an ambulance. I want to make sure you're not hurt in anyway.”

The woman smiles weakly as Miles tucks his jacket under her head and lays her gently on it. He rushes back to his car and retrieves his cell phone and dials 911. Fortunately, there was signal and it connected.

It wasn't long before the ambulance arrived and the techs began triage on Tony. Miles noticed the whole time, the young woman had become more and more agitated and insistent that her gender was male and not female. It got to the point, she had become hysterical and the techs had to sedate her to keep her from hurting herself or one of them. As the ambulance pulled away, Miles sat in his car and called a colleague of his, Dr. Dan Kauffman. He was the local psychiatrist for this particular town.

The phone rang twice, the familiar voice of Kauffman answers, “Hello … this is Dr. Kauffman. How can I help you?”

Miles said, “Hi, Dan, this is Miles. I have something rather interesting to talk to you about.”

Dan replies, “Oh? What might it be this time? A delusional mind that thinks it's a chicken or something?”

Both men laugh.

Miles replies, “No, I think this might be a bit more interesting than that.”

“How so?” asked Dan.

Miles thinks for a bit then replies, “Well, I saw a man seemingly knock a person down today at the local BP. When I got to the individual, it was a young woman approximately 18 to maybe 21 years of age.”

Dan says, “That doesn't sound so abnormal to me.”

Miles snorts a laugh, “No … but the woman insisted she was male and her name was Tony Stroight. Her clothes were way too big for her as well as her shoes and rings and things.”

Dan replies, “I know Tony … he owns the fuel station. Is …. the woman alright?”

Miles says, “She appears to be physically OK … but she became rather agitated and violent when the ambulance techs had arrived to check her out. She became hysterical and forcefully insisted she was a man. I had her sent to the Hospital for observation. You think you could look in on her and see what's up? It sounds like it would be an interesting case. I have to check in on Becky Driscoll before I can go to the hospital.”

Dan laughs, “So you and Becky are becoming an item, are you? I would be happy to check in on this woman. It would be interesting to hear what she has to say.”

Miles smiles to himself as he said, “Thanks. I'll check in there as soon as I can. Bye for now.” Then he closes his phone with a soft click.

Miles sat for a few minutes before he entered the store, gathered up the keys to the place and locked it down for safe keeping. He would bring the keys with him to the hospital later. He then got into his car and drove off to see his new girlfriend, Becky.

Becky was waiting for Miles on the front porch when he arrived. She was wearing tight form fitting jeans and a peasant top that showed off her wonderful figure quite well. The gentle morning breeze blew her long brunette hair around her face as she waved at him.

Miles hurries from the car to the porch and snuggles into a warm passionate kiss. When the both of them had to stop for air, Miles says softly, “It's nice to see you again Becky.”

Becky giggles as she takes him by the hand and leads him inside, “I made breakfast for us … I hope you like it.”

The living room and dining room were a beautiful display of mahogany and teak woods. A large deep pillowed sofa sat across from a very large eighty inch flat screen TV. Dark beige, deep piled carpet ran all through the living room. The fireplace sat with a large pile of wood in the keeper waiting for some cool and romantic night.

Miles could smell the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen as they entered the dining area. The large round mahogany table was set for two with her best china and silverware. There were large bowls of mixed fruits, a large carafe of freshly brewed coffee, two large china plates filled with what looked and smelled like Philly Cheese Omelets, grits, butter, and large helpings of hash browns cooked to golden perfection. Miles smiles to himself as he also sees the bottles of catchup and mustard just in case some were needed to go with a country mix of all the rest.

Becky pulls one of the chairs out and says authoritatively, “Sit.”

Miles's eyebrows rise in surprise as he obediently sits. Becky pours him a large steaming cup of coffee before pouring hers and sitting in the chair next to him.

She beams a wonderful smile as she says happily, “Dig in sweetie. Only way ya'll go hungry roun these parts is cuz yur arm's broke n no one has nuff mercy ta feeds ya.”

Miles and Becky look at each other for a second before the both of them burst into laughter.

Miles replies, “Why, yesum … shore nuff.” then began to eat.

The Omelet was absolutely great, the coffee perked properly just the way he liked it, and the fruit had to have been picked just this morning from the orchard behind the house. Miles was impressed. Becky had gone to a lot of trouble to make breakfast … it was truly wonderful. The two of them said little as they used their mouths for more useful purposes. That didn't stop them from making cute lovey faces at each other.

Just as they were about finished with breakfast, Miles phone rings. He allows it to ring. After several times of it ringing over and over within several seconds of each other, he answers it.

The excited voice of Dan says rather loudly, “Miles! You have to come to the hospital … you won't believe what has really happened at the BP this morning!”

Miles gets a surprised expression on his face that Becky notices. She can hear Dan's loud excited voice coming from Miles's phone, but not exactly what it was he said.

“What is it sweet heart?” she asks.

Miles holds up one finger as he asks, “Dan? What … what happened? Tell me.”

Dan replies, “You won't believe it … it's true … Tony ...” obviously Dan had turned his head away from the phone, then continued loudly, “Just who in the hell are you and what … OMG!! Your face! STOP!”

Miles heard the phone hit the floor and Dan groaning in agony. Miles stood and closed his phone.

He said anxiously to Becky, Grab your purse, we have to go to the hospital. Something has happened to Dan.”

Becky stood and quickly rushed off into another room, only to return shortly with her purse slung across her shoulder.

Becky asked, “Your car or mine?”

Miles said, Mine's behind yours .. so we'll take mine.

The two of them get into the car, and drive off in a cloud of blue smoke and squealing tires.

~~ Reality Stranger than Fiction ~~

All characters from this point on played by: LilJennie and Miki Yamuri

Miles and Becky arrive at the hospital and come to a screeching stop at the emergency room. They see many young women wandering around in a daze wearing over sized male clothing.

Becky leans over and whispers nervously to Miles, "Sweetie? What's going on? I ... don't know about what I'm seeing."

Miles shrugs his shoulders and gets out of the car with Becky following.

Miles says, "I'm not sure Becky. This looks like what happened at the BP this morning .... only on a larger scale."

The two of them hurry into the emergency room entrance. They see many nurses running around in confusion and hear a lot of screams and crying.

Becky stops one of the nurses and asks, "What's going on? What happened?"

The nurse says with exasperation as she points, “Isn't it obvious?”

Becky turns her head and sees many young women in way oversized doctors clothing. Many nurses are trying with little success to usher them into rooms.

"I think," said Miles, "that whatever this is must be somehow contagious."

"But doesn't that mean that we should keep everybody apart?" asked Becky. "So nobody else can catch it?"

"Maybe," Miles said quietly to her, "but we don't know enough. It might not even help, and meanwhile we have to spread the word about what's going on ... even though we don't know much."

"Excuse me," said a nurse to Becky and Miles, "but if you're not critically injured or seriously ill you should get out of the way so we can help those who are." She tried to hustle them out of the emergency area.

Miles didn't know what to do. If they were pushed out of there, there wouldn't be anything they could do to help the other victims. Becky put her hands on her hips and took a firm stance.

She said with anger, "We are here looking for Dr. Dan Kauffman. He called us to come here and check out a young woman who was claiming to be Tony Stroight. This is Dr. Miles Bennell and I'm Becky Driscoll, from Research and Development."

The nurse's mouth falls open as an expression of surprised recognition crosses her face. She says excitedly, "Yes, yes ... of course. We've been expecting you both. Dr. Kauffman is ... this way ..."

Miles asks, "What's wrong?"

The nurse replies softly as she leads them down the crowded corridor, "He ... isn't himself any longer. I don't believe he ever will be either."

She leads them to a room labeled isolation room 3. When she opens the door, Miles and Becky see two very beautiful young women about 18 years old, wrapped in sheets, sitting on examination tables.

One of them looks up and says excitedly, "Miles! You ... won't believe what is happening. We have to warn everyone quickly before it spreads out of control!"

"Dan!" said Miles, having a hard time believing that this young woman had until recently been Dr. Dan Kauffman. But despite the physical change, perhaps he was still Dan inside. "You're right, of course," he said. "But it's hard to spread knowledge without any knowledge to spread. What do you know about it? How does it spread? Is it by contact? Is it airborne? What's the incubation time?"

Dan took a deep breath and closed her ... his ... eyes. "It's difficult to say," said the young woman's voice. "I did touch Tony while examining him, but it could be that this is the result of inhaling infectious particles at the same time, or minutes beforehand. I think I can rule out widespread airborne transmission -- in order for it to have infected me that way, its incubation period would have to be longer, and if the incubation period were that long, you'd be affected now too. And you're not."

"Thank Heaven for small favors," said Miles. "So we're not dealing with some kind of spreading cloud of pathogen that's covering the tri-county area, like some kind of biological weapon. But what ARE we dealing with? You said you came in contact with Tony Stroight, right?"

"Yes," said Dan, "but I didn't touch him. I'm a psychiatrist. I talked to him."

"But ... so did I, and I did touch him." said Miles. "And I wasn't affected." He thought for a moment. "Wait, what happened while you were on the phone with me? You said something about ... somebody's face?"

"Yes! There was some guy with a terrible skin rash, oozing pus. He should be in the hospital himself. But he was clearly a man, not a woman." Dan's forehead was creased in thought.

"And yet ..." said Miles. "He touched you?" Dan nodded. "And just moments later ... this happened?" Dan nodded again. "I could have sworn there was some guy at the BP station near the ... the girl who says she's Tony ... as I pulled up, and that he had some kind of rash all over his face."

The other girl sitting on adjacent table speaks up shyly, "Excuse me ... but ... I happen to be ... that girl. It's me ... Tony."

Miles raises his eyebrows as Dan said in conformation, "It's him Miles. The finger prints match. She even has the scar on her back where that barbed wire fence got him last fall on the hunt we went on together."

Miles turns, totally flabbergasted. He asks, "What do you remember of this morning?"

Tony looks at Miles with pleading eyes and says softly, "There was this .... guy. He was walking around the parking lot in a daze. I came out and asked him if I could help. He turned on me. His ... his face looked like he had a case of terminal acne or something. He reached out fast as a snake and grabbed me by the arms. As soon as he made contact, it hurt totally all through me. The next thing I knew ... you were there."

Miles rubs his chin in thought. Becky gasps as her eyes get huge. She says with excitement, "Miles ... on the news last night. I think I heard something about a large fireball exploding over the National Park near the ...river. OMG ... if what ever it was got into the water ..."

Dan shook his head, "If that were the case, the whole town would be totally infected by now." Miles says thoughtfully, "There was this brown SUV that was covered in mud at the BP."

Tony nods, "Yup ... and they drove off without paying too."

Everyone looked at Tony.

"Wait ... 'they?'" asked Miles. "Was there somebody else in that SUV?"

"Um," said Tony, "Yup. Now that I think about it, there was somebody else. I didn't get a good look at him, or her. But they gassed up the SUV while the other one wandered around, got me, and then got back in. Then they drove off."

"Then ... they must have come here, to this hospital," said Dan. "They were here! Deliberately touching people, infecting them, changing them. Miles, it only takes seconds. If they're still here, they've got to be stopped."

"Agreed," said Miles. "I have to know something first, though." He walked up to Dan, took a deep breath, and shook his hand. He paused. "Anything?"

"You're not turning into a woman, if that's what you mean," Dan said.

"OK, that's ruled out," said Miles. "If you and Tony and the rest are contagious, and I don't think you are, it's got a much longer incubation period. I don't think you're ill or out of action -- I think you're just going to need some clothes that fit, until we can figure out how to undo this change. If you feel up to it, we could use the help. For now ... we have to catch those people."

Miles left the room, trailed by Becky, to look for the man with the oozing rash and the black eyes, and his partner, a man about whom they knew next to nothing.

On a lonely fire trail deep in the national forest, four vans with NASA emblem on the sides came to a stop near a sparkling stream. One of the Vans had a satellite dish on the roof that appeared to be swiveling around as four outriggers came from under the van and lifted it from its wheel base. All the doors open on the other 3 vans and 27 individuals climb out.

They gather around as one of the men holds out a small transistor radio sized devise and looks at the glowing face. He says, "All right men, according to satellite telemetry ..." he points off to his left up stream, "It exploded more or less in that direction. Any fragments would have left a trail of where it went through the dense under brush and impacted."

One of the individuals raised his hand. The man points and says, "Yes?" The young man asks, "What if the frags are radioactive?"

The man says, "There are geiger counters in the sat-van. Each one of you take one. Any more questions?"

The man looks around ... no one seemed to have any questions, "Ok, men ... we are going to have a long day, let's get to it."

