Sierra's Struggles - Complete (For Now!)

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Sierra's Struggles - Complete (For Now!)

Postby Sierra » Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:15 pm

Part 1 - The Duel

"You?" Olivia chuckled as she stared down at Sierra. Sierra blushed. She felt very small next to the other girl. Olivia was only five foot seven or so, but next to Sierra, who was only four foot ten (and a half, she would often be sure to add, or she might bump it up to eleven when she was talking to other people, though she knew that even pretending to crack five feet was too far fetched for anyone to believe) she was positively gigantic. More than that, she was the best wizard duelist in the school, and that was why Sierra had begged her to come to her bedroom at the dorm.

"Yes," Sierra insisted, trying not to pout. "I think I..."

"I've heard about you," Olivia sneered. "You can barely hold your wand straight. Why do you think you could ever win a duel?"

"Because you're going to teach me," Sierra said.

"And why do you want to learn so badly?" Olivia asked. Sierra started to answer, but it turned out to be a rhetorical question. Before she realized what was happening, Olivia had lifted her wand and set the point to Sierra's temple, and suddenly Sierra could feel her memories being flipped through. She could see them, too, as Olivia surveyed them, blushing as she re-lived her many accidents at school that had ended with her shrunk, diapered, regressed, or all three, and her quick, humiliating defeat at the hands of Mistress Robin.

"Oh, my," Olivia giggled. "You have quite the Napoleon complex, don't you? Why would you even challenge somebody that big and strong? It's like you wanted her to diaper you and lock you in a crib. Is that what you want now, too? Because you don't have to try to duel me to get that. It sure seems like you need it."

"No!" Sierra blushed, pushing the girl's wand away from her. "I don't want any of that! But it's so embarrassing, by now everybody thinks I belong in diapers! It's not my fault all of that stuff happens to me! So I'm trying to prove that I really am a good wizard and I don't need diapers!"

"That would be quite an accomplishment," Olivia said. "Well, I know you won't stand a chance against me, but I will try to help you. What exactly is the objective?"

"The first wizard to diaper the other wins," Sierra stated. "But they have to actually tape the diaper shut themselves... They can get magical help with everything else, but they need to get close enough to pour in at least one shake of baby powder and seal the tapes by hand. And you actually have to seal them, you can't just zap them into a diaper and then touch the tapes. And they have to be conscious, too, or you could just knock them on the head or something."

"Well, that's easy," Olivia said. "Aren't you already in one?" With a flick of her wand, she had magically pulled Sierra's skirt off, flinging it across the room.

Sierra blushed and tried to cover her crotch, protesting loudly, "I don't wear diapers!" only for Olivia to flick her wand another way, sending a pair of Sierra's hair ribbons around her wrists to pull them up over her head and leave herself exposed. Sierra wasn't in a diaper, but her panties were just barely more mature than that, as they were rather full-cut red panties featuring Elmo.

"I guess not," Olivia laughed. "But it looks like you're preparing for them."

Sierra blushed, trying to pull her hands free of the restraints so she could grab her wand. "It's not my fault!" she protested. "Th-They just fit better than..."

"And they're cute, too, aren't they?" Olivia teased. "Don't forget, I was in your mind, I know. It's okay. It's good for you to get used to seeing him there. Because you know what else he's on?"

Sierra blushed again and said nothing for a minute, until she realized the question wasn't rhetorical this time, and she mumbled, "Pampers..."

"That's right!" Olivia exclaimed. "Nice, big, thick Pampers, which is what you'll be wearing in... Oh, I'd say two minutes. Now, let's see here..." She turned from the still bound Sierra to look at the girl's bed, and the collection of stuffed animals at the foot of it. Sierra had no doubt that the one she picked - her pink stuffed bunny, Miss Hoppikins - was her favorite, the one she'd had for the longest. That was almost definitely something else she'd found in Sierra's mind. Olivia cast a spell Sierra had never heard before, and the bunny began to twitch and move, hovering in the air for a moment before it started to grow. It was still obviously a stuffed animal, yet it almost seemed alive, eyelids appearing to blink over its black plastic eyes, paws clenching and unclenching.

"Do you remember when you were a little girl - or maybe not so little - and you used to pretend to be a babysitter and diaper little Miss Hoppikins here? Well, now she wants her revenge." Once the bunny had stopped growing, not quite as tall as Olivia but still bigger than the petite Sierra, Olivia handed it her wand. "I'm controlling her, but because I'm acting through a medium, I'll be a little slower, and my magic won't be quite as powerful. So maybe you'll have a fighting chance. But I doubt it. Now, to start, I think we should take this elsewhere, so we don't have to worry about messing up your room."

Miss Hoppikins waved Olivia's wand, and a moment later, Sierra found herself in a completely different place. It was a large nursery, one that seemed just slightly oversized, though everything was still just a little too small for her. The ribbons around her wrists had been left behind in her room, and she quickly lowered her arms, reaching into the pocket of her sweater vest to pull out her wand.

Miss Hoppikins's mouth opened, something it had never been able to do before, since it was just a line of thread. "This seems appropriate, don't you think?" asked Olivia's voice. "There's all kinds of fun things you can use here. And, of course, plenty of diapers. Now, let's get this over with, shall we?"

With no more warning than that, the bunny leapt into action, firing a numbing spell straight at Sierra's wand hand. Sierra cursed, raising her wand just in time to mutter a counter-spell, but even while she managed to deflect most of it, she was too slow to completely negate it, enough getting through to make her drop her wand as a cold sensation began to creep along her hand. "That's no fair!" she declared with a pout, bending down to look for her wand, turning her back on her opponent for just a second.

That was a bad move, as she had barely bent over when she felt a smack on her pantied backside, hard and fast enough to send her tumbling to the floor, rolling over onto her back, yet soft enough, because of the material Miss Hoppikins was made of, that it didn't hurt too bad. She gasped anyway, trying not to think about how Olivia had said she was even slower when she was controlling the doll than usual. She tried to sit up, only for a very large stuffed elephant to plant itself on her stomach, knocking the air out of her lungs again.

"The person who gets the first strike is the winner most of the time," Olivia lectured. "And it looks like this time won't be any different. You didn't even make it two minutes... If this was all the fight you had in you, you should have just let me diaper you back in your room."

Sierra wriggled under the elephant, trying to free herself, but the thing was just too big. She turned her head slightly, renewing her efforts as she saw Miss Hoppikins, diaper and powder in hand, hopping towards her from the changing table. She groaned, determined not to lose so quickly, not to her own stuffed animal, and looked around, trying to find her wand. It was there, by her left hand. She wasn't used to using it with that hand, but with her right half useless, what choice did she have? She stretched her arm out, bending as far as she could go, but the wand had bounced just a little too far away, it seemed. She really was trapped!

"I know you love Elmo, sweetie, but don't worry, he's here on your Pampers, too. You just aren't ready for these big girl panties... The Elmo on these would be very sad if you went pee-pee on him, but the ones on your diapies won't mind at all!" Sierra blushed as the bunny held the baby diaper - it was slightly bigger and much thicker than the ones Sierra used on kids when she was babysitting, but other than that, they were clearly the same - up for Sierra to see it before hopping behind the elephant to begin her work.

Sierra strained as she reached out for her wand, her bright green, Converse-clad feet kicking uselessly, trying to find purchase on the floor to push herself, elephant and all, just a bit closer to her wand. She only had a few moments before she felt Miss Hoppikins's big, fuzzy hand push her legs to the floor to hold them immobile... But, as her fingers brushed the polished wood of her wand, she realized that was enough.

She whipped the wand forward with a desperately shouted spell, sending the stuffed elephant flying off of her and into the bunny. As soon as she was free, she scrambled to her feet, surveying the damage. Miss Hoppikins was still trying to push the elephant aside, but it would only take her a second, Sierra was sure. Knowing she had no chance against a foe so quick, Sierra quickly levitated the diaper from where it had fallen and floated it over to the rabbit, quickly taping it magically into place.

"That doesn't count," Olivia reminded her. "You said so yourself!"

"I know," Sierra said, casting another spell to inflate the padding between the bunny's legs, forcing them apart just slightly. She still felt clumsy and awkward, using her off hand, but it would take her a few seconds to use the reversal charm (or just to remember it, honestly), so to buy herself a little more time, she used her magic to fling open the large double windows on the wall of the nursery. A cold wind blew in, bringing with it a line of snow that danced in a circle in front of Miss Hoppikins, twirling up higher and higher until it had formed a snowman.

Sierra wasn't anywhere near as good at using her magic to puppeteer things, but it was simple enough to make her snowman block the bunny's progress for a minute as she fumbled her way through the charm, then switched her wand to her right hand. Already, the snowman was half-melted from Miss Hoppikins's magic, its head threatening to roll off its slumping shoulders. Sierra had a devious thought, and with another spell, she sent the snowman diving straight toward the bunny. The bunny backed away, but the diaper between its legs was enough to keep it from escaping.

The snowman dived right into the front of the diaper, its entire body sliding inside. Sierra shivered sympathetically as she imagined how cold that must feel (or would have if her opponent was a person and not a stuffed animal), watching the diaper begin to sag under the weight of it. Against Miss Hoppikins's body, and with a little more help from Sierra, the snowman was quick to melt, and the resulting liquid was enough to completely soak through the thick diaper. Sierra then refroze it, encasing the bunny's whole crotch in a thick, unyielding diaper of ice.

"That was almost clever," Olivia told her. "Except, how are you going to get the diaper back off to get a new one on?"

Sierra was confused for a moment, until she realized the front of the diaper was frozen solid as well... Including the tapes. They were sealed shut under what looked like nearly an inch of ice. She hadn't even realized how much trouble it would have been to have to remove the old diaper to get a new one on, which would surely take longer than removing panties, or nothing in Miss Hoppikins's case, but now she'd made it that much harder on herself.

Olivia seemed to notice that Sierra had undone her numbing spell, because right then she recast it. Sierra used the shield spell again, trying to knock the spell out of the way, but she realized too late that it hadn't been aimed at her hand this time. She stumbled backward as it hit her crotch instead. She gasped in horror as she felt the same cool sensation from her hand start to spread, followed by a warmth as her bladder began to dribble into her panties. Her eyes went wide and she tried to stop it, but the muscles just didn't seem to work.

"Uh-oh!" Miss Hoppikins chanted. "You're drowning poor Elmo! I knew he wouldn't last long if he was on your undies!"

"Sh-Shut up!" Sierra pouted, but she wasn't able to say anything more as a pacifier flew from one of the nursery shelves straight into her mouth.

"You're very noisy when you cast," Olivia observed. "Do you not know how to use nonverbal spells?"

Sierra glared at the bunny, sure Olivia could see her as she reached up and started to pull the pacifier out. It wouldn't come, and, instead, the action only made the rubber nipple inside her mouth start to grow, and then pulsate as it began to fill her mouth with apple juice. She had no choice but to swallow it, which became an even worse problem as she tried to remove the pacifier again, and it switched to the much grosser tasting prune juice.

"You just don't learn, do you?" Olivia's voice asked. "I wouldn't try it again if I were you... From there, it switches to castor oil. Now, be a good girl, accept you've lost, and let Miss Hoppikins get you into a nice, big diaper of your own. Without your little counter-charm, that numbing spell will last more than long enough for you to have another accident. You might as well be protected. Besides, what can you do about it now?"

If nothing else, the frozen diaper did slow the bunny down quite a bit, long enough that, as the stuffed animal lumbered towards her, Sierra had just enough time to compose herself and show Olivia just what she could do, as she animated a jump rope and sent it coiling through the air, wrapping itself around Olivia's wand and tossing it across the room. She was aiming for the window, but didn't quite make it. Really, she was just happy it had worked at all - she had been working on nonverbal spells, but it was still difficult. She'd found herself mouth the words anyway, which had only sent more of the disgusting prune juice flooding into her mouth, and thus, down her throat.

"Not bad," Olivia said as her avatar lumbered over towards its wand. The jump rope had flown off into another corner of the room after her spell, but she managed to re-animate it, sending it hurtling back towards the bunny, making it wrap itself around the rabbit's ankles, causing it to crash to the floor. Hurriedly, Sierra ran to the changing table and grabbed the supplies, rushing to the rabbit, already trying to figure out the best way to get the frozen diaper off so she could finish her work. It wasn't until she was right at the bunny's feet that she noticed the wand slowly inching its way towards the rabbit's outstretched paw in fits and starts, until finally leaping right in place, just in time for Miss Hoppikins to raise her arm and point it right at Sierra's forehead.

The world seemed to quiver for a moment, and the next thing Sierra knew, she was wearing a soggy Goodnite, rather than her damp panties. She furrowed her brow in confusion, trying to voice it but just churning out more juice instead. Her opponent seemed to know what was bothering her, though, as she felt her memories being sifted through, like they had been before the duel had begun. In fact, she remembered herself standing there, in front of her bed, arms held high by her hair ribbons, as Olivia magicked her skirt away, revealing the Goodnites below.

"Aww, how adorable," Olivia had teased her. "No, of course those aren't diapers! I mean, they certainly aren't big girl panties... They're so big and thick and fluffy and designed to be peed in... But they aren't diapers! No, they're just bedwetter pants! But you weren't getting ready for bed, were you? I mean, I can't imagine you making me come here just to watch you get into bed, and even for a big baby like you, it's awfully early. So, if you wear them during the day, does that mean you have accidents then, too?"

"No!" Sierra had shaken her head. "Th-They aren't mine! I don't know where they came from!"

"Really?" Olivia had smirked. One more flick of her wand, and the top drawer of Sierra's dresser popped open, revealing row after row of folded Goodnites next to her socks, not a single pair of regular underwear, Sesame Street adorned or not, in sight.

"No, but... But they're not mine!" Sierra repeated.

"You don't know where they came from?" Olivia stopped her from having to say the whole thing again. "Well, let me help you."

Sierra was feeling dizzy now, as she experienced a memory of herself experiencing a memory. It was all starting to get a bit fuzzy, and it was so hard to remember what was real, and what wasn't. She was in a store now, still dressed in her school uniform, staring at a row of diapers, training pants, and bedwetter pants. Even through the haze of memory, Sierra could feel her cheeks turning red as she grabbed a package of the latter and hurried out of the aisle, only to realize that the store was packed with people milling around, pushing past her, bumping into what seemed like an absolutely gigantic package of Goodnites.

She was sure they were all looking at her. She tried to tell herself that they couldn't know these were for her, that they were bound to think they were for a little sister, or a babysitting charge or something. She couldn't help thinking about the size indicator on the front, though, the one that had all but screamed out that she was the perfect size for them herself. She looked down at them to find that spot, to try to cover it with her hand, only to see something far worse on the package. She hadn't noticed it before - surely it hadn't been like that on the shelf! - but now the girl on the package, the one lying in bed, smiling, happy to have her sheets nice and protected from accidents with her Goodnites, was her.

"Hey there, cutie," came a voice that was familiar somehow, yet she couldn't place it. She looked up to see a girl, right about her age, and not quite tall, but still taller than she was by about eight inches. "Do you need help changing?"

"N-No!" Sierra protested, shaking her head quickly. "I don't wear these! They're for my baby sister!"

"Really?" the girl asked. "You sure look a lot like the girl in the commercials. She was cute, too. Have you seen them? She talks about how great they are, and how they hold all her little nighttime accidents, and her daytime ones, too!"

Sierra blushed, her head feeling even heavier as more memories flooded into it. She did recall being in a TV studio, all dressed up in pajamas, ones that looked just like the ones on the package, and a Goodnite, talking on and on about how great they were. There was one shot that took forever, of her lying in bed, and they wouldn't let her move, so she just had to stay there, pretending to be asleep, trying so hard not to squirm, because she knew if she did they'd have to start all over again. But it was so hard, because she had to pee so bad, and eventually she just couldn't take it anymore and wet herself, right there on camera.

The memory felt so fresh, so real, that she almost didn't realize that she was wetting herself again, there in the store. Her cheeks flushed bright red, and she hugged the Goodnites package to her in humiliation even as she declared, "That was just acting! I don't need these!"

"Is that so?" the girl sniffed. "Because it doesn't smell that way. I think you had an accident!"

"No!" Sierra whimpered, feeling the warm, wet padding between her legs. "No, it isn't real! I don't need Goodnites!"

"No, you don't," the girl agreed. "They aren't anywhere near thick enough for you. It's a good thing you've got Pampers, then, isn't it?"

Sierra gasped as the package in her arms changed, switching to diapers before her very eyes, though she remained the model on the front. The padding between her legs changed, too, growing much thicker and bigger, nearly poking out from beneath her uniform's skirt as she stood there, stunned. Even her memories of the commercial changed, jumbling up and reforming with her in a nursery of some kind, lying in a crib instead of a bed. But it wasn't real, she knew it wasn't real! She closed her eyes, trying to get back to what was real, trying to figure out what that even was anymore.

When she opened her eyes, she was back in her nursery. She blinked, confused, as she stared up at a giant pink bunny, squirming slightly, just enough to realize she was sitting in a giant high chair. "Hey, there, sweetie," the bunny said, in the same voice as the girl from her dream. "You dozed off there!"

"I... I..." Sierra stammered, still feeling very confused, even as she stared up at her nanny.

"Did you have an accident?" Miss Hoppikins asked, reaching under the tray and poking at Sierra's diaper. "Oh, my, you're soaked! Well, I'll go ahead and get a fresh diaper ready for you!"

"Okay," Sierra nodded dreamily, staring down at the large bowl of oatmeal on her tray. Something was missing, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it... Though, finger... hand... It was something she could hold. She knew that much. "Hey, where's...?" she started to ask.

"It's right there, silly!" the bunny told her, pointing at the large plastic spoon sitting by her bowl. "You can just use your hands, though! You're already a mess, aren't you?"

Sierra stared down at the bowl and the spoon, then back up at Miss Hoppikins. It seemed perfectly natural that a giant stuffed rabbit would be her nanny, and yet, there was still something odd there. Why was she moving so slowly? Sierra squirmed in her high chair, her wet diaper crinkling loudly beneath her as she looked closer at the departing bunny. Was she wearing a diaper, too? Was it covered in ice? What was going on?

She shook her head, looking back at her food. Miss Hoppikins was right, she saw, as she noticed her bib. There was already quite a bit of oatmeal splattered across it, so why bother with a spoon at this point? She reached into the bowl of warm, gray mush and grabbed a handful, stuffing it into her mouth. It didn't exactly taste good, especially the chunks of diced prune that were sprinkled throughout, but she knew she was supposed to eat it, and she wanted to be a good girl, so she kept going, scooping another handful into her mouth, other than the bits that smooshed against her lips and fell to her bib.

Miss Hoppikins turned to look at her and smiled, as much as a stuffed animal could. "There you go, sweetie. Eat up."

Sierra nodded and started to dip her hand into the oatmeal again, but something was bothering her. There was something missing. She needed something, she was sure of it, but what? Her eyes returned to the spoon, and, curious, she reached over and picked it up. She dropped it almost instantly, as the contact sent a shock through it, like static electricity, but more powerful. Curious, she poked at it again, then picked it back up. This was no ordinary spoon... The longer she kept it clasped in her messy fist, the more she was sure of that. It was her wand, transfigured into a baby spoon.

As soon as she realized that, everything fell back into place, her false memories melting away, and she remembered what was going on. Desperately, she tried to remove the high chair's tray, but it was locked tight in place, keeping her trapped there. She waved the spoon like she would her wand, but it did nothing. Still, she was sure that's what it was. She didn't want Olivia to notice she'd figured it out, so she didn't say anything, but desperately, she was trying to find a way to change it back. Finally, when no amount of flicking, swishing, or waving did anything, she thought there must be a more complicated spell than that on it. She looked to the bowl of oatmeal, her stomach churning.

The numbing spell was still working on her. As she'd been wiggling in her seat trying to get away, she had realized her diaper was still growing wetter as her bladder continued to release itself into it, not responding to any of her attempts to stop it. She had a feeling the numbness extended further back as well, and that the prune juice she had been forced to drink and the oatmeal would be enough to prove that suspicion. But she had a feeling that Olivia wouldn't have gone to the trouble of transfiguring her spoon, rather than just taking it away entirely, if she hadn't left Sierra a way to change it back, and this seemed like the only option.

She began to eat again, this time using her spoon, shoveling oatmeal into her mouth as fast as she could swallow it. Considering she'd just eaten supper not that long ago, she was already stuffed, and now she was feeling even more full, to the point where her tummy began rumbling ominously, followed by a few embarrassing farts. She squirmed in her seat, wrinkling her nose at the sudden, extra squishy feeling on her backside, realizing only after a few more moments that she was, in fact, messing her diaper. She squeaked and tried to press her bottom into the sodden, and now soiled, padding of her diaper, but she could feel the mush forcing its way out anyway, slowly creeping its way out into her diaper, coming out faster the more she ate. She tried to wriggle her way away from the creeping ooze, but managing to lift her bottom off the hard, wooden seat of the high chair resulted in a loud blart and a seeming avalanche of poo into her diaper.

"Uh-oh," the bunny laughed from across the room. "I guess I'd better get some extra baby wipes!"

Sierra turned bright red, knowing now that Olivia was aware she was pooping her diaper. Her suspicion that the spoon was her wand was only growing more powerful, however, as it felt more and more familiar with every bite. Miss Hoppikins had reached her destination now, and was turning to make her way back to Sierra. Sierra knew the bunny was going to pick her up, take her to the changing table, and get her into a clean diaper, thus winning the duel, so she had to hurry if she wanted any shot at defending herself, but she wasn't even quite halfway done with the monstrous bowl.

Desperately, she redoubled her efforts, trying to ignore her own body's noisy attempts to test her diaper's capacity while she worked to refill her tummy, giving it even more ammunition. "Someone's a hungry baby!" Miss Hoppikins observed, giggling as she watched Sierra go. "Don't worry, it will still be there once you're dry and clean!"

But Sierra didn't stop. She drove herself harder, finishing up what seemed to be the last of it, only to see that her spoon still didn't change. She started scraping the sides of the bowl, assuming the spell required her to really clean her bowl. It was then that her opponent realized what she was doing, and hurried her waddling pace. Sierra dropped her spoon and picked up the bowl, licking it. Her heart was thumping loudly, and she could see Miss Hoppikins looming larger as she got closer and closer.

Finally, as she set the bowl down, she saw that she was right after all. There, on her tray, in the place of the baby spoon, was her wand. She picked it up just as Miss Hoppikins started to reach for her own, letting loose with a transfiguration spell of her own, one inspired by Olivia's little trick. To Miss Hoppikins, and Olivia's, surprise, the wand the bunny was holding changed into a rattle in the middle of casting a spell. The bunny froze just long enough for Sierra to get off another spell, this time summoning a huge playpen around the bunny, trapping her just like the high chair had trapped her.

Now that she had her wand back, she could fix that, and it was just a quick swish later that she had the tray off. She hopped down, grimacing at the huge load in her diaper as she watched Miss Hoppikins shaking her rattle futilely in her playpen, surrounded by the diapering supplies she had been about to use on Sierra. Sierra knew the transformation spell wouldn't last forever, so she animated a ring stacking game, sending its biggest members flying into the playpen to slip onto Miss Hoppikins's arms and legs. She called her jump rope back, looping it through the leg rings and lifting the rabbit's hind quarters, making the big toy fall onto its back, legs in the air.

She magically cut her way into the playpen with her wand, hopping inside and walking up to the prone bunny. Just as Olivia had said, she had play diapered Miss Hoppikins a few times when she was a kid, just playing house as a lonely only child, but it still felt strange to be doing it again now. That didn't mean she wasn't happy to have won after all, though. She conjured up a heating spell to thaw out the diaper, being careful not to get it too close and scorch Miss Hoppikins's fur in the process, then reached over and undid the tapes, pulling the diaper off the bunny.

"I admit, I underestimated you," Olivia told her. "You lasted much longer than I expected."

"And I beat you," Sierra stuck out her tongue, right before she felt a cloth hand close around her wrist. She turned in surprise to see a rag doll standing behind her, grabbing her, and as she did another one took her other wrist, snatching away her wand in the process.

"You did too much at once," Olivia lectured. "It takes a lot of practice to maintain that many spells at once, and obviously you don't have it." Sierra saw then that Olivia's wand had changed back, and the ring she was holding the bunny's arm with was far enough down to allow the rabbit to wave the wand, just enough apparently. The dolls held Sierra in place as Miss Hoppikins undid the rest of her magic, getting to her feet and plucking Sierra from the dolls. The jump rope floated behind, and Sierra almost thought it was there to help, until Miss Hoppikins set her down, poopy diaper and all, on a pink, wooden rocking horse. Then the jump rope swooped down, wrapping itself around Sierra's ankles, tying her in place.

"I win," Olivia declared. "Of course, changing you would mean officially winning, and thus ending the duel, so I think you can just stay there for a little while and ride your horsie. Miss Hoppikins will send me your wand here so you don't get into any more trouble. If you're good, she'll change you and let you come home once you're done. If not, I think you can spend the night in the crib there, and she'll change you in the morning. Either way, I'll have you back at school in time for your first class. And since we didn't discuss what the prize was, I believe you'll be attending that class, and all your classes tomorrow, in diapers. Don't look so sad. I'm sure everyone's used to seeing you in them by now anyway."

The rag dolls handed Miss Hoppikins Sierra's wand, and the bunny drew a circle in the air with Olivia's wand, making what looked like a tear in the world. Through it, Sierra could see her room, and Olivia on the other side, watching in amusement as Miss Hoppikins handed her the wand. "All in all, not bad," she told Sierra. "With a few more practice rounds, you might even have a chance against me. But for now, have fun with the horsie!" Olivia waved Sierra's wand and the horse began to rock, squishing the contents of her messy diaper against her bottom quite thoroughly as the tear healed itself and she was left alone with her bunny.

Almost, Sierra thought, squirming uncomfortably on the rocking horse. Next time, whoever her opponent was, she was definitely going to win! Next time...
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:21 am

Re: Sierra's Struggles - Complete (For Now!)

Postby Sierra » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:38 pm

Part 2 - Sierra vs. Anna

This part was co-written by Paradox Unintentional.

"You?" Sierra couldn't quite help but scoff as she looked at the girl. Part of her was a little insulted... This kid, Anna, was maybe 13, if that! She almost felt bad at even the thought of getting into a wizard duel with her. On the other hand, of course, her first duel had gone quite badly, and that had been with somebody older than this girl. If Sierra wasn't ready for Olivia... Well, maybe this was a way to change that.

Then again, if she lost, it would be even more humiliating. Things were already bad enough - Olivia had decided that the loss itself wasn't bad enough, and continued to torment her, including enchanting Miss Hoppikins to grow back to her larger size every night and put Sierra to bed quite early, complete with a big, thick diaper under her pajamas. Getting beaten by some kid was only going to make her look even more pathetic.

Which, she supposed, was why she wasn't about to let herself lose this time. She looked down at Anna, her confidence being boosted a bit by the fact that, for once, she could actually do that - usually she was the one who had to look up at everyone else. "Well, if you're sure you want this," she shrugged. "I just want you to know, though, I'm not going to take it easy on you, pipsqueak. Do you really think you're ready for a wizard duel?"