The men go to the van with the dish on top and collect a g-meter, then depart in twos to look for fragments. They wander upstream for about half mile ... when suddenly twelve of the men fall to their knees and scream. The others come rushing to their aid ... until they came close. It was as if they crossed a line. They all tumbled to the ground and wallowed in agony. The last thoughts in their minds ... was a heart felt wish for death to take them from their misery.

The group leader happened to be far enough away, he was unaffected. Instead of rushing in as the others had done, he went to the sat-van … and made a call for assistance, which was immediately referred to the local hospital.

~~ End Pt1 ~~

~~ Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Pt2 ~~

"So you're telling me that these ... young ladies ..." said the nurse, with a sweeping gesture toward the curtained-off beds in the recovery area off the ER, "are our missing ER doctors?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you," said Miles, "with the exception of Dr. Linsky -- so far it seems that if you're female to begin with, you're immune. But what I really want to know is, did any of you see a man, over six feet tall, with some kind of bad skin rash all over his face? We believe him to be 'patient zero,' and he may be traveling with someone else."

"I don't remember seeing anybody like that -- and it sounds like I would," said the nurse, whose name tag said "Quinsy." "It's a pretty far-fetched ..."

"I saw him," said a quiet voice. Miles, Becky, and Nurse Quinsy all looked toward it. A young, dark-haired woman in a hospital gown was looking shyly around the curtain surrounding her hospital bed. "The man with the skin rash. His eyes were black."

"H -- yes, they were," said Miles. "We haven't been introduced. Doctor --?"

"Doctor Nelson," said the dark-haired woman, "Doctor Larry Nelson. He came right up to me while I was examining Mr. Stroight. It didn't matter that I was helping a patient. He came up and put his hands on either side of my neck, and I whirled around and looked straight into his eyes. Those eyes ... it was like he didn't have anything there. Pure black, not even reflective. Like two holes in his head. And his face and hands were covered with rough red skin, oozing some kind of pus."

"That's him," said Miles grimly. "Did you see where he went?"

"Well, after only a moment I was feeling -- something -- all over my body, so I was a little distracted and wallowing on the floor in pain. But everyone he'd touched was cringing, all of them falling to the floor, and the only ones standing were him and the women. And he was a lot taller than them. He went to that door there, but it was locked." She pointed at a double door that led to another part of the hospital. "So he turned around and went that way." She pointed to another door that led to the parking lot.

Miles swore and rushed to the window that looked out onto the parking lot. "I don't see that SUV anywhere," he said. "Either he's gone to ground or gone off to infect more people."

Becky stands on her tippy toes and looks out the window. She sees many young women in over large clothes wandering around the parking lot in a daze.

Becky says, "It appears that they infected any male they have come in contact with. The whole parking lot is full of the infected."

About that time, the red phone on the counter rings. The nurse says hurriedly, "Excuse me, that's the trauma phone." She rushes over and picks it up. She answered, "Emergency Room. Yes ... 26 of them down? What happened? You were ... looking for fragments? What kind of ... oh ... yes ... the fireball. Where are you? Ok, I'll have to send several of the Trauma Nurses out ... our doctors are not available at this moment. Someone should arrive in a few minutes ... they will be in HAZMAT ... of course."

The nurse looks at Miles and says, "Apparently 26 men from the NASA laboratory have gotten infected with something. They haven't turned into women however. According to the man on the phone ... they fell to the ground and began screaming. Their skin is turning red and breaking out with some kind of pimples ."

Miles asked, "Where is this?"

She replied, At the national forest near the fork in the river. About a half mile from junction 12."

Becky looks at Miles, "Oh, no! More on the way."

"I think we know where our 'friend' got his rash," said Miles. "But he hasn't turned female, and nobody who's turned female has a rash. It's almost as if something's turning people into agents to spread ... femaleness? That doesn't make any sense." He paused. "One thing seems true, though -- our patient zero is not behaving normally. He's deliberately touching victims with intent to infect. That's probably going to be the case with these men from NASA too, when they get here." He turned to the nurse. "When they arrive, they have to be locked up. I know this isn't the county jail, but they need to be detained. They can't be allowed to move around freely. Treat them like mental patients who can't understand that they're spreading an illness."

"You're talking like being female is some kind of illness," said Nurse Quinsy with a tinge of anger.

"Not being female -- becoming female, against one's will," Miles responded. "It doesn't seem to work the other way -- I've got no idea why yet. But that means that the female nurses, female doctors, female orderlies, anyone you can find, won't be affected if they're touched, and likely won't even be targeted."

"Where are you going to be in case we need you?" asked the nurse.

"We're going hunting for patient zero," said Miles, looking at Becky.

Miles took Becky by the hand and walked her out to the parking lot. Miles said, "This is getting to be so strange and insane. What kind of infection ... makes people ... turn men into women ... young women … and why?"

Becky shrugs her shoulders and says flippantly, "To turn them into more breeding stock ... how the heck should I know?"

Miles raises his eyebrows and looks at Becky with a strange expression. Becky sees and says, "What? What's wrong?"

Miles says slowly as he thought about what Becky had just said, "Well ... it's like this. Suppose you wanted to take over a biosphere ... over long distances. What would be the easiest way to do it?"

Becky nods and says in a silly voice, "You would send an infectious xenomorph virus ... yea, so neat. Turn everyone into women so no one can breed."

Miles smiles, "Or perhaps ... so they can only be bred to certain ... creatures."

Becky gets a look of disgust on her face, "You mean those pusey men? Not on your life."

Miles says softly, "Suppose you don't have a choice? Like ... when the men are turned?" About that time, they hear the sounds of gunfire off in the distance. Miles says, "I think someone is fighting back. Lets go see if we can help" Then he runs off in the direction of the gunfire.

They were both out of breath by the time they reached the scene where something had obviously happened. A county sheriff's department car was pulled halfway off the road, its lights flashing. There was no sign of another vehicle. Miles and Becky looked around and found the deputies, in uniforms that were now too big for them, on the ground near the car.

"Are you OK?" Miles asked them.

"Uhhhh," said one deputy in an obviously female-sounding voice as he got up from the ground. "It feels like bugs crawling under my skin, all over my body ... my voice! What's wrong with my voice?"

"I'm a doctor," said Miles, "I just got here from the hospital, down the road, and unfortunately we've been seeing a lot of this today. Tell me, did you get a good look at them?"

"There were two of 'em," said the deputy, "one tall and one shorter ... both of 'em had skin that looked like, I dunno, the worst case of sunburn I ever saw or maybe some kind of terrible rash, all oozing out, you know?"

"Yeah," said the other deputy in a cute female voice, "and when we told 'em to stop they kept coming toward us, walked right up to us, even though I said I'd shoot, even though I shot one in the leg, he didn't even flinch, he just walked right up and touched us -- then just turned around, got back in their Blazer, and drove off."

"As if they're impervious to pain," said Miles. "Their SUV -- did you see it? Was it a brown Blazer? Did you get the plates?"

"Yes we did," said the first deputy. "Brown Chevy Blazer," and he, or perhaps she, rattled off a plate number. "Steve! We gotta get out an APB about that Brown Chevy Blazer."

"On it," said the second deputy, staggering to her feet and making her way to the patrol car to use the radio.

"Now, I have to ask you to remain calm, Deputy, but there's something I have to tell you about what's happened to you," said Miles, "and believe me, you're not the only one. And it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my entire medical career. But ... they're going around turning males into females."

"You mean I'm --" said the deputy, turning to look in the patrol car's rear-view mirror. She swore incredulously. "Is there a cure? I mean ... what's my wife gonna ..."

"This is all happening too quickly for anyone to know anything yet," Miles interrupted, "but you're not contagious as far as I can tell, and you're just as capable now as you were before. Those two in the SUV are the ones we know to be spreading it, but there's three vans full of guys from NASA that might have gotten too close to some place out in the woods where there was a meteorite strike that could be ground zero for all of this -- they're heading for the hospital right now, and I hope they can be quarantined ..." He took a deep breath. "It's all too much. We've got to stop them all, and we've got to keep people from getting too close to that meteorite."

"I don't suppose I could get you to say all that again on the radio, Doctor," said the second deputy, holding the microphone out. "Dispatch has been hearing weird stuff from the hospital, and now this, and now there's something happening on Ridge Road."

"Well, OK," said Miles, taking the microphone. He identified himself and told the story again, everything he knew. "Believe me or not, it's your choice, but I'm telling you, this is just the damnedest thing I've ever seen."

Three large isolation trauma ambulances pulled up next to four vans with NASA markings on them. A man got out of one of them that had a large satellite dish on top and was stabilized by outriggers.

The man says, "Am I glad to see you. I have 26 men further up the river here that have some strange kind of problem."

The head nurse asked through her HAZMAT suit, "Can you describe what happened?" As she began to examine the man.

He said, "We were following a satellite track of where a fireball exploded yesterday to see if we could find some fragments. When we got near the water falls, they all suddenly keeled over in severe pain. From where I was standing, it appeared they had begun to break out in a large rash all over."

The rest of the HAZMAT suited team began walking up river towards the stricken men while the head nurse tended to the other man. They hadn't gone far when they found the 26 men still groveling on the ground in pain. It was obvious they had some kind of severe skin lesions that had already opened and began running pus.

One of the Nurses called for the transports to come immediately so they could get the men in isolation as soon as humanly possible. It arrived shortly, and the HAZMATed individuals began to put restraining cuffs on the arms and legs of the stricken men and put them in the isolation vans. Just as they had finished with the last man and locked the van door, the men seemed to come alive again. They beat on the thick isolation door, producing many large fist sized bulges.

One nurse said to another, "I wonder how they are able to do that? I'm sure they must have broken every bone in their hands by now."

The other nurse replied, "I don't know, but we need to get them back and contained as soon as we can. I only hope they don't break down the door of the isolation van before we get them back to the hospital and a proper isolation room."

The women that were able, got into the cab of the isolation van, while the rest began to search for what might be the contamination. The only thing they found were these large glowing crystal like things, of which they collected many samples in the containment tubes for study. Then, they returned to the location down river where the NASA vans and the head nurse were.

The lead man from NASA they found was unaffected, showed no symptom what ever. As far as all the tests were concerned, he was a healthy male of thirty years old.

The isolation van, was in bad shape by the time it arrived at the hospital, The rear door showed massive dent damage where it had been pounded on. The women had an extremely hard time transferring the twenty six infected men to the main isolation chamber as well. They fought and were excessively strong. Because they were in restraints that they couldn't break ... it enabled the woman to finally accomplish it. The hands and feet of the men were severely damaged and they had broken many bones. This helped the nurses in the transfer as well.

Once the men were properly isolated, the nurses went to the decon room and took a level 1 decon shower and changed clothing before returning to the main floor. The crystals were taken to the infectious diseases lab and isolated, then testing began.

Meanwhile, Becky and Miles were driving behind the deputies' patrol car. They were following up on the report about an incident on Ridge Road.

"I'm seeing women with loose-fitting clothing," said Miles. "I think this is fitting the pattern. And no SUV!" He thumped the steering wheel in frustration as he pulled over behind the patrol car.

"Gol durn it," a woman whose clothes fit was saying to two other young women whose clothes didn't. "Ain't nothin' wrong with bein' a woman, even if ya ain't never been one b'fore. I been one all m'life an' I ain't never felt as sorry fer m'self than you two, all mopin' around. Look, here's the cops, I bet they're after them freaks with the diaper rash faces."

"B-but Doreen," said one of the others, "what's Sally Mae gonna say?"

"She's gonna say how'd you git your hair t'look better'n hers," said Doreen, "now pipe down. Good evenin', officers!"

"Hey Doreen," said Deputy Parsons, the first one that Miles and Becky had encountered earlier. "First off, is anybody hurt?"

"Yeah, we got turned inta --" began one of the other two women, but Doreen cut her off.

"No, ain't nobody hurt," said Doreen, "these two lunkheads just got theirselves turned inta girls and are bein' all whiney 'bout it. Ya got any idea who them weirdos are an' how they're goin' 'round turnin perfeckly good men ... well, halfway decent men anyway ... into women?"

"Well, that's a good question, and they're trying to figure that out down at the hospital," said the other officer, Deputy Carruthers. "In fact, this is Dr. Bennell here -- he just came from there. Did you see where the men who did this went?"

"Shore did!" said one of the young women with oversized clothing. "They went up Ridge Road toward the interstate! They're gonna git away!"

Doreen hit the young woman with her purse. "Don't be an ijjit," she said. "I swear, I used t'think that if you two'd been girls you'da been a lot smarter, but nope! I just got two dumb sisters instead'a two dumb brothers. You know the road's out! Got washed out durin' that big flood last month, an' they're still takin' their sweet time fixin' it. They ain't gettin' anywhere. They're gonna hafta turn 'round an' head back thisaway, or else git out an' hoof it through the woods an taka long swim cross tha river."

~~ End Pt2 ~~

~~ Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Pt3 ~~

The two transformed deputies looked at each other, then at Miles, before bursting into giggles.

The woman whirls around and puts her hands on her hips and snorts, "An jus whatsa problem wit you girls now?"

Miles stifles a laugh as the smallest of the deputies says in a giggling voice, "I swear. Miz Doreen, you an your new .... sisters ... should go to the bar and do that act there. I know ya'll make tons of tips."

Doreen gets a scowl on her face for an instant then smiles, "Ya know? As dumb Dora as tha two of them act ... I might."

Miles couldn't hold back. As dire as the situation was, it was like meeting the three stooges sisters. He laughs.

Miles says amid his guffaws, "I think we need to find that Blazer. Those two men need to be captured ... or killed. This infection has to be stopped. I think we need to contact someone about the place in the forest too. It seems it's infected rather badly."

Deputy Carruthers says in his new female voice, "I'm on it. I'm gonna call the State police and have them put out an APB as well for the blazer and request a clean up crew."

He turns awkwardly in his oversized shoes and walks to the car. Miles watches as the deputy takes the mic and begins to make the call. A thought begins to bother him in the back of his mind. He conjured memories of those weird movies where serious infectious agents ..."

"So Miss Doreen," said Miles, "you're saying they're still not done fixing Ridge Road?"

"Shore 'nuff, Doc," Doreen answered. "Ain't lookin' much better'n it did after the flood."

"OK," said Miles. "Let me think. They're probably tourists, here for hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, whatever. They don't know the road's out. Unless they have a GPS and keep it really up to date, which most people don't. Also ... I don't know how their minds are working. They seem to have some kind of compulsion to get close to males so they can touch them and spread the effect. So even if they did know before they were infected ... I'm not sure if they're thinking straight now, or at all. They're kind of like ... zombies in the movies."

"But when they touch men ... they turn into women, not more zombies," said Becky. "And young women, too. I tell you, Miles, they're trying to make some kind of breeding ground." Then she leaned in close to him and whispered, "But if this is caused by aliens ... where are they? And what are they like? I guess they must not be too different from humans, if they think they can breed with us."

"One thing at a time," said Miles. "We don't know anything about who's doing this. I'm just thinking that they probably went down Ridge Road because it goes toward the interstate -- they could get away from us, then continue infecting people. But when they get to where it's washed out, they're going to have to turn back or walk, as Doreen said. SUV or no, that road is gone. If they're thinking at all, they won't drive into that quagmire. Might as well drive into a lake."

"So they'll head back this way," said Becky.

"Yes," said Miles, "any minute now, they'll come back ... probably as fast as they can so they can take us by ... Look out!"

They heard it before they saw it, but not much before. Suddenly the SUV came into view out of the gathering dusk, its headlights off, and it was all the deputies could do to get Doreen and her "sisters" off the road before they were run down. Miles had unconsciously put up an arm to protect Becky, but they had been well off the road to begin with.

"There they go!" said Deputy Parsons. "Let's get after 'em!" She jumped into the patrol car and got behind the wheel, and Deputy Carruthers didn't argue, just got in next to her and started shouting into the radio about how the Blazer had been sighted, heading south on Range Road with the pedal to the metal.

"We better get after 'em," said Miles. To Doreen and her siblings he said, "You, um, girls can do whatever you like, but I suggest getting to the hospital."

"Hell, no, we're gonna help out!" said Doreen, getting behind the wheel of their pickup. "Well, I am. These here dummies are prob'ly gonna git in the way. But we're comin' too!"

"Well I can't stop you and I don't have time to talk you out of it," said Miles as he and Becky got back into his car. "Let's go!"

Miles and Becky pull off. They gave the deputies a really good run for their money in the mad dash to catch the Blazer. In a few minutes, they came to many flashing red and blue lights blocking the road ... but no Blazer. The deputies, Miles, Becky, and the three women in the pickup all got out at the barrier of police cars.

A large man in a gray tweed suit came up to Miles and said sharply, "I'm special agent Yancy from ..."

Miles interrupts him with a snort, "Yes, I know who you are .... and where you're from. I thought they would have drummed you from the FBI long time ago."

Yancy laughs as he replies, "Actually, I've done quite well and have been promoted to Special Files unit."

Becky giggles, "Oh, the XX files I take it." Everyone in earshot laughs as Yancy turns a deep red.

Yancy snaps angrily, "And just where is this supposed Brown Blazer we are hearing so much about?"

The two deputies scratched their heads and looked around. There were no alternate roads off River Road between where they saw the Blazer pass and their current location.

Deputy Parsons says with a confused tone, "Only thing I can think of ... is they went four wheelin some where back around Granny's Half Creek."

Yancy looks the deputies over and says in a smart tone, "I think you girls should give up on trying to wear a man's clothing and wear a uniform that fits ... it would look better."

Becky snorts back, "I know you have no tact, Yancy ... but those women were men up until an hour ago."

Yancy's eyes get huge as he looks the two very beautiful young women in over large uniforms over. He cracks up laughing, "This has to be a joke."

Miles replies, "Nope. Come with us to the hospital while the rest of the officers spread out and start looking for the Blazer."

Deputy Carruthers had wasted no time on Yancy and was already on the radio, requesting all available forces to search the Granny's Half Creek area. "Doc, you think they'd ditch the Blazer and travel on foot? Or split up?"

"I'm going on the assumption that their goal is to infect as many men as possible," said Miles. "Leaving their vehicle behind would dramatically slow them down. And the only way they'd split up is if they could find another vehicle for the other one."

"Roger that," said Carruthers, and went back to the radio. "Consider it a possibility that one suspect may steal a vehicle and set out separately. Unlikely they will abandon the brown Blazer."

Meanwhile, Miles wasn't feeling like letting Yancy waste any more of his time. "Doreen, do you know of anybody camping in those woods?" he asked, approaching the pickup.

"Weren't thar that buncha hippy whatevers down near tha holler?" asked one of the "sisters."

"Oh yeah, yer right," said Doreen, "some o' them folks came inta town fer supplies yesterday. Some reeeeal colorful ones, I tell ya. More makeup an' jewelry than me."

"So ... down in the hollow? Jefferson's Hollow?" asked Deputy Parsons.

"Naw, they said they was in Razorback Holler," said Doreen. "Got permission from Ol' Lady Jenkins t' camp out there, they said, on account o' the Jenkins family owns the land."

"I'm betting you dollars to doughnuts these ... perpetrators will go straight for that campsite," Miles said to Deputy Parsons. "No offense on the doughnut thing."

"None taken," said Parsons. "Carruthers, you hear that?"

Carruthers nodded. "Possibility they may attack campers in Razorback Hollow area," she was saying into the radio.

"Now wait just a minute," said Yancy ineffectively. "I've been granted authority to head up this investigation, and --"

"And we are in hot pursuit of suspects," Parsons interrupted. "You can have all the authority you want once we've got 'em. Right now it's either help out or get outta the way. We'd appreciate help, though."

Yancy sputtered and started to say something, but evidently couldn't think of anything to say. He got back in his car, which looked like a rental.

Miles and Becky get into their car and turn back around towards Granny's Half Creek.

He says offhandedly to her, "Becky .... something's been bothering me since the deputies called the sate police."

She looks over at him and takes his hand. She says softly, "What's the problem? We are in the middle of a major infection from ... who knows where, one of your colleges has be infected, we're chasing two very dangerous infected persons … I mean … what could possibly be bothering you?"

Miles smiles weakly as he replied, "Well ... in all those movies like this ... where there is a major outbreak. I seem to recall the authorities always sent a nuke to blow things away."

Becky laughs nervously, "You watch too many horror movies Miles." Then she slumps deeper in the seat as she too begins to worry.

It wasn't long before they saw the deputies patrol car and the pickup truck veer off to the left from the pavement. Miles started to follow but had to slow way down as he realized there wasn’t even a trail leading into the forest here. He dodged several trees narrowly before he regained total control of the car.

Becky commented, "That was close. I'm glad we didn't have to hug and kiss any tress for luck."

Miles nods as he replies sarcasticly, "At least their bark is worse than their blight."

Becky makes a face, "Ewwww ... Miles! That's Awful." She looks at him with her tongue out as he drove on in silence with only the headlight piercing the growing darkness ahead.

I wasn't long before they could see a rather large campfire glowing in a clearing. They pulled in and found several micro buses with many weird marking on them and several motorcycles. They saw many young women in over large clothes ... surrounded by many more young women in over large clothes. Some had on clothes that fit better than others. Becky remarks, "It's gonna be one of those nights I fear." Miles sighs, "So it would seem."

Getting out of the car, Miles heard general chaos and confusion. He stopped someone who looked reasonably calm and said, "Excuse me ... you probably saw one or two people with what looked like terrible rashes all over their faces? Did you see where they went?"

"Oh yes," said the girl, who was wearing a green and yellow leotard and glittery eye makeup, "it was quite unacceptable, sashaying right up to us and touching us like that. I gave them a piece of my mind, let me tell you!"

"But then, let me guess," said Miles, "you started feeling a tingling sensation all over, which became painful, and then when it cleared, your body had changed?"

"Oh yes," said the girl who was obviously high on something. "Quite distracting, I have to say. But a very different experience -- not at all what I was expecting from this week!"

"I ... can imagine," said Miles. "If you need help, my advice is to go to the local hospital. They're seeing a lot of this sort of thing right now. But did you see where they went?"

"Well, when I came to, they were still here. They seemed quite interested in touching absolutely everyone here, and just after they touched someone, he fell to the ground. But then, just as they touched Billy over there, the last one, they got right back in their Blazer and off they went! You can see which way -- they left tracks across the clearing. They didn't waste any time."

Miles looked at the tracks that disappeared into the bushes across the clearing.

Miles asked, "Is ... there another camp off in that direction?"

The girl nods and says, "It's the Boyscout Jamboree campground. That's where they all gather from miles around."

Miles and Becky glance quickly at each other. Becky gasps softly as she puts her hand to her mouth, "OMG!! A campground full of ... !!"

The two of them wasted no time dashing for the car, then driving off along the tire tracks.

Becky says urgently, "Hurry, Miles, or there's going to be a lot of new young ladies around." Miles looks at Becky with a scowl as he presses harder on the gas.

It wasn't long before they came upon a large arching wooden gateway that said Camp Willow Bend. They could clearly see the Blazer sitting with the doors opened. They could also see many bodies wallowing around on the ground and the two men rapidly touching as many of the scouts as they could.

Grabbing his medical bag, Miles jumped out of the car. But as Becky ran toward the confusion, Miles turned back, reached into the car, picked up something else, and put it in the bag too. Miles rushed toward the nearest of the two rash-faced men, with a syringe in his hand. Grabbing the man's shirt, he pulled him away from a pre-teen boy who was slipping in mud trying to get away. But the man whirled around with unnatural agility.

It was just for an instant, but Miles would never forget that face as long as he lived. The skin rash was like the worst sunburn ever, or the most extreme case of eczema possible. Clear liquid oozed from cracks in the skin, all over the man's face, arms, and hands -- hands that were reaching … reaching out toward Miles, covered with a sheen of this venomous oozing fluid. Miles wanted to recoil, but then he saw the man's eyes ... black as charcoal, not even reflective ... and he froze for just long enough.

Miles felt the clammy substance on the reaching hands contact his face and the spell was broken. He knew what was about to happen. He didn't know how long he had before the debilitating sensations began.

"Miles!" he heard Becky scream. He raised his arm and jabbed the syringe deep into the man's neck, depressing the plunger all the way. It was enough of this tranquilizer to knock out a horse for a day. But something felt wrong about how it went in ... too smooth, too easy, as if everything under the skin was some kind of jelly.

The man should have dropped instantly. Instead, he turned and walked resolutely away, seeking another target. Miles felt the skin on his face begin to tingle. There was only one other option, which he hadn't wanted to do, but this had to be stopped. He reached into his medical bag and took out the gun he had slipped into it as an afterthought. He raised his arm ... aimed ... and the sensations came over his body like a fire through dry grass. His blood pumped burning acid, every pore of his skin had a needle in it. He could feel his body changing. Miles felt cramped inside his own body. Massive pain in his stomach and groin that spread fire to his chest. In the face of this overload he saw nothing, heard nothing, just crumpled to the ground, dropping the bag and the gun.

Becky screams as she sees Miles fall. She rushes up to him as he groans in agony. She watches for an instant as his body begins to shrink and reform. She feels anger boil up in her breast as she spies the .44 lying near by. She snatches it up, holds it in both hands as she takes aim, then fires 6 shots. The loud explosions of the gun reverberate through her arms as the most powerful handgun manufactured fires.

Her eyes get big in surprise as she sees six large gaping holes in the back of the man she just shot begin to ooze more of the gel. The man didn't seem to even realize he had been shot as he grabs one of the young boys, then releases him to go after yet another.