'Pipsqueak? Who is she calling pipsqueak?' Anna felt a small from form on her face as she glared up at the older girl. 'She's not that much bigger than me. Maybe if I wore heels... no, focus. You planned this, focus.' It had all seemed so simple in her head. She had heard about this girl, rumors made it sound like she practicality begged to be diapered. All Anna had to do was make it happen. Sure it wouldn't score her a lot of points with her brother, but it was at least a start. Of course losing would be extra humiliating if it happened, but she quickly pushed any thoughts of that possibility out of her head.

"Oh course I'm ready," she stated trying to put on a confident air. "Let's just get this started." Anna turned on her heel and started the short walk to the unused classroom she had gotten her brother to prep for her. She probably could have thrown together the over-sized nursery herself, but it would have taken her longer and probably left her tired. "Unless the baby is scared," she threw over her should just for good measure.


Sierra scoffed slightly, noticing Anna trying just a little too hard to seem sure of herself. Maybe this would be even easier than she thought - perhaps it would barely even be worth the trouble. But now, obviously, she was committed to it, and backing out would just make her look like a coward. As if reading her mind, Anna took that moment to call her a baby. Sierra knew it was silly to fall prey to that bait, since she'd called Anna 'pipsqueak' mostly to get her riled up, but hearing that from a girl that size and age still rubbed her the wrong way.

"Well, you're the baby," she shot back, knowing it sounded a little stupid, but briefly too flustered to come up with anything better. She really needed to work on this, she thought with a frown. "So you're the one who should be... scared..." She paused as she walked into the room Anna had led her into, suddenly finding herself in a giant nursery. She only had to look out the door at the hall on the other side to see that it truly was the room's furnishings that were so large, and not that she and her opponent had shrunk.

It brought back faint memories of her first duel, which she quickly pushed away, reminding herself this was going to go differently. Worried that Anna had noticed the pause, she tried to create an overly cocky attitude herself as she declared, "All right, let's do this," waving her wand and causing the classroom's door to slam shut, sealing them inside. "Nobody is getting out until one of us - you, in this case - is in a diaper."


Anna took a dozen steps into the room then turned sharply on her heel. With a large exaggerated motion she removed her cloak and tossed it aside. She hoped the extra flourish masked her actual intention, checking to make sure the extra wand she 'borrowed' from one of her roommates was still hidden at the back of her waist. She could only hope the the small length of wood went unnoticed until she needed it. As the door shut she slipped a hand into each of her skirt pockets, the right hand pulling out her actual wand while the left checked on the small collection of paper clips she kept for easy transfiguring. Sure conjuring was more convenient, but it wasn't exactly her forte.

The young witch gave her opponent a small smirk upon hearing her attempt at bravado. "I wouldn't have it any other way. May the best, and most mature, witch win." Deciding not to stand on ceremony, and mostly being an impulsive sneak, the small girl sprang into action. Her voice filled the room as she fired off a pair clothes lengthening spells to start with, both intended to rapidly alter their targets. She aimed the first one towards the taller girls torso, the second at her upper legs, hoping at least one would hit.


Sierra was taken by surprise by Anna's sudden start, too startled to block them or get out of the way. She cursed herself for her carelessness, praying she hadn't just done something to lose herself the match already. The only thing that would be worse than losing to this kid would be to lose in the first five seconds without even defending herself. Desperately, she spouted off the first spell that came to mind, the Aguamenti charm, sending a stream of water spraying from her wand, hopefully enough to distract Anna for a moment.

That would have worked better, of course, had her sleeves, and in fact her whole shirt, hadn't grown much bigger, practically drowning her now, and falling over the tip of her wand. She hadn't realized that until she lifted her wand at the last moment to aim the spell, not giving herself time to stop it, so she wound up soaking her own shirt instead. This duel was not getting off to a good start, and she was starting to worry she wasn't going to be able to recover.

Cursing to herself, she quickly pushed her sleeve down and aimed another frantic spell at the mobile hanging over the nursery's giant crib, animating the stuffed birds and causing them to work together to detach the whole contraption from the hook in the ceiling and start to attack Anna, keeping them attached so they could hopefully tangle the girl up and make her waste time freeing herself.

Unfortunately, it turned out Sierra was even more tangled up herself than she'd realized, as she tried to duck away, to keep Anna from hitting her with a lucky shot as she dealt with the living mobile. It wasn't only her shirt that had grown, as it turned out, and she tripped over her own skirt and falling into a mass of her own clothes. She felt like a little kid, trying on her mother's clothes. It was a very good opening move, she had to admit, one that made things much more difficult for her, and what was worse, she wasn't sure off the top of her head how to reverse it.

Which meant that, if she was going to have any hope of having any degree of agility here, she would have to lose her overly-long clothes. She was especially reluctant to shed the skirt and reveal her cutesy day of the week panties, featuring a frog and the word Sunday emblazoned across the front. She could say with all honesty that Olivia had taken any of her more mature looking panties - humiliatingly transfiguring them into diapers right in front of Sierra, in the drawer that Miss Hoppikins got her nighttime wardrobe out of every night - but the fact was that Sierra had already had these more childish ones with no enchantment needed on her tormentor's part. She wasn't about to lose, however, so she pushed the skirt off her hips and wriggled out of it, scrambling away, hoping Anna would be distracted long enough to give her a chance to shed the shirt as well to keep the sleeves from flopping annoyingly over her wand. It was long enough to keep her from flashing her panties after all, it turned out, but she knew she still needed to ditch it, or it would make things more difficult than it was worth.


Anna gave a laugh as she saw Sierra fumbling with her overly large clothes. "This is why little baby's shouldn't play dress in big girls clothes. You nev-" Her taunting was suddenly interrupted when the animated birds began attacking her. She gave a loud shout of surprise at finding herself suddenly surrounded by a flurry of fake feathers and string. She felt her arms being bound against her torso as she quickly began trying to blast the stuffed birds out of the air. She managed to hit the first half before she found her wand arm completely useless. She quickly reached her off hand down to grab her wand and keep firing as she felt her legs being drawn together. Unfortunately just as she switched hands and shot down another bird she felt that hand also begin entangled.

See her opponent was taking good advantage of the distraction she had devised the younger girl quickly fired off a spell in her direction. Hoping to capitalize on her previous spell she aimed at the over large shirt, a spell she had been practicing for weeks that would cause the bottom hem of the garment to fly up over its wearer's head and then seal itself. If used effectively it would usually trap someone upper body in what was effectively a loose cloth sack, however Anna didn't have the luxury of watching to see if it worked at the moment.

She barely managed to shout out a quick Diffindo charm to free her right arm below the elbow before her left became completely useless. Another quick hand change had her awkwardly trying to take out the last two birds while her arm was bound to her side from the elbow up, her legs rapidly becoming harder to balance on as the string continued to get wrapped around them.


Sierra cursed under her breath as she heard another spell being hurled her way, barely giving her time to unbutton the top two buttons of her shirt, a task made all the harder by her panic, and the shirt sleeves still flopping about annoyingly. She shot off a spell of her own, thinking that the birds had tangled Anna up sufficiently, and setting them to moving her instead, lifting her off the floor and taking her towards the changing table. It was clear she needed to finish this quickly, because Anna was more skilled and cunning than she's expected, certainly more than she herself had been at that age.

She did manage to get the birds to start lifting, but whether her directions went through to them or not she wasn't sure, because her arm was suddenly wrenched upwards as her shirt began to move again, shooting upward. She really wished she'd gotten the damn thing off now as she tried pushing it down, but it was determined, and in a moment, it shoved the wand out of her hand and into itself as the back side joined with the front and enveloped her.

Frantically, she reached down and fumbled for a moment to grab her wand again, trying to cast a spell to slice through the fabric currently wrapped around her, but inside of it her arm didn't have the room to make the appropriate gesture, fizzling the spell out uselessly. For a brief moment, she considered trying to set the thing on fire, but obviously that was a terrible idea, seeing as she was inside it. Anything with too complicated a wand motion was going to be all but impossible, and it was too dark to start hacking indiscriminately, seeing as she had another arm in there to worry about.

She struggled, feeling frustrated tears welling up in her eyes. It wasn't fair! What was she supposed to do?! Of course, that was the whole point, she knew, but that didn't meant she couldn't whine about it to herself as she did her very best to stop panicking long enough to find a plan. Maybe if she used a Lumos spell, she could see enough to find a safe place to use a less powerful cutting spell that didn't require as much movement to cast.

It was likely only a few seconds, but it was still a bit embarrassing how long it took her to realize how simple the solution was. She wasn't the biggest fan of Magical History, but she'd sat through it enough that she'd heard plenty of stories of witches and wizards who were supposed to be burned at the stake, only to use a Flame-Freezing Charm to make the fire harmless to them. All she had to do was cast that, then use a fire spell, just as she had planned...

Except, of course, that she had just soaked part of her shirt a few moments ago trying to use a water spell on Anna. It was easy enough to use a Hot-Air Charm to dry them off, but it took an extra few seconds, during which she had no idea what Anna was doing, and she was just standing there, bottom half exposed and vulnerable. By instinct, she nearly tried to throw a few Jelly-Leg Jinxes around randomly, just to try to keep the other girl away, before she realized, again, that her wand was stuck in there with her, and Anna was outside. She couldn't even try to run off, further away from Anna, because she knew she'd probably just run into some giant baby furniture or something. She could only wait nervously as the Hot-Air Charm finished its work and she used Incendio, unable to keep herself from giggling at the tickling sensation the Flame-Freezing Charm caused the fire to feel like, even though she was quite desperate to figure out where Anna was, and what she was doing, and hope that she had been kept busy by the mobile long enough to allow her to escape before Anna could do any more harm.




Anna just barely heard the faint sound of the other girls cursing when the strings finished bringing her legs together into one useless limb. She gave a loud shriek as she lost her balance and began moving face first towards the floor. Her fall was thankfully stopped, however she had only a second to be before she realized why she hadn't hit the floor. Once the fact she was now being supported by the strings binding her sank in she gave a quick glance in the direction she was heading in order to figure out her destination, her eyes widening when she spotted the changing table.

'Not good,not good.' She tried to get a shot at the birds but she swiftly figured out that she would be unable to aim behind her in her current pradicament. Instead she began spraying her upper body in weak severing charms, gaining more range of movement with each one she broke. With sudden jerk she suddenly found herself supported by only a single bird. She began trying to use her weight to swing around for a shot at the last bird when she felt her should hit the table. Deciding it was her best bet at the moment she rolled along it, and once properly turned over she was able to sever the last string connecting the animated plushy directly to the now ruined mobile.

Spotting a hair brush near by, one she couldn't help but notice was half again as large as any she had ever seen, she quickly enchanted it to chase the two birds away like a beater to a pair of bludgers. Now noticing her opponent was getting free from her last spell Anna set to work on the last of the strings around her torso. Having full range of motion for her arms again she gave the situation a quick once over. 'Okay, legs still bound, sitting on changing table, opponent will be free in just a moment and unimpeded. Priority, legs or opponents? The blonde might actually think of something if I give her the chance, this has already been harder than it was supposed to be. However she would actually have to untie my legs to win, so it can wait till I at least distract her. Best bet is to go for her spell casting, and get her more flustered if I can.'

Deciding on her best course of action she began chanting at the top of her voice. "I see London, I see France." Quickly drawing a paperclip from her pocket she put her rant on hold to transfigure it into a bar of soap. Hoping to catch her opponent by surprise she used the only spell she could pull of with any reliability silently, 'thank you big bro,' banishing it towards her opponents face just as it came into view. "I see a potty-mouth's underpants." Not even bothering to see if the bar hit it's target or not she began looking for a safe direction she could propel herself in to put some room between herself and the table she was perched on. So enraptured by the situation was she that she didn't even notice the few places she had missed string and cut cloth on herself, leaving a few small tears through which one could see hints of her white vest trimmed in Slytherin green. Luckily her knee length skirt was still entirely intact, hiding the other half of the matching set.


It was quite a relief to begin to see the room outside again as the fire burned through her cloth prison. She'd been starting to feel a little claustrophobic in there, not to mention the worry over having no idea what her opponent was up to. She was quite pleased to see that the mobile had done its job and the girl really was on the changing table, still a bit trussed up and waiting for her nice, fluffy diaper.

She blushed at Anna's childish chant, determined not to let it bother her, especially as she heard her cast another spell, whipping out one of her own to enchant one of the straps on the changing table to reach out and grab Anna's wand hand, hopefully knocking the wand away from the girl, but at least wrapping itself around her wrist and trying to pull her onto her back, keeping her stuck on the table for a little longer while Sierra got to her.

She was trying to cast a similar spell on one of the table's other straps when she lifted her wand and felt it knocked out of her hand by something zooming through the air towards her. Her spell went awry, harmless hitting the opposite wall, as a bar of soap lodged itself in her mouth, silencing her, leaving her both wandless and voiceless, and thus just about as helpless as she'd been when she was stuck in her shirt. She reached up and tried to pull the thing out, but it seemed to maintain a certain level of animation, wiggling its way out of her fingers, quite slippery to her touch, to return firmly to her mouth. She tried again with the same results, gagging as she felt suds building up in her mouth and she realized the action of trying to take it out and it returning meant she was effectively giving herself a mouth soaping, the bubbly water dribbling out between the corners of her mouth as she fought with the intruder.

As disturbing as that was, and as much as she wanted to get the thing out, she knew she needed to grab her wand again or she'd be in even bigger trouble, so she left the soap to its own devices for a moment as she reached down and picked it up, only to remember that she was all out of pockets, seeing as she was now nearly naked. Hoping the strings and straps she had animated would keep Anna busy for a minute, she stayed kneeling down beside her wand, concentrating on using both hands to grab the soap and pull it out. It wriggled violently in her hands, but finally, she did manage to pop it out.

From there, though, she wasn't quite sure what to do with it. It was still quite a struggle to keep ahold of it, even more now that it was covered in her saliva. She wanted to bash it against the floor, but that was only going to make things worse if she didn't break it enough to kill the spell. She needed to get rid of it some other way, but she couldn't use her wand, because doing that would mean letting go with one hand, and inevitably that would land the soap straight back between her teeth. She really wished she'd just tucked the wand into the waistband of her panties now, but it was too late.

Luckily, there was a toy box not too far away. Staying crouched down a little, she pushed her wand in that direction with her foot, then scurried over to it, awkwardly opening the lid with her elbow just enough to slide her arms inside. She threw the soap away from her as hard as she could, then, quickly as she could manage, she pulled her arms out of the box. It slammed shut, and a split second later she heard a smaller bang as the soap hit the inside of the lid, and, fortunately for her, wasn't strong enough to move it.

That almost felt like a victory in and of itself, but she knew she couldn't celebrate it just yet. She turned quickly, looking for her wand, hoping that Anna hadn't gotten free or managed to do anything to it while she'd been preoccupied...


Anna had just decided her safest landing spot would be the corner full of stuffed toys when she felt her right hand being yanked downward and her wand tumble from her hand. She let loose a few words that would definitely not be included when she told this story to her brother later when she realized it was now under the table. There was a brief moment where she did panic, a moment she was not vary proud of. Then she remembered that this was a possibility she had specifically prepared for. It took a little wiggling to reach the wand she had tucked into the her back waistband while an animated strap attempted to put her flat on her back.

She had just managed to get the wand out when she felt the strap that had worked it's way around her waist as well as her wrist and begin to reel her in. She tried to just counter the spell, but that didn't seemed to be happening while she was casting left handed with a wand that wasn't her. Instead she quickly put an immobilize spell on the head of the strap, figuring that would at least give her time. A quick glance around the room confirmed her opponent was trying to get rid of the soap, and her hair brush and taken to keeping the stuffed birds from earlier in the corner. Anna almost smiled when she saw the toys get swatted every time they tried to escape, however when she then looked over and saw the larger girl's pantie clad bottom she got an idea.

It took her only a moment to make a quick change of the hairbrushes targets, having it now intent on keeping the blonde's rear cheeks in the corner. With a quick flick she also sent her cloak from where it sat on the ground to try and wrap around the birds, not having the time at the moment to blast them properly. For good measure she snapped a spell off and her opponents shoes, figuring that is she couldn't get quality right now she would setting for quantity. It was usually useful spell for having ones shoes walk themselves to where they belonged however it's key feature was it didn't take much to cast. She did fire off one more tuant to try and keep her confident air up, but her voice sounded weak even to her own ears. "I think baby needs a time out."

Once she believed her opponent would be properly distracted by shoes that thought they belonged standing in the corner, and a large hair brush that would agree Anna turned her attention back to her own predicament. Deciding to ignore the straps magic for the moment, although she could see the impediment jinx she had used would not hold it forever. She tried to give the strap a quick cut however it became obvious it was able to take far more punishment than the strings from the mobile. Anna felt sweat beading on her forehead as she began rapidly firing severing charms at the same spot in hopes of sawing her way through. It seemed to be working, but between the rapid use of the spell, the several enchantments she was using, and trying to force her magic through an uncooperative wand she was beginning to tire out. It was clear she would have to get herself free, search under the table for her wand, and then finish her opponent off quickly. She felt a small shudder run up her spine as the or else made it's known in her head.


Sierra snatched up her wand and turned, feeling confident for just a moment. If the animated strap had done its job right, then she could just go get Anna's wand, and the match was practically won. Maybe she'd even take a cue from Olivia and transfigure the wand into something babyish - a rattle, perhaps - just to add insult to injury. She barely had time to see that Anna was, indeed, fighting with the strap before she realized the girl still had her wand anyway, right as her shoes seemed to take on a mind of their own, spinning her around and starting to march her toward the corner.

"I'll make sure you get one once you're diapered up," Sierra shot back, even as she attempted to stop her own trip to just such a fate. It was pointless to try to take her shoes off while she was moving, so, despite not wanting to play along with Anna's plan, she hurried them along, jogging into the corner so her feet would stand still as she bent down to untie them so she could kick them off.

Unfortunately, the hairbrush arrived just as she did that, swooping down from the air to deliver a powerful first strike, nearly knocking Sierra down. From there, it began spanking softer, but more quickly, darting between her cheeks and her upper thighs, defying her desperate attempts to zap it out of the sky, made all the harder by her shoes wrenching her back toward the corner whenever she turned them just the slightest bit out of place. Her little threat sounded much more empty now, and this was clearly going to take her a little time to get out of, so she needed to ensure that Anna stayed distracted longer.

It was so frustrating, having her opponent there, on the changing table, in the perfect position for Sierra to win the game, and be entirely incapable of carrying through with it. At the very least, she had to put some baby powder on the girl and tape the diaper up. Still, even if she was stuck in the corner, she could start getting Anna ready... "Maybe we'd better get the baby into a fresh diaper before her time out," she called, bringing the other side of the changing table's strap to life, using this one to start undressing the girl, ideally ridding her of her skirt and underwear before joining with its other half and fastening her to the table. She managed to animate a bottle of baby powder as well, sending it floating above Anna's head to poof its dust in her face, and make it all the harder for her to see and concentrate at the tasks at hand.

"Now leave me alone," she muttered under her breath to the brush, squirming as she looked behind herself, seeing just how red her bottom looked under her panties already. She shot a few hexes at the brush, but it moved too quickly for her to hit in the position she was in. She needed to get the shoes off first. Bending over only seemed to encourage the brush to spank harder, something she confirmed by setting it off again with a loud yelp, so she tried lifting her foot instead, which was rather difficult with the shoe doing its best to yank her leg back downward.

It was just as she was in the midst of that that the brush struck again, and while one shoe was firmly planted on the floor, the rest of her was nowhere near as stable, and she lost her balance, falling right onto her backside, happening to catch the brush beneath herself by some stroke of luck. Landing on the hard wooden thing had been less than pleasant, and feeling it violently struggling beneath her to get free wasn't fun, either, but at least it wasn't able to spank her, and it was much easier to untie her shoes and slip her feet out while sitting down.

From there, however, she was a bit stuck. She couldn't just stand, or the brush would be at her again. She couldn't just sit there, either, because she was still facing the wall, and had no idea what Anna was doing. Even trying to turn would be a problem, because the brush might manage to get its way free if she moved. She had to get it away... Bracing herself, she leapt away from the thing, launching a shield spell as soon as her feet hit the floor again, creating a near impenetrable bubble of light around herself. It only took a moment before she felt the brush slam against her red backside again, and she realized she hadn't been fast enough, and had sealed the brush into the shield with her. She tried firing off a jinx at it, but it was too fast, and the spell ricocheted off the shield and nearly bounced right back into her.

There was one other thing that might help... She really didn't want to do it, but she wasn't about to win the duel sitting in the corner, so with a lush, she used a transfiguration spell on her own underwear. Olivia was quite good at the spell, taking Sierra's sexy, grown-up underwear and making them into flawless, if somewhat bigger, versions of baby diapers. Sierra, on the other hand, didn't have as much practice. The diaper that bloomed around her waist maintained the look of her panties, almost making them look like Pull-Ups, except much, much thicker. She had wanted the thickness to protect her bottom from the brush's spanking, but she had clearly gone overboard as the expansion forced her thighs well apart, nearly making her fall on her bottom yet again.

With the overly thick diaper, though the hits still stung a bit, but weren't nearly as painful. She hated that she'd put herself in a diaper, but that didn't effect the fight that much, and the protection was worth it, for the moment. The spanking was still going on, however, and showed little sign of stopping anytime soon, so she began to shrink the shield, bringing it in closer and closer to her own body... It was difficult for her to create it so close to herself initially, but with a little time to fine-tune it, and the diaper keeping her spanking from being as much of a distraction, she managed to collapse it down to almost her own size, leaving the brush little room to run. A few missed grabs later and she had it squirming in her grasp. Desperate not to make the same mistake that had lost her the duel last time, she dropped the shield to give her one less spell to worry about maintaining before hitting the brush with a spell point blank to de-animate it.

She wanted very much to change her underwear back before returning to the main duel, but first, of course, she needed to know what was going on to make sure she wasn't about to get attacked from behind, so she turned, panting a bit from her latest exertion, to see what Anna was doing.


Anna had half the strap severed when she felt the second strap start it's work. She gave a quick flick of her wand to sever the remaining strings around her legs so as to give her more room to maneuver. Unfortunately the also caught a large amount of her skirt in the process, making it even easier for the strap to go to work revealing the green snack on the front of her panties. Seeing the remains of her skirt being casually tossed aside she did her best to grab the tattered cloth. Deciding her best bet at this point was going to be a cheap trick she set to work carefully. First she animated a large stuffed snake, sending it hide above the changing table. Unfortunately the baby powder chose that moment to set to work.

Coughing and sputtering the young girl could not tell if she had succeeded in placing the snake above her where it could attack on her command. Eyes unfocused she began working off mostly feel. She transfigured a quick replica wand, tossing it to the ground nearby. The strap had begun tugging at her underwear when she used the remains of her skirt to hide her left hand and wand. As cool air met her privates her impediment jinx on the first strap ended and she was pulled flat on her back. The second strap was now helping the first restrain her, however their wasn't mush she could do about that. Her plan was simple, hide the fact that she still had a wand, then when the older girl approached to point blank range she would hit the girl with a silencing jinx and set the large stuffed snake loose on her. Assuming the snake was where it was supposed to be, and the blonde didn't notice she was still armed. 'Okay, not my best plan, but desperate times and all that.'


Sierra could not have been happier at what she saw as she looked over at the changing table. While she'd been caught up in her own struggle, she had worried that Anna had somehow managed to free herself, but it turned out that Sierra's first instincts had been correct, and the kid just wasn't experienced enough yet for this kind of thing. Still, it hadn't been as much a waste of time as she had thought it might be initially... Anna had been pretty good, and at the very least she'd given Sierra some ideas for her next duel.

She'd been sure she'd won against Olivia, too, though, so she didn't celebrate just yet, deciding to hurry and take advantage of the opportunity rather than saving herself a bit of dignity and changing her panties back. As she approached, she levitated a diaper from the shelf under the changing table, letting it float above the table for a moment so Anna could see it unfold before sliding downward toward the girl's exposed crotch.

She was so pleased, she very nearly missed a couple important things. She noticed the wand first, which made her feel even more certain this was in the bag, but as she started to bend down to grab it, she saw something else lurking on a large, colorful shelf full of kiddy books. With a flick of her own wand, she sent the stuffed snake flying across the room, where she was sure it would be harmless, since she was about to get Anna's wand, of course. Then again, Anna seemed to be good at spells causing animated items to hone in on her, so she looked around for the mobile birds, spotting instead a floating cloak that seemed to be trying to pull itself apart in two different directions. She flung that aside with another spell, sending the birds off to keep the snake busy, then, finally, bent down to grab Anna's wand from the floor.

"I told you, kid, I wasn't going to take it easy on you. If you're good for your change, though, maybe we can skip the spanking before I send you to the corner." Sierra wasn't sure about that, considering how painful the brush had been on her, but she didn't want to be too mean to the younger teen. Besides, there wasn't as much need for taunts now that she was on the verge of winning. It had been a rather humiliating fight, though, with the hairbrush and the mouth soaping, and everything else, so she couldn't quite give up the chance to visit one particular embarrassment on Anna.

"I doubt you're going to, though, are you? You look like you'll be a fussy baby. But that's okay." She smiled, learning from last time and slipping her own wand into the waist band of her diaper, at the outside of her leg, while switching Anna's wand to her right hand. "I can just use your wand to lift your little legs up so I can slip your nice, big, thirsty diaper under your..." She stopped mid-sentence as she reached the changing table, starting to wave the wand, only to realize, a moment too late, that something wasn't right.


"Accio wand!" Anna's voice was filled with triumph as she pulled the older girl's wand from her waist band. She was willing to admit she had gotten more than a little nerviness when she saw the floating diaper, and when her snake was banished she was fairly sure she was sunk. After all she knew she would only get to fire one or two spells at the other girl and she wasn't so great with magic meant to directly effect a person. IT was part of why she spent so long pouring over the transfiguration and charms books for the older years, if she had been restricted to the spells she actually learned in class she would have lost a while ago.

Feeling a sudden strike of inspiration, mixed with a little shame at not having thought of it earlier, she realized there was nothing stopping her from summoning her wand from under the table. To provide her with enough time to do so she banished the diaper that sat near her legs towards her opponent, hitting it with an engorgement charm half way there just for good measure. It wouldn't do much, but she figured it would distract for at least a second. Closing her eyes a brief moment in concentration she began cutting off her magic to the other enchantments she still had floating around, she would need as much power as she could get to summon her wand around the table.

And summon it she did, feeling the familiar length of wood meet her hand filled her with joy. She was now in position of all the real wands in the room, how could she possibly lose. "As if I would ever lose to a baby like you. Obviously even you know what you belong in, you already diapered yourself." Now wielding her proper wand it didn't take her more than a few moments to free herself from the table. As she hopped down she summoned her panties, and then just for good measure Sierra's discarded skirt. She turned her back to her opponent as she began stepping into her underwear, feeling more confident than she had sense the duel started. "Now why don't you go back to your corner till I'm ready to finish you," Anna called over her shoulder cockily. She stopped dressing for a moment to wave the hand still holding all three wands just for good measure, "after all what else can you do?"


Sierra let out a strangled, squeaky, "No!" as she saw her wand fly away from her, reaching uselessly towards it, too late, of course. Her blood ran cold as she realized she was in a similar situation as in her first duel, left wandless - or, rather, with a fake wand, of no more use than a toy. She couldn't believe she was about to lose again! She could feel tears forming at the corners of her eyes, and all she wanted was to stomp her foot and whine about how unfair this all was, but she had agreed to the duel, and that would only make her look even more like she deserved her fate.

She was so busy feeling sorry for herself that she almost didn't notice Anna summoning yet another wand. Had Anna brought in two?! That was quite clever, Sierra had to admit, but she didn't have time to admire the cunning before a diaper was being magically flung at her, growing immensely in size as it approached, to the point where it almost seemed like it could envelop her entire body. She had been fighting against diapers this whole time... She supposed it made sense that it would end with her literally doing that, as she caught the padding in her hands, pushing it away from herself in a panic, still holding onto the fake wand, just out of habit, she supposed, until she felt it shrink in her hand, changing into a paper clip.

At the very least, that freed up her other hand to more easily peel the giant diaper away from her back, and having two free hands made it simple to keep the thing at bay. She frowned at Anna's taunt, feeling a little twinge of annoyance that the girl wasn't even bothering to watch her anymore, turning around to get dressed. For a second, she thought Anna even had a point, until she looked down at the diaper in her hands. She might be wandless, but she was still a little bigger than this kid, and if she wasn't paying attention...

She waited for Anna to turn back around fully to finish getting her skirt on before answering, "How about this?" and leaping towards the girl, giant diaper in her hands, intending to bind the girl in it, hoping it was long enough now, holding it sideways, to wrap around her torso, trapping her arms, with their wands, against her chest, then tape it up, and, hopefully, leave her struggling to get out for long enough to get another diaper on the girl and win this fight after all. She just had to hope she had the chance to do all that before Anna could react and find some way to stop her, since this seemed like her last line of defense.


Anna was practically dancing as she started dressing. Sure it ended up being taking work than she thought it would, but she had done it. She couldn't wait to tell her brother about her victory over the older girl, clearly age wasn't everything in this game. She was just working on the skirt that was a little too big for her, nothing a shrinking charm couldn't fix, when she felt the large padding envelope her.

"What," she cried out in surprise as her arms where pinned to her chest. "No, no you can't do that! Cheater!" The smaller girl began kicking and stomping her legs in vexation. She had been well aware of the blonde being larger than her, it was part of what would make her victory worth while, but it never really sunk in the advantage that actually gave the girl. She was fairly certain she wouldn't beat the girl if it came down to a physical struggle, Anna had used up far to much energy on fancy magic stunts to be able to overcome the size difference.

The small teen started to take proper stock of her situation, doing her best to ignore how much her stomping and kicking probably made her look like a child having a tantrum. Her arms where stuck with no real range of movement, whats worse she was clutching the handful of wands in completely the wrong way to use them. 'You just had to show off Anna,' her inner voice grumbled. 'Now we can't even tell this story. If big bro finds out how close this actually came we'll being sleeping in padding tonight win or lose.' She briefly considered trying to stop her magic from going to the engorgement charm but she wasn't sure how large the diaper had been originally, and it did her no good if she ended up even more tightly bound. Instead she pushed a little more of her magic out, feeling the diaper begin growing again although at a much slower rate.

Anna quickly released the handful of wands, barely holding on to a single one while she adjusted it in her grip. She felt the other two wands quickly slide away from her, lost somewhere in the massive diaper she assumed. Unfortunately her there where very few spells she could direct at the diaper itself in her current predicament, so she went with the only other available target. Stopping her struggles a brief second she flung her self to the side, barley managing to to throw on the spell that would increase her weight. 'I hate people spells.' She hit the ground hard, but luckily she was surrounded by a lot of padding. She canceled the spell quickly and used the extra momentum it had caused to roll and get her feet under her again. With what was probably the most impressive spell work she had ever managed on her self she cast then lightened herself. Now weighing at around the same as a feather she kicked off, aiming to be as far away from the other girl as she could get.

'Soon as I can get loose that girl is going down,' she decided as she became airborne. 'I just need to keep her at a distance till the diaper is big enough me me to get some proper wand motions in. After all I still have the wands so as long as I stay out of her reach I should be fine..' A nagging voice pointed out that Anna didn't actually know where the other two wands where, but if these diapers where really leak proof then the other wands where hopefully still trapped in there with her somewhere.


Sierra smiled as she watched the fit Anna was throwing, feeling rather worn out herself, but happy to have finally managed to overpower the girl. "It looks like I can," she declared, sticking out her tongue, even though the girl was facing the wrong way to see it. Deciding, based on her helpless stomping, that Anna was trapped well enough for the time being, Sierra let go of the girl with one arm, turning slightly to the changing table to grab another diaper with her free hand, ready to finish this match once and for all.

Suddenly, she felt Anna jerking away, suddenly seeming to grow much heavier. Sierra got out a frustrated, "Damn!" as the girl knocked her off balance as well, pulling her to the floor with her, pinning her arm briefly under the mountain of padding. Sierra lost her grip, both on Anna and the other diaper, unable to do anything but watch as her opponent got to her feet, then practically floated away, well out of Sierra's reach.

"Damn it!" Sierra hissed again, pounding her fist on the floor sulkily. Obviously she had underestimated Anna again, or the diaper had just been even bigger than she'd thought, still giving the girl room to use a spell or two and regain her advantage. Despite everything, she did have to admire the kid's resourcefulness - had she been in her position, she had no idea how she would have gotten out of it. It wasn't exactly encouraging to think she'd been both out-magicked and out-thought by a thirteen year old, but there wasn't much she could do about that now.

She was still - or had been a moment ago - trapped, however, and that gave Sierra a very slight advantage. It wasn't much, but it was all she had at the moment. She really wished she'd taken the time to change her underwear back before moving in for the "kill", since, without a wand, she was stuck in the thing, making it all the more difficult to move around as quickly as she would have liked, or might need, considering how fast Anna seemed to be. She would just have to make do, though... She wasn't about to strip out of the diaper altogether without anything else to put on, since that would be making it easier for Anna to get another diaper onto her if she did get free, not to mention that she didn't want to run around in only a bra.

She picked the diaper she'd grabbed from the changing table up from the floor, then snatched up the baby powder as well, deciding she needed to be prepared if she happened across Anna in a vulnerable spot. She looked up in time to see the girl floating back to the floor on the opposite side of the nursery. Arms full of diapering supplies, she started to make her way across the room, trying to get there before Anna could free herself, but without drawing too much attention, since she knew she might need to catch the girl by surprise to get this thing done at last. She ducked behind giant rocking horses and high chairs, slowly but surely making her way to the spot where she thought Anna had dropped, before finally hiding beside a giant pink dresser, no doubt full of humiliating baby clothes. She might have to take a look at them and find something special for Anna, but for now, she poked her head out from behind it, hoping to see the girl still there, and hopefully still trying to free herself from the giant diaper's embrace.


Anna felt relief wash over her when her feet where once more one the ground. She immediately dropped the feather light spell and began squirming about, trying to get as much range of motion in her wand arm as she could. Having the diaper she was entrapped by growing around her was an odd sensation. In some places she felt more compressed as the thick padding grew, luckily other spots did become looser. It was also very hot. It hadn't really occurred to her just how much heat the giant thing would trap in, and it was contrasted heavily by the cold her bare legs felt. A small part of her cursed the fact that she never did get the skirt onto herself properly, however she simply reminded herself that she wouldn't be in this predicament if she hadn't tried in the first place.

Finally having enough room to properly cast she let loose on the diaper. Her plan was simple, open a large hole so she could aim out of the diaper then go for the tapes. Unfortunately her first few spells didn't seem to be getting her very fear. After a moment she realized why, the diapers continual growing was also adding additional padding she had to work through. Deciding that had gone on long enough she stopped the diaper's growth before starting back up on the hole she was attempting to create. After what felt like far too long she finally had a tear large enough to fit her want hand through. Glancing down she was barely able to make out the tip of the wand she was using, confirming her fear that is wasn't her own, however she frankly couldn't tell if it was Sierra's or the spare Anna had borrowed.

'Doesn't matter,' she decided, 'after all she wanted to use my wand on me. Only fair right?' Unfortunately she was only able to get her hand and part of her wrist out of the diaper, enough to perform a wide range of spells but she would have preferred the whole arm. It was at that point she suddenly realized she had completely forgotten about her opponent. Her heart sunk when she took a quick glance back the way she came and didn't spot the blonde. She began looking around wildly, only just now noticing how much furniture this room had to hide amongst. "You know I was going to go easy on you," she called out trying to ignore the slight trembling in her voice. "Just a quick diaper and a nap in the crib while I bring some people to see. It can still go easy if you give up now. Unless baby wants to be punished when this is all over?"

Spotting the abandon skirt a crossed the room Anna hit it with a pair of spells, first transfiguring it to resemble an overly large set of skirt-alls, then animating it to hunt for Sierra. Unfortunately without a line of sight on the girl she couldn't send it straight to her, she could only hope it would get lucky and find the girl quickly. The sight of a giant pink dresser however caused Anna's wicked grin to return. 'Maybe I just need to send out more.' She was well aware it would be much harder to maintain multiple animated garments at once however she felt figured if she caught the girl sooner she could drop the extra's and maybe save energy overall. A quick spell had the dress wide open, showing off some of the most embarrassing outfits Anna had seen in a while. Giving in a little bit to her vanity the girl moved in for a closer inspection, deciding Sierra had earned herself only the most humiliating clothes available. Her movement forward was hampered slightly by the odd weight wrapped around her, but that simply reminded her that she was suppose to be working on that. She started firing spells at the tapes while she continued towards the dresser, adding in an occasion hopeful wiggle for good measure.


Sierra quickly pulled her head back to the other side of the dresser, heart thumping loudly, worried that Anna had noticed her there. Even in the brief moment she had stuck her head out, she had seen that the girl had managed to work a hole through the diaper, leaving her able to cast spells again, much to Sierra's dismay. She really did need the element of surprise now, since, even with that diaper still wrapped around her, Anna was still in a much better position than her.

She really wished she had waited another few moments before looking around the dresser now, terrified that Anna had seen her by the girl's threats, jumping and suppressing a squeak only by holding the diaper she had planned to use on Anna to her mouth as she heard two spells being cast, though she was quite surprised to find no immediate changes around her. She hadn't quite recognized the spells, so she wasn't sure what they might do... Perhaps Anna had freed herself, and she really was in trouble now.

She let out another muffled squeak as the dresser banged open right beside her, startling her enough this time to let loose a small trickle of urine into her diaper. As it turned out, her transfiguration spell had not only maintained the general look of her days of the week panties on the diaper, it had also done little to boost their absorbency, despite how much thicker they had become. Just that small accident - and she was pretty certain it was quite small, though as she looked down at herself, she worried she might be wrong - was enough to leave the thick diaper looking thoroughly soaked, and within a few drops of leaking, much to her embarrassment.

It took her a moment to realize she had grown too preoccupied with that to think of dashing away, thinking Anna had found her, and by the time she noticed, it had been long enough that she was pretty sure she was wrong in that assumption anyhow. She crouched down before taking another peek, and saw Anna approaching. She seemed more busy with trying to get the tapes of the giant diaper undone than in Sierra, however, so she felt certain that the girl had just wanted to see what was inside there, rather than actively trying to scare Sierra.

This was it. If Anna succeeded in undoing the tapes and fully freeing herself, and especially her wand arm, then Sierra was screwed. Sierra took a big, quiet breath and held it for a moment, wrapping her hands more tightly around the diaper and powder in her hands before racing out from behind the dresser, barreling right towards Anna...

Right as darkness descended upon her. In a panic, she dropped the baby supplies, reaching up frantically to try to pull whatever had suddenly covered her face off of herself, the shock of it enough to cause another little accident in her diaper. Miraculously, her diaper seemed to contain it, though only until her struggles as she pulled at the fabric surrounding her causing her to push her thighs together, compressing the sodden padding and causing a little urine to start running down the inside of her thigh.

It was a losing battle, and she could feel the thing sliding through her fingers, pulling itself down her body, until, at last, she could see the outside world again. Up her body from the front and the back, a set of straps crawled over her shoulders, tying themselves, fastening the garment in place. It was nice to be in something other than a bra and diaper again, but she wasn't a fan of the cutesy pink and yellow striped skirt overalls she found herself in, especially not the large pink ribbon that ran through the belt loops, tying itself into a large bow in the front, tight enough to squeeze out a few more drops of pee that almost immediately escaped her soaked diaper and made their way down her leg.

'So much for the element of surprise,' she grumbled to herself as she looked up from her outfit, remembering that it was probably a little more important to see what her opponent was doing now than worrying about how she looked.



Anna had just zapped the last tape when she suddenly spotted something heading right for her. She turned towards the blonde, knowing she wouldn't be able to bring her wand to bear in time, however it was at that moment that her the transfigured skirt arrived. Her opponents sudden blindness probably saved her from,losing the match, however the girls momentum didn't disappear and Anna still felt the larger girl clip her. She tumbled to the ground, feeling the wand she had been using leave her grip. Deciding it wasn't the highest priority she began rolling around on the ground while she struggled out of the diaper.

With a final push she was thankful free, flinging the large diaper aside. She turned her head upon hearing the sound of the previously released wands hitting the ground, lunging towards the first one she spotted. As luck would have it she had managed to get a hold of her own again, she decided to check on Sierra before worrying too much about where the others had ended up. She caught a brief glimpse of the taller girls undergarments before the outfit was in place and almost stopped where she was to laugh. 'I guess they where right about her. Diapered and wet already, and I can't even claim the credit.'

Anna gave the girl a smile when she spotted the changing supplies scattered around the ground. "Oh, where you bringing me everything I'd need? What a good girl, I guess you where ready to give up after all. So we'll only have to add one bottle of caster oil to your punishment." Deciding she couldn't afford to goof around too much more she fired a sticking charm at the floor behind Sierra, pooling as much power into as she could. If her aim was true she could plant the seat of the girls skirt on the spell and then leave her their while she prepared everything. Unfortunately after putting so much into the charm she realized she would need a minute to catch her breath before she could animate anything new. 'Direct approach it is then.' She sprint a crossed the short distance to her opponent aiming to catch her legs and knock her back onto the spell. With the other girl still adjusting to her new outfit she would hopefully catch her off guard, then she could get the change started.


Sierra let out a worried gasp at the sight of Anna, free from the diaper, wand in hand. It was just what she'd been worried about, and there it was in front of her. Part of her considered trying to overpower the girl again, to get the wand away from her, but she didn't really think that would end well for her. She blushed at the younger girl's teasing, then deeper at the threat of castor oil. Olivia had only "made" her mess her diaper once, during their duel, but every once in a while Miss Hoppikins would put her to bed extra early and refuse to let her up, resulting in an accident. It was still humiliating, even with only her stuffed animals to watch...

She yelped in surprise as Anna shot a spell, seemingly missing her, much to her relief. Sierra could see the other wands on the floor now, by the giant diaper, but they were too far away to do her any good, and on the other side of Anna. All she could do now was wait to see what spell the girl tried to use next, and hope she got lucky with the girl's bad aim yet again.

It was a complete shock when, instead of using her wand at all, Anna ran right at her, knocking her back onto her padded, soggy backside. Immediately, Sierra tried to scramble back to her feet, only to feel her new skirt refusing to come off the floor. Suddenly, Sierra realized what that "missed" spell had been, face flushing as she tried to squirm her way free, thankfully having just enough foresight to avoid putting her hand down into the spell to try to pry herself up.

Intentionally or not, she really had brought Anna everything she would need to win this duel, while Sierra sat by, glued to the floor. "It's not fair!" she wailed, kicking her legs in front of her with a pout, though she was careful not to pound her fists on the floor beside her, not knowing how far the sticking charm went. "I can't lose to some little kid! It's not fair!"

While she did feel that way, mostly she was hoping Anna would buy it, accept she had given up, and then move on to collecting the diapering supplies from the floor instead of paying attention to her. If she just had a few moments, Sierra thought, maybe she could undo the skirt-all's straps and carefully slip out of it, then go grab her wand - or the other wand on the floor, whichever she could get to - and be back in the game. She had no idea if she would have enough time to do all that, but she had to at least try.


"You can, and you have," Anna declared triumphantly. She had actually done it. Her opponent was stuck, and she already had everything she needed to end it. All she had to do was summon the supplies and she would win. Of course she had just barely raised her wand to do so when she spotted how much the older girl was squirming about. 'Probably best to conserve my magic for at least another minute or two, might need to restrain her legs. She stared heading towards the scattered diaper supplies when she spotted something that made her eyes widen.

Just beyond the dresser was what looked like a child's play kitchen, except everything was sized for an actual kitchen. 'He wouldn't have.' Giving one last glance over her should at the older teens tantrum she called out, "you just stay there while your Auntie Anna goes and checks on something. Don't worry, I'll get you out of that messy thing before you get a rash." Turning her back on the girl Anna headed over to the fake looking refrigerator, only mildly surprised to find it was in fact cold to the touch. 'He did.'

It turned out the entire set was fully functional, the refrigerator filled with bottles of milk, juice, and other fun supplies. 'Well I did promise.' She quickly snatched up a container of caster oil, before digging through the cabinets for an empty bottle. Hopping onto the counter she found what she was looking for in the top most cabinet,she then hopped down and got to work first filling the bottle, then applying sticking charms the the sides and nipple. Part of her was actually quit relieved at how easily the spells came, by the time she had the other girl diapered she would probably have enough strength back to apply some proper humiliation.

Handling the bottle careful by near the bottom,she placed it down on the counter before giving the cabinets one more check through. She thought she spotted something in the lowest, so the stuck her wand into the back waist band of her panties and began digging through. "Really need to get some pockets going," she grumbled under her breather as she started shifting through what turned out to be medical supplies. She casually palmed a suppository, the started checking some of the items she didn't recognize. "Oh we are going to have so much fun!"


Sierra could hardly believe her luck. She wasn't surprised that Anna had bought her act, seeing as it had only partially been that - she really was quite frustrated at how badly things were going for her. For a moment, she was certain the girl was going to just going to use Accio to bring the supplies to her, thus ruining Sierra's already fragile plan, which was enough to get her to add an extra wail to her semi-fake tantrum, but, to her surprise, instead the girl began to walk away.

It had to be a trap, Sierra thought, but after a few moments she knew she couldn't run the risk that, somehow, it wasn't, and she just let it slip by. She continued wailing about how unfair this was, though she began to slow them down, transitioning to still only partly fake crying to make Anna think she was still trapped as she reached up, untying the skirt-alls straps and carefully sliding out of it on her wet, squishy bottom. She could only hope the skirt was long enough to cover the whole sticking spell, or she'd slide her diaper straight onto it, leaving her just as stuck as before, and, thankfully, that turned out to be the case.

She stopped her fake crying as she got to her feet, ending it with a couple fake sniffs before going quiet. She wouldn't be able to sneak back up on Anna if she was making that much noise, so she hoped the girl would just assume she'd tired herself out. She eagerly hurried over to the two wands, suspecting a trick, but quite glad when nothing happened as she touched it. She wasn't sure what to do with the other one, so, after a moment of thought, she took it to the discarded skirt-all and dropped it right beside the garment, probing it with her sock-clad foot to make sure it was good and stuck.

As she stood there, she noticed the ribbon around the skirt-all's waist and, with a smile, she reached down to untie it, wrapping it around her hand. That might be useful to have later on, she thought to herself as she walked away, starting to feel hopeful that things might be going her way again. She decided to leave the diaper and powder where they were, since she had her wand to summon them to her, but, to make that easier, she wrapped the powder up in the diaper so that, with any luck, she could get by with just having to call one of them when the time came.

Again, she wished she had time to change her panties back from the diaper they had become, but didn't dare. If Anna was nearby, she might hear the spell and it might tip her off that Sierra wasn't as helpless as she'd thought. Besides, the panties would still be just as wet, unless she also cast a drying spell, which would take even more talking. Instead, she just crept around the corner to see what Anna was up to.

She grinned as she saw the girl standing there, back to her, not even holding her wand. She really must have bought the act, Sierra thought proudly, to be so confident that she wasn't in any danger. Quietly, Sierra unwound the ribbon from her arm, deciding on the best course of attack. She had a good idea what was in the bottle the girl was holding, given her last threat, and she would be all too happy to feed it to the girl when she was done with her.

As quickly as she could, she fired off a trio of spells. First, she animated the ribbon and sent it after Anna, enlarging it as it zoomed through the air, intending for it to grab the girl's wand from the waistband of her panties, then tie her arms to keep her from being able to get it back, and summoning the bottle to her own hand, not wanting Anna to drop it. Sure, she could have fixed another bottle, but it was so much more satisfying to give the girl the one she had intended to use on Sierra.

"That we are," she replied to Anna's last, not so private remark as she reached out and caught the bottle in her off hand. "I hope you made yourself something nice and yummy to drink, because..." She stopped partway, distracted as she realized her hand was now firmly stuck to the side of the bottle. She paused, suddenly scared that Anna had somehow planned this, that she had played right into the girl's devious hand.


Anna was in her own little world, wondering how many of the items she could use on the girl before she would have to end the duel. She had just started examining some odd set of hoses and water bags when she was abruptly pulled out of that world. She didn't even relies what was happening at first, reaching back behind her at what she thought was her panties sliding down for some reason. He mistake was quit evident when she suddenly found her wrists pulled together by soft ribbon, before it began working it's way up her body. She spun around at that point a yell already escaping her mouth. "oh come on!" She punctuated her exclamation with a stomp of her.

Her heart sank a little upon seeing the now armed Sierra. Anna was definitely regretting her decision to challenge the older girl, in all of her scheming and planning it never once occurred to her she would end up on the defensive this much. Of course based on the rumors she had heard she wasn't expecting to have much of a fight at all, but clearly this girl was either more skilled then people thought or she was very desperate to win. Anna almost wanted to cry when it sank in that she didn't even know where her wand was, it could have been dropped to the floor, wrapped up somewhere in the ribbon that encased her,or flung clear a crossed the room, but the important part was that her opponent had one out and ready. After a moment though she realized why the other girl looked shocked, and she remembered that she still had one weapon left.

"Oh, course I made you something yummy sweety," she informed the girl while edging away as casually as she could. "If you didn't want to wait for it you could have just said so. Of course you should probably start drinking it before the curse I put on the bottle makes things kicks in. That would be...bad" Anna really hoped this plan worked, after all she didn't have much she could do besides try and play on the other girl's insecurity. "Now I'm going to be nice and ignore this latest bit of...mischief, sense you are clearly just a baby who doesn't know any better. After all who in the room is wearing panties and who is wearing a diaper? Who is running around practically naked except for that diaper? Shall I even bring up who has wet their diaper?" Although to be fair Anna was starting to feel the first few twinges telling her she should have gone before they started, but she hadn't figured on it taking more than a minute or so to get the girl diapered.

"So how about this, I'm going to go get your diaper change ready. If you are here drinking you baba like a good baby when I get back I'll even forget all the pretty things I found over here." Through her speech Anna did her best to exude confidence, but there was only so much a thirteen year old girl could pull off while standing in her underwear, tied up from shoulders to waist by a big pink ribbon that had now tied an embarrassingly large bow at the small of her back, and facing a girl that probably had some where around twice her magically training. Deciding not to wait around to see if the girl would go for it Anna took off, bobbing and weaving through the over sized furniture.

"Need something sharp. Need something sharp," she mumbled thinking out loud. "Where can I find something sharp? No where, it's an effing nursery. Okay new plan, something long." As Anna passed a set of large precariously stacked blocks, each easily large enough to require two hand to move, she made sure to bump into it on hr way past. She was almost knocked to the ground for her troubles, but she was quit satisfied when she heard some of the stack fall a crossed the path she had taken. Spotting a toy chest near by she headed straight for that. It took a bit of effort but Anna was able to force it open with her should, just enough to slide in. The small girl was enveloped in darkness as the lid closed, leaving her curled into ball on top of a mixture or soft plastic and plush. After a moment she found something long enough that she could grasp it in her hands and start working at the bow. As long as it's animation was spent she should be able to get free with a bit of work. She just needed to hope that Sierra didn't find her before she did.



Sierra couldn't help but feel satisfied as she watched the ribbon snatch Anna's wand, the one that had caused her so many problems, away, enfolding it in itself before wrapping itself around her, tying her up in a neat bow. She was all gift wrapped and ready for her final touches... Sierra knew it was mean, but she was awfully tempted to drop the girl back in her common room like this once she was diapered up, just for everything that had happened in the duel.

She frowned as Anna mentioned a curse on the bottle, feeling suddenly uncertain as to whether she should believe the girl or not. She stared down at the bottle intently, shaking her hand and trying to get the thing off of her. She could always use a counter-curse, she supposed, but since she had no idea what Anna had done to it to begin with, and using the wrong one might make things worse. Even trying to unstick it might set it off, depending on what it was! In fact, maybe that was the girl's plan... To make her think she should try to get rid of it before the curse started, just to get her to start blasting at it with magic to get it loose and engage the curse herself!

She squirmed in place as she worried about that and listened to Anna's speech, unable to deny any of it as she stood there, diaper turning cool and soggy between her legs, feeling fresh wetness around her thighs as she fidgeted, the movement squeezing the moisture from the sodden padding. She certainly didn't feel like she was the older, or bigger, of the two in that moment as she stood there, wet and leaky, tortured with doubt over how to deal with this thirteen year old's trap she had fallen into.

She glanced back down at the bottle nervously, only to have to look up again quickly as she saw Anna take off. Taken by surprise, Sierra fired off a Jelly-Legs Jinx at the spot Anna had been in a few moments before, but it crashed into the wall of the fake kitchen harmlessly before she wheeled around, searching for where the little brat had gone to this time. For being tied up as she was, the girl moved quickly, and Sierra lost sight of her in a flash. Angrily, she pushed a few pieces of furniture aside magically, but it soon became clear that wasn't going to work, as they were too big, and took too much effort for no actual results, as by the time they had slid away, Anna was already somewhere else.

"Slippery little brat," she muttered to herself. In her thick, leaky diaper, she wasn't exactly in the best shape to run after the girl, and she already had too much of a head start anyway. She shook her head, looking around for something to help when she spotted the high chair. It would at least give her a better view of the nursery, she thought, and started to head over to it before her curiosity got the better of her and she wandered back towards the drawers Anna had been digging in, blushing as she saw the things the girl had laid out, presumably to use on her. Feeling all the more determined not to lose now, she waddled over to the high chair, staring up at it, suddenly wondering how she was going to climb with one hand. She shook the hand stuck to the bottle again, briefly considering trying a spell out on it before thinking better, then, instead, happened to spot the two birds from the mobile, still hovering a few feet away, over the snake that Anna had planned to use to attack her.

Smiling, she re-animated the large stuffed snake and called it over to her, having it use its long body to form a set of soft, but usable, steps up to the tray of the high chair, where she perched, searching for her opponent, but finding her nowhere. Where could she have gone?! The doors shouldn't have opened until the duel was over, but what if she'd messed up the spell? After all, she was in diapers... Had they unlocked when that happened? She wasn't about to chase Anna through the school looking like this!