Becky kneels next to the now very female Miles and says softly, "The gun ... didn't even phase him."

Miles rolls over and opens his eyes. Becky was amazed at how pretty he had become. Miles made the perfect young woman.

Miles says in his very cute female voice, "I had hoped it might ..." he puts his hand to his throat, "slow him down just a bit."

Becky says softly as she raises Miles head into her lap, "He barely flinched ... and that just from the energy of the bullet impacts."

Flashing red and blue light played among the trees. "We heard gunfire," said Deputy Parsons, running up. "It wasn't easy to follow you, driving through the countryside like this -- oh, sweet mother of -- they got you too, huh, Doc?"

"Oh, you noticed that," said Miles weakly. "They're working their way through the boys that haven't run away, but ... the one just took six .44 magnum bullets to the chest and kept right on going. And that was after I stuck him full of tranquilizers. Only idea I have left is ... massive tissue trauma. Shot to the head ... maybe a grenade. Don't know how to stop 'em."

"Look, just rest, Doc, we'll do what we can. Nothing they can do to us now, right?" Deputy Parsons nodded at Carruthers and they ran off toward the chaos and sounds of struggle.

The two deputies began to wish they had at least gotten some kind of clothes that fit better than the over sized uniforms and shoes they now wore. It made it tremendously more difficult to run and maneuver through the woods with shoes that were way too big for their feet. By the time they burst through the shrubs, the clearing was total chaos. Several adults wallowed on the ground in agony and many of the children. The deputies could see the two men they were after grabbing, then letting go as many, as fast as they could manage. Both men moved in graceful fluid motions like cobras striking. Deputy Carruthers swung the twelve gauge she had brought with her and put it to her shoulder. She squeezed off a shot.

Both Parsons and Carruthers stood with their mouths open as the target of the shot took the whole load. The Deputies could see the oozing wound where the shot had impacted the man in his chest. He had stumbled back a few steps from the impact, but other than that, showed no recognition of being shot.

Carruthers says in awe to Parsons, "Ok sweetie, just what tha hell we do now?"

Parsons replies, "Blow his effin head off."

Carruthers aims and pulls the trigger one more time. The man's head seems to explode, the body falls and squirms on the ground for a few minutes before standing back up. The massive damage to that man's head oozed with more of the sickening gel ... and before their eyes, seemed to repair itself.

Carruthers stared for a moment and said to Parsons, "Okay ... got any hand grenades?"

"Fresh out," said Deputy Parsons, also staring. "Well, I'm outta ideas. But one thing's for sure ... we don't have to Mirandize 'em if they're not human. And humans don't do ... THAT."

"Back to Doc," said Carruthers, heading back toward Miles's last known location. "Maybe he'll ... well you know what I mean ... think of something."

Becky had helped Miles stagger to his feet. Miles said in his new female voice, "Feeling dizzy and center of balance off ... but really not too bad. My only worries are if there are further effects, and what happens if they're allowed to run free. If the entire human race is turned female, that's the end of us. Game over. No next generation."

"Doc!" said Deputy Parsons as he and Carruthers came running up. "Carruthers just blew one's head off and all it did was slow it down."

"What?" said Miles, surprised.

"Damndest thing I ever saw," said Parsons, "and I've seen a lot today. It just ... formed a new one, like it was made outta ... living clay or somethin'."

"I ... don't have a clear notion of what we're dealing with anymore," said Miles. "Maybe if we can get samples, and take them to a lab. But that's not gonna stop these two from doing more damage. Maybe they can be apprehended?"

"Well, I dunno, Doc," said Parsons, "but I guess their touch can't hurt us anymore, even if it is disgusting. C'mon, Carruthers, let's see if we can cuff 'em, maybe put 'em in the back of the car, get 'em to the county lockup."

"OK, it's worth a try," said Miles. "First, can you show me where you shot that one?"

"Sure enough," said Carruthers.”

Miles grabbed his medical bag and followed. He found a number of small bits of quivering jellylike substance, made a face, and put them in sample containers, picking them up with forceps. Miles put them in sample tubes and sealed the tops. The gel seemed to throb with a life of its own.

Miles said, "Alright, let's see if we can take one or both of these critters down."

The four women quickly approached the two men. They paid the women no heed as they continued touching as many males as they could reach. The four women jumped on the first one they came to, it happened to be the smaller of the two men. He felt squishy and wet to the touch as they wrestled with him. Parsons expertly took the man's arm and put it in a cuff. Carruthers took the other arm and wrestled it around behind with the help of Miles and Becky and put the other cuff on it.

The man growled like an animal as he rolled and thrashed around on the ground. Becky stood up and made a face as she wiped her gooey hands on the man's shirt.

She said, "Ewww, gross. It's like he's made of snot or something."

Miles grins, "Ok, we call them snot men." The four of them laugh.

They attempted to wrestle the larger one down to no avail. He was bigger and much stronger than the first one, and he managed to hurt Parsons with a large fist in the face.

Miles tended to Parson's bloody nose as Becky says in disgust, "How embarrassing ... getting beaten by a snot man."

Carruthers replies, "If we only had a net or something, we could probably capture him."

"A net?" said a familiar voice from nearby. "Well why didn't ya say so b'fore? We got fishin' nets in the back o' the truck!" It was Doreen, who had apparently followed them here.

Blinking at her at first, Deputy Parsons got her bearings and responded, "Well ... well, Miss Doreen, we'd be much obliged if you and your brothers ... err ... would let us borrow those nets so we can capture this fugitive."

"Awright!" said Doreen, running back to their pickup, which was not far away. "I'm gonna help save th' world from the snot men!"

She rummaged through the junk in the back of the truck and came up with three fishing nets, tangled together, and tried to untangle them as she ran back to the deputies.

"I'll head back to the hospital," Miles was saying to Carruthers. "I hope I can use one of their pathology labs to do some kind of analysis on these samples. Maybe I'll find something. They've got an ambulance dispatch radio that I can call you on if I need to, or I can call the sheriff's office and they can patch me through."

Carruthers nodded, and Miles and Becky left. "Time is of the essence," Miles said as they walked quickly back to Miles's car. "The sooner we find something out, the better chance we have ..."

"That's great," said Parsons as Doreen came back with the nets. "You take one, and we can each take one. We'll surround him."

"She's a civilian," said Carruthers to Parsons quietly.

"And a real feisty one too … makea good distraction," Parsons said, just as quietly. "Maybe she can get its attention while we get it captured."

Doreen carefully began making her way to the large man, insuring he realized she was going to become a threat as Parsons and Carruthers crept up with the nets unnoticed.

~~ End Pt3 ~~

~~ Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Pt4 ~~

Parsons and Carruthers readied the net as Doreen came around front. Without warning, she pulled out from under her short coat a sawed off double barreled shotgun. She pulled the hammer back on both barrels as she shouted, "Aww right u slimy baga snot ... take this."

Both barrels exploded into the infected man's chest leaving a very large oozing wound. The man stumbled backwards several steps before he regains his footing. Just then, Carruthers tosses one net from one direction as Parsons tosses from another. The man roars like an caught animal as he begins to struggle against the net. The more he struggled, the more entangled he became. The three women pounced on the large man and managed to over power him and wrestle him to the ground. Parson ties a large rope around the open end of the net effectively capturing the violently struggling man.

Together the three of them got the man into the back of the patrol car and closed the door, leaving him to beat at the reinforced steel mesh, the bulletproof glass windows, and his partner in crime, who had already been battering at them to no avail.

"Not sure that weapon's legal, Miss Doreen," Carruthers remarked as they caught their breath.

"'Course, there's a lot goin' on today," said Parsons. "Doubt we'll remember a tiny little detail like that when this is all over."

"Gal's gotta have somethin' to protect her home an' family," said Doreen. "Shore did a good job o' keepin them Bog Men away last summer."

"Oh, pshaw, you're not gonna start about the Bog Men, are you?" said Parsons. "There's no such thing, and nobody found any evidence."

"Whole family saw 'em," said Doreen. "Ain't gonna leave no footprints in water. Not my fault nobody believes the pitchers we took."

"We probably better get these guys into lockup," Carruthers interrupted. "Ol' Man Samuels got bailed out again after another drunken disorderly, so the jail's empty for once."

"Let's go then," said Parsons, noticing that another vehicle from the department had arrived to aid the victims. "Much obliged for the assist, Miss Doreen. If you want to help out, it's up to you whether to come along with us or head down to the hospital. Betcha they got their hands full."

Parsons got into the patrol car and drove off toward the nearest dirt road, Carruthers keeping a careful eye on the captives in back while monitoring the radio.

As Miles and Becky headed back towards the hospital, Becky kept looking Miles over. She was totally amazed how pretty Miles was as a girl.

Finally, Becky asks, "Miles ... have you thought about ... what your going to call yourself from now on?"

Miles glances at her before nervously looking back down the road and figiting his fingers on the wheel.

He says softly, "I ... hadn't given it any thought at all." he lied, "I know there's going to be a cure."

Becky leans over and caresses his ear softly as she coos, "What if ... there isn't, sweet heart? I think I have some clothes that would fit that are really cute."

Miles seems to slump in the seat slightly as his cheeks burn with embarrassment. He had already been worrying about that ... and how Becky was going to feel about him if he had to remain a girl.

Becky caresses Miles's cheek softly, "I think your really cute. What happens if I don't want you to take a cure if there is one?"

Miles didn't know what to say at this point. He looks at Becky and asks, "You ... you don't mind ... that I'm a girl?"

Becky giggles, "Why ... no, not in the least. Actually, I think it would be an exciting relationship. I've ... never had a real girlfriend before."

Miles was flabbergasted. He hadn't thought about what the future as a female might be. He had assumed ... there was a cure. He couldn't think about that right now, they had just pulled into the Hospital parking lot. It was obvious ... it was a very busy place right now. They could see that Yancy had arrived ... his car was in the lot as they parked.

"So this is where Yancy high-tailed it to," said Miles. He and Becky got out of the car. He was having a hard time keeping his shoes on. "Ugh ... maybe they've got an extra set of women's scrubs that would fit me."

They entered via the emergency room entrance, because Miles wanted to see what the situation was. There didn't seem to be outright panic, just a lot of milling about.

"Oh, hello, Becky!" said Nurse Quinsy. "Is Dr. Bennell still out -- or -- is this ..." she trailed off, looking at Miles.

"Yes, Nurse," Miles said, "I'm Dr. Bennell. Got a little too close to patient zero."

"Oh my … "

"But I did learn some important things about men affected in that way," he went on. "And I got some samples. I'm going to try to get permission to use the lab and study them in more ... detail ... what's going on over there?"

Well, we managed to isolate one of the NASA men in one of the psych rooms, away from the rest, because that Agent Yancy wanted to interrogate him. He went in about five minutes ago ... looks like he's done now.

"I will have the head of whoever is responsible!" came a quavering, upset female voice, approaching down the hallway from the direction of the psych wards. "He didn't say a word, and broke right through the restraints -- they must be substandard! I demand to see who's in charge!"

"Don't tell me ..." said Miles, looking at Becky. "Yancy?" he said to the furious blonde who had just stormed into the ER, wearing ill-fitting clothes.

"That's my name," said the blonde, "and you are ... wait ... Dr. Bennell?"

"Guilty as charged," said Miles. "So, you tried to interrogate one of the infected men who, as far as we can tell, have lost the ability to speak? How'd that work out for you?"

"Lost the ability to --" sputtered Yancy. "You -- nobody told me that!"

"It would be rather obvious, given the most cursory observation," said Miles. "But then, being observant was never your strong point, was it? Remind me again … Just why did they make you a field agent, anyway?"

Yancy stood and trembled in rage. Miles looked Yancy's new body over from head to foot. Miles said sarcastically, "If they decide to can you after this screw up ... you would make a good porn queen."

Becky pokes Miles in the side as she says, "I think we need to find you some clothes that fit."

She takes Miles by the arm and leads him down the hall as Yancy yells and cusses over the porn queen remark. Becky pulls Miles into a small dressing room marked 'Female Staff Only'. She opens a locker, and removes some panties, bluejeans, a cute bra, and an adorable pull over top.

Becky hands them to Miles and says, "Now, I want you to get dressed while I get more clothes for the others."

Miles looked at the pile of women's clothes as Becky vanishes around a row of lockers. Miles started to say something about how now wasn't the time to worry about how he looked, but Becky walked away too quickly. He sighed and picked up the panties. They were no-frills cheap bikini ones, pale green.

"OK ... the lost and found special it is, then," he said, taking his now-oversized masculine clothes off and folding them. He had a locker of his own ... but not in this room. Maybe he could get someone to put his old clothes in there for him.