She frowned, looking back down at the snake. She wanted to use it, since Anna had almost used it on her, but the girl seemed quite adept at getting out of being tied up. Perhaps a larger trap was in order... She scanned the room, sure she would find one, and smiling as she spotted the large playpen. She concentrated for a moment, knowing it would take a lot of magic to do what she intended, then dropped the snake's animation and, instead, brought the playpen to life, causing it to sprout lots of little legs under its frame to lift it from the floor and send it skittering around the room, quite agile for its size, intending it to jump up and flip itself over when it finally did spot Anna, hopefully trapping the girl underneath.

Sierra smiled, satisfied that this time it would work. Surely she would spot the playpen's capture, and she would at least know where Anna was then, hopefully with enough time to spare that she could get over there and get in a sneak attack. Not thinking, she took a step back, only to feel her foot slip off the back of the smooth, plastic tray she was standing on. Her eyes went wild as she tumbled back, wand slipping from her fingers as her arms flailed wildly, not knowing what to do before finally moving to protect her face, even though she wasn't falling that way.

She landed on her bottom on the high chair's plastic seat, the impact forcing more stale urine out of the leg bands of her diaper. As if that wasn't bad enough, her mouth was filled with a gross taste, and she wrinkled her nose, trying to spit it out, only to realize that it was still pouring into her mouth. Her eyes went wide as the surprise of the fall wore off, and she saw, in front of her face, the bottle, which she had managed to plop straight into her mouth as she'd fallen. Just as she'd thought, it was full of castor oil. Frantically, she tried to pull it out of her mouth, but it was stuck just as firmly there as it was to her hand, and, in her desperation, she grabbed it with her other hand, thus getting it stuck, too.

"No!" she yelled, muffled by the bottle. She didn't know where Anna even was, but she'd still fallen prey to one of her traps, done in by her own klutziness, not for the first time. She squirmed, kicking her legs in frustration and helplessness, knowing that she looked, for all the world, like a baby girl in her high chair, eagerly drinking her bottle, having to use two hands so she didn't drop it. She couldn't see much past the bottle held in her face, but she was sure the wand had fallen to the floor beneath the chair, though with both her hands stuck to the bottle, and her mouth kept busy drinking, there wasn't much she could have done with it anyway. She groaned, stomach already feeling queasy, as she realized she'd really gotten herself into trouble this time.


The toy box smelt like soap. Anna had been in it a good minute or two and that fact was becoming more and more annoying. She continued to wiggle the long toy she had found around, trying desperately to the the bow undone. Unfortunately it had a really bad habit of retying itself every time she started to make some headway. She was just starting to think the whole things was hopeless when she felt something slipped out of the bow. Anna began digging through the toys, a rather difficult task to perform in the dark enclosed space with her hands behind her. The sense of relief that washed over her when her hands finally found her wand was immense.

The next short while was taken up with her trying to hit the ribbon with a counter spell despite the awkward angle, but eventually she did feel it come loose. Anna gave a large sigh of relief. Now she had a wand, and if Sierra hadn't found her yet then she might even have the element of surprise. Deciding to take a brief moment to plan before continuing she lit her wand with a lumos spell, taking stock of what was available. The first thing she saw was a teddy bear in bib overalls, which sparked off a plan in her head.

It took only a simple transfiguration spell to cause the bottom of her shirt to extend and wrap around her bottom, making it resemble a onesie without the snaps. Then she removed the overalls from the bear and brought them up to her size, slipping into them as best should could in the enclosed space. She finished up with a pair of simple locking charms of the buckles, not wanting to use up too much of her remaining energy. She grinned a little as she took a look down at her handy work. The next time she went to the bathroom was going to be really annoying, but at least she had made a great deal of extra work for anyone else trying to undress her.

Realizing she was now without her trusty paperclips, although she was a little surprised to find one in the toy box covered in saliva, she began filling her pockets with anything that would fit. Teething rings, rattles of various design, even a couple of articles of clothing off the dolls. For good measure she grabbed the ribbon that had bound her and found space of it in a pocket, already thinking of wicked way to use it for some payback. When her pocket where full she finally decided to brake the outside world. She slowly opened the lid, taking a peek outside. When she was certain Sierra wasn't waiting for her she stepped out quietly.

Well quite had been her intention, however it turns out pockets full of baby toys make a lot of noise. Realizing she wouldn't be sneaking she instead started moving back towards where she had last seen the blonde. She started looking around, a small part of her mind distracted by thoughts of victory. She tried her best to remind herself that she could have won by now if she hadn't kept assuming she had it in the bag, but the thoughts came anyways. At the moment she was debating if she would take the diapered girl back to the younger girls dorm to show off her victory, or put her to bed in her own room. After all the other girl wasn't too much bigger than her and despite her taste in underwear the other girl was older, she might have something cool she'd be willing to 'trade' for a fresh diaper.

She was just beginning to feel a little nervous about not being attacked when she spotted the blonde, and wondered why she hadn't noticed her sooner. She was in a highchair, going to town on the bottle Anna had prepped for her. It looked like she had found the sticky charms, and Anna actually wasn't sure what the result of that much caster oil was going to be. Thinking quickly Anna prepared a spell to make the high chair slide over towards the changing table, her face now nothing but smiles. 'This is almost too easy,' she thought to herself, ' almost like a' it was just as she fired her spell that a wall of saftey webbing fell into place between her and her target soaking up the magic. "Trap," she finished her though out loud with a sigh. She started to try directing a few spells at the blonde, but the playpen was stopping all her work. She came to the conclusion she would have to start by getting rid of that, which would have been much easier if it hadn't suddenly started sliding towards the changing table. Her eyes widened when she realized her previous spell was taking affect on her makeshift cage, dragging her towards the last place she wanted to be while not in complete control.


Sierra struggled against the bottle, doing her very best to keep from draining it, sure that every gulp was just making things worse for her, but not able to do much about it. After a fair amount of flailing, her feet did manage to find the edge of the high chair's seat, and she was able to push herself up a little further in it, giving herself the chance to see more of the nursery, just in time to see the toy box she'd managed to shove the bar of soap into open and her opponent slip out.

She began to breathe faster, which only led to her draining her bottle more quickly, as she tried again to figure out some way out of the mess she'd gotten herself into, knowing that, if Anna found her before she'd come up with something, this contest would probably be over in a matter of seconds. Frantically, she tried to bang the bottle against the edge of the tray, hoping to break it, but it just shoved the bottle back harder into her face, sending out a larger than usual burst of castor oil, much of it dribbling out the side of her mouth.

Fortunately, her playpen had noticed Anna as well, and, as Sierra watched in satisfaction, it pounced, twisting itself in mid-air to form a makeshift cage around the girl, its little legs wiggling uselessly now that its purpose was fulfilled. It wouldn't hold her for long, not with her wand, but it would give Sierra a little time. She was surprised to see it moving closer to the changing table, thinking it had to be part of Anna's plan, though she wasn't sure how.

She had to get out of the chair, that much was certain. She squirmed a little, getting her elbows propped against the back of the plastic seat, then pushed, hoping the fall wasn't as long as it seemed like, and landing on her feet would help break it. Her first attempt ended badly, as she hadn't realized there was a plastic piece in the center of the chair that the restraining straps came out of, and it wound up shoving her diaper against her quite roughly as she slid into it, but after a second or two of recovering from that shock and pain, she scrambled her way up a little further in the seat, then leaning forward, awkwardly pulling herself up and out of the seat onto the tray with her elbows.

She gulped as she crawled to the edge of the tray, feeling a little dizzy as she stared down at the floor below. She could see her wand there, and she knew she needed to get it, even if she wasn't sure how she'd hold it, or say any spells. Sighing, she swung her legs over the edge of the tray, sitting up, then, before she could talk herself out of it, slid forward.

She hit the ground hard and rolled forward, feeling a wetness around her chest that she worried was blood at first, before she realized she could move her hands apart from one another again. The fall had broken the bottle, splattering the remaining castor oil over her and the floor, leaving cracked plastic strewn across the floor, and stuck to her hands, though luckily not into any part of her flesh, as she had unknowingly managed to roll out of its way without injuring herself on it. The nipple was still in her mouth, holding it closed, but it was a start, she thought, and as soon as she had caught her breath, she awkwardly sandwiched her wand between her hands, the plastic still clinging to them making it difficult to keep ahold of it.

Clumsily, dropping it and having to pick it up a time or two, she turned it around to face her mouth and muttered a few muffled unsticking charms. It was terrifying, not knowing what might happen if she said something wrong because of her makeshift gag, and for the first few attempts, nothing did, her wand sparking uselessly, unable to understand her mumbles. Finally, though, she felt the bottle's nipple drop from her mouth, and she let out a sigh of relief, only then thinking to see what Anna was up to.


Anna was more than a little annoyed to when her first cutting curse didn't get through. She fired off a second, but clearly she would need to dump more power into the spell than she was willing to at the moment. Anna felt her stomach sink a bit when she noticed she had already made it half way to the changing table. The small girl wanted to kick herself for not starting with removing her own spell, and quickly set about doing so. Once the playpen was stationary she began trying to lift it off herself. Moving the large mass of safety netting and wiggling legs was no small feet it turned out, and as she began her levitation she started regretting wasting magic on playing dress up in the toy box.

Feeling perspiration beading on her forehead she finally lifted the playpen over her head, tossing it aside with a grunt. Bending forward to catch her breath it occurred to her just how much she was overdoing the magic, but hopefully her spells would still hold up 'Need food. Or something to drink.' She began glancing around, hoping to find something other than the refrigerator filled with bottles. When she didn't spot anything immediately she reached into her pocked and pulled out a toy. 'If I'm going to have to search I'll need a distraction.' The toy was a teething ring made in an opaque pink, about as big as both of her fist, made up of connected compartments of air. Anna tapped her wand to it, causing it to float in the air. "Find her," she told it, "and keep her busy." She felt a little better when she saw how energetically it went out to hunt for it's prey, however when she saw it randomly dip toward the floor some of her confidence wavered.

Deciding not to linger to much Anna started back into the maze of furniture, feeling about in her pockets as she did so for anything else she could enchant easily.


Sierra was confused to see the playpen tossed over on its side, Anna now obviously not under it. She had been so sure the girl was plotting something with it, and yet she'd just cast it aside. Why even bother to animate it anyway? It was a mystery, but not an important one at the moment. She could actually speak her spells again, but it was still very difficult to hold onto her wand, so any complicated motions would surely end with it on the floor and her defenseless. Her tummy was also starting to hurt, but she couldn't let herself worry about that too much.

She couldn't keep ahold of her wand one-handed, so she sat herself down on her diaper, clenching the thing between her knees, trying to ignore how that action set her diaper to leaking on the floor beneath her again. Carefully, she steadied the tip of the wand with one hand, aiming it right into the broken bottle, and starting to speak the spell...

Just then, she felt something zoom into her mouth, muffling her yet again. It felt slightly firmer than the bottle's nipple, and much bigger, certainly enough to stop her saying the spell, even if the shock hadn't made her drop her precariously balanced wand. Groaning, she reached up, clamping this new invader between her hands, but it refused to budge. Pouting, she slammed her hands on the floor, hardly able to believe she'd been silenced again so soon, then quickly smiling as she felt the plastic on her palms crack slightly. Not caring how like a tantrumming toddler she looked, she smacked the floor a few more times until the plastic had shattered enough to at least let her split her fingers apart, making it easier to yank the thing out of her mouth and see, as it struggled to go back in, that it was a teething ring.

Holding it in one hand, which was quite hard considering it was slippery and very energetic, she grabbed her wand with the other and disenchanted it, then unstuck her hands. She turned back to the high chair, feeling immense relief at not having caused her own loss with it, somehow, and noticed the snake there. She smiled, remembering how she'd wanted to use it originally. Looks like she had another chance. It might not hold Anna for long, but it might give Sierra a little more time to get her bearings back, so she animated the stuffed snake once more and sent it after its former master.


With more than a little trepidation Anna made her way back to the play kitchen. She hadn't spotted anywhere else that might have food, so she was on decided it was her best bet. Steering a wide path around where she had last seen Sierra she eventually made it back to where her most recent chance at victory fell apart. Being as quit as she could she opened the cabinets magically, before summoning a small jar to herself. 'Apples huh? I like apples.' She almost put her wand away but the memory of what happened last time she did at this very spot stopped her. Instead she animated a spoon to bring her a mouthful when she opened her mouth and leaned forward. When the first bite reached her mouth however she realized these apples where not as good as was used to. She gave a deep frown, however after a couple bites she could already feel her energy return.

With a mischievous grin she summoned a few more jars, as well as a few things from the lower cabinets and another spoon. "Lets see here," she began thinking aloud once more. "I think the baby wants prunes, and green beans, and peas." While she ate her apples she mixed some laxatives and diuretics into each jar, before enchanting them and the spoon to find and feed Sierra, making this one a bit more persistent than her own. "Fly my pretties, fly." She called out with some cheer, feeling much better now that she could get some proper animations going again.

She was just considering whether she would have another jar of apples after the one she was half way through when she was knocked to the ground by a large mass of stuffed snake. She was suddenly very glad she had held onto her wand as the large stuffed reptile began winding it's way around her. The girl grumbled under her breath a bit, trying to simply wiggle free. When it became clear however that the snake was not going to let her go she began thinking through spell to disable it. Opening her mouth as she pointed her wand at the stuffed constrictor she was abruptly reminded of her animated spoon. Despite several tries Anna learned that with the way the snake had her held the spoon thought she was asking for more every time she opened her mouth. Attempts to spit the mush out simple caused it to hover at her face and scoop it back in. Finally she resigned herself to needing to finish before she would be free, now doing her best to get through the last little bit in the jar as fast as she could. 'I hope Sierra has at least half as much trouble with what I sent her.'


Sierra glanced around the nursery, looking not only for Anna, but for something she could use against the girl, starting to feel a bit defenseless. She wished she hadn't tossed the teething ring aside now, but she would feel too mean sending it into Anna's mouth now that it had been on the floor, and in her own mouth, and she didn't exactly have anything to clean it with. She supposed she could climb onto the changing table and get some baby wipes, but without knowing where Anna was, that seemed like a very stupid idea. If Anna came out of hiding while Sierra was up there, she could easily take a page from Sierra's book and find a way to restrain her up there, leaving her vulnerable for that fateful diapering that would decide the duel.

She groaned, stopping in her tracks and wrapping her arms around her stomach as a sudden pain shot through it, caused, no doubt, by the bottle she'd been forced to drink far too much of before she'd been able to stop herself. She was determined to finish this fight before the effects really hit, if only so she could get out of the room and to the bathroom. It was bad enough she'd wet herself... Even if she won, doing it in a messy diaper was not going to feel like much of a victory. But now she didn't even dare to try and change her panties back, because she had no idea how quickly the castor oil would really start to work, and it was better to have some protection.

This diaper had just about had it, though, and once again she thought about trekking to the changing table, only to put it out of her mind. It was obviously an even worse idea to actually use it to change her diaper, knowing that then all Anna would have to do was race in, put in a puff of baby powder, and fasten one of the tapes, and she would win.

There was a diaper that she didn't have to go to the table to get, however. "Accio diaper," she said quietly, calling it to her, catching it and the baby powder bundled inside it easily. She blushed as she remembered how certain, just a few minutes ago, she had been that she was going to put this diaper on Anna, only to be using it on herself instead. It would be worth it to get out of the leaky one she was in now, though.

But where could she change? She frowned and looked around again. There was all kinds of oversized baby furniture, and it was all good enough to hide behind for a minute or two, but actually changing her diaper would take a little more space, and more privacy. She spotted the toy box a little ways across the room, and remembered it had been fairly big. There had probably been toys in it, though, and they would take up some room, and she didn't want to leave the lid open, since that would make it obvious where she was, or close it, which seemed like a good way to get trapped inside.

She headed over to it anyway, remembering, and seeing, that it was pretty close to the wall, but not quite pushed up against it. With her magic, she scooted it out just a little more, then ducked behind it. She still wasn't sure it was quite big enough to completely hide her, though, not in the middle of a change. Reluctantly, she considered going inside again, reasoning that, if she was quick enough to keep Anna from noticing the lid open and close, it really was probably the safest place. And while it wasn't the roomiest, there was one way she could fix that... She wasn't fond of that way, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

She gave a quiet sigh and untaped her diaper, letting it fall to the floor with a faint splat. Peeking around the corner of the box first, she sent it sliding across the floor, then, when it was a good ways away, she levitated it up and through the air into the diaper pail. She hoped that, if Anna noticed that, she would think she was over in that direction and search for her there, rather than at the toy box. Then she turned her wand on herself, clutching her fresh diaper and bottle of powder in her hand tightly to make sure the spell hit it, too. She closed her eyes as she said the words, though there was still a dizzying feeling in the pit of her stomach that almost made her worry she had chosen the wrong time to be without a diaper, and when she opened her eyes again, the nursery looked that much bigger. She wasn't sure exactly how big she was - she'd tried to tune the power down as low as she possibly could while still making her small enough to comfortably be able to dress in the toy box in relative peace.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that she had overdone it. The box would give her plenty of space, but it was going to be a bit of a struggle to climb inside. She wanted to make herself a little bigger, but she could see that going on for ages, her trying to fine tune it up and down over and over... It was just better to get this over with, she supposed. Besides, that would drain her magic very quickly. And, as it turned out, there were some blocks in front of the toy box that she was able to step on to get to the lid. With her hands full of diapering supplies and her wand, she couldn't open it by hand anyway, and was a little afraid to even try, not wanting to fail miserably at it, but a wave of her wand lifted it up just enough for her to scramble inside. She stared up at the open lid with a small sigh, using a Lumos spell to be sure she could see, then, reluctantly, lifting her wand back towards the lid, ready to lower it.

Maybe it wasn't so bad open, she thought, biting her bottom lip and closing it just a hair instead of all the way. She would be sorry if Anna found her, but the thought of getting somehow trapped was enough to make her take that risk, especially as she looked around and saw that some of the stuffed animals in there were nearly as tall as her. Considering how big everything else in the nursery was, it was likely they were quite a bit bigger than normal, but it was still unsettling.

"Sorry," she said to one of them, stealing its bonnet to wipe herself off with, figuring that was as close to a baby wipe as she was going to get at the moment. And, with a water spell to dampen it, it got the job done. She let out another sigh as she stared at the diaper, really reluctant to put it back on. There was no way Anna wouldn't notice it was different, considering how unique the one she'd made from her panties had looked, and she was bound to tease her about it - though, of course, she was sure Anna would tease her about pretty much anything. She didn't really want to have to use the diaper, either, and it was pretty much just in case the match went on too long...

An idea struck her. If she could transfigure her panties into a diaper, why not transfigure her diaper into something else? If it followed suit with how her last attempt had gone, it would retain the diaper's absorbency regardless, and that was all she needed. She considered trying for panties, but, knowing that they would probably still wind up looking like a diaper anyway, she settled on something in between, going for training pants instead, so that they'd be at least a little easier to run around in, but, even if the absorbency transference thing didn't work both ways, she'd still be a little covered.

It seemed to work all right, enough that she cursed herself for not thinking of that before going into the box to hide. They were much easier to put on than a diaper, she could have done that just about anywhere! She shook her head, pouting a bit at her own stupidity as she stepped into them, leaving them around her ankles as she puffed some baby powder onto her crotch, massaging it in a little before pulling them up.

Just then, something flew into the toy box, followed by another, and, before Sierra could recover from the shock, two more. She scrambled for her wand, which she lain down as she got dressed, and dropped the lid the rest of the way, but by then it was too late, and all she did was trap herself in there with whatever they were, though that didn't remain a mystery for long. She turned, trying to see what they were, glad she hadn't doused her Lumos spell when she'd decided to leave the lid open, so she could get some idea of what sort of spell to use on them, only to have a spoonful of prune baby food shoved into her mouth. She gagged in surprise and disgust, barely having time to recover before a spoon of peas was pushed in as well. Even when she was normal sized, the spoon wasn't exactly tiny, but now, it seemed like every spoonful filled nearly her entire mouth, forcing her to swallow or drown in the mushy, disgusting goop.

Even swallowing as fast as she could force herself to, she could still feel the stuff squishing out the sides of her mouth and running down her chin, the spoon apparently not intelligent enough to change its strategy for a smaller target. Even with her seeming to get as much on her as in her, she was still feeling very full and bloated within minutes, and the food wasn't even halfway gone yet. There was barely time for her to breathe, much less utter a spell, so she finally dropped her wand again and started trying to snatch the jars out of the air. To her surprise, she managed to grab the green beans, and she threw it as hard as she could towards the side of the box, hoping to break it.

Instead, it careened upwards just in time to avoid that, zooming back towards her instead and heading straight for her mouth. She let out a muffled protest as the spoon jammed itself into her mouth, prying it open and holding it like that as the jar she'd so viciously tried to murder exacted its revenge, dumping itself in all at once. Sierra shuddered as she felt the stuff pouring into her, though plenty of it dripped out of her mouth as well, filling her stomach on the inside and coating the outside in the goo as well. She blushed as she felt a little of it running into her Pull-Ups, then deeper as she realized that, if she didn't beat Anna soon, the rest of it might very well be joining it there before long.

She might have wound up having to eat a bit less that way, but she didn't dare try that again with the other jars, not wanting to go through that again. Already, if it weren't for the bra, she looked like a toddler who had tried to feed herself for the first time, and even her bra was covered in green and purple mush that would probably leave stains she could never entirely get out.

By the time the spoon had finally finished its work, she felt like she was about to burst. She flung the toy box's lid open, feeling a bit dazed, and reached up towards the edge... Only to find that she couldn't quite reach it. All the blocks, it seemed, were on the outside of the box, giving her nothing solid to climb on, either, and when she tried to use the dolls, feeling very full and drowsy and clumsy, she just slipped and fell back to the bottom, wishing she'd kept a little more of the diaper's bulk. It took her a few tries before she even thought about just growing herself again, but when she tried that spell, it fizzled out. "Oh, come on!" she grumbled, shaking her wand and trying again, but bodily transformation like that took a fair amount of power, and she felt particularly drained after being force fed so much, and wanting nothing more than a nap at the moment.

It took a few more moments before Sierra thought to just summon the blocks to her. Stealing some more doll clothes and wetting them to clean herself up as best she could - which wasn't great - she started to climb back out of the toy box, thinking that, at the very least, this size might make it easier for her to sneak around. At least, if Anna hadn't already figured out where she had been the past few minutes.


By the time the jar of food was finally finished Anna was no longer sure who she owed payback to more, Sierra or the snake. The long plush reptile had used it's time well, and now that the blue eyed girl could finally cast a spell she was having a heck of a time aiming one at it. Through a great deal of careful maneuvering Anna had been forced into a tight ball. Her knees had been brought up towards her chest, her arms caught in between, and her wand aim uselessly towards the ceiling. All the while the head kept taunting her, pulling her hair, nudging her face, and mostly just making Anna want to blow it to pieces.

With a great deal of wiggling however she finally managed force a coil into the path of her cast, at which point she promptly let loose a blasting spell. From their it was just a long series of blasting and a hail of stuffing. Normally Anna like to think she wasn't a vary violent girl, but getting to let loose on the over sized offender had felt good. With a sigh the petite girl started brushing stuffing off herself, a little bit annoyed at herself for wasting so much magic on her revenge. Of course now that she was free a new problem made itself known, what was once a small twinge was starting to become a strong urge.

Anna glanced around, looking for options. Her eyes finally settled on a pink seat siting next to the changing table, more specifically a portable pink seat intended for someone who wasn't yet ready to use the big kid potty. 'If I'm really quick maybe I can be done before Sierra even sees me. No one will ever have to know.' Now heading in that direction it occurred to her she still had no idea where the other girl was. Stopping for a moment however allowed her to hear some sort of commotion coming from the toy box. Glancing in that direction she saw the lid open, apparently from the inside. A wicked grin crossed the girls face, this was perfect.

Anna fired a spell off at the toy box, enchanting it to slam shut as soon as something about the size of Sierra's head tried to exit, although she added a half second alarm of sorts so the girl would hopefully duck back inside. She then sprinted over towards the changing table, already using her magic to lay out a diaper and set a bottle of powder floating. Of course when she reached the table Anna realized there was one major problem with her plan, she wasn't actually tall enough to reach the tapes of someone laid out on the table. With a sigh the small girl climbed up onto the table herself, being sure to stay as far towards the end without straps as possible. Her grin grew quit a bit when she heard the alarm sound and the lid close, a small part of here relieved not to hear it make contact with her opponents head. She was willing to humiliate her opponent, but she didn't want to actually injure her.

Anna gave the tables straps a brief glance, but decided she didn't have the time or energy to try to repair and enchant them right now. Instead she opted for her trusty sticking charm, spreading it over the opposite end of the table where she expected to have Sierra's upper body in a moment. That accomplished she turned to the chest and began levitating it towards her. Oddly it didn't weigh anywhere near as much as she expected, but it still drained most of her remaining magic to move. Once it was safely floating above the table she began to call out in a voice she hoped would be heard through the chest.

"Alright you little brat, this is how things are going to work. I'm going to be putting this diaper on you, nothing you can do will change that. Now what you can change is how quickly this diaper comes back off. The more time it takes me to get it on you, the more time you have to wear it. So you just think about that before you go trying anymore of you mischief." At this point Anna was practically dancing on her perch at the end of the table, although not entirely from excitement. However as she opened the box and began pouring it's contents out onto the changing table her mind suddenly started reminding her of the other times she had though she beet the older girl. 'Please don't be a trap. Please don't be a trap.' She silently chanted, hoping she wasn't about to have another nasty surprise.


Sierra let out a surprised squeak as, just as she was about to finally pull herself back out of the toy box, she heard a loud noise blaring right in her ear. Not knowing what was going on, she stepped back without thinking, just like in the high chair, and once again found herself falling, this time scattering her little stairway of blocks all around her as she went. She stared up in confusion, just as the lid slammed shut. "No!" she squeaked, feeling suddenly frozen in terror at the sight.

She gave a whimper as she felt the box begin to move beneath her. This was exactly what she'd been afraid of! She had to think of something, anything, but as she sat there, she just felt stupid and useless for landing herself in this position to begin with. Why hadn't she just thought ahead enough to transfigure the diaper into something more easy to put on before getting into the box? Why hadn't she closed the lid to begin with - though probably the jars would have still found her, and them banging on the lid would have made it all the easier for Anna to find her.

"Okay," she muttered to herself. "Just gotta think..." But she was sidetracked from that as her bowels chose that exact moment to begin cramping again. This time, however, after she'd been stuffed with such a huge amount of baby food, relatively speaking, that wasn't all. She let out an uncomfortable gasp as she felt a warm, mushy mass starting to force its way into the rear of her diaper. She squirmed frantically, pressing her bottom against the bottom of the toy chest, trying to stop the flow. This was the exact wrong time for this to be happening! As if that wasn't bad enough, she could hear Anna's threats, and they were only making her feel more insecure as she began to wonder if the girl wasn't right about the inevitability of her coming diapering. The fact that she was in the middle of slowly but surely filling her training pants didn't help her confidence any.

It was only as Anna got to the end of her speech that Sierra noticed the box wasn't moving anymore. She must be wherever Anna wanted her, she realized, and she had been too busy pooping her pants to come up with the plan she had been supposed to be working on. A moment later, the lid opened and the box began to tip, earning another frenzied squeak from Sierra as her seat stopped pushing so firmly against her diaper, giving her bottom an excuse to expel the mush into it more quickly as she started to slide toward the opening that she could now see was pointed out the changing table.

Her first instinct was to go back to trying to stop her accident, but that was not only futile, it was bound to lose her the match. Instead, she stared down at the other contents of the box as they tumbled downward. Getting her feet beneath her to try to stop her own fall as much as she could, she shot basic spells at the toys as they fell out of the box. She didn't have the time, or likely even the magic energy, to animate them all specifically, she just made them shoot out in random directions, since she wasn't sure where Anna was standing. Before long, though, she lost her footing, and while she did manage to keep her grip on her wand, she went rolling down the side of the box, landing on the surface of the changing table on her full tummy, knocking the wind out of her and leaving her helpless to stop the final - at least for this round, since she could tell her body was definitely not done yet - huge rush of poo that action forced out of her, filling her Pull-Ups beneath her.


Anna felt the loud yell of surprise leave her lips as suddenly the toys leaving the toy box began firing in random directions. Especially sense the first seemed to be coming right for her, whether by some coincidence or fate the teddy bear she had stripped earlier for it's clothes now struck her in chest as though trying to get it's clothes back. Although it didn't hit vary hard, the force of the blow did add poorly to the reflexive move backward she tried to make while already sitting on the edge of the table. Her previous shout became more of a scream as she fell back, heading quickly towards the ground.

Pain was the first thing the small girl noticed upon hitting the ground. She had managed to land on her bottom, and the pain now shooting up her tail bone brought tears to her eyes. The second thing she noticed however was the growing wetness. The shock of the random toys mixed with fall had caused her to actually lose control of her bladder. Now she couldn't seem to get it to stop, and tears where flowing freely down her bright red face. 'This isn't suppose to happen to me! Only she's suppose to do this kind of thing. I'm not supposed to have a hard time doing this, or think she could actually win, or be...wet.'

Anna sat for a few moments letting the pain and humiliation wash over her, before she finally pushed it aside with something that was starting to come through even stronger: anger. She was mad at the toys for knocking her down, the people who told her the blonde cold't cast better than a first year, her brother for making her think this was necessary, herself for actually having an accident, and finally Sierra for not just giving up. Now filled with that anger she began to let it out, stomping her feet and pounding her fist on the ground. Luckily her tantrum was short lived, when it occurred to her there should be a better target near by.

Anna awkwardly got to her feet, noticing the now empty toy box floating in the air. Part of her was a little surprised she hadn't dropped it when she fell, but now that it served it's use she let it fall to the ground besides the changing table. With a little effort she climbed back up, getting her first look at the target of her displeasure. 'Did she shrink! Oh she's a mess, and she's making a mess! I wasn't supposed to have to actual change a dirty diaper!' Anna normally would have gone to town on the now smaller girl's appearance, however she just couldn't make the playful taunts come in her current state.

Instead she removed her sticking charm, as she would have to get much closer then she had figured on. With that done she moved over to the other girl and laid a hand on the small of her back to keep her in place. "Do you see what you did," she demanded in a voice that was barely more than a growl. In most situations she didn't think a thirteen year old in obviously wet pants could be scary, however she tried her best anyways. "Now look what you're going to have to wear." With that she moved the diaper she had intended to use so it sat right in front of the other girls face. Then in a moment of inspiration she placed two more on top of it, before using a small transfiguration to merge them all together into a single monstrosity of padding. "And it won't be coming off anytime soon. Clearly you need it, so it'll be staying on as long as I can keep it their."

With her threat delivered Anna looked down and the girl's dirty backside, her eyes falling on the still red thighs bellow the pull up. She tried to force her face into a smile when another though occurred to her, but mostly she just ended up sniffling. Sliding her wand into the pocket on the chest of her overalls, where it would be as far from the wetness of her lower reaches as possible, she brought her now empty palm down a crossed the older girl's red thighs. "Actually I think your going to ask me to do this. You are going to tell me why you need that diaper, I don't think it will be hard to guess, the you are going to ask me to put it on you. Once you convince me of how much you need and want it we can move on to your change." She did her best to avoid touching the diaper it's self and just bring her swats down on the other girls upper legs, however she was a little bit disgusted when her poor aim occasionally caused her to make contact with the girls dirty bottom.

A small voice of practicality was reminding her she should just turn the girl over and win this, but it was drowned out by her pride. The blue eyed girl's ego had been taking a bit of a kicking sense the fight started, and now she wasn't even sure how she was going to walk out of this with her head held high even as the winner. Still a small part of her would feel much better once she had the tiny blonde begging for a diaper.


Sierra didn't even want to move now, knowing that every motion would bring her a fresh reminder of the not so little accident she'd had in her training pants, further sapping what little confidence she had in herself. She just wanted out of the thing now, and a part of her mind told her to just give up, to let Anna change her into a fresh diaper and get this over with. Shrunk and in messy pants, she couldn't imagine coming out of this the winner. Why make things worse?

Of course, she didn't really think that, but it delayed her enough that, by the time she had convinced herself she had to try, she felt Anna's hand on her back, pressing her down into the softly padded surface of the changing table, pushing the wand she had fallen on top of harder into her tummy. She wriggled under the girl's hand, starting to feel scared as she remembered how tall she'd felt at the beginning of the match, and how defenseless she now felt, both caused by the same person. She almost felt a little bad for calling Anna a 'pipsqueak' before the fight, and for using her size to her advantage, because now it was all coming around to bite her in the padded bottom.

And Anna looked ready to go to town on her. Sierra couldn't even bring herself to tease the girl for having an accident, not after having a much worse one herself. She gulped as Anna levitated the diaper in front of her, joining it with others to make it thicker and thicker... Even at normal size, Sierra knew she'd have trouble walking in that. Shrunken, she had a bad feeling she'd be stuck crawling. It looked like it could hold out for quite a long time, and Sierra could tell she still had plenty to fill it with, and that Anna would be more than happy to leave her to stew in it. Suddenly, even that doubtful part of her mind was second thinking its "just give up" stance.

Unfortunately, she wasn't sure it mattered. She was still pinned under Anna's hand, held too tightly to the changing table to grab her wand out from under herself, even if she could have done it without drawing Anna's attention. She gulped as she watched the girl's gaze, blushing as she watched the girl survey her stinky, lumpy backside, and knowing just a second too late what she was going to do next. She yelped as Anna delivered the first spank onto her still sore thighs. Sierra could hardly believe she was about to get spanked, again, this time by hand, but Anna was obviously serious about it. Even without the hairbrush, the spanking was painful enough, given their newly reversed size difference, and Anna's anger, and Sierra found herself in tears in a matter of moments, though she wasn't sure if that was more from the spanking itself or how helpless she felt.

She wrinkled her nose as Anna's hand landed on the rear of her training pants, squishing the mass within against her tender bottom. "Let me go!" she wailed, squirming uselessly, unable to escape either of the girl's hands, not the one trapping her there or the one delivering the spanking. She was already feeling tired enough... If she let this go on too long, she'd completely wear herself out crying and fighting, and yet she was too worn out to get either under control. By the time she was desperate enough to do as Anna wanted, she doubted she would have the strength to use her wand, if she could even get it in time, or do much of anything but tearfully accept her diapering.

Which meant she was going to have to hurry things along. Her face flushed at the idea of saying the things Anna wanted her to say, but it was likely her only chance now. Unfortunately, she had to endure the spanking a little longer before she let herself "break down", knowing that doing it too soon would tip Anna off. It didn't take long before she decided she couldn't take it anymore, though, and she cried, "I'm sorry! P-Please, stop! Please, put me in the diaper! Please, I-I'm too much of a baby to be out of diapers! I c-can't control myself!" She thought about peeing some then, to punctuate that fact, only to realize that her body had beaten her to it, urine trickling out into her soiled Pull-Up without her even noticing until she thought about it. Maybe she had actually waited too long into the spanking, she worried, if it was affecting her that much. "I n-need diapers! Please, put me in one!"

She wasn't sure if it was enough, but it was all she could bring herself to say at the moment without a little more "encouragement". She could only hope that Anna lightened up on the hand holding her back down enough that she could grab the wand from under herself and use it. She was sure she couldn't manage anything big, even if she somehow had time for it, but a Jelly-Legs Jinx might be enough to knock the girl down, and if Sierra moved fast enough, perhaps she could pin her down and grab her wand from the pocket of her overalls. It would be a lot harder than normal this small, but with a little luck, and the only one with a wand, she might still have a shot.


Hearing the other girls cries sapped Anna of her remaining anger. With a final pair of extra hard swats to the other girls seat she stopped the spanking she had been delivering. She actually felt a little bad for losing her temper. Anna didn't like to think of herself as a mean person, she was just used to getting her way. So what if she reacted poorly when she didn't get what she wanted, that didn't make her spoiled did it? Of course her own guilty conscience drowned out any suspicion she might have had about the other girls motives. She moved her spanking hand to the take over at the girls back, freeing up her off hand to give the girl a reassuring pat on the cheek.

"Alright, no more crying little thing," she told the older girl. She tried to sound comforting but sense her words where punctuated with a couple of her own sniffles she wasn't she how effective it was. "Lets just clean up some of this mess, then we can clean you up." Keeping one hand on the girl she began shoving the various toys that had landed onto the table off the edge, into the open toy box below. She then grabbed the monster diaper and pulled to down towards the blondes feet, something that was much harder to do than she would have expected. "See isn't it so much better to just be a good girl?"

Giving her blue eyes a quick wipe Anna bent down over the smaller girl, thankful for what ever had caused her to become so much smaller and easier to move about. She rolled the girl over onto her back, keeping her face low to Sierra's own. As soon she she had the girl facing the correct way she began talking to her like an actual toddle. "Now who wants to get out of their dirty pants and into something new?" She finally managed to get a something resembling a smile onto her own face again, swing her head back and forth a bit so her hair would tickle the other girls face. She hoped continuing to treat the petite blonde like a toddle would reinforce the idea that she had already lost. Anna thought she had pretty good odds of man handling the girl now that size was on her side, but she was very tired and getting dangerously low on magic. Of course she also wasn't quit ready to look down at the mess she was going to have to work through to claim her victory, so concentrating on the other girls face for a moment didn't seem like such a bad idea.


Sierra's stomach sank as she realized Anna wasn't as stupid as she'd hoped, keeping the pressure on her back even once the spanking was done, leaving her just as stuck in place. She gulped as she saw Anna slide the diaper closer to her crotch, worrying that Anna was just going to put it on her right away without letting her up for even a second. She didn't dare wiggle too much now, either, not wanting to signal to Anna that the spanking hadn't been quite as effective as she'd let on.

She was surprised, but glad, when Anna rolled her over, though staring up into the girl's eye was quite disconcerting. Sierra hadn't realized just how much larger the girl seemed, and having her right there only emphasized that, as did Anna's new tone, making her feel almost as if this wasn't anything strange. She really did feel a lot like a toddler about to be changed by her babysitter after proving she wasn't as ready for her Pull-Ups as she'd insisted.

She didn't feel the wand underneath her anymore, which was a blessing, but with Anna's eyes staring right into hers, she didn't dare turn her head to look for it. Slowly, she slid her hand out, feeling blindly for the length of wood, hoping Anna didn't notice before she found it. Until then, she supposed she would have to play along, so she squeaked out a humiliating, "I do... I'm all stinky and squishy... I-I want my diapie," punctuating it by raising her other hand to her mouth and starting to suck her thumb. With any luck, Anna would take that for a surrender of sorts, or, at the very least, decide that was good enough and not try to gag her with anything else to prevent any last minute spell-casting, and that Anna wouldn't think she was trying too hard and suspect a trick.


Anna smiled at the smaller girl apparently accepting her loss. "Of course you do." She tried tickling the girls chin, but it occurred to her that might not work as well as someone who wasn't an actual baby. Instead she turned her attention to the girls lower half. "Now lets get um...started." Ann was a little grossed out by just how much of a mess she now had to clean up, wondering if maybe she should have gone a little easier on the baby food and caster oil. "Now how did a little thing like you even hold onto all this mess?"

Deciding to take the band-aid approach she quickly ripped off the tapes, then immediately turned away as the smell was released. Her eyes where watering, and she couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust. "Ya, nope. Sorry not cleaning all of that." Anna decided with the match clearly won she could afford to waste a little magic, and began firing scourgify spells blindly in the direction of the other girls pull-up. When the smell started to abate she got back to work, setting her wand to the side while she grabbed up some wipes to work through what was left.

"See, not so bad." Anna was mostly trying to reassure herself at this point. The few diapers she had changed herself up till now had either been wet, or changed by magic. She had actually never had to perform this part by hand before and if she had the magic for it she would have animated something else to do it for her. Instead she settled for keeping her head mostly turned away while she wiped the girl down. "Just a bit more there and we'll be down, thank Merlin. You know we could have avoided all this if you had given up sooner. Well you would still be in a messy diaper I guess, cause apparently your almost always in one, but I could have avoided having to clean it up. Your just lucky you decided to change out of your poor panties so they didn't have to go through this. I'm not sure why you even bother wearing them anymore though." Anna continued her running commentary to distract her self from her task, glad to notice she was nearly done.


Sierra forced a giggle from behind her thumb as Anna tickled her chin, a little embarrassed at how easily she fell into the role. Anna's words only made her feel younger, and feeling the cool air as her Pull-Up was opened only amplified the feeling as she blushed at the thought of Anna seeing her accident, and cleaning it up. She was certainly glad she didn't have to deal with it herself, but this was hardly an improvement.

It wasn't as bad when Anna used her magic, but feeling the girl starting to use baby wipes was far worse. Having grown up in a non-magical household, that was what she was used to, and she could feel her memories, partially opened up by Olivia accessing them during their duel, coming back, of being changed just like this when she really was a toddler. Involuntarily, she could feel herself starting to suck harder on her thumb.

She even forgot, for a moment, about her struggle to get a wand. She'd had to stop fumbling for her own when Anna had turned away, not knowing exactly where the girl was looking, especially since she didn't seem to want to look at Sierra's crotch, not that Sierra minded, and if the motion would draw her attention. She'd seen Anna put her own wand down, however, and she had a good idea of where that was, but to get to it, she'd have to switch hands, trying to keep one in her mouth at all times to ensure Anna didn't try to sneak an enchanted pacifier in there. That and, she had to admit, it was strangely comforting after the day she'd had.

She blushed at Anna's commentary, knowing she should just lie there and take it, but unable to take those last few blows to whatever dignity she had left. "Am not," she whined, removing her thumb after all. "I don't mess my diapers that much!" she insisted, though that was hardly something to brag too much about. Hoping her words would draw Anna's attention back to her face for a moment, she inched her hand closer to the other girl's wand, preparing to grab it while Anna was, with any luck, distracted for a moment.


Anna almost laughed when she hear the blonde's response. "Oh, really?" The younger girl continued her work till she had removed the pull up and was rolling it into a ball. "Cause that's not what I heard. In fact from what I heard I'm surprised they even let you leave your dorm in panties this morning. You know it's not fair to the people who have to clean up after you, if your going to be making messes you should dress appropriately." She shook one finger in the girls face while her other hand threw the pull up over her should towards the bin. She decided not to comment on the sound of it hitting the floor, a chaser she was not.

Now however she had a rather fun idea. Keeping eye contact with the older girl Anna felt around beside her for the monster diaper and held it in Sierra's line of view. "So are you saying you aren't going to mess this one then? You will keep it dry clean till bed time? It probably dinner time by now, so that's not long, especially for babies who should be getting to bed early anyways. I'll tell you what, how about we make a bet on that. After I get this on you if you mess or wet it again before bed time, then you have to spend time every weekend till term ends helping me practice my spells. If you can keep it clean... well I'll let you pick something. Babies should get to pick their dreams, even if they'll never come true."

Anna was really hoping she would go for it, after all she figured she could get a lot better at spells meant to affect people if she had a practice dummy to work with, and some of the spells would be really funny to cast on the blonde. Even if she didn't agree to the terms Anna figured she might still have to try firing a few of the more amusing spells at her when passing her in the halls. It wasn't like anyone would think anything was strange at this point if the girl randomly wet herself or started talking in a lisp. Primarily however she wanted to keep the green eyed girl in a conversation that made the whole diaper change sound inevitable, having managed to apparently get such total surrender from the girl she wanted to reinforce it. Using both hands to fully lift rather cumbersome the diaper up to just below her own chin Anna started shaking it back and forth with enthusiasm. "So, what do you say baby? We have a bet?"


Sierra's cheeks burned at Anna's words, knowing they weren't true, but finding herself embarrassed by them anyway. She wasn't sure if it was the conviction, or just her current situation, but as Anna scolded her, it was hard not to feel like maybe she deserved it.

Her heart raced as Anna felt behind her, sure she was going to grab her wand after all, though the diaper she pulled back instead wasn't much of an improvement, especially with the girl's bet attached to it. She wanted to indignantly state that keeping a diaper clean for a few hours was no problem, but, to be honest, she wasn't so sure about that after all that castor oil and baby food. How humiliating would it be to say that, only to fill her diaper again and prove herself the baby she was being treated like? And then to be stuck helping this girl practice Merlin only knew what on the weekends?!

But if she didn't take the bet, it would make it look like she had no confidence in herself, or her potty training, and, while that might be true at the moment, it was still almost as humiliating to agree to that in the moment. She squirmed beneath Anna as the question was put to her, feeling trapped either way. What should she do?! It didn't occur to her until she'd been mulling it over for a few moments that she hadn't even considered the third option, which was not to get diapered in the first place. She blushed again, realizing that she'd just accepted that as an inevitability.

It wasn't, however, and she was about to prove that. Anna was busy teasing her, which Sierra was sure would give her enough time to grab the other girl's wand without getting her attention. She would have rather had her own, of course, but that was much riskier. So instead, she forced another blush - which was quite easy - and squirmed, hoping Anna would take it as embarrassment, when really it was to get her fingers around the wand.

"O-Okay," she nodded meekly. "I'll take the bet, because I know I'm not gonna go poopy in my new diapie... Because you are!" She lifted the wand quickly, sputtering out the Jelly-Legs Jinx, figuring that would keep the girl unbalanced enough, and unable to get back up and fully use her size against her, that she would be able to finally diaper the girl. Unfortunately, while she was sure she had the strength to cast that spell with her own wand, using somebody else's was a different story, and she looked on in horror as the spell fizzled out uselessly.


Anna's heart skipped a beat at seeing the her own wand pulled on her on her. Sitting there with nothing but an obnoxiously sized diaper as a shield, she figured she was toast. The auburn haired girl turned away with flinch upon hearing the spell the older girl had cast. The was a silent pause for a moment while she waited for the jinx to take effect however her legs kept their normal solid feeling. Looking back around to see the horror on the other girls face Anna new she would have to act fast. "Bad baby," she yelled while lunging forward to slap the wand out of the blonde's hand. She was a little disappointed to see it fall off the table, but she wasn't sure what spells she would be able to pull of in her tired state anyways.

Grabbing an ankle in each hand she pulled the girls legs up then pulled them up against Anna's own chest so she could maintain their position with only one arm while the other reached around for the diaper. "You just don't know when to give up do you?" IT actually took a great deal of work to try and get the mass of padding in place, but once she did she was quick to grab the powder. "That's okay, now I know when where practicing later that you can still take more even after you say you can't." The young witch wasn't sure if more powder ended up on Sierra or covering Anna's overalls, but she figured it was enough for the rules. Now trying wrestle the girls legs back down and wide enough apart to fit the monstrosity she decided to through in one last taunt. "Any last words, baby girl?"


Sierra gasped as the wand was knocked out of her hand, clattering away. It was useless to her anyway, in her state, but just having it had been a small comfort. Now she was going to have to find her own wand after all, she mused, without daring to glance over to the side and get an idea of where it was for fear of tipping Anna off to her plan. She was sure she'd have a little longer to find a way, that Anna was sure to tease her a little more.

So it was quite a shock to find her ankles in the air, her red bottom lifted up, leaving her squirming and flailing uselessly. Her heart raced for a second as, in her squirming, her hand brushed against her wand, but she only knocked it further away from herself. She whimpered as she felt the massively thick diaper being pushed beneath her, and again as Anna shook out some baby powder, knowing that the only thing left was the taping, and it would be over. Except, not really, because clearly Anna had more plans for her.

She sniffled softly as she felt herself being lowered onto the diaper, her legs spread quite wide to accommodate the bulk. She slapped her hands on the changing table, wanting to throw a tantrum, since clearly she couldn't do much else, only to feel her wand beneath her hand. She was paralyzed for a moment, unsure of what to do. She knew her last spell had probably not worked because of the wand, but she was still scared to try it again and have it fail her. She needed something even simpler, yet something that would at least work as a distraction so she could... Well, she wasn't sure yet, but she would figure something out. All of her spells seemed too difficult in the moment, and she began to worry that, wand or not, she was still doomed.

Anna clearly wasn't going to wait all day, though, and Sierra had to try something, so she nodded. "Uh-huh," she answered. "Rictusempra!" It was a silly, simple spell, just something that causing a tickling sensation all over the body, but if she was lucky, it might keep Anna from taping her up, or taking her wand, right away.


There where several spells Anna disliked, but only a few she actively hated. Rictusempra was very near the top of the hate category. Anna was more than a little ticklish, something she always tried to hide from other people. Whats worse was their where a few spots, like her arm pits and the balls of her feet where she absolutely could not stand being tickled. The tickling spell hit everywhere, tickling indiscriminately. There was no chance of convincing someone to aim for the wrong spots so you could play it cool, or getting yourself ready while the searched for the good spots, you where just tickled. Hearing the small girl fire off the spell her eyes widened with horror, seeing the small flash of light close distance with her in what felt like slow motion.

Anna new this spell had actually worked, because her body did the same thing it always did when that spell was cast. She was immediately curled into a tight ball, reflexively trying to block access to her ticklish spots despite knowing it would do no good. She wasn't she how long she spent just rolling about in torment, her legs kicking feebly below the knee, it felt like hours although it was probably no more than a minute. However she was finally able to force herself to roll her knees under her. This wasn't the strongest version of the spell she had ever been hit with, so she thought she might be able to power through it.

She started trying to edge her way back towards the other girl, her movements slow and labored. She was also only able to force a single shaky arm out towards her opponent to try and wrestle her back into position. Anna wasn't even upset about not having a wand at this point, as it was she was barely getting air through her laughter so she didn't think a spell was going to happen. Thinking back Anna didn't think she had ever been able to dispel a tickling spell cast on her before, always stuck laughing until some one else removed it. At least this time she could hopefully diaper Sierra and then make her remove it, or perhaps get her to waste enough magic that the spell would weaken and break.


Sierra was quite pleased at the result of her spell, not having expected anywhere near that level of reaction to it. It had bought her a little extra time indeed, but she wasn't sure how she was going to get Anna into a diaper curled up into a ball as she was. For that matter, she wasn't sure how she was going to get Anna diapered at all. She'd been so worried about other things since actually seeing Anna again that she hadn't really given the girl's outfit a second thought, but it was definitely different than what it had been before, and much harder to get her out of.

She was too small to easily get the overalls off of the girl on her own, and as much as she was rolling around, Sierra didn't trust her aim with a cutting spell to get through the cloth, not wanting to accidentally hurt Anna in the process. Once she had them off, though, she was sure it would be easier, so she tried to think of another way, finally settling on the snaps that held the outfit on. Cutting the straps that went over the girl's shoulder was, again, too dangerous, but if she could get the snaps to undo themselves, maybe in all her thrashing about, Anna would get herself out of the overalls, at least mostly, and a missed unsnapping spell wasn't going to do any harm.

Unfortunately, the snaps were not an easy target to hit, and every time she missed, she could feel herself getting more tired. Simple as the spell was, she had used far too much magic in this fight already, along with everything Anna had put her through. She smiled in relief as one of the spells connected and one strap undid itself, but there were another few misses before Anna recovered enough to start crawling towards her. Sierra gasped, realizing she had stupidly not even tried to get off the diaper herself. She began firing more wildly, wasting more magic before getting the other snap, but by then, she felt Anna's hand on her stomach, holding her down onto the diaper. Sierra gulped, trying to use a spell to pull the overalls off the girl, but it fizzled out, signalling that she was nearing the end of the line for her casting. If she let the tickling charm drop, maybe she could get in another spell or two, but Anna wouldn't be distracted by it anymore...

She was going to have to be fast. Catching her breath, she gripped her wand tighter in her hand, then ended the spell, immediately casting another to push Anna's overalls down, shoving the girl weakly away from her in the process, awkwardly sitting up on the diaper, planning to somehow find the strength to pounce on the girl, yank down her underwear, and diaper her. Except her underwear was nowhere to be seen. Instead, the girl's shirt had been stretched to cover her crotch, giving her an extra layer of protection. It was wet from Anna's accident as well, but it didn't matter, as it was pulled too close to the girl's skin for Sierra to risk cutting it away with magic, and there seemed to be no other way to get it off. "That's not fair!" Sierra pouted, trying desperately to think of some other way to get the garment off.


Anna hit the tables padding with a soft thud, feeling no small amount of fear when her overalls came down. Anna lay there for a moment, desperately trying to catch her breath. She new speed was essential at this point, but she had already been fairly tired before the spell, and it turned out laughing like a lunatic really took it out of you. She hoped the other girl was too distracted in the brief delay to cast anything more, but she honestly was no longer truly listening.

She lunged forward again, coming up short at first due to her legs now being slightly hampered. She fumbled slightly getting past the assorted items that had begun falling out of her pockets onto the table, her eyes however landed on the pink ribbon which she quickly snatched up. As quickly as she could she started reaching for the smaller girl, grabbing a wrist in each of her hands. With no small amount of difficulty she wrapped them both in the ribbon, being careful to keep the wand aimed away from her. At that point however her plan was pretty much at a stop. She would probably need both hands to keep the girl in position and tape up the diaper, and wile she could move the girl around with difficulty she was fairly certain by now she would have a death grip on the wand. It was one thing to disarm the girl with a spell, or smack a wand away when she didn't have a firm enough grip, but a serious struggle might break it and she didn't consider herself cruel enough to break another witches wand.

Anna knew more than most how little being bound could effect a creative persons casting, something she had demonstrated to great effect earlier, and the one thing she would give the other girl was that she was creative. That meant she needed some thing to anchor her wrists to, but she could find nothing convenient. Finally realized she did have one thing, and pulled the other girl towards her. Her plan was simple, she would loop the other girls arms around neck so that the wand was pointing behind Anna, that way Sierra would be in a poor position to aim and spells, and as long as she didn't wiggle free Anna had a decent shot at getting her into a diaper. Of course the other girl would have free reign to cast any spells she could manage the motions for at Anna's back, but hopefully the younger girl could be quick enough to still win regardless.


Sierra squeaked as Anna grabbed her hands, sure at first that the girl was going to take her wand, preparing herself to do her best to keep that from happening, despite Anna's size advantage. What she didn't expect was for Anna to tie her wrists together, all the time holding Sierra's wand pointless uselessly away. Sierra's shrunken body and tired state left her unable to free her hands, or even move her wand around enough to attempt to sever the ribbon. Even if she could find a way to get Anna's shirt off, she still wasn't going to be fastening any diapers by hand like that, and she was going to have to do that to win.