The panties fit well enough -- certainly better than his men's briefs now did. The bra was tricky -- he'd had experience undressing and dressing plenty of female patients, but putting one on himself was a challenge. Still, millions of women did this every day, so he figured it wasn't impossible, and he got it. Then he put on the jeans and the top easily -- Becky had chosen well. Jeans went with everything. There were some socks that seemed tiny to Miles and didn't match anything, but beggars couldn't be choosers at this point, and some reasonably comfortable running shoes.

"Umm, Becky?" he called out. "I'm dressed, you can come back now ..."

Becky returned with an arm full of women's clothing. She said, "This should fit some of the others out there ... since all of them seem to be about the same size and age." She looks Miles over then whistles.

Miles blushes as he says with a snort, "And what ... is that supposed to mean?"

Becky giggles as she says in a cute voice, "It means, silly, that you are a real pretty girl."

She takes Miles by the arm and pulls him over to the large wall mirror. Miles can see that Becky is right ... he had become a very pretty young woman. About that time, a rather large nurse pulls a very loudly protesting Yancy into the ladies dressing room.

The nurse finally stops, puts her hands on her hips and snorts angrily, "Young woman, if you don't stop throwing this temper tantrum right this instant ... and let me find some clothes that fit you ... I'm going to bend you across my knee and let you have what for."

She looks sternly at Yancy as Miles and Becky giggle. Miles says, "Yancy, that's Tonya ... she's a full blooded Sioux Indian. I would suggest you shut up and find some proper clothes."

Yancy turns, about to make another comment, until he sees Miles and Becky standing there. He realizes that he too is different and will have to put up with things for now. Yancy says with a snort, "It ... would seem I do need better clothes."

About that time, Tonya threw a bundle of clothes into Yancy's arms and says sternly, "Get dressed ... little girl."

"We'll just leave you in Tonya's expert care," said Miles, and he and Becky left the room. "I have to get to the lab, get permission, and analyze these samples," he said, holding up his medical bag. "It's all I can think of to do."

"Well, let's get up there," said Becky, "and Miles? What's all this about asking for permission? This is about the survival of the human race. Go up there and get some lab space."

"Right," Miles said, looking resolute. They went to the elevator, and he resolutely pushed the button. He hoped this feeling of resolve lasted. Reaching the pathology lab on the third floor, Miles slid his ID in the card swipe and the door opened, but a gray-haired balding man in a white lab coat, gray slacks and a blue shirt came right to the door and stopped them before they could enter.

"Hey, now, I don't know who you are or whose ID you stole, but ... oh hello Becky, how's Miles?"

"This is Miles," Becky said. "Please, Dr. Jeffries, let us in. It's important. I'm sure you've heard about ..."

"Some kind of story about men turning into women," Dr. Jeffries said. "Sounded like poppycock to me, but ..."

Miles interrupted his interruption, holding up the medical bag. "... But I'm one of the latest victims, and I've got some samples in here that could do the same or worse to you too, and they've got to be analyzed," he said. "I'd appreciate your help, though you definitely don't want to touch this material."

"I, uh, all right," said Dr. Jeffries. "You're really ... Miles?"

"Yes, I am, Phil," Miles said. "OK, your wedding anniversary is April 5, you and your wife get together with the neighbors every week for a big potluck movie party, and you can't grill a burger to save your life despite being able to do amazing feats with a mass spectrometer."

"Hey!" said Dr. Jeffries. "I just happen to like 'em well done. But anyway, fine, I'm convinced. Let's clear out some space so you can get to work. So what's happening out there?"

Miles explained as he worked. Meanwhile, Becky decided to take a blood sample from Miles and compare it to Dr. Jeffries. She wanted to see if there was some kind of residuals in the genetic composition. She took a sample from Jeffries, then from Miles. She placed it in the Electron Microscope's stage area, then started the vacuum pump. After a minute, the screen lit up and showed the two comparisons. The obvious differences showed immediately. One was male, the other female. As far as any other abnormalities ... there were absolutely none that could be found.

Becky says, "Miles, the only thing that shows here ... is that you are definitely female and Jeffries is male. I find no other abnormalities or residuals in your blood."

Miles prepared the genetic material from the infected men and placed it on the stage, She closed the door and started the vacuum pump. In a minute, the genetic code of something not of the earth showed on the screen.

Jeffries whistled, "My G_D ... when you find something weird ... you do it in style."

Miles replied, "I had hoped to find something we could use for a cure."

Becky says softly, "Sweetie ... I don't think there is a cure ... there's ... nothing wrong with you or any of the others after the change happens."

Miles appeared to cringe. He says with a tinge of frustration in his tone, "That ... isn't being helpful."

Jeffries moves to an adjacent keyboard and begins to type. None of the amino acids, proteins, or anything else matched any of the known patterns of an earth based life form.

Jeffries says, "I don't see where we have any kind of knowledge about what ever this is. It doesn't appear anywhere in the data base of the hospital. I'll attempt to access the main lab database in New York." Jeffries got off his stool and walks to the console in the back and begins to type furiously.

"I don't think he's going to find anything," said Miles, "but it's worth a try. I think our main goal is stopping the ... pus monsters, for lack of a better term. We don't have time to completely figure them out; we just need to know how to put them out of commission. It seems like everything in them has basically lost all of its structure, but they seem to be able to reform and reshape new structure at will. It's like every cell in their bodies has become some sort of super-stem cell, able to become anything at any time, but ... what's their source of energy?"

After some experimentation, the answer started to become clear. "They don't have one. Their cells burn up the stored chemical energy of the original host, then they start to turn on each other, and the organism self-destructs. They're only designed to live for a short time, fulfill their one purpose, and then that's it." Miles sighed. "I'm not hopeful for a cure for them either." Miles sighed wearily, "But it does mean we know something," he said to Becky. "Whoever sent that meteorite is made of cells that can't be too different from ours, or their technology wouldn't work. It seems to be completely focused on human cells, not other animal or plant cells, which means that they've got much greater precision than they would if their biology was completely different. What's more, they're turning male humans into female humans, not into aliens, so they clearly believe themselves to be able to breed with female humans."

Musing for a moment, he said, "Becky ... that means that they may not look much different from us. The aliens who sent the meteorite -- they don't look like pus monsters at all. They look like us. Their agents could have been on Earth for years without anyone the wiser! Anyone, anywhere could be one of them, gathering information to prepare for the invasion! But for right now, stopping the pus monsters is easy," Miles said. "Doing them damage works, eventually, but it takes a long time. What we need is something to burn up the stored energy of the original body, causing them to collapse. One thing I can think of is certain snake venom -- they contain ATPase, deliberately interfering with the chemical energy transfer of the body. But collecting or synthesizing a lot of snake venom doesn't seem like a quick process."

Miles thought for a moment trying to remember the technique Cary Mullis had created for rapid regeneration.

About that time, a loud alarm sounded. "Dr all come, Dr all come ... STAT to isolation 21 ... code red emergency."

Miles and Jeffries look at each other for an instant, then follow the running Becky out the door. By the time they got to the isolation area, many female nurses and doctors were standing around the observation window.

Miles asked, "What's going on?"

One of the pretty young nurses turns slightly and replies, "One of those men in the isolation room ... fell over suddenly and ... sort of exploded. Look ..." She points, "There's this glowing crystal like stuff all over the room. The bio hazard alarms went off and it sealed negative pressure and hermetically. No one in or out until an evaluation can be made."

Dr. Jeffries said softly, "That, just added a new twist to an already bad situation."

Becky added, "If one of those free snot men happens to do that in a populated area." Miles and Becky look at each other with worry on their faces.

"So, to sum up," said Miles, "they can be killed if we run them out of energy, but when they do, they explode and infect everybody near them and transform them into snot monsters ... or possibly everybody male. The effect might be designed to leave females alone, but that hasn't been tested yet. So ... inject them with ATPase and put them in a container."

"And to think you tried to knock them out with tranquilizer," said Becky.

"Well, I didn't know then what I know now," Miles answered.

The nearby doctors and nurses overheard them and started asking Miles questions, which he tried to answer as quickly as possible, and soon what Miles had discovered was widely known throughout the hospital.

"At least that's something," Miles said. "The pus monsters are nothing to trifle with. But ... I really hope that nobody else has gone to investigate that meteorite ..."

"Where are we going?" asked Becky, keeping up with Miles' power walking. She remembered that this had been much harder to do when Miles had had longer legs.

"To the ambulance dispatchers," he said. "They have radios that we can use to contact Parsons and Carruthers."

"Or we could call the sheriff's department on the phone," Becky said.

"That will get us their automated voice mail system," Miles said. "This will get us connected with Parsons and Carruthers. They have to be told about the pus men's death throws."

~~ End pt4 ~~

~~ Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - pt5 ~~

Miles and Becky went to the emergency dispatcher and asked if they could contact Parsons or Carruthers.

The young woman gave the set over to Miles and said, "I ... need to go to the bathroom. Being a girl ... is new to me." She hurriedly left.

Miles looks after her for a second .... sort of worrying about when he would have to 'go'.

He keys the mic on the police band and says, "Carruthers? Parsons? Can you read me?"

There's a few seconds of static then then a cute female voice replies, This is Carruthers. Who's this?"

Miles replies, "It's Miles ... I have some rather bad news for all of you to tell everyone you can. Those pus men ... when they die ... they explode and create more spores that make more pus men."

Carruthers gasps, "No! We have to find that place in the woods where the spores are as soon as possible and clean it some how."

In a thick place in the woods, several men were walking with their shot guns. Suddenly, they drop to their knees in agony.

Miles said, "I've had a little bit of time to study the tissue sample, but nowhere near enough. To 'clean' the meteorite impact site in the woods means putting an end to what ever's causing the cellular mutation, and there are only two known vectors that I haven't been able to eliminate ..."

"What do we have to do, Doc?" Carruthers interrupted.

"All right," said Miles, being brief this time. "It might be a virus, or it might be radiation, or it might be something we've never seen before. If it's a virus, the only people who can even go in there are people who've been vaccinated, or people who've been exposed and survived. We don't have a vaccine. If it's radiation, nobody's safe unless they go up there in lead-lined suits like they use for emergencies at nuclear power plants. I don't know where we can get one of those any closer than the plant at West Allendale."

"G_d only knows," said Miles.

"Arrrrrghhhh," said one of the men in the woods, on his knees in agony. His two companions were unconscious on the ground already. "Sam ... Al ... what ... happening ..."

The two other men awoke, then silently stood up, their skins red and shiny with some slick, reflective substance, their eyes black as charcoal.

"What ... wrong ... with ... aaaaaggghhhhh!" said the third man, wracked with another wave of agony.

When it lessened, he looked at his hands. They were also red and covered with a shiny substance. He cried out, this time in terror, but no other human could hear him. The man groveled on the ground in pain as his companions walked rapidly off towards town. He slowly came to his knees, then stood up on shaky legs. He looked down at his hands. They were cracked and oozing something that looked like clear gel. He felt like worms were crawling all over his body .... just under the skin.

He stumbles slowly at first, then with more energy as he begins to feel a raw surge of power over come him. He quickly walked towards where they had parked the pickup earlier. He was hoping the others hadn't left him. He knew he needed to see a doctor as soon as possible.

"OK, Doc," said Carruthers, "we got everybody wrapping the cell up in plastic tarp. They gonna need to breathe?"

"No need to poke air holes, Deputy," said Miles. "Just ... when they blow, leave what's left of them alone."

"For how long?" asked Carruthers.

"Damned if I know," said Miles. "Whatever makes them go, it has to have an expiration date, but I have no idea when it is. I'm thinking it's most likely something biological, like some kind of super-virus, and most viruses can't live long outside a host."

"Can you make a vaccine, Doc?" Carruthers asked.

"Not quickly," said Miles. "Right now I'm not sure how we can ... oh!"

"What? What is it?" Carruthers responds curiously.

"I just ... had an idea," said Miles. "I'll be in touch."

"Doc? Where are you going?" asked Carruthers. "Not up to the mountain?"

"I think it's time to visit the impact site," Miles said. "I'm betting it's not going to affect somebody who's already ... converted."

"Miles, no!" said Becky. "You can't bet your life on that!"

"It just doesn't make any sense that it would work any other way," Miles replied.

Becky reluctantly followed Miles from the hospital to the car. She sat silently as Miles drove up the long lonely road leading to Fletcher's mountain. It wasn't long before they could see several places where large shards had impacted and caused minor fires.

Becky pleads in a small whiny voice, "Sweet heart ... please ... I don't want you to become a pus girl. It ... would ruin our ... love life."

Miles looks at Becky for a few seconds with surprise in his eyes. He says softly, "It won't ... I promise. The object here is to make females more often than a pus monster. Breeding stock ... remember?"