She blushed as Anna lifted her up slightly, draping her arms around her own neck, and bringing Sierra even closer to the girl's face, further emphasizing how small she had gotten. She could still feel the diaper beneath her bottom, still not done up, but only moments away from being so. Frantically, she searched the room, as well as she could with Anna's head blocking her view, desperate for a pair of scissors to cut through the ribbon, and maybe even Anna's shirt, though she had a feeling she would need to do that last part by hand. Of course there were none to be found.

She did spot the last two birds from the mobile across the room, remembering how useful they'd been to her before. Perhaps, if she could coordinate them right, she could get them to at least loosen the ribbon. She really couldn't expect anything more, not with as limited as her hand movements were, but it might be enough. She squirmed, carefully aiming her wand as well as she could in that position, setting off an animation spell, only to have it fizzle out.

"No!" she squealed, wriggling desperately. "Come on!" She focused as hard as she could, pouring as much energy as she could muster into the spell, hardly even noticing that doing so caused her bladder to dribble slightly into the diaper she was still sitting on, the huge amount of padding soaking it up easily. She cast the spell again, and this time it made it, striking one of the birds and causing it to begin to flap its wings again, rising into the air and starting towards her. It looked like the spell had barely been enough for the job, though, as it moved very slowly, wobbling drunkenly. She whimpered, trying to will it to move faster, to even make it to her instead of falling out of the sky, as it seemed to be about to do any second.


Anna set to work quickly. She could feel the small hands moving in what was most likely wand motions behind her. She was more than a little worried that the other girl had found some good use for her wand, but she wasn't sure what more she could do. Keeping the girl on the diaper as best she could Anna attempted to pull the diaper up onto her, however that was where she was hitting a bit of a snag. The position combined with Sierra’s short arms meant there was almost no room between them.

Anna tried to get the diaper pulled up in front, however their wasn't enough room to fit the massive diaper. Anna moved around in to several different positions to try and make more room, barely managing to keep the other girl sitting on the diaper with all the jostling. She briefly considered pulling out a different diaper, but such a delay sounded like a really bad idea. The young teen felt tears pricking the corners of her eyes. She was so close, and yet these small things kept slowing her down.

Finally deciding she had no other option she made a quick dipping motion, bringing her head out of the loop of the other girls arms. She hoped the move would disorient the other girl enough to give her the second it would take to win. As quickly as she could she brought the front of the diaper up and began fumbling for the first tape. She let loose more than a few curse words trying to get a hold of the tape however, letting out a sigh of relief as it finally came free in her hand. Anna gave a triumphed smile, knowing she was only moments from victory.


Sierra wriggled anxiously as she watched the bird flutter through the air, trying to will it into flying more quickly, sure her time was just about up, considering how much Anna was moving around. She could have looked down to try to get some idea, but she decided it was better not to worry about it, to concentrate on finding some way out of this mess if she possibly could. If the bird would just hurry up...

She let out a gasp of surprise as Anna tossed her back forward, laying her flat on her back again - or as flat as she could be with the monstrous diaper under the lower half of her body. The sudden change of perspective was enough to confuse her for a moment, long enough for her to feel Anna pulling the diaper between her legs, really giving her a sense of its immense size. Her legs wiggled uselessly against the bulk, making her feel like an upended turtle.

She gulped as she saw Anna reaching for the tape, starting to breathe heavier as she saw the end of the match looming closer than ever. Remembering how well it had worked last time, she attempted another Rictusempra spell, but with her hands still tied together, she couldn't flick her wand quite the right way. Thinking back to the beginning of the fight, she tried Aguamenti again, hoping the water spray would push the girl back some, but her wand could produce only a trickle, dripping down onto her tummy.

She could see the bird, still slowly making its way towards her, but too far away to possibly reach her in time. Even if it did, Anna would notice it before it could untie her, if it was even dexterous enough to do that in the first place. She let that enchantment fall, then gave Aguamenti one more chance, but this time, the only trickling it produced was in her diaper as she concentrated as hard as she could on the magic.

That was it, she realized in horror as she saw Anna stick the first tape into place. Her true last shot, and she had wasted it. "Stop it!" she wailed helplessly, trying to smack Anna's hands away from her diaper with her wand, the only useful thing she could do with it until after a good night's sleep. Even then, she thought miserably, the shrinking spell was going to be a bitch to reverse after sitting for so long. "Let me go! I don't wanna wear diapers! Stooop!"


Sierra’s attempts at magic filled Anna with joy, obviously if she was casting so feebly then it had to be over. When the girl began crying out and trying to use her wand to physically stop her the younger girl laughed euphorically. She stopped only long enough to give the hand trying to stop her a swat, before continuing with the last tape. If there was one thing she had learned today it was that she couldn’t let up for even a minute. Pressing the final tape into place Anna sealed the diaper, and her victory.

Triumphantly she leaped to her feet, throwing her arms into the air. Of course between the oddness of standing on padding and having her overalls still pulled down the girl promptly fell back onto her bottom, but she was far too happy to care at this point. After taking a moment to soak in her joy she slid off the table and onto the floor.

As soon as her feet hit the floor she kicked off the overalls, and casting a drying spell on her lower half. She briefly considered a trying to get rid of the large stain, or fixing her skirt, but decided she would conserve her magic for now. It would probably be easier to just go find where Sierra’s skirt had been left and return it to its original form. Walking around all night in dirty underwear wasn’t the best plan, but Anna defiantly wasn’t wearing anything she found in this room.

Retrieving her wand from where it had fallen in the toy box she checked her watch, and then called out to the miniature witch on the table. "So, here’s how I see things. Everyone should still be at dinner for a little while. So if you behave we should be able to get you dressed and back to your room without anyone seeing." Part of her was tempted to parade he girl in front of every one possible, but the fact of the matter was there was no guarantee the blonde wouldn’t share details about the fight Anna had no interest in anyone knowing. No she would have to but mass public embarrassment on the back burner. "If you do anything to slow us down though there’s no telling who might see you like that, I might just give up on putting clothes on you all together." Anna wasn’t actually mean enough to drag the girl around in just her bra and panties, but she’d settle for something out of the dresser.

"Now if you're a really good girl, after your time out I’ll see if I can fix your size before bed. If not, well you can try to do it yourself in the morning, but I think we both know how well that is likely to work." Anna gave the girl a condescending grin with that remark. She actual wasn’t sure if she could fix the girl with the magic she had left, but she had a little while to regain power and if all else failed she could find something the girl had done to justify not trying. "Oh, and I will be staying to put you to be tonight," here the young teens grin become positively predatory, "after all we made a bet and I need to make sure you don’t cheat. Heck maybe I’ll make it a sleep over and stay do get you ready for class in the morning, how does that sound?"

Anna soaked in her glory as she summoned her cloak from a crossed the room. So things hadn’t gone according to plan, she wasn’t going to get to brag at all like she though, but their where plus sides. She now had a practice dummy lined up for the foreseeable future, any qualms she might have had treating another person as such squashed by the feeling of her soiled undergarments. And even though she couldn’t share the story for fear of someone finding out just how much embarrassment this victory had cost her, the practice would help her bring in some more victories later.

As she fastened her cloak with an exaggerated flourish she made sure to make eye contact with the other girl. "So, any questions?"


"No! No no no!" Sierra sniffled, staring uselessly as Anna unstuck the last tape, then pushed it closed, signalling once and for all that the match was over. Even from across the room, Sierra could hear the door click as it unlocked, showing that even the spell she'd used to govern the duel had accepted her loss. She squirmed on her back, pawing at her diaper with a sniff as Anna celebrated, knowing that now she wasn't going to be able to take this diaper off herself - or any diaper that the winner put on her, for that matter. With a diaper this big, and Anna's dislike for changing messy diapers, who knew how long she'd be in it?

Sierra still felt a little stunned at having lost, especially as she watched Anna fall onto her bottom. How had she lost to this kid? It wasn't fair! She could feel herself start to cry at the injustice of it all. While Anna got her wand back and began getting herself back in order, Sierra struggled to sit, and then to roll over onto her stomach when that proved too hard. She squirmed at the girl's plans for her, knowing that she was helpless to do much about them. Now, especially, when she was too worn out for another spell, she couldn't do much, but even once she was rested, thanks to the rules of the duel, her magic wouldn't work on the girl anyway.

She had no intention of slowing down once they got into the halls until they reached her room and the privacy there. She knew she would be either waddling quite badly or crawling, making it obvious what she was in no matter what embarrassing outfit Anna chose for her. She was happy to hear that her size might get back to normal, although she wasn't sure she liked having to be whatever Anna considered "good" to earn it, nor the fact that Anna hadn't forgotten about the time out she'd promised her, or being put to bed by this kid. Especially because she was sure there was no way she was going to win the bet, not considering she'd already wet her diaper slightly, and her tummy still felt very full despite the messy diaper it had already produced.

"N-No," she shook her head at Anna's question. It was quite clear the rest of her day, and her weekends from the rest of the term, were going to be very embarrassing, maybe even more than this had been, but there wasn't much she could do about that now. If nothing else, though, she supposed she could be a good sport. "Good fight, Anna." She sighed, staring down at the floor far below her, realizing she couldn't even make it off of there without help. She really was about as helpless as a baby, and she could only hope that Anna would be kind to her in her victory... "Umm... Can you help me down?" At the very least, she was sure Anna would help her with that, if only to make it easier for her to take her off to her next humiliation... And, for once that day, Sierra was right.
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Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:21 am

Re: Sierra's Struggles - Complete (For Now!)

Postby Sierra » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:38 pm

Part 3 - The Rematch

"Well, well, well," Sierra's father shook his head, thumping the hairbrush against his open palm. "I am very disappointed in you, young lady. A big girl like you, about to graduate, and you are so immature that you get yourself sent back to first year! Seven years of hard work, and money, down the drain, all because you're too lazy to go to your classes and do your homework!"

Sierra gulped, watching the hairbrush nervously. "Th-That's not it at all!" she sniffed. "That wasn't my fault! It was that Anna girl! She kept me in diapers and..." Her cheeks turned bright red as she thought back to her week under Anna's control, and how humiliating it had been, and how far she'd fallen in just that short amount of time.

"And what?" her father demanded, stepping closer to her. "Made you use them? Dressed you up like a little toddler? Gave you enemas? Spanked you?" Sierra shrank back a little at each, flashes of memories of each of those things running through her head as her dad said them. "Well, you'd better get used to all that, because that's what your summer is going to be full of! Your Headmistress might think you're as mature as an eleven year old, but I don't think you've even made it that far! If you're lucky, by the time school starts again, I'll be convinced you're ready to go back and start again. If not, you'll be staying here. Maybe we'll enroll you in Happy Hills Daycare with all those kids you used to babysit."

"No," Sierra shook her head, vision blurring a little. "W-Wait, no, she just sent me back to first year for a day... Well, a couple, but I'm not actually..."

"Don't argue with me, young lady!" he shook his head, sitting down. "Skirt and panties off and over my lap. Now!"

Sierra shivered and blushed. "B-But daddy.... You don't believe in spanking!"

"I didn't, and look where that got us. I think it's time to start. Now hurry, or it will only get worse!" Sierra whimpered, but slid her skirt down her legs anyway, scared of what would happen if she didn't, pausing for a moment before following it with her panties. After her duel with Olivia, the girl had transfigured all of her even slightly mature looking panties into diapers and forced her to wear them at night. The only ones she'd been left with for the day were ones with cartoon characters, or her set of day of the week panties, which were decorated with cutesy animals. Unfortunately, after her duel with Anna, and subsequent baby treatment, a couple of those had been ruined, leaving her with an incomplete set, which was why she was in the Thursday pair, complete with an adorable picture of a raccoon, despite it being Saturday.

"Good girl," he told her. "Now over my knee."

"Daddy, please!" she whimpered.

He paused for a second, then pointed down at her skirt with the hairbrush. "Get your wand, young lady," he commanded. Hesitantly, she did as she was told. "You are clearly acting too big for your britches, so we're going to fix that. You are going to shrink yourself to the size of the toddler you're acting like, and then you're going to say goodbye to your wand until you prove to me you're ready to start school again."

Sierra blushed. She'd done that in her battle with Anna, and then found herself too exhausted to be able to reverse it until the next day... And even then it hadn't been her that had fixed it, but Anna, and the girl, intentionally or not, had left her an inch and a half shorter than before, just enough to drive Sierra crazy. Of course, she was rather well rested now, so that wouldn't be a problem, even if she was going to be able to keep her wand, but still, she didn't want to spend her summer that size!

"Five..." her father said, leaving her confused for a moment before he continued with, "Four..."

Sierra blushed again. Was he really doing this, counting down like she really was some little kid, convinced that their parents were going to do something awful if they got to zero?

"Three.... Two..."

Sierra began to shiver, fear sneaking up on her despite her best efforts. Even without this, her father was already big and strong enough to do whatever he wanted with her. If he really did intend to keep her in diapers for the summer... Well, maybe being a more appropriate size wouldn't be the worst idea in the world...

"One and a half... One..." His voice grew more threatening as he reached that number, the hairbrush beginning to tap against his open palm again.

"Okay!" she gave in, closing her eyes and casting the spell. She reopened her eyes to find the world looking far bigger, especially her father, who reached down and plucked her up off the floor. She squirmed, dropping her wand as she was draped across her father's lap.

"Good girl," he told her, patting her bare bottom lightly. She braced herself for the hairbrush, but it didn't come. Instead, she noticed the smell of baby powder wafting towards her nose, and then the feeling of her father's large hands massaging it into her skin.

"Daddy, what are..?" she started to ask, feeling confused. "I thought you said...?" She didn't exactly want to remind him of his threat, but at the same time, something just felt off here.

"Don't worry, you'll get your spanking, just as soon as you're taped up into your nice, thick Pampers," he promised. She gasped as she felt a diaper being held to her crotch, a big hand holding it against her bum as she was flipped over onto her back.

Something was wrong here. Well, a lot of things were wrong, really, and the more she thought about them, the more the cracks began to show. She squirmed on her father's lap, shaking her head, confused and scared as she felt the Pamper being drawn up between her legs, then one side being pulled tight. It wasn't until she heard the tape being readied that her mind finally worked through it all, however, and the world swam in front of her eyes, the sight of her living room transforming into the giant nursery where she'd fought Anna, her father changing into Olivia.

In a split second, she recalled what was happening. It was true that Anna had kept her captive as her baby, and not just for the weekends, like the girl had originally said. Sierra had spent nearly a week as the victim of the sadistic girl's strange whims, which had led to her missing quite a few classes, and plenty of homework. Once the headmistress got word of Sierra's absences, she had put a stop to it. Unfortunately, she also decided that because Sierra had failed to alert any of her teachers to what was going on during the few times she had managed to get to class - because she had been too embarrassed to do so - and hadn't put a stop to it herself, which should have been easy with the years of magical training she had over Anna, that she deserved a punishment anyway.

So Sierra had spent a long, dull, humiliating few days as a first year, going over the basics of wandwork and potion making, things that were so deeply ingrained into her from her years at the school that she could do them in her sleep. She'd been forced to sit with them at lunch as well, and even spend the night in their dorm, made all the more humiliating by the Goodnite she'd had to wear because she was afraid Anna's treatment of her might have left her with a bit of a problem. Frankly, it was a good thing, because she'd woken up damp the first night. She didn't think any of the kids had noticed it, but it had been embarrassing anyway, though so was the fact that probably everyone in the first year had seen her suck her thumb, an addiction she'd picked up while under Anna's 'care' that she had yet to cure herself of completely.

She wasn't even sure if that was the worst part of it all. The fact that she had blended in so well with her temporary classmates was pretty troubling as well. She hadn't even been the tallest person in any of her classes. She wasn't the shortest, either, like she was normally, but considering she was surrounded by eleven and twelve year olds, that wasn't much of an achievement. She told herself it was because of that inch and a half she'd lost from the duel, but even with it, she was pretty sure there were still kids who would have been taller.

And it wasn't just her height... None of the teachers seemed particularly surprised to see her there, and while she was sure the Headmistress had told them about her punishment, they still seemed far too comfortable treating her just like the other first years. The only good thing was that she always knew the answers when the professors asked questions, though by the end of the first day she had learned not to raise her hand every time, because she could hear the other kids calling her a show off and a know-it-all, which really stung because she was disguised as a rather stereotypical looking nerd, complete with braces, thick glasses and pigtails. Even knowing that she had a very good reason to know everything they were being taught, and that their opinion of her didn't much matter since she was only spending a couple days with them before moving back up to her regular classes, she still found herself feeling very self-conscious about it, and letting the other kids guess.

She wasn't sure how many of the kids had known the truth about her, but there was one who definitely did. She had even offered to help keep it a secret by coming up with, and helping to cast, the nerd disguise, seeing as the headmistress hadn't gotten Sierra's wand back from Anna when she first began her punishment so she could do it on her own, and pretending she bought the official story of her being a short term transfer from a different school... In exchange for Sierra agreeing to do her homework for her, something she was still stuck with. Sierra was a little worried that, even after she graduated, the girl would find a way to send her homework to her. Of course, by then, the blackmail wouldn't hold as much power, since she would be out of school, but at the same time, Sierra was a little afraid that the girl would somehow send a message to a future prospective employer telling them how the person interviewing for them had, as a Hogwarts senior, messed her panties while stuck as a first year and had to turn to one of her new classmates for help. Luckily, the girl was the only witness to that particular incident, but even one person was more than she would have liked to know about something like that.

After all that, it was hardly surprising that she had been desperate to regain any shred of dignity she could. She tried to tell her classmates that she had been visiting a sick family member for the past week, but it did not escape everyone's notice that the visiting first year had been there the days she was gone. It could have been a coincidence, and some believed that, but not everyone was convinced. Olivia was chief among them. Her spell on Miss Hoppikins was still ongoing, and once Sierra was back in her own room, she had gone back to diapering her every night with the bunny, teasing her, asking why she hadn't gone to her room to collect some clothes, or, really, anything, before going to visit her relative, not taking Sierra's lame, "I was in a hurry" for an answer.

Finally, Sierra had enough. It was bad enough she'd had to go through the punishment to begin with, or that she was still stuck with the consequences of losing her first duel, with some cocky, self-proclaimed dueling master using her favorite stuffed animal to send her to a diapered early bedtime every night. She was an adult, and she was going to be graduating all too soon. Was this really how she wanted her time at Hogwarts to end?

Of course not. And so, one night, she had faced down Miss Hoppikins and declared, "I want a rematch." The bunny had stopped in its tracks, staring at her. "Just one more fight," she continued nervously. "If I lose, that's that, and I won't ask for another rematch ever again. If I win, you have to promise YOU won't come looking for a rematch, or any other sort of revenge. And that you'll take the enchantment off of Miss Hoppikins so you can't do this anymore."

"Do what?" Miss Hoppikins teased, growing even further in size than she usually did, towering over Sierra before pushing her onto her back on her bed, yanking her skirt and Sesame Street panties down to her ankles. "Put that cute little butt of yours back in diapers where it belongs every night? I mean, I was planning on doing that anyway once we got out of school - once we're out, I'm sure I'll be too busy with my job and dating and all that to take care of you every night... But when I win, maybe I'll just keep the spell on and peek in on you every now and then to make sure you're all tucked in and diapered at your bedtime. And if not, I guess I'll just have to punish you properly. How's that?"

Sierra gulped as she laid there, letting the stuffed rabbit diaper her. She had been worried that was what Olivia was planning on doing anyway, and while the girl did say that she wouldn't have, there was no actual guarantee of that... The only way to be sure she was safe was to go through with this. "Fine," she said, trying to sound as confident as she could. "Will you be ready tomorrow?"

"I'm always ready," Olivia bragged. "You're the one who needs to prepare. But if you think that's enough time, so be it."

Sierra gave her directions to the room that Anna had set up for their duel, knowing that the girl had a house-elf friend who was maintaining it for future duels. She thought knowing the space would give her an advantage, but, to her surprise, when she arrived, the set-up was completely different. It seemed to have pretty much the same furniture, but it was rearranged, and, to her dismay, Olivia was waiting for her. Sierra wasn't sure if she had done that or not, but it didn't seem to matter much, since she at least had more of a chance to get the lay of the land. Olivia had just grinned at her and said, "Let's do this."

And then, in a matter of moments, Sierra had wound up here, on Olivia's lap, the size of a toddler, wand out of reach, about to lose the fight already. Olivia hadn't even used up any of her magic to do the shrinking herself! She had tricked Sierra into doing it herself and now, just to rub in how weak she was, she was about to put her into a genuine baby diaper, not even having to enlarge it first. Sierra had never imagined the duel could go so wrong, so quickly.

There was no escape at this point. Olivia had her on her lap, and even if she could have squirmed away before the diaper was fastened, she didn't have time to adjust her escape enough that she could feel certain that she wouldn't hurt herself in the fall to the floor. Really, she only had one option, embarrassing as it was, and she only had a moment to try to pull that off. Quickly, she reached up, grabbing the tape out of Olivia's hand, and pressed it to the panel on the front of the diaper before twisting and snatching up the other side to fasten that in place, too.

"Well, aren't you a clever little thing?" Olivia asked, reaching down, hands wrapping around Sierra's hands as she picked her up, lifting her up to her eyes. "Do you really think that's going to do you any good?" As Sierra squirmed in the air, legs kicking uselessly in the air, she had to admit she wasn't so sure. Other than her diaper, she was naked, and while her wand had shrunk with her, thankfully, it was out of her reach. "Pampers are adorable, aren't they?" Olivia mused, setting Sierra back down on her knee. "The only problem is, they just aren't as thick as they used to be. It's a good thing we can do something about that!"

Olivia pressed her wand to the front of the diaper, and instantly the padding began to expand, forcing Sierra's thighs apart while she squirmed worriedly, every passing second making her wonder if she could even walk in her super-sized diaper. "I wonder if that's big enough?" Olivia teased. "Better keep going, just in case... We don't want you to leak all over, and you're quite the heavy wetter, aren't you? Even this size, I bet you'd soak through these in no time!"

The diaper was growing comically big now, which did have one advantage. Sierra wiggled a little, then pushed backwards, letting herself fall off of Olivia's leg and onto the floor below, the diaper absorbing most of the fall quite nicely. Quickly, she grabbed her wand, then shot a spray of water right into Olivia's face as the larger girl bent down towards her. Olivia sputtered, trying to move out of the flow's way, giving Sierra the chance to crawl away.

"Most babies get their nannies wet BEFORE they get their diapies taped on!" Olivia taunted. "You can be a clever little thing, I admit that!" Sierra stopped under a massive crib, not wanting her crinkly pants to give her away. "Come on out, now, Sierra!" Olivia called. "This place is way too big for you! This whole school is! Just come on out, sweetie, and I'll see if I can get permission to take you over to the Happy Hills Daycare... That seems like it would be just right for you!"

Sierra shivered at the thought, but refused to reply, knowing that was exactly what Olivia wanted. She really wished that she had taken a little more time to practice non-verbal spells, since they would come in very handy now. Even trying to shrink her diaper would require an incantation, and she was sure Olivia was listening for just that. Untaping the diaper would be just as bad.

"You can't hide all day!" Olivia said after another minute or two. "Your little bladder can't hold out forever, and as soon as I hear you tinkling in your Pampers, I'll find you! You know you won't be able to hold it for long... Are you going right now?"

Sierra squirmed, only to realize, to her horror, that her diaper did, indeed, feel wet. One of her hands shot to the crotch of her diaper, though she couldn't really feel anything through there. She didn't think she was peeing, though. In fact, the center didn't feel wet at all, though the back did. Quickly, she turned, snatching a baby bottle full of warm apple juice out of the air before it could pour more of it down her pants. Obviously, Olivia could find her anytime she wanted... She was just playing with her, like a cat with an injured mouse.

Sure enough, a moment later, the crib was knocked sideways, revealing Olivia standing above her. No longer having to worry about staying quiet, Sierra used a spell to shoot the bottle right towards Olivia's lips, scrambling out of the way as the projectile flew. "You can't do this to me!" she declared as she went. "I am not your toy!"

Unfortunately, that seemed to give Olivia an idea. "Not yet, but I bet you'd be a pretty cute one! Maybe I won't send you to daycare... Maybe I'll shrink you down even further, until you're smaller than your little bunny without me having to grow her all the time... I can keep you on my bed, and watch you play with Ms. Hoppikins all the time! And then, when I get tired of you, I can give you to my little cousin, Susie. I bet she'd have fun dressing you up! She's a little forgetful sometimes, but I'm sure she'll remember to change you once your diapies really start to stink."

Sierra's path was blocked by a stuffed snake, one that looked awfully familiar. Both Anna and she had used it in their last fight, and even then it had been big enough to wrap either of them in its soft coils. Now, it looked like a monster, one that could eat her in one bite if its teeth were anything more than felt. She raised her wand towards it, but in one bite it and half her arm had disappeared into the plushie's mouth. Stuffed or not, once it had clamped down on her, it didn't seem interested in letting go, and she couldn't do much to stop it as it began to slither its way back towards Olivia, forcing her to crawl along behind, trying to think of a spell she could use that didn't require any wand movement.

Her struggles grew more desperate as she saw Olivia's shape looming, the snake pulling her ever closer, but she couldn't escape before the thing arrived, lifting its head, and her, into the air. She groaned as she was dangled by her arm, allowing Olivia to bend down to inspect her, poking and prodding her. "Hmm..." the girl mused, "I don't think this is quite right."

She straightened, shooting a spell across the room, causing a large doll house to swing open. A whole doll family was inside, seated around a dining table, but it was, of course, the baby that Olivia animated, calling it to her. It toddled over, standing in front of the girl obediently. Sierra wasn't happy to note that it was about the same size as her already, although, like everything else in this place, she knew that was because it was scaled up. It looked up at Olivia, opening its mouth to say, "Mama!"

"Let's see here," Olivia said, reaching down and stripping the doll down to just its diaper, which was, of course, a Pamper. "What do we need to make you the perfect dolly? Let's see... You're way too scrawny, for one! Just look how cutely chubby she is! But we can fix that..."

Sierra looked down in horror as Olivia cast a spell, and she saw her body begin to expand, ever so slowly, her thin arms and legs plumping up, her flat tummy starting to push out against the waistband of her diaper. Desperately, she tried to squirm her way free of the snake, her eyes catching on something in the distance. With a little strain, she managed to twist her hand inside the monster's mouth enough to get it aimed the right way, then fired a spell blindly forward. Thankfully, it hit her targets, sending them shooting straight ahead. Without wand movement, she couldn't give them any more complicated orders than that, but hopefully it would be enough.

Olivia turned to see what Sierra had done, giving Sierra a chance to raise her other hand and push against the snake's jaw with it, allowing her to get it open just enough for her to fall to her feet, just as the toys slammed into Olivia's ankles. It was a tiny zoo, all make of wood and on wheels, various animals made to be pulled around by toddlers - giant toddlers, of course, given that they were scaled up with the rest of the nursery - but now they were trying to stampede across the room by themselves, not seeming to mind that Olivia was standing in their way.

Olivia had enough time to fire off a spell to pick one of them off, but the others ran into her like a wave and suddenly she was falling. Sierra had been hoping for this, and in an instant, she had launched another spell, this one towards the mobile dangling in the air over them, sending its various strings down to wrap around her opponent's legs while she was vulnerable, then yank her upwards by the ankles while, underneath, the doll she had been using as a model was carried away. Sierra crawled away quickly, her transformed body feeling heavier and more awkward now, slowing her down a bit.

She had hoped that Olivia would be distracted a little longer, but only a moment or two later she heard, "Where are you going, dolly?" Sierra glanced behind her to a collection of Playdough rising from its containers, right before shooting at her like a soft, rainbow colored hailstorm, splatting against her and starting to grow outward to encase her as she made her way across the floor, slowing her down further as it covered her skin. Some of it even made its way inside her diaper. At first, Sierra thought it was just a little, but after a moment, she could feel it start to grow and expand, pushing against her backside and the seat of the diaper, ballooning it outward and adding even more bulk between her legs.

"Uh-oh, is baby having an accident?" Olivia mocked her. "You stay right there, sweetie... I'll be there to change you in just a second!"

Sierra heard a thump behind her that she was sure had to be Olivia freeing herself. What was she going to do?! She needed to buy herself some more time, since once Olivia was free she would be able to catch up to her easily, but what could she do? A plan began to form in her mind, although as she looked around the room, she began to wonder whether she could really pull it off or not. She had spotted the changing table earlier, and knew there was a good-sized stock of baby powder there, along with anything else that might be needed for diapering, and, fortunately, she could see it from where she was. She levitated as many bottles of powder as she could between her and Olivia, then exploded them, creating a huge cloud of white.


Olivia lowered her head and closed her eyes, coughing as the baby powder swirled violently around her for a moment, blindly casting spells to blow it away. If she had thought Sierra seriously had a chance, she might have been worried, since, as long as a single speck of the powder remained on her, the rules of the duel would dictate that Sierra had completed the powdering objective of her victory, but she wasn't worried. She had watched Sierra try to put up a fight against Anna in her room, had seen her studying, struggling even more than most of the students who grew up in the Muggle world. She was no match, and while it was cute that she had somehow thought she was, this match was starting to get old.

Luckily, Olivia opened her eyes before raising her head, giving her a glimpse of the puddle of white spread out in front of her, the empty bottles scattered throughout indicating that Sierra had emptied out the bottles of baby lotion as well as powder, trying to lay a trap for her. "Nice try, dolly," she called. "You shouldn't waste all of your changing supplies, though! You're going to need them!" Still, she had to admit, the powder had done its job, and she reached up to rub her eyes, trying to clear her slightly bleary vision.

She turned quickly as she saw something moving from the corner of her eye, smirking at the sight of the baby trying to crawl under the changing table to hide, obviously having been looking for something else to try to use as a trap. Her skin was completely covered in the Playdough now, the diaper straining to remain fastened. With a smile, she silently cast another spell, causing the dough outside of the diaper to begin to harden, preparing another something as she saw her opponent's actions slow down even further.

"I've noticed," Olivia mused as she moved towards the changing table, "you're not very good at non-verbal spells, are you? You should have learned those last year, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised you still haven't caught on. You're a bit slow with magic in general, aren't you? You just aren't very good at all! I wonder what you'll do if something like this happens?" She launched a pacifier towards the girl, sending it flying straight into her mouth. It wasn't just a normal pacifier, though... She had used it a couple times before on Sierra, to fun effect. Knowing she had a duel coming up, and deciding to be prepared just in case, she'd had a house elf prepare a nice, big batch of oatmeal and keep it ready for her in a specific spot in the kitchens. She'd made a large hole in the nipple of the pacifier and then linked the inside of the nipple to the bottom of the pot of oatmeal, then used a sticking spell around the inside of the mouth guard, just in case Sierra managed to break an arm free.

She hadn't by the time Olivia crossed to the other side of the changing table, and was, in fact, stuck there, diaper bulging, tummy being filled to prepare her to make a more genuine mess in her Pampers later. "Come on, playtime's over!" Olivia announced, bending down to pick the girl up, laying her down. She almost felt sorry for her when she saw that the Playdough had even spread out over her face, holding her eyes shut. She hesitated, almost clearing that away so Sierra could see herself being defeated, but she was sure that was something the girl had seen plenty of times before, and she was just ready to get this duel over with now.

"Looks like you had a little too much fun today!" she teased as she reached down to undo the diaper tapes, annoyed that the Playdough had splattered over one of the tapes. Sighing, she tucked her wand into her robes, then began to clear the stuff away so she could get the diaper off to put a new one on. "I think you're going to need a nice, long bath later! A nice, long, soapy bath... And we might as well give you a nice, big, soapy enema, too, to clean out your naughty little insides, too!"

Finally, she managed to get the diaper open, but the mess inside, while not being hardened, was still quite formidable, and she couldn't help but regret having been so enthusiastic with that particular spell. Finally, after pulling a good bit of it away, she decided to give up, assuming she would still win as long as the powder was in the diaper... And if not, she would just try again. It wasn't like Sierra was going anywhere. She could finish cleaning the girl up later, or make her do it herself. "Here's a nice, fresh Pamper for you!" she chanted. "It's not as thick as your last one, but I'll fix that in a minute, cutie!"

Her opponent was helpless to do anything as she lifted her up, sliding the diaper underneath, and then sprinkling a liberal amount of powder onto it. She paused, looking down at the girl's hidden face. The dough hadn't covered her nostrils, so she could breath, but that was about all that could be seen, and it just wasn't quite as satisfying, not being able to hear her beg for mercy, or look up at her with her big, scared eyes. Her hand moved up to the girl's face, carefully breaking away a part of the stuff coating her, freeing her mouth. Through her blurry vision, something seemed wrong, but she couldn't quite place it, and tried to shrug it off. "Any last words?"

There was only one, though it told the story well enough. "Mama," her victim said, in a voice that was definitely not Sierra's. Quickly, she reached for her wand, but it was already gone, and in a moment, her robes were swirling around her, wrapping her up and dragging her off her feet and over to the dollhouse. Sierra stepped out of it, naked except for a few bits of Playdough still clinging to her skin and a Pamper, clutching her wand. Olivia's own wand, much too large for her to try to use effectively, was on the floor next to the house. As Olivia watched, struggling to free her arms from her own clothes, the stuffed snake slithered next to her, adult diaper in its mouth.

"Any last words?" Sierra smirked.


It had been simple enough - so much that Sierra had worried Olivia wouldn't fall for it.In the confusion of the powder cloud, she had scrambled to the dollhouse and summoned the doll Olivia had been using as a model, pulling off its diaper and putting her own on it before scraping off as much Playdough as possible from herself and putting it on her decoy. She'd felt a little nervous when Olivia had so quickly blown the cloud away, leaving her anxiously spreading the Playdough over the doll, but fortunately, she'd managed it in time, sending it off to crawl towards the changing table.

She'd pondered whether or not to bother putting the doll's diaper on, but in the end, she'd decided it was for the best, just in case Olivia noticed her hiding there and her nudity gave her away. Part of her disliked the idea of posing as a doll, after everything Olivia had said to her, but part of winning a duel, it seemed, was using whatever was at your disposal, and Olivia had done her best to make her look like a doll. As soon as Olivia put her wand away, she had began working on it, slowly pulling it free of her pocket, letting it slowly drop through the folds of her cloak, then hiding it under the changing table until Olivia noticed she had been tricked, summoning it over to the dollhouse while the robe was dragging Olivia to her.

Sierra had to admit, all the casting was taking a toll on her, but she was almost done now. It was easy enough to yank down Olivia's skirt and underwear to around her ankles, and from there, she could levitate them and take Olivia's legs and backside with them. Just to make sure Olivia didn't wriggle free, she had the snake wrap around the girl, further encasing her arms, before laying down the diaper beneath her bottom. Sierra let the levitation spell fizzle, knowing the fluffy diaper would help cushion its fall, then, as she walked over to her prey, she had the snake reach down to grab the front of the diaper and pull it up over Olivia's crotch.

"No! You can't do this! This isn't fair! You're not strong enough to beat me!" Olivia raged impotently, her struggles only causing the snake to coil around her more tightly. Even so, Sierra was nervous to get too close, but she didn't have much of a choice, since she had to tape up the diaper by hand to win. Being careful to approach from the side to avoid the larger girl's flailing legs, she yanked one side of the diaper up and clumsily stuck the tape to the front before crawling over Olivia and repeating the process on the other side, heart thumping wildly, hardly able to believe what was happening any more than Olivia apparently could.

Sure enough, though, she heard a distant click signaling the doors had been unlocked. The duel was over. And, against all odds, she was the winner!

Olivia's legs continued to kick, though they looked more like a tantrum rather than defiance now. "Oh, you little brat!" she yelled. "This isn't fair! It doesn't count!"

"Doesn't it?" Sierra asked, stepping away and letting her enchantments on the clothes and stuffed animal drop. "Try it and see."

Glaring at Sierra the whole time, Olivia struggled free of her bonds, then reached down towards the diaper, trying to pull it off. Thanks to the rules of the duel, however, since the victor had put it on her, her hands just slid uselessly off of them, leaving her trapped. Now she couldn't remove any diaper Sierra put on her without help from someone else.

"Now, why don't you go ahead and do what you promised?" Sierra asked, kicking Olivia's wand over to her. "Take the spells off of Ms. Hoppikins. And fix me, too."

"Fine, fine," Olivia glowered, uttering a few spells. In a moment, Sierra could see the nursery seeming to grow smaller around her. She smiled, looking down to see herself getting bigger, the baby fat that had been added melting away before her eyes. The Pamper's sides stretched, but, somewhat embarrassingly, managed to hold on, if just barely, making Sierra wonder if she actually could fit into them normally, since these weren't even the biggest size, though she hoped not to have to find out. By the time it was finished, she almost thought Olivia had overshot her goal, before she realized that what had happened was that she was back to four feet ten (and a half, of course) inches, rather than four foot nine, which she had been stuck at since her duel with Anna. "Now what? You want to parade me around as your baby and humiliate me?"

"I'm not that mean," Sierra shook her head. "Besides, you were at least always good about keeping things private between us... And I don't really have time to take care of a big baby with exams coming up." She smiled as she saw the look of relief wash over Olivia's face, right before she reached out and snatched her wand away. "On the other hand, you were talking about putting me in daycare, or turning me into your cousin's doll..."

"That was just a joke!" Olivia insisted, although Sierra wasn't so sure. With a few flicks of her wand, she had stripped Olivia down to her diaper, and summoned an adorable sleeper from one of the room's closets. She'd seen it there during her last duel, though she had luckily not been put into it. Considering how Olivia had used Sierra's stuffed bunny against her, though, it seemed quite appropriate.

"Hop on in," she joked as she held it out for Olivia, threatening her with her own wand when she didn't move fast enough. Sierra pulled it onto the girl, zipping it most of the way up, then dropping Olivia's wand inside before pulling the zipper the last couple inches, getting up on her tip-toes to pull the hood over Olivia's head. It was pink and white, and quite fluffy, modeled after a bunny, of course. It had built in feet, mittens, and a hood, with floppy ears sewed to the hood and a big tail on the rear. There was a zipper going down the front, but, as Olivia watched, it began to vanish into the fabric, leaving her pawing after it helplessly.

"Don't worry, it'll come back," Sierra reassured her. "But only once you've used your diaper. Actually, let me rephrase that... Only once you've filled your diaper. I mean, I'm not very good at magic, so I couldn't figure out how to get it to detect just one use, so the spell only kicks in once you start leaking into your PJs. Of course, even once the zipper can be used, I'm not sure you'll be able to grab it with those mittens... And even if you can, you aren't getting that diaper off without some help. I'd offer to do it, but like you mentioned, I'm not strong enough for all this, so I need to go take a nap. I'm sure you'll find somebody to help you, though! Oh, and one more thing... Since you're so good at nonverbal spells, I bet you're pretty good with wandless ones, too, so to keep you from trying anything..."

She summoned a large, pink pacifier gag, pushing back the hood long enough to lock it into place. She gave Olivia one last triumphant smile, then reached down to grab the girl's clothes from the pile she'd flung them on, shrinking them to fit herself. She pulled the stretched out diaper off and tossed it aside, then got dressed, trying to ignore the fact that her spell hadn't completely worked, leaving her still looking a bit like a little girl playing dress up, and marched out of the room.

She managed to contain her fist pump and squeal of excitement until she was down the hall. She really did need to go take a nap, one that would quite possibly last until the next morning, but that didn't matter. She had done it. She had finally won a duel! Part of her thought about giving up, that just doing it was good enough to prove that she wasn't the baby everyone seemed to think she was, but on the other hand... If she could beat Olivia, supposedly the best duelist in the school, then who knew what else she could do? She had to admit, winning had been quite a rush, and if she could do it once, surely she could do it again!

For the first time in a long time, she flopped down onto her bed in panties, knowing that she would be waking up in them and not a diaper, feeling confident enough in herself that she didn't worry about the fact that she had been waking up wet every now and then lately, or her thumb slowly drifting upwards towards her mouth as she drifted off, which was also getting somewhat common. She could worry about those things later. For now, she was a champion.
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:21 am

Re: Sierra's Struggles - Complete (For Now!)

Postby Sierra » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:39 pm

Part 4 - Theme Park Adventure

This part was co-written by 34Qucker.

Sierra adjusted the bag on her shoulder, squirming anxiously as she looked around, feeling suddenly alone as she made her way into the park. It was nice, in a way... Things had been so busy as school ended, especially after all that drama with Anna, that it was nice to have a chance to just relax with her Muggle friends. She was sure it was going to be a great time! Even if her friends had already abandoned her...

That had really been her choice, though. They all wanted to start out with the roller coasters, which made sense, she supposed, since those lines tended to get pretty long pretty quickly, but she hadn't wanted to go, claiming she didn't like coasters. She wasn't a big fan, but mostly she was just nervous that she would be too short to be allowed on the hardcore ones that her friends wanted to ride, and didn't want to go through that humiliation in front of them. So, instead, she'd decided to start off at the water park while they did that, then, once they were finished, they would call her cell and meet up with her in there.

Almost as soon as they'd rushed off their own direction, however, she'd realized the flaw in that plan - she couldn't have her cell with her in the water rides. It was going to have to stay in her locker with her dry clothes and towel and such. Not wanting to seem like a worrywart, she'd let it go, figuring they would be able to find her, or she could just take a break to check her phone after a little while. No big deal!

Except that she had yet to actually find the lockers. She was starting to suspect that, in her excitement over first entering, she'd walked past them without noticing, because she was sure they had to be somewhere. She was beginning to regret her choice not to bring her wand, though, of course, she couldn't really have used it without everyone seeing. It was quiet enough now that she might be able to use a guiding spell without being too conspicuous, though.

She needed somewhere to change into the swimsuit she'd brought, and to stow her phone and cash, having left her credit card at home to make sure it didn't get stolen or anything, and to limit her spending. It was all tucked away neatly in her bag, which was starting to feel bigger and more cumbersome by the minute as she tried to figure out where she was meant to put it.

Perhaps more importantly, she needed a bathroom. Her bladder control still wasn't quite 100%, and it had been a long car ride, so she had "borrowed" a Pull-Up from the little girl she had babysat the night before and worn it. It had been embarrassing to note that she didn't even need to use any enlargement spells to fit into it, and even more to get into Ashlynn's car in it. She was pretty sure nobody knew, though, and despite a couple close calls, she had made it to the bathroom every time they stopped without any incidents. Now she was starting to get a little worried, however. If anything did happen, she did bring a pair of red Elmo panties to change into once she was in the park, but she would still have preferred not to have to use the Pull-Up.

It was still early enough that there weren't even many people around for her to ask, and those who were there were already taking advantage of the rides. Finally, she went over to the edge of one of the pools, bending over to shout to someone relaxing on an inner tube somewhat close to the edge. Before she could get it out, however, the person yelled, "Look out!"

She turned right in time to see a pair of girls, probably around fifteen, and rather tall, running along the edge of the pool, quite unsafely, but, more importantly, right towards her. Anxiously, she tried to step out of their way, only for her foot to slip. With a yelp, she fell right into the water, bag and all. Sputtering, she hastily scrambled back out, but it was already too late - she and everything she'd brought with her was soaked. She stood there, stunned, on the brink of tears as she began to wonder what she was supposed to do now with her money all soaked and phone wet as well, keeping her from being able to call her friends for help. The teenagers just giggled and hurried along, not making any move to assist her even though this was their fault.

"Oh goodness dear look at you! Soaked to the bone!" A strange woman looked down at the sopping wet Sierra; in her red dress and sunhat she held a large pink bag at her side. In her other hand she held a towel which she draped over Sierra.

Sierra looked up in surprise at the sound of the woman's voice, still a little in shock over what had happened, and how quickly, not quite able to react as she was pulled to her feet, nose wrinkling as her feet squished against her soaked socks and shoes. This was definitely not the way she had expected her day to begin.

"Let's get you to the locker rooms and into a new pair of clothes before you catch a cold." With that the woman ushered Sierra towards the locker rooms before she even knew what was going on.

By the time she had calmed down enough to think, they were already halfway there. The lockers turned out to be, as she'd expected, quite easy to spot now, making her feel quite silly for having missed them the first time.

"Th-Thanks," she said with a blush, also feeling rather silly at having had to be 'rescued' by some random woman. "I don't really have any extra clothes to change into, though... I had all my stuff in my bag!" She pouted as she looked down at it, cursing her luck. If only she had her wand, that would be no problem, but stuck as a Muggle for the day, she was all but helpless in the face of such rotten luck.

"Don't worry dear we'll have you cleaned up in no time, and I have an extra outfit in my bag here. Now, let's get you out of those soaking-wet clothes."

"Oh, that's nice of you, but you don't have to do that..." Sierra said half-heartedly, though she was glad the woman didn't seem to pay her any mind, since, otherwise, she wasn't really sure what she was going to do.

Once in the locker room, the two were alone to themselves, and the woman sat Sierra down at a bench, taking the towel and quickly starting to rub the girl dry.

Sierra had to admit, after the chaotic start her day had gotten off to, it was comforting to feel the woman drying her off, taking care of the mess she'd become. She even found herself closing her eyes, although they snapped back open as she felt the woman begin to undress her, dumping the clothes off to the side.

"I-I can do that myself," she protested bashfully, trying to squirm away, growing much more desperate as she saw the woman reach for her pants.

It was already too late, however, the woman's hand already unbuttoning her pants and pulling them down, exposing the Disney Princesses emblazoned across the front of the soaked garment. "Hmm, care to explain these dear?"

Sierra turned bright red as she felt the woman's hand give the sodden padding a good pat, a little of the water they had absorbed getting pushed out by the motion. "I, uh... I..." she stammered, not sure what to say. "I don't need them!" she blurted out finally, figuring that was the most important thing to establish. "It was just for the car ride!" She blushed again as she realized how that sounded, trying and failing to think of some better way to explain it before clamming up and staring down at the floor, cheeks blazing.

"Oh, you don't need them?" The woman grinned, "Hmm, they're awfully wet for that... Well you may not need them but you certainly want them, don't you? Such a naughty girl."

"What? No! I-I just fell in the pool, you saw me, it isn't my fault!" Sierra squeaked in surprise at the woman's implication, blushing as she was called naughty. She had certainly felt naughty when she'd put them on that morning, remembering how she'd stolen them, feeling like her many babysitting charges whom she had seen in those exact Pull-Ups, or like she had that week she'd been stuck under Anna's care. She'd felt like a silly, naughty little kid...

But not nearly as much as she did now. She gulped as the woman pushed her back onto the bench, unsure what was happening, feeling helpless before the larger woman, especially with no dry clothes of her own to change into if she offended this person who had offered her some. The woman searched through her rather large pink bag, seemingly going through a large assortment of items hidden away in there. "Well, they're not exactly pullups, but I think they'll do the trick."

She teasingly waved the large diaper in front of Sierra, all nicely folded and crinkling, "Now, let's get these soaking Pull-Ups off and get you diapered!"

Sierra's eyes widened as the woman pulled out an all too familiar garment, one she had hoped not to wear again for a long, long time. She tried to sit up right away, shaking her head in fear. "No! I can't wear that!" she yelped, even as her Pull-Up squelched wetly beneath her. "L-Look, I told you, I don't need these," she poked at her Pull-Up, "and I definitely don't need that!"

"I think otherwise, nobody puts on a Pull-Up for no reason. And you don't have a choice either way; your clothes are soaked and no one else is going to help you out, so this diaper is going on you one or another," the woman sternly warned. "Now, be a good girl and let me take those pullups off or else they'll be the only thing you'll be wearing out of this locker room."

Sierra's cheeks turned a little redder, not wanting to explain things for fear of sounding even more like a little kid, and doubting it would make much of a difference anyway. The woman seemed to have made up her mind, and Sierra had a bad feeling that she was right - she doubted anyone else would be along to help her, not until her friends caught up with her later that day, anyway.

She could only squeak nervously as the woman pulled off her wet Pull-Up and tossed it aside, feeling embarrassed to be lying there, naked, in the locker room, in front of this person she hadn't even introduced herself to. It was far better than going outside in the soaked thing, though, so she blushed and forced herself to bear it, though the sight of the diaper still scared her a little.

She gasped as she felt her backside being lifted, then lowered into the padding with a crinkle, squirming even more as she realized she was getting diapered yet again, this time not even by another witch, just some Muggle. "Please don't do this...." she tried one last time, knowing the end was near.

"Now now, you asked for this the moment you put on those Pull-Ups, now hold still," the woman commanded, powdering Sierra with a very liberal amount of baby powder.

"Did not," Sierra whimpered weakly, watching in horror as more and more baby powder was sprinkled onto her crotch, leaving it a sea of white and filling her nose with the unmistakably infantile smell. Each shake only seemed to weaken her, making her realize more fully the hopelessness of her situation. She managed only one more squeaky, "No!" as she felt the padding being tugged between her legs, forcing her thighs apart, and then it was done.

The diaper's padding was inescapable, crinkling and pushing against her tender skin from every angle as she squirmed on the bench, dazed by what was going on. Rummaging through her large bag again, the woman pulled out several articles of clothing. "Now, hold still while I dress you." She held some pink legging shorts..

"I-I can dress myself!" Sierra protested, not wanting to give this person any more of a chance to put things on her, unsure what those might be. Before she could stop her, however, the pair of leggings had been yanked up her legs and snapped into place, leaving her blushing even deeper. They did nothing to hide the bulge of her diaper - in fact, if anything, they emphasized it, and forced the padding even closer to her body, making it even harder to ignore.

"St-stop!" she commanded, trying to sit up, though the size of the diaper, and its unfamiliar feel, made that hard. "This isn't funny! I am not a baby! You can't do this to me!"

"Oh, I think you are a baby, or at least you wanted to be treated like one."

"I do not!" Sierra whined, managing to sit just in time to give the woman a chance to slide a dress over her head. She blushed as she looked down at it and realized just how silly and childish it looked with its watermelon shaped collar and red and white checked pattern on the rest of its short length, bottom hem held up by a green ribbon at the bottom that was punctuated with a large bow. It would have looked adorable on a little kid, she had to admit, but on her it was just humiliating.

The woman smiled, making sure the dress was snug and secure in all the right areas. After that she pull out a pair of pink Mary Janes and frilly white socks. In no time, while Sierra was busy taking in the dress, the woman had the socks pulled up and the shoes buckled on. Before Sierra could properly react, she was fully decked out like a (slightly) overgrown toddler.

"There, now you look like how you act -- a big baby." She commented, taking the wet clothes and putting them in a plastic bag and storing them in her bag. Sierra couldn't really deny it, though it was obviously the woman's fault. "Now, if you want these back you'll have to be a good little girl or else you'll be in some big trouble little missy, is that understood?"

"This isn't fair!" Sierra whined, hopping down off the bench clumsily and reaching for her clothes as she saw them vanishing into the woman's bag. "You can't take those! They're mine! You can't do this to me! I look ridiculous!"

"Clearly you are unable to properly take care of yourself, so you're going to be spending the day with me, and then we'll get you back to whoever you came with, and they can see how much of a big baby you are."

"I can take care of myself!" Sierra started to fume, only to be distracted as the woman pointed at her lap in a worryingly familiar way

"Of course, I also don't take kindly to rude little girls as well."

Sierra's cheeks turned their brightest shade of red yet at the thought of her friends seeing her like this. "You can't do that!" she said, half demanding, half begging.

Despite being one of the oldest among her group of friends, as the smallest, by quite a good deal, and, even by her own admittance, one of the most immature, preferring to spend a summer Saturday night watching cartoons rather than going out and clubbing, she was often treated like the youngest. Sometimes, she thought her friends saw her as a little sister, one who tagged along because she wanted to hang out with the big kids, even though she was older than most of them. She was sure she'd never live down any of them seeing her like this.

"You can't do that!" she repeated only a moment later, even more desperately, as the woman tired of waiting and pulled Sierra over her lap. Sierra was once again at a loss for words as she realized she was about to be spanked, having only a moment to process that before she felt the first smack. Through the thick diaper, she didn't expect it to hurt that much, but the woman seemed experienced enough to accommodate for that, and Sierra let out a yelp at the sting that the first smack brought.

There was just enough of a pause that Sierra thought that might be it, and then the woman began again in earnest, leaving her squeaking and squealing and squirming as the blows rained down on her padded bottom, blushing as she realized she was receiving an honest to goodness spanking, the embarrassment almost as bad as the pain, at least at first. Before long, though, her stinging backside was almost all she could think about, and her struggles slowed, other than her legs helplessly kicking as she tried in vain to stop the punishment. She had never spanked a child in her life, but she had reported bad behavior to some's parents that she knew would result in one, if they were very bad, always when she felt they truly deserved it... And now, here she was, getting one herself, when she was just as certain that she didn't.

"Stop, stop, I'm sorry!" she yelled, crying, sure that, beneath her diaper, her bottom was just as pink as her leggings, knowing that, at any moment, someone else could walk into the locker room. "Just stop!" The woman seemed determined to spank her silly, however, and it became difficult to talk as she worried that she was about to wet the freshly taped-on diaper just moments after being put in it.

Finally, the woman gave one more hard swat and stood Sierra up. "I hope that will teach you to show an adult proper respect."

Sierra wanted to indignantly point out that she was an adult, so she should be getting proper respect, instead of being treated like a little kid, but she was too busy whimpering and rubbing her bottom. While the woman's spanks had gotten through the diaper just fine, the rubbing did not, giving her no relief from the pain there.

The woman once again reached into her bag and pull out a red child harness, "Now, I was going to let you just hold my hand, but after that fit I think I'll take a few extra precautions here."

Sierra began to shake her head at the sight of the harness, knowing quite well what it was, but she was still sniffling and shaken from the spanking, slowing her down enough that the woman was able to slip the straps over her, making sure they were tight and secure, attaching Sierra securely to her.

Then the woman got the leash and clipped it on, "Come now, we're going for a nice walk around the park."

It suddenly became all the more real just what this woman wanted to do to her. In the locker room, it was bad enough, but, somehow, it hadn't really seemed possible that she was really going to make Sierra leave there like she was. Now, her doubts were quickly wilting away, leaving her with a horrible feeling of certainty in the pit of her stomach.

"Come on, no..." she pouted, looking down at herself. "You can't let people see me like this! Just let me have my clothes back, and you can have these... I'll wait here for mine to dry!"

"I don't think I want those back," the woman sneered, giving the crotch of a diaper a good smack. Sierra blushed as she felt a small wet spot there and realized she hadn't been quite as successful at containing herself as she'd thought. "Do I?" When Sierra couldn't bring herself to answer, she shook her head and said, "Then I won't hear another word of complaining, come along now!" With a tug the woman pulled Sierra closer, making sure she kept up with her pace.