Then he gets out of the car and began to walk quickly through the thick brush towards the nearest impact site with Becky following fearfully behind.

The first thing they both noticed was that nothing was happening to them. They didn't know how close one had to get before being affected, but they were soon looking at a burned-out glade with an obvious impact impression near its center.

"Well, if we were going to turn into pus monsters," said Miles, "it would've happened by now. That's where a piece of it hit. We're looking straight at it. I think we're as safe as we can be under these circumstances. Let's see if we can find any samples."

Becky seemed to relax a bit, and they both picked up a handful of sample vials and started looking. Miles went straight for the impact site and saw, half-buried in the soil, a fractured gray mass the size of a softball, but much more irregular in shape.

"We might be looking for a gray substance," he called out. "It's oddly homogeneous -- all one color, all one material -- and it seems to break into sharp angles. Let me see if I can get some of it in this container -- Becky, behind you!" Miles pointed toward her.

Becky whirled around -- and found herself face to face with one of the red-faced, black-eyed horrors. She covered her head with her arms in fear. The infected man stood there and seemingly stared at them both for a few minutes and did nothing. It was as if he was unsure of his next action. Becky uncovered her head and looked at the man. His eyes were black as pitch. His skin was motley and covered in clear shiny gel as if he had some kind of severe infection.

Becky said, "Miles ... it appears they don't mess with women or those that have been changed. He seems to be totally unsure of what he wants to do."

Miles walks up to the man and touches him on his forehead. The man doesn't react in any way. Miles wipes the goo from his finger on the man's shirt. He walks completely around him and examines him the best he could. The man suddenly wheels around and rapidly moves off down the hill towards the logging road far below.

Miles remarks, "Apparently, it is pre-programmed to seek out males."

Becky feels her breast softly. They had begun to tingle. She felt .... somehow aroused. Miles too had become rather uncomfortable with new sensations he was unfamiliar with.

Becky says softly, "I ... think he might have done something to us. Made us ... want to mate?"

Miles felt himself getting rather ... uncomfortable and damp in places he had never been before. He replies, "Lets get back to looking for samples ... maybe it will take our minds off of it."

Miles and Becky began to search for the sparkly, crystalline spores as they tried hard to ignore the feelings within them.

"The sensations of arousal are difficult to ignore," said Miles. "What if ... they do have an effect on females? If they're here to create a breeding ground, it would make sense to prepare us all for mating. Hmm …They would be coming eventually, and some of them might be here already, to take advantage of what they had wrought.”

He and Becky had gotten as many of the gray crystalline shards as they could fit in their sample containers and were turning to leave when they heard a third voice.

It sounded guttural and halting, and it said, "Help me ... please ... but ... don't touch me ..."

Both of them turned and saw another of the red-faced, pus-covered creatures, but this one's eyes weren't totally black. He still appeared to have irises, and he was speaking.

"Dear Lord," said Miles. "Sir, you're in very bad shape and need to rest," he said, the only advice he could think of for someone who had just been infected. "I'm a doctor, and I've seen what's happening to you, but I don't know what to do about it, not yet. What ... what's your name?"

It was difficult to ask this, knowing that he probably had only minutes before his intelligence faded away, but on the other hand he considered himself to be facing a dying man.

"J-Jared," the man said. "My friends ... Sam ... Al ... already gone ... hour ago. Don't know why I ... still here ..."

"It's been an hour?" asked Miles. "I don't know how you've lasted so long either. Perhaps you're naturally immune? Or ... well, tell me what you remember happening."

"Hunting ... in mountains," said Jared. "Then ... suddenly we all ... felt it. Was like ... invisible fence. For dogs. All ... pain. Fell down. They ... got up, red skin ... black eyes. I ... same but ... they went away, didn't talk ... ignored me. Sorry ... hurts to talk."

"I'm sorry it hurts," said Miles. "Your cells have been -- changed, by some kind of super-virus. We're trying to understand it, stop it from spreading, but we've never seen anyone who survived it, even for an hour. You're the best hope we have. How do you feel?"

"Feel like ... body on fire, worms eating ... at me just ... under skin, " said Jared. "Hurts to move ... hurts to talk ... hurts to stand still ... head hurts ... skin feels like ... burning ... crawling."

"Something's attacking every cell in your body, Jared," said Miles, "but you're still fighting it. I don't know whether you'll win, but I don't know that you'll lose either. There's so much we don't know. But can you keep trying? Please? You might be our only hope. Let's see if we can get you back to the hospital."

Jared nods slowly. Becky says, "Follow us back to the car. We will drive you to the hospital and begin doing tests to see if we can find some kind of cure."

Jared wheels about and follows them to the car. Miles opens the door and Jared climbs in. Miles and Becky climb in and rush off towards the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, there was a major commotion at the emergency room overhang. A young woman appeared to be in a very nasty fist fight with a large man.

Miles points and says, "I wonder what's happening there?"

Becky takes a good long look before she says, "That's that idiot Yancy."

Miles snorts, "That figures. Lets see if we can undo his mess."

They arrived at the overhang just as Yancy gave the man a long, round about right hook to his jaw that dropped him where he stood. Miles and Becky get out of the car.

Miles says, "Yancy! Just what in the Sam Hill are you doing?"

Yancy panted for a few seconds before answering, "That ... man came up to me and ... said he was going to make me pregnant. Grabbed my shirt and started to rip it. I slugged the Dump out of him."

Becky shrieks, "Miles ... that must be one of them ... the aliens we are looking for."

Miles rushes up with several slip ties he had in his medical bag and bound the man's hands behind him.

Yancy snorted, "And just what's this nonsense about aliens?"

Miles explained, "We think, the reason we are being turned into women ... is for breeding purposes ... and that there is already a forward guard in place here to start the process." Miles points to the man on the ground, "Him, for one."

Becky had gone back to the car and opened the back door. Jared climbed slowly out and stood, looking at the man on the ground. Jared gasps, "I ... can't control myself ... help me!"

He quickly rushed up to the fallen man and ran his finger in the man's mouth, then sucked on the finger. As they watched, Jared seemed to heal before their eyes.

Miles gasped. "What -- how --?" he sputtered. "You're -- well, you're not fully back to normal, but you're looking much better. How it happened will have to wait for later. But obviously this guy is definitely not normal, and probably not one of us at all."

"I don't know," said Jared. "I can't explain it. I just got this urge -- I needed something that I just knew could only be found in ... that guy's mouth. I know it doesn't make sense."

Miles was already taking a saliva sample from the unconscious man. "Well, we've got lab work to do. Maybe he's got some kind of cell, chemical, enzyme, I don't know. But it helped you fight off the infection, at least for now."

Jared was now looking much less red, and the white had returned to his eyes. "Let's go up to the lab. I think we'll have to keep everyone but Jared and anybody female out, though."

Meanwhile, at the county jail, Deputy Carruthers turned from the radio. "There's more of 'em out there," she said. "Got a report from Fitzgerald Road, up by Bobcat Rock. Guys with black eyes and some kind of horrible skin condition. This time everybody had the sense to run away, though. The word's starting to get around that something's up."

"Oh, great," said Parsons. "Where are we gonna put 'em? We've only got a couple of cells, and ..."

There was a horrible squelching sound from the cell, which was mercifully wrapped in several layers of thick plastic sheeting. A meaty rupturing sound, quickly followed by another, came from inside, and immediately the inside of the plastic was covered with gooey chunks of slimy matter that slowly oozed down the sides. Parsons and Carruthers found themselves struggling to keep from vomiting at the sight.

"Okay ..." said Parsons, gradually recovering. "I guess we could put 'em in there ..."

The radio suddenly came to life, "Hello? Parsons? Carruthers? This is Miles ... can you read me?"

Parsons went to the radio, "This is Parsons ... go ahead Doc ... wahzzup?"

Miles's cute female voice came back, "We have discovered something. There are ... Aliens among us ... they look like us, but aren't. They are the breeders come to impregnate all the females ... like us."

Parsons shifts uncomfortably for a few seconds as Carruthers looks at him incredulously. Parsons replies, "How do we tell them from the others?"

Miles responds, "More than likely they are all going to be males ... and you will be extremely attracted to them."

Carruthers spits, "Not me ... no way no how!"

Parsons asks, "How come? I don't .... have any ... such inclinations."

Miles explained, "Those Pus Men … they affect women in a different way ... they make us aroused to the point we probably can't help ourselves once one of the breeders approach. Yancy KOed one here at the emergency room. We have him in custody and are performing tests."

Parsons replies, "OK, Doc ... if I feel the ... need to hump some weirdo's bones ... I just shoot him."

Carruthers laughs as the giggling voice of Miles replies, "You do that. One more thing ... there seems to be two more pus men on the loose."

Parsons replied, "I know ... up by Bobcat Rock. We gonna handle it."

Miles replies, "Be careful, don't want any of us ... pregnant with a weird alien. If we get anymore info ... will contact you. Out"

Parsons signs off. Parsons says to Carruthers, "Here we go again. This keeps getten better an better."

Carruthers says in disgust, "Lets get this pus cleaned up and ready for our new guests."

Parsons sighed and said, "Got a fire hose?"

"Well?" asked Yancy snappily as soon as Miles and Becky came out of the lab. "What did you find out?"

"Well, first of all," said Miles, "do you feel tired at all? Because I've been on my feet for about 18 straight hours ... and I feel fine. Whatever they've done to us, it's given us amazing stamina."

"You're right," said Yancy, reluctantly. "I took the red-eye from Dallas to DC this morning, had a briefing, got the next flight out here, and I've been non-stop since then ... and I could punch out a dozen more aliens. Didn't notice it until you mentioned it."

"For another thing," said Miles, "the substance the meteor is made of is some kind of survival medium specially designed for the super-virus that it's full of. Yes, that's right. That stuff is like a Petri dish for the worst bug the Earth has ever seen. We carefully experimented with it in isolation but it has got to stay under wraps. It doesn't survive long outside the medium, luckily, but long enough to disperse into the atmosphere for hundreds of yards around an impact. The same things that kill viruses kill it -- autoclaving, starving it, certain chemicals -- so there's a way to clean up the impact site."

Becky said, "Yancy ... you should really learn how to be a woman. As far as we can tell, there's no cure ... because you aren't sick. Another thing you should get ready for too," Becky giggles,"Is making love for the first time as a woman. If one of those breeder men happen to get you at the right time ... I'm not so sure you can help yourself."

Yancy turns red with anger as he sputters. Miles giggles, "Seems that ... porn queen job is still available for you."

Yancy takes a swing at Miles, he easily ducks as Becky pulls Miles back into the lab and shuts the door. Yancy's cussing and swearing could be heard loudly on the other side.

Becky scolds, "That wasn't nice. I know he's a real pain and can be a total dufus ... but antagonizing him ... isn't helping matters."

Miles giggles, "But it's so much fun to do." Becky giggles too. She had to admit ... it was sort of fun dissing Yancy.

About that time, Becky turned and saw the shard that had been left on the stage of the electron microscope. What she saw, were ... viral segments that appeared to be dividing without the necessary energy inputs of normal human cells.

Miles says softly after Becky pointed it out to him, "OMG! they are using the energy of the microscope to ... grow."

But ... if they can actually multiply without host cells," Miles went on, "then they're not really viruses -- they're ... something else. Something no one on Earth has ever seen before."

"Are the ones that changed us the same as the ones that changed people into, well, snot monsters?" asked Becky.

"That's a good question," Miles responded, "but all I can say is that we can't tell right now. They look similar, but they might be totally different inside. The best question, though, is how Jared fought them off, because that might answer the question of how we can immunize people against them. Also ..." He paused.

"What?" Becky looked at Miles quizzically.

"They're going to come for us … sooner or later … they're going to come for us." Miles said quietly. "You yourself said that they'll probably be hard for us to resist. But we have to. That means ... we have to find a way to protect ourselves. And anybody else we can protect."

"What do you think they're going to do?" Becky asked. "Use Super Pheromones?"

"Or something similar," Miles agreed, nodding. "You saw what Jared did -- he just knew where the chemicals he needed were. They're activating some kind of extra sense, maybe a super-sensitive sense of smell, attuning it to particular chemicals that fit like a key in a lock with whatever we're told we need. What we have to do is find out how to ... interfere with what that sense is being told. And ..."

Becky saw the expression come over Miles's face as she asked, "OK, what now?"

"If the virus is still in us, it'll probably try to undo whatever we do," said Miles. "Seriously, we need to kill the virus wherever we can find it. The samples in the test vials are isolated, and there are no signs that they can eat through the glass and plastic, but if there are any, we destroy the samples in the autoclave. We regularly spray the air with the cleaning agents we've already found. But inside our bodies ... we have to find a way to mobilize our immune systems against it, even though the virus is trying hard to reprogram our immune systems to accept it as a natural part of us."

Becky scratches her head in thought as she watches the microscope screen. Technically speaking, between the vacuum and the bombardment of the high energy scanning neutron beam ... the virus should be dead.

Becky says, "The only thing I can think of is a trans alkalizing protein that stops the virus from recreating its molecular chain."

Miles replies, "That ... might work. But remember AIDs ... it didn't do such a good job on that. And from what I can see ... this virus is a whole lot healthier and viral than AIDs."

Worry crossed Becky's face as she said, "Miles ... it looks like we might not be able to stop this thing without the original strain used in creating it. And since this is an Alien bug ... how are we to do that?"

Miles replies, "We can start ... by checking this out." He holds out the sample tube with the mouth swab of the man Yancy had decked out front. "We also have this, "He held out another tube that contained a tissue sample of Jared before he had met the breeder.

"Where ... did you get that sample of Jared's DNA?" Becky asked. "Was he in for tests earlier?"

"Yes," said Miles. "He had a cancer scare a while ago and got a biopsy taken, but it was inconclusive ... wait. What if ..."

"Cancer? Cancer protects him from alien virus infection?" Becky asked, incredulous.

"We don't know that," said Miles. "But who knows? It's a possibility. Maybe even a few cancerous cells in his body are enough to throw the xenovirus off its game, make it unsure what it's attacking. And that means that a confusion strategy might work for it."

"And a few alien cells from that impostor shut it down completely," said Becky, "because they're programmed not to attack the invaders."

"So ... all right. I'm betting that a blood transfusion, especially one from a member of the opposite sex but a compatible blood type, would protect someone from being transformed." Miles paused. "But they'd still have the virus in their body, confused and inactive, but still there. Now, about mobilizing the immune system against the virus ..."

"Wait, what if you're looking at it the wrong way?" asked Becky. "The aliens programmed this virus somehow. Maybe we can reprogram it -- or at least mess up its program to the point where it can't function."

"But how do they control it?" asked Miles. "There's no sign that the viruses communicate chemically with each other. Oh! What if it's electrochemical?"
Becky asked, "Like neurons?"

Miles started setting up equipment for a test. "Exactly. What if they're setting up their own separate nervous system in our bodies? It's like we've developed a second brain that's thinking its own thoughts ... except that we're about to give it a seizure." The line on an oscilloscope pulsed, then showed a distinct waveform. "Look at that. Almost a carrier wave. So regular. These things were engineered, all right. That can't be natural."

"So ... what can we do?" Becky asked. "Talk to it? Interfere with it somehow?"

"Interference! That's it!" Miles dug around in one of the equipment cabinets. "Long-frequency radio waves, tuned to match the exact frequency ..." He set up a chamber with sheet metal plates, measuring their distance apart carefully, and put the sample vial inside it. "Get ready ..." After closing up the final side with metal, he plugged in the cord of the device he'd found in the cabinet.

There was a humming sound from inside the metal box, and then a sudden popping sound ... and a smell of smoke. He unplugged the cord and opened the front panel of his metal box.

"Phew," said Becky as she makes a cute wrinkled nose face. "Smells like someone let out the magic smoke stink bomb."

Waving away the smoke, Miles said, "Yep, look at this," holding up what was left of the test vial with a pair of forceps. "This glass melted from the inside. Every virus in there burned up, I'm guessing. Concentrated xenovirus, exposed to interference on the frequency it was built to receive. It's fried. Never expected a physics solution to a xenobiology experiment, but there we go."

"So, what, now we microwave ourselves?" asked Becky. "Won't we fry too?"

"Well, the concentration of virus inside us is much, much lower than in those samples," Miles said. "We won't fry -- this isn't the same frequency of microwaves that cooks food by agitating the water molecules in it. It'll heat up the virus, though, and that might do some damage -- but I'm figuring not enough to kill us."

"You're figuring?" asked Becky.

"Yeah," said Miles. "Until we test it, we can't know for sure. So ..." Before Becky could stop him, he put his hand in the box and plugged in the cord.

"No!" shouted Becky.

"Warm ... warmer ... ow ... owowowowowowow OUCH!" said Miles ... and then he stopped. "Hm. Now it feels fine. I think I just fried every virus out of my hand."

"If you still have a hand!" said Becky. "Never do that again!"

"Can't promise that," Miles said, unplugging the cord and removing his hand from the box. It looked flushed and reddened, but it was intact. He wiggled his fingers. "Ow. That's sore."

"You're insane!" Becky said. "You could've burned off your hand!"

"Not possible," said Miles. "It was only a question of first vs. third-degree burns. Turns out it's more like first. My hand feels like it spent too long on a tanning bed."

Becky puts her hands on her hips and says sarcastically, "So ... miss smarty pants." Becky takes hold of Miles's hand, "You still look very female to me silly."

Miles sighs softly. He says patiently, "But ... if we reprogram this thing somehow and infect the breeders with it ... we can turn the tables on them."

Becky snorts, "And when a woman does what ever to the breeder ... what's the breeder gonna do to the woman?"

Miles rubs his reddened hand slowly as he thinks it over. He finally replies, "Probably would kill her before she could get away. But, the thing is ... we would have one alien infected with the virus at that point."

Becky asks, "What happens if the breeder is too over powering for the woman to think? Remember how we felt when that disgusting Pus Monster was on the mountain with us. Arousal can become quite intense ... and for someone who hasn't experienced it that way ... and even for those that have, it can be over powering."

Miles snaps, "Darn it all woman ... we have to do something to fight back. We can't just give them our planet."

Becky smiles, "What happens if they have the power to just take it? Give isn't in the equation?"

Miles turns and looks at the vial full of cooked goo. He says softly, "At least ....they would know we had given them a black eye."

"Well," Miles said, "we don't have alien tech to reprogram this xenovirus with. But we could just try to induce a lot of random mutation with scrambled signals, radiation, whatever we can find. Then we can expose an alien to that -- and whatever takes hold will take hold and multiply. Survival of the fittest, xenovirus style. Sure, some of it will probably end up to be deadly to humans too. But ... it's us versus them. They want our planet ... they'll have to pay a price."

~~ End pt5 ~~

~~ Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Pt6 ~~

Becky looks at Miles. She felt the same as he did about things ... but she also had begun to wonder if there was anyway to undo the virus once it had been activated. She looked at Miles. In the woman’s clothes he had on ... Miles was extremely attractive. From the testing they had done so far ... there was nothing that could be done after reversion had happened to change the infected individual back to their normal state.

Even with Jared, he hadn't completely gone through reversion and become a pus monster. Stopping reversion before it completed was the only bet that seemed feasible. Making it more difficult for the creatures to cause conversion may be possible ... but not easily nor quickly done.

Becky walks to Miles and wraps her arms around his shapely body and whispers softly in his ear, "Sweetie, live with it. Sooner or later you will have to accept the fact, there's no going back."

Miles trembles with anguish over this as she tried to think of a really devastating thing she could possibly do to cause collateral damage to the enemy.

Miles embraced Becky too. "There just hasn't been time to properly process it, Becky," he said. "Everything's happening so fast, and we know what's coming. I too doubt there's any way to change my body back, or any of the others who've been changed," he looks down at his cute boobies before he went on. "But if we can kill the virus, we can make it more difficult for the invaders. We won't be sitting ducks when they make with the pheromones."

He went over to one of the lab benches, where the largest unopened meteorite sample rested inside its glass vial. "I'm going to treat this with randomized electromagnetic pulses, and just for good measure, I'm going to take it down to radiation therapy and give it a lethal dose. That should be enough to randomize its program. Then we'll have this, just in case. And I'm going to make a microwave chamber that should be able to burn the virus out of a person, one at a time. And then ... well, I can't count on having my own free will when they come, so I'm going to make a dead-man switch. Or perhaps ... a dead woman switch." He smiled darkly as another type of virus came to mind.

Miles went about this business grimly, with Becky helping reluctantly but equally grimly. Slowly, a new, modified type of xenovirus came into being … one they both knew would harm only the invaders, and none of the real humans.

The work was almost done when there was a knock on the door. Looking to see who it was, Miles was surprised. "Yancy? What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't stand labs. All the science hurts your head."

"Very funny," Yancy said. "I just thought you might like to know something I found out."

Yancy didn't look very enthusiastic about whatever this discovery was. Something told Miles that this wasn't one of their usual snappy exchanges.

"What is it?" he asked.

"The ... impostor," said Yancy. "I looked into who he was, where he came from. Dr. Bennell ... Miles ... he's a lawyer, he works on Senator Mann's re-election campaign. There's no record of his existence before about 10 years ago. But more than that ..." Yancy took a deep breath. "There are dozens of others on his staff exactly the same. And the Senator ... well his records look good, but when you dig really deep, his birth certificate looks like it's 50 years old, but there's no record of it having been on file before about 10 years ago."

"Faked birth records? That sounds somehow familiar." said Miles.

"They're in positions of power," said Yancy, "and they've been there for a decade, waiting. No idea how many of them -- there just hasn't been time to investigate everyone I want to. It's ... I'm working for them, Miles. I've been working for them. For years. And never knew."

Becky comes up close to Miles and says softly, "That clenches it. There's no real way to know how far up or how many have been in place. Apparently this invasion has been an ongoing operation for at least ten years ... if not longer."

Yancy says sadly, "It's worse than you know."

Miles looks at Yancy with surprise, "How so?"

Yancy replied, "I have discovered ... well ... this."

He hands Miles and Becky each a very thick manila envelope. Miles opens his envelope and looks at the many pages on the inside. His mouth falls open in surprise as he sees many of the Congress men and Senator's records seemed to be 40 or 50 years old ... but deeper research showed only factual findings of about 10 years … the records included the President of the United States as well.

Miles says in a gasp, "This ... we ... we've already lost and didn't even know were were under attack."

Yancy nods, "That's ... the problem. They have infiltrated very deeply. Many of the top government officers are ... breeders ... as you call them."

Miles goes to the research computer in the back. He calls up the emergency eyes only protocol and begins to research many of the top leaders back grounds. He had trouble accessing many of the files due to high level encryption requirements he did not possess. He discovered enough to realize ... the only way to possibly stop this ... was to go to Brighton and see the State Police there and somehow convince them with this data.

According to the files, that particular State Police office had not been infiltrated for some reason. It wasn't one hundred percent sure … but all the data correlated properly.

Miles said, "OK, I'm going to put my old suit on and head to Brighton ... I'm going to spread the word that there's a serious issue and it needs to be addressed."

Becky sighs as she leaves the lab area to retrieve Miles's oversized male clothing. She had no clue as to why Miles wanted to wear these oversized clothes … he looked very nice dressed as he was.

Yancy said, "I think I need to get together with a few of the local militia that are traceable as real humans and see if we can organize ... some kind of resistance."

As Miles and Becky merged onto the interstate to head for the county seat of Brighton and the state police headquarters there, Becky asked Miles, "What if we run into one of ... them ... in Brighton? Could they know that we're fighting them?"

"It seems likely that they know," said Miles, "but if this is widespread, they have to expect that there will be pockets of resistance all over. It's just a question of how confident they are -- will their plans inevitably work, or could some of us primitive humans pose a serious threat?"

"So what you're saying is that if they do try to stop us, that means they're taking us seriously?"

"I guess," said Miles. "That's all I've really been doing since this whole thing began, anyway -- guessing. The only thing I am sure of ... is the dead woman protocol you helped me create."

They reached the state police headquarters early in the morning, having driven most all night.

"I just have to hope that they do believe me and don't dismiss me as some crazy woman wearing a big suit," said Miles as they walked toward the main building.

Becky said, "You go to the police station ... I'll go to the Government building and see if I can see the Governor."

Miles hesitates for an instant. He replies, "OK, go ahead ... just don't be too long. According to my research, this town's records go back as far as 120 years. Most of the residence's data matches their ages with no apparent discrepancies."

Becky replied as she walked off, "I'll be careful ... now you be careful too. I don't want any stray men doing it with my girl."

Miles watches her walk off for a few minutes before he turns and walks towards the state police station. Miles thought to himself as he walked that he couldn't be too careful -- anybody he talked to might be one of the aliens. Although they did seem to gravitate toward positions of authority, trusted figures who had power and influence in politics and society. It was unlikely that the rank-and-file police had been infiltrated ... but the upper echelons were another story, especially the very top positions, the ones who were politically appointed rather than promoted through the ranks for hard work.

How was he going to approach this? Well, it was impossible that they hadn't heard about the strange goings-on back home. They were probably itching for an explanation, but they weren't going to believe just his say-so, and he hadn't been taking any photos or video.

Entering the state police headquarters, he noted that it was primarily very much an office building -- there were plenty of uniformed officers in the hallways, but looking through an open door down a hallway he could see that there were also plenty of other employees in plain clothes working at desks, handling forms or using computers, because this was the information center for the entire state police force. The question was how to get the attention of the right people.

"Can I help you, Ma'am?" asked a very tall, very handsome male uniformed officer who was passing by.

Just then, Miles remembered what he looked like. It was sexist and a bit disturbing, but it was true that he was going to get a lot of attention from males, looking like he did, even in the oversized suit. He remembered he was a very beautiful young woman.

"Oh! Hello, officer," said Miles. He held up his hospital badge, not letting the officer see it too clearly. "I'm Dr. Bennell, and I'm part of a group from Charmington, here to see if we can get some help with the ... unusual situation that's arisen there." He didn't mention that the "group" had only two people in it.

"Oh yes," said the officer. "We've been hearing reports -- an APB on a brown Blazer, some sort of suspects that looked as if they were badly sunburned, something like that. Lots of confused communications after that, nothing that really made any sense."

"Well, officer, I'm afraid that there's more to the story, and it still doesn't make a lot of sense. We're all still trying to figure it out. I've been working nonstop at the hospital and assisting the Charmington Sheriff's Department, and we've decided that it's just beyond our limited resources." Miles tried to be as vague as he could be while keeping it sounding urgent.

"Sounds pretty serious," said the officer. "Look, I'm not in charge, but maybe I can get Captain Lake, and you can tell him, and then we'll see some action. Meanwhile, why don't you just wait here in the office? Help yourself to the coffee and some of the doughnuts. Uh, if you like coffee that tastes like it's been on a hot plate all night. ... 'Cause it has."

For an extremely long time, Miles found himself sitting on a hardwood chair next to a vacant desk, on which the phone would occasionally ring, occasionally sipping from a foam cup of coffee, each sip reminding him why he was only sipping. He grimaced at the murky substance and wondered how Becky was doing.

Meanwhile, Becky walked over to the Main Government Building. She walked through all the security checks at the door and wandered around the halls. She failed to notice that there were no women in any of the offices or anywhere in the halls. She found a door that had a beautifully stenciled 'Governor’s Office' on the smoked glass. She opens the door and sees a young man sitting at the desk.

He looks up and smiles, "Can I be of assistance young lady?"

Becky feels relieved as she walks in, "Yes, I need to see the Governor about the problem we are having in Charmington. It's gotten really out of hand and we need more people to know about it and most likely the National Guard to be sent in."

The young man smiles as he says, "I will see if he's available. Please, have a seat there and I'll be right back."

Becky sits in the offered chair while the young man walks down a long hall and enters the door at the very end. Becky looks around the large office. She began to notice that there were no women anywhere to be seen. Something in the back of her mind began to sound an alarm ... but she kind of ignored it.

She began to feel ... uncomfortable. She began to cross and uncross her legs as the feelings within her grew stronger. Her nipples began to tingle as they poked harder against her bra. She was grateful she had put a panty liner in her panties ... she was beginning to feel kind of damp there. She blushes as she realizes how aroused she was as visions of her and Miles making love became more and more prominent in her mind. Very soon, Becky was figiting around, seriously aroused, and totally unable to help it.

Shortly, just as the feelings of arousal had almost become over powering, the young man returned and said softly, "The Governor will see you Miss. Please follow me."

Becky follows the young man to the end of the hall. He opens the door, she walks in ... it closes behind her.

Becky realizes too late what was happening as the man approached her ... removing the last of his clothes. She was totally helpless and .. needed him totally as his hands unzipped her jeans and pulled down her panties. All she could think about …. was having his enormous thing inside her.

~~ End Pt6 ~~

~~ Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Pt7 ~~

Miles put down the nearly undrinkable coffee as a uniformed state police officer with graying hair approached, together with the younger one who had spoken with him earlier. The name badge on his uniform identified him as the Captain Lake who had been mentioned. Miles stood up ... and looked up at Lake, who would have been taller before Miles's transformation but was now much taller.

Miles reached out his hand and shook the officer's hand. "Captain Lake," he said. "I'm Dr. Bennell, from Charm County Hospital."

"Yes, Lieutenant Nelson told me," said Lake. "We've been hearing a lot of fragmented reports from your county. I'd appreciate it if you could fill in the blanks for us."

"Well, Captain," said Miles, "there's some sort of contagious virus or infection that's broken out. The victims become deranged and violent, so it's been difficult to even catch them, let alone treat them. And what's more, males they touch are afflicted with a curious illness."

"Just males?", asked Lake raising one eyebrow.

"Females ... may be affected, but if so the effect is much more subtle," said Miles. "We're still studying it. It's all happened so quickly we really haven't had time to do much."

"So this 'curious illness,' what are its symptoms?" asked Lake.

"Well, and this is going to sound very odd," said Miles, "but the primary symptom is a physical transformation -- they become female in every aspect we've been able to determine."

"Become female." repeated lake in an incredulous tone.

"That's right." replied Miles nodding.

"Forgive me, Doctor, but can I see your identification?" asked Lake.

"Of course, Captain," said Miles, taking out his badge, "but of course you see, I've been affected by the virus, though it's not contagious anymore, so ..."

"Doctor Miles Bennell," said Lake. "I'm supposed to believe that you're this man?"

"I assure you, Captain, I am," said Miles. "You see, the virus ..."

"Lieutenant, see if you can raise somebody in Charm County on the phone and find out what's really going on there. Sounds like an outbreak of looney. Young lady, there might be something going around in Charm County, and if there is I can assure you that we're going to get you the best possible help, but you can't expect me to buy this kind of crazy story." Captain Lake poured himself a cup of the coffee. "This woman needs help. Get her to the hospital's psych ER."

As the lieutenant advanced on him, Miles's voice raised to a shout. "No wait! Captain! Dozens of people are affected! There might be more victims in other counties! Or other states! That's what I looked like before!"

Captain Lake just drank the coffee, just as impervious to Miles's entreaties as he was to the coffee's flavor. The lieutenant had telephoned for a psychiatric crisis team, and by the time they entered the room Miles was acting like a hysterical young woman.

"No! You don't understand! The whole world might be in danger! Aliens! Invasion!"

They injected him with a sedative, and everything went dark. Slowly the light returned to Miles. His head felt like a large hammer was beating on the inside as he slowly sat up. He saw he was in a padded cell, lying on a raised padded shelf. He looked himself over ... he still had his ID and was dressed in his oversized male suit. He walks to the door and knocks ... a slot opens and he sees two eyes peering in.

Miles said, "Hi, there ... is it possible ... to get something to drink? My throat is awfully dry."

The slot closed with a thunk as whoever it was went away without a word. Miles sighs. He hoped someone would come that he could reason with. He walked around the cell several times before he heard the lock on the door rattle. Several very large men in white uniforms entered. They set up a table with two chairs, then placed a large pitcher of water on it with two glasses.

One of the large men grunts, "Be a good little girl. You are going to have company in a few minutes. Any trouble outta you ..." The gorilla sized man grins a toothy grin as the other fellow pokes him in the side.

He waves his arm towards the door. Both men leave silently. Miles hears the lock rattle once again.

Miles snorts, "That ... was productive."

Miles walks to the table and pours himself some water and drinks. It was was cold, but had one of those weird paper filter flavors that most hospitals have. Time Passes. After a long while, Miles begins to scream he wasn't actually a woman, but was, in fact, Dr. Miles Bennell.

Miles hears the lock rattle. The door opens and two men walk in. One was in a suit, the other was the ape orderly from earlier. Miles recognizes the man in the suit immediately ... It was Dr. Hill.

Miles exclaims, “Thank Goodness … someone I'm familiar with.” and rushes over to shake Dr. Hill's hand ...


" ... and that's all I know." Miles said as he ended his story.

Dr. Hill didn't say anything as he tapped the ash from his pipe into the collapsible ashtray he had brought with him. Dr. hill stands up, takes off his coat, and begins to undo his tie.

Dr Hill says softly, "That's ... a very interesting story young woman. If you were me .... would you believe it?"

Miles began to feel ... very uncomfortable. He felt strange urges and sensations begin to run through him very strongly.

Miles says as best she could under those circumstances, "I ... I ... would at least .... try and check it out."

Dr. Hill Laughs. He replies softly, "Suppose ... we didn't need to check it out?"

Miles became confused. He felt ... moist between his legs and had an incredible urge there. Intense thoughts of him and Becky making love danced in his conscious mind. Miles looks up and sees Dr. Hill had removed all of his clothes.

Dr. hill said softly, "Relax sweet heart. This will only hurt at first. I promise you and all the other earth females will enjoy this totally."

Miles was helpless as Dr. Hill removed all of his clothes and pulled down his panties. Miles lost control of himself and made mad passionate love to Dr. Hill.

Several hours later, Naked and sobbing, Miles sat on the meager bed in the cell, head in hands, as the creature he had known as "Dr. Hill" put his clothes back on.

"I noticed you weren't upset while we were having our fun," he said. "And that's the way it will be for every one of you. Quite enjoyable if you relax and let it happen. It's only if you resist that it becomes ... unpleasant. Being pregnant isn't so bad either. You will be unable to abort it too … the mothering instinct will be too strong for that."

"C-couldn't ... control m-myself ..." sobbed Miles.

"But that's the way we've reprogrammed your DNA, my ... dear ..." Dr. Hill said, suddenly looking a bit pale and staggering slightly. "W-what ... I guess I'm not feeling too well all of a ... what did you ... do ...?"

Dr. Hill stumbled to the door, opened it, steadied himself by holding onto the frame for a moment, then made a staggering run down the hallway. Miles was still upset about having sex and possibly being pregnant, but didn't want to waste this opportunity -- he grabbed as many clothes as he could and quickly threw them on, then looked out the cell door. The hallway was empty. He went in the direction Dr. Hill had gone and looked carefully around the corner. There was a door, and it was open. Moving closer, he could see the guards were distracted, one of them holding Dr. Hill up and the other one speaking to him. If he timed this right ... and he slipped right past them unnoticed, running out a fire exit and not caring that the alarm went off.

Miles knew where he was now -- he had no idea where his original clothes or car keys were, but maybe Becky would meet him near there. He hoped she hadn't run across any of the aliens.

Miles traveled a few blocks under cover of darkness, he made it to the parking lot where his car still was, and he was amazed to see Becky running toward it -- but then disheartened to see that she was being chased by security guards, probably from the governor's office. She saw him, though, and ran towards him, panicked.

"Becky!" he shouted. "Dr. Hill -- one of them --"

"The governor too!" she shouted, the two of them meeting and running side by side.

"Miles! Look!" Becky cried, pointing at the sky.

Thousands of blinking points of light were descending through the clouds, in all directions, as far as the eye could see. They were here. That was when the guards who were chasing them caught up with them and pulled them away from each other, each crying the other's name hysterically.

A van drove up, and the side doors opened. Dr. Hill was inside, pushing aside the hands of assistants who were trying to help him despite the fact that he was now quite red and sweating profusely.

"You ... can't run," he said, his voice ragged. "Just ... look up. It -- it's over. Our world now."

A limousine pulled up, and its window rolled down, revealing the similarly red, sweating face of the governor, who looked at Becky and said, also in a hoarse voice, "Might as well g-give up, my dear."

That was just before something began to crawl under the red skin of both the governor and Dr. Hill, as if something was trying to get out, and then both of them howled in unison an inhuman moan of pain ... just before their bodies exploded in a shower of blood and other fluids.

The guards looked on in horror. Becky and Miles ran again, and the guards pursued, but a few of them soon fell to their knees, red-faced and exhausted, showing the same signs as The Governor and Dr. Hill.

When the ships landed, all over the world, they discovered that there was one area where all of their advance scouts had died, where no one they sent in to investigate ever returned, where some sort of mutation of their own xenovirus instantly killed their own people while leaving the Earth natives untouched. The area was immediately quarantined. Controlling the contagion continued to prove extremely difficult. It seemed to spread to other humans even faster than it spread to their own kind, but the humans didn't get sick; they just became carriers. No amount of research could find a cure or a fix. None of the Aliens could even get close enough to the virus to sample it without getting infected and exploding … intensifying the problem even more. The Aliens had taken Earth ... but they paid an extremely high price for each cubic foot of Earth that kept mounting drastically every single day as the mysterious infection spread.

~~ The End ~~
Miki Yamuri
Posts: 341
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:06 pm

Re: Invasion of the Penis Snatchers - Complete

Postby TiresiasRex » Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:52 pm

Ah, I see you went with the "abrupt ending" of the original INVASION. I remember Li Jennie telling me why you chose this one over at SK.

And deviant that I am, I would have plotted a more sinister fate for Becky...echoing the conclusion of the 1970s INVASION or even the brilliant and dark SLITHER (2005) with Nathan Fillion.
Posts: 57
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:05 pm

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