Sierra gasped as she was pulled back out into the sunlight, exposed to anyone passing by. Her cheeks turned bright red and she stared down at her pink shoes, giving herself a good view of the thick diaper above them, emphasizing her position. She had no choice but to follow the woman, the diaper giving her walk a very pronounced waddle.

At first, she worried that would make it hard for her to keep up, but it didn't take long for her to realize that was the opposite of what the woman had planned, her pace quite slow and deliberate, making sure everyone could get a good view of the adult-turned-baby being lead around by a leash. Quickly Sierra became the one trying to urge her companion on more quickly in vain, wanting to hurry things along, feeling what seemed like everyone staring at her as she shuffled by, toddling in her diaper, which was feeling more warm by the second.

Her bladder was getting fuller quickly, too, making her squirm in discomfort. She did her best not to let the woman, or anyone else, see her, but as the trip wore on, it became harder to control when she had to do it to avoid peeing herself. Without realizing, it quickly became little more than a toddler's potty dance, adding to her childish appearance, though she still couldn't bring herself to ask the woman to be taken to the bathroom out in the middle of all the other people at the park.

A couple times she spotted her friends, though luckily, mostly they were looking ahead at the long lines in front of them as they waited for their roller coasters. One time, however, one of them turned to look almost right at her, and she froze. She wasn't sure if her friend noticed her or not - she quickly looked away, and Sierra did the same, but Sierra didn't know if that was because her friend assumed it couldn't be her, since she was in a different outfit, if she was going to point her out to the other member of their group waiting with her, or if she just thought Sierra was really a toddler. Sierra also wasn't sure which was worse.

As they reached the end of their round, Sierra's bladder was about to burst, every sign for a bathroom she saw only boosting her need to go. They were getting near the entrance of the water park, where they'd started, so she couldn't help but hope that this torture was nearly over.

"Okay, I was good," she whined, trying once again to get the woman to move faster with a tug on her leash. "Can I change back into my clothes now?"

"Oh heavens no child, it's only been an hour, we still have the whole day ahead of us!" The woman smiled and pulled Sierra towards a bench, "However, it is time for some lunch, so let's that belly filled with some yummy food!"

"We can't do this all day!" Sierra squealed, suddenly feeling very worried. What were they going to do for the rest of the time?! She didn't like the idea of just wandering around the park the whole time, as she was sure that, eventually, her luck would run out and one of her friends would spot and recognize her, if they hadn't already, but she didn't like to think of the other alternatives, either.

She had to admit that she was a bit hungry, though, and the idea of lunch wasn't too bad. She wouldn't have chosen to have it with this woman, but at least they'd probably be sitting still for it, which would limit her exposure, and the table and chair would hopefully hide her diaper.

She didn't expect the woman to push her down onto a bench, however, and pull a large bottle out of her bag. Sierra whimpered as it was thrust into her mouth, filling it with juice right away, leaving her desperately swallowing to keep it from running down her cheeks and making her look like a messy toddler to anyone passing by, since they were in full view. Every drop, however, only filled her bladder fuller, and it was already dangerously full.

"Please," she managed to gulp, pulling her mouth away, sending a few drops of the juice towards her watermelon collar before the woman could shove the bottle back in. Desperately, she tried again, nervously eyeing the still quite full bottle, not sure she could finish it all without an accident. "Please, can we just..." she tried again, uselessly. She began to squirm anxiously, waiting for her next opportunity, managing, slowly, to blurt out, "Can't I finish this in a minute? I need to use the ba-bath-potty!" bit by bit. She blushed as she had to switch to the more juvenile version of the word since she wasn't being given time to say bathroom, only to finish right as the bottle was drained, with her bladder felt so full she wasn't even sure if she could make it to a bathroom in time anymore.

"Already?" the woman shook her head. "We haven't even had any fun yet! Come on, let's just go on one ride, then you can go 'potty'." She grinned down at Sierra, seemingly to ensure that she knew that her choice of words had not gone unnoticed. "But first, finish your lunch."

Sierra groaned as she saw the woman take out a jar of baby food. "I'm not hungry!" she whined desperately.

"All right, all right, cranky-pants," the woman conceded, stashing the jar back in her bag and standing, tugging the leash. "Now, what do you want to ride?"

"Nothing!" Sierra whimpered, pressing a hand to the padding at her crotch. "Please..."

"Nonsense, surely you came here for a reason. If you're going to act like that, I guess I'll just have to pick."

Sierra began to worry as soon as the woman began walking her around again, not sure what she might choose. At first, she was sure it would be a ride with a long line, and that there would be no chance she could make it to the end without an accident, but fortunately, she was wrong, and the woman led her right up to the front of her chosen ride.

Unfortunately, the ride was the Ferris wheel. Immediately, Sierra tried to pull away, but the woman was too strong for her, and before she knew it, she was seated across from her in one of the cars, being lifted up into the air slowly, with no hope of escape until the wheel made it all the way around. Sierra squirmed frantically, her diaper crinkling beneath her loudly, unable to even try to be sneaky about what she was doing - or trying not to do, rather - even as the woman's eyes bore into her.

Finally, their car lurched into place at the rop of the wheel, and Sierra told herself they were halfway there. She still hadn't lost it, so maybe there was a chance. Maybe...

The car lurched forward, then swung back into place, staying at the top of the wheel. It did it again before it stopped moving completely.

"Oh, that's too bad," the woman cooed as Sierra stared out at the park laid out beneath her, hardly able to believe what was happening. "Well, then, since we have a little time," the woman smiled, reaching back into her back and pulling the jar of baby food and spoon back out. "We might even have time to change you up here, since I'm sure you've soaked your little diaper."

"What?!" Sierra shrieked, hardly able to believe that was what the woman was concerned about right now, opening her mouth up quite conveniently to welcome a heaping spoonful of mashed peas into it. Her nose wrinkled at the taste, and the last thing she wanted to do was eat any more...

As a babysitter, she knew the tricks for getting a fussy baby to eat when it didn't want to, but even so, she couldn't help but fall for them anyway as she tried to explain in between bites of gross mush. "This isn't fair! A-And I have not! I'm not a baby!" She paused only as she realized how loud she had gotten in her anger and desperation, and how much like an actual child she no doubt sounded.

She blushed, looking down and getting a fresh helping of the baby food when she tried to collect herself to start again. To her dismay, she felt a warm spurt of urine flood her warm, sweaty diaper, already slightly damp diaper as she sat there, barely able to stop the flow. If only she had her wand... She probably could have found a time to escape this woman already, and everything would be okay! Then again, she probably would have left it in her bag, so it probably would have wound up in the depths of the woman's own bag.

Strangely, just as she felt the wetness in her diaper expand, the Ferris wheel lurched back to life again. Had it been stuck at all? It seemed to have been there for a while, longer than she would have expected. It had been plenty of time for her to eat nearly a whole jar of baby food, since the woman had just one more spoonful to shove into her mouth as the wheel began to take them back down to the bottom, where the woman tugged her out of the car. "Now what was it you wanted to do after that?" the woman asked teasingly. "Oh, right! Let's see..."

Sierra blushed as the woman lifted her skirt and pushed a hand into her leggings, pushing against the damp padding inside with a grin. "Oh, I see you're getting more into the role of things now! But I think that just proves you're still not big enough for the 'potty'..."

Sierra felt quite full now, which only added to her discomfort. When the woman pulled a pacifier out of her bag and shoved it into Sierra's mouth to stop her whining, without even thinking about it, Sierra began to suck on it, finding it all too easy to revert to that habit in this stressful situation.

"Well, then, let's go on another ride!" the woman declared, yanking Sierra along to the end of a relatively short line, though one that led to a roller coaster. Sierra blushed as she saw the line the woman was taking her towards, sure that there was no way she'd be able to keep her diaper dry through a coaster. Even worse, she was certain this was one she'd heard her friends mention wanting to go on. Would one of them be there, or had they already hit this one? In fact, what if they'd already ridden all they wanted at the main park, and were now at the water park looking for her?

None of it mattered much at the moment, it turned out, as the woman took her over to the board with its humiliating, "You must be this tall to ride" emblazoned on it. Sierra knew right away she wouldn't meet the requirements, making her glad she hadn't been with her friends when they rode it... Even so, while she didn't want to ride it with this woman and a full bladder, either, she had never wanted to be taller more than she did then, knowing how much higher than the top of her head it would be.

Sure enough, she didn't come close, and the woman was all too happy to point that out after pushing Sierra underneath it. "Aww, looks like you're not tall enough for this ride sweetie," the woman said, "I guess we'll have to find you a smaller ride to go on."

Sierra squirmed, sucking harder on her pacifier instinctively as the woman loudly pointed out that she was just too small for the ride. She could hear a group of younger teens waiting in line snicker, and she quickly looked away, blushing, only to realize that one looked awfully familiar. She felt another rush of pee escape into her diaper, making the padding a little warmer and squishier around her crotch, amplifying her humiliation as she realized the girl was someone she had babysat, though not for years. She hoped the girl didn't recognize her, was sure she couldn't, but as the woman pulled her away, she saw the girl walk up to the height stand, showing off just how easily she surpassed the requirement, and Sierra felt certain that the girl did know after all.

Thankfully, the woman seemed to be done there as she began leading Sierra back through the park, this time over to the swing ride, zooming high overhead. "I think the swings will do just nicely, don't you agree?" she asked, getting into line without waiting for an answer.

Sierra stared up at the swings as they stopped again, her stomach feeling a little queasy as she saw how high they went. She'd never been a big fan of heights, either, which likely contributed to why she didn't like roller coasters so much. She shook her head, then, embarrassed that she hadn't thought of it before, reached up to take out the pacifier.

"I don't wanna ride anything, I want to go to the bathroom," she pouted. Unfortunately, it was right then that she noticed her diaper growing warmer, the padding expanding a bit. Her cheeks turned bright red as she realized she was wetting herself, much more than just the little accidents she'd been having, and, without thinking, she reached down with her other hand, trying to press it to her thickly diapered crotch, but there was no stopping it now, leaving her unable to do anything more than whimper and fidget as she peed her pants like a little baby.

The woman took the pacifier from her hand and pushed it back between her quivering lips, then reached down to lift the dress and pull back the leggings. "Hmm, well, looks like you certainly did that, but you should be fine for a little while longer." Sierra was too stunned at first to try to push the dress back down, and by the time she started to, the woman was letting the leggings snap back into place, giving the front of the diaper a hard pat, then moving the two of them closer to the ride.

"No!" Sierra whined as she was pulled along toward the front of the line, mumbling around her pacifier. "Come on, don't leave me like this!" She squirmed, diaper squishing between her legs as she walked. "Please, just ch..."

She stopped as she realized that they were already ready to go on the ride, the much smaller line for that ride having already come to them. She didn't want to have to be in the diaper any longer than she had to, especially not while sitting on this ride, way up in the air! "Come on..." she hissed, moving closer to the woman, trying to keep her from taking her to the seats. "I just want a change..." Sierra pouted as she was lifted into the seat and locked in place, squirming as her bottom sank into the sodden padding of her diaper. She supposed she was lucky that it was so thick now, since she had really had to go... She didn't think she'd have to worry about it leaking, at least for now. If the woman made her stay in it for long enough to go again, though, she wasn't so sure...

It was only after a few moments of worrying about that when she realized that the woman had left, and not just to a different seat, but off to the side, camera out and pointing at her. She wasn't even riding the stupid thing herself! Quickly, she began to reach for the restraints holding her in place, thinking that maybe she would be able to get out and make a run for it, but it was too late.

She groaned as the seat began to rise, pulling the diaper even closer to her skin. It was hard to be too bothered by the height of the swings as she was distracted by that sensation, at least until they began to really pick up speed. Between that and her wet pants, it was hard to concentrate, but she thought that maybe she'd be able to take advantage of the woman leaving her alone, that perhaps she could get herself free and get away. Of course, she didn't dare try to undo the ride's restraints while it was spinning, but she could try once it slowed down...

Though, honestly, with as nervous as she was, she couldn't get up the courage until she was almost all the way back on the ground, and only then when she saw some of the other kids doing the same, when they didn't even have a crazy person to escape from. Anxiously, she began to fumble with it, not sure what she was going to do if she did get away, with no money, cell phone, ID, or other clothes, but surely figuring something out would be better than subjecting herself to spending the rest of the day with this woman. Her fingers slid clumsily over the lock, but for some reason, it refused to do anything. Was it automatically set not to release until the ride was stopped all the way? It didn't look that advanced, but maybe she was wrong.

All too soon, Sierra felt her feet hit the ground again, and she was nowhere near out of the restraints. Cursing under her breath, she tried harder, but it was already too late, and a moment later, the woman's hand reached out from behind her, pushing her own away. "Here, let me help you out." she said woman, releasing Sierra from her restraints, "Little babies shouldn't be messing with stuff like this, they could get hurt." Refastening the leash to her harness, the woman pulled Sierra out of the ride and continued on into the park. "So, how did you enjoy the ride?"

"I-It was fine," she pouted as she was led away from the ride. "But can I please change now?"

"I'll change you when you've used that diaper to it's fullest, I only brought so many diapers with me and it'd be a waste to change you every time you wet yourself."

Sierra had just enough time to worry about just what "to the fullest" might mean before she lost the ability to ask, eyes widening as the woman pulled out another pacifier from her bag. She took the old one from Sierra's mouth, then popped the new one in. This one's bulb was quite a bit larger, but, more worryingly, it was no normal pacifier, but a gag, and the woman strapped it behind her head and locked it into place. "There, now I won't hear anymore whining out of my little babygirl."

Sierra blushed, shaking her head at this new indignity, and at the woman called her her baby girl, starting to really worry about where this was going. While it had seemed weird that the woman had clothes and diapers her size - it was embarrassing, but she knew it was possible that they could have been intended for a real toddler and still fit her all right, though it was a bit odd that they fit as well as they did - but this pacifier gag was certainly not meant for children. Annoyed, she reached up, trying to pull the pacifier out, but, as she'd suspected, finding herself unable to do so. Frustrated, she stomped her foot, mumbling some angry words from behind the pacifier as she glared up at the woman, tugging at the pacifier again.

"Oh, naughty baby, don't play with your pacifier!" The woman declared, slapping her hands away and grabbing yet another thing from her bag. Sierra's eyes widened and she tried in vain to pull her hands away as she saw a pair of mittens coming towards them, but the woman was bigger, faster, and stronger than her, which made her feel almost as helpless as the mittens themselves did. Once the pink, smooth, soft yet thick things were on, forcing her hands into a tight fist, she realized just how much they limited her movement, and it dawned on her how stuck she now was. Even if she could get away from the woman, there was no way she could get the diaper off herself with the mittens on! And with the pacifier, she couldn't exactly explain what had happened to anyone.

"There, now that'll keep your hands nice and secure!" The mittens were soft yet thick, forcing Sierra's hands in to a tight fist. The pink, smooth mittens restricted any movement her fingers might make. "Come here Babygirl, time for another feeding, then I think the cranky baby needs to go home and get some sleep."

Sierra moaned at the thought of another feeding, still feeling quite full from the last one, waiting for the woman to take her pacifier out before blurting, "Please, no! I'm fine!" If she had any more to drink, it would only make it all the more inevitable that she would wet again, and she still had her doubts about how well the diaper would hold up to that... Even if it didn't leak, it would be quite full, and even wetter and squishier against her, making it all the more humiliating. "Please, leave me alone... There has to be some stuff you want to do here! Haven't you had enough fun with me? I'm sure my stuff is dry by now! Can't you just let me go now?"

"Don't talk back to me!" The woman said, "Clearly you are in no condition to take of yourself. I mean you can't even hold it in and soaked your diaper. You're just a little baby and you need someone to take care of you."

"But you..." Sierra tried to protest, only to, once again, be interrupted by a large bottle of juice, stomping her foot helplessly as she was forced to drain it. If anything, it seemed even bigger than the last bottle, though she had a feeling that was just her imagination, and the fact that she felt even more powerless, something that was emphasized as her bladder began to dribble into her diaper during the last few gulps. It also had a strange, somewhat worrying aftertaste to it that seemed slightly familiar, though she couldn't quite place it.

"You're the one who told me to use my diaper!" she fumed as the empty bottle was finally taken out of her mouth, stomping her foot again, not thinking about how loudly she had declared that. "It isn't my fault! I can take care of myself just fine! This isn't my fault!"

Suddenly the woman grabbed Sierra and hastily pulled her over her lap, getting a loud yelp from Sierra as she said, "You are being a very cranky girl!", striking her rear end with great force.

Sierra knew right away that she had gone too far, and she was going to regret it. "I'm sorry!" she squeaked, but the spanking had already begun, and there was no sign of it stopping anytime soon.

"You are being a big brat, young lady!" the woman berated her as she continued to rain smacks down onto Sierra's backside. "You beg for me to bring you here, and then you act like this! You'd think you really were two years old and not twenty! Well, if you want to act like a brat, I can treat you like one!"

Having already been spanked, and with her diaper now wet, the spanking was even more painful and humiliating, and she was wailing in no time, unable to stop herself despite knowing she would only draw more attention to herself, which the woman was happy to take advantage of by loudly and repeatedly proclaiming how she had earned this, how she was acting so immature and bratty.

Sierra could tell they were drawing a bit of a crowd, but she did her best not to pay attention to them, at least until she happened to catch sight of one person in particular, standing there, grinning - the girl she'd used to babysit! Sierra's cheeks found an even deeper red to turn as she squirmed on the woman's lap, now unable to look away as she stared at the girl's face, partially obscured by her phone, which she was recording a video of the spanking on.

In the midst of all of that, the bottle was starting to catch up with her, and she didn't even realize it because she was too busy with her punishment. It was only when one of the girl's friends pointed and the girl happily moved towards Sierra's backside that she realized she was wetting herself again, and had been for a while. And, worse than that, once she did notice, she realized she couldn't stop it, and that she could feel a little wetness against her legs where the diaper didn't cover. She was leaking.

She, a grown woman, a graduate of Hogwarts, was not only in diapers, had not only been spanked, and wet herself, twice each that day, but she had actually leaked! She wasn't sure how bad it was - it might just be a little wet spot - but it was enough to be embarrassing. She could only hope that her former babysitting charge hadn't recognized her, had just thought it was a funny sight, and didn't circulate the video to her other clients.

"I'm sorry!" she wailed, defeated, just wanting it to end. "I'll be a good girl! Please, stop!"

Feeling the wetness from the diaper leak, the woman quickly stopped and berated Sierra, "Oh my! You are just the biggest baby aren't you?" she spoke loudly, continuing to make sure everyone knew how much of a baby Sierra was.

Sierra wanted to sink into the ground as the woman called her a baby again, hoping that, now that the spanking seemed to be over, her former charge would lose interest and leave her alone. Unfortunately, she realized a moment later that the woman was about to give everyone even more of a show, pushing Sierra off her lap and onto the bench.

As soon as Sierra was laid down on her back, she knew what was coming, although she couldn't believe it at first. Surely the woman wouldn't... Not here! And yet, before she could even stop crying after the spanking, the leggings were off, leaving her sodden diaper completely exposed, and then, before she could fully recover from that embarrassment, even that had been removed, letting anyone passing by see her bare, red, wet bottom. Again, she heard the girl's giggling ring out, reminding her that this was almost definitely being recorded.

"Well, since clearly one diaper isn't enough, we'll have to go with two. And try not to leak again, these are the last two I brought - you promised me I wasn't going to need them today!"

Sierra gasped at the thought of being put into a double diaper - one was bad enough! - but there was no stopping it, and soon the extra thick padding was securely in place between her thighs, forcing them even further apart than before. She felt like she was trapped in the middle of a volleyball or something, and that feeling was only amplified as she was pulled to her feet, after watching the woman toss the leggings into the garbage. She had even more of a waddle now, one that was quite unmistakable. She doubted the leggings would even have gone on over them, if they hadn't been wet. Without them, the dress was just barely long enough to cover the diapers, if she was standing still. Otherwise, she was flashing them to everybody, which she had no doubt would make quite the closing shot for the girl's video.

"Well, since you soaked my clothes, you'll have to pay me back for them. But since you have no money, I guess you're going to have to work them off. You'll be coming home with me tonight, and tomorrow you'll be working off those clothes, they're very expensive you know. Especially those diapers!"

And, just when she thought the worst had to be over, the woman told her that she was going home with her. "No!" she blurted out automatically. "I-I don't have any money, but my friends do! They'll pay you back!" She hadn't wanted her friends to see her like this, but if the alternative was going home with this crazy person, she would just have to live with it. Who knew what she would do to her there?! "We just have to find them!" She groaned as she felt a sudden cramp in her tummy. Really, it had been going since a little while into the spanking, but with everything else, she'd been able to ignore it fairly well, but it was starting to get bad. She had felt full after the baby food, but this was definitely something different. "A-And a bathroom," she added hopefully.

"...Fine, take me to your friends," the woman said, much to Sierra's surprise.

"Yeah, but..." Sierra started to protest, annoyed that the second, and more urgent, part of her request had been ignored, but the woman's re-insertion of the pacifier gag keeping her from asking for the bathroom again, even as she felt an even worse cramp, signalling that her need was growing even more urgent than before.

Well, she'd just have to find her friends quickly, then. While she couldn't imagine the woman would really want her to do... that... in her diaper, she wasn't sure now, without being able to use her voice, how she would convince her to take her to the bathroom. So she began to toddler her way through the park yet again.

With her double thick diaper, her pace was even slower than the woman's had been earlier, and her undergarments were now even more obvious. They were also even more hot and uncomfortable, making her feel like she was stuck in a sauna. The cramps, which were increasing in size and number, did nothing to make her feel any more at ease with her situation.

A couple times, she had to stop, pretending to look around for her friends, so she could contain one of them, and, as her search wore on, that became less effective, until finally, her eyes widened as she felt something warm and mushy begin to push its way into the rear of her thick, tight diaper. She managed to stop it, grunting frantically behind her pacifier, but it was obviously only a temporary measure, and, humiliatingly, she could feel the little bit that had escaped squishing against her bottom.

The little mess began to grow, too, as the cramps continued, getting even worse. It was growing hard to concentrate on anything else now, her pace slowing even more, but, luckily, the search finally paid off, as she spotted a pair of her friends waiting in a line not too far from them.

She turned to the woman, tugging on the leash to try to get her attention, and starting to point them out, only to freeze as, to her horror, the last bit of her control slipped away and she began messing her diaper in earnest. Her friends were nearly at the head of the line, and she knew that she needed to hurry or she would lose them again... But at the same time, the thought of them seeing her dressed like this was bad enough. She couldn't bear the thought of them seeing her filling her diaper, which her body seemed quite content on doing, despite her best effort to stop it. But if she lost them now, would she be able to find them again, or would the woman finally just assume she'd been lying about her friends and give up on the search? She wasn't sure what to do, so she just stood there, eyes wide, as she continued to poop, unconsciously sucking on her pacifier.

"Are you filling your diapers?" the woman asked.

Sierra blushed at the question, fidgeting in place as she felt her diaper continuing to fill, the mess pushing out into the small space between her skin and the diaper, then expanding it outward. She squirmed even harder as the woman pressed her hand to the rear of her diaper, mushing the still growing mess against Sierra's bottom as she felt the diaper grow for a moment before declaring, "My, you really are a baby, aren't you?" and giving the still-filling diaper a pat.

That was nothing compared to what came next, though. Sierra let out a gasp and a squeak as the woman turned to look right at where she'd been pointing at her friends, then began to pull her towards them. She tried weakly to pull away, but she couldn't do it earlier - she definitely couldn't now that she was so preoccupied with her infantile activity. Her cheeks turned bright red even before the woman brought her to her friends' attention, and she stared down at her feet, praying that, somehow, they wouldn't recognize her.

"Excuse, you two wouldn't happen to know this girl, would you? Or should I say, baby?" the woman asked.

"Oh, my god," Ashlynn gasped, looking down at her. "Sierra?! What are you wearing?!"

"What are you doing?!" Nora asked, reaching out for Sierra's skirt. Sierra tried to squirm away, cheeks bright red as she failed and her thick diaper was revealed. Nora sniffed, making Sierra's stomach churn. "Is that you?!"

Sierra stood there for a long moment, shaking her head desperately before Ashlynn began to laugh. "Oh, my god... It is! Look! I think she's still doing it!"

Sierra wanted to die, right then and there, as her friends stared at her while she fidgeted anxiously, pooping her pants like the baby she was dressed as, everyone around her knowing just what she was doing, and seeing it. She shook her head again.

"Don't lie!" Nora scolded her. "You obviously are! Just look at you go! You are filling that diaper to the brim, aren't you?"

Weakly, Sierra tried to shake her head again. Her friends always tended to treat her like she was younger, but now her friend's tone had shifted, sounding like it did when she was talking to a real toddler. They babysat together from time to time, so Sierra knew for a fact it wasn't the first time the girl had seen someone messing their diaper in front of her, and she was taking it in stride quite well, almost as if this was just the sort of thing she would expect from Sierra.

"Gross!" Ashlynn wrinkled her nose. "Look, you have your fun however you want, but you're definitely not getting back into my car like that!" Sierra blushed even deeper as the girl reach out and poked the bulging diaper, glad that, at least, her body seemed to be pretty much emptied.

Nora glanced up at the woman finally, having been too busy teasing her friend to remember the question until then. "Yeah, we know this little stinker... Though last time we saw her, she was only in Pull-Ups. Has she been making trouble for you?"

Sierra's eyes widened, and she wasn't sure whether to be mortified that they had known about her little protection during the car ride, or angry at them for just assuming that she was the one making trouble.

"Yeah, she's been a handful all day long, and she even leaked her diaper! Can you believe it?" the woman laughed. "Well, if it's fine with you, this little stinker owes me a new outfit, and with no way to pay for it I think spending some time with me will do just the trick!" the woman said, pinching Sierra's cheek and giving her diaper a good spank.

Sierra's eyes widened as she saw her friends laughing along with this woman, further confirming that they didn't seem to find any of this all that strange, like she belonged like this. So when the woman continued, despite her trying to shake her head - though she was distracted by wrinkling her nose at the squelch of the smack on the seat of her diaper - she knew what was coming. It didn't take all the sting out of it, though, especially when Nora said, "I think that's exactly what she needs."

Did they think she liked this?! Or did they just think this was fitting for her, as immature as she was? She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.

She whimpered behind her pacifier as Nora followed the woman's example and patted the bulging seat of her diaper. "Don't change her too soon, though... She always stuck me with changing the messy diapers when we babysat together, even if it happened while I was in the middle of something else, so it'll serve her right to stew in it for a little while."

"Oh did she now? Such a naughty little stinky baby! Well, it is getting late, say goodbye to your friends, baby," the woman said, once again giving her full diaper another smack.

Sierra wrinkled her nose as her diaper was slapped again, any last bit of hope she had that her friends would save her after all draining as they told her goodbye.

"You could have just told us about this instead of setting this whole thing up," Nora told her. "It's not like it's any big surprise."

Sierra's eyes widened a little at that, though, with the pacifier strapped in, there wasn't much she could say to that. How could it not be a surprise? She wasn't a baby!

"It is pretty funny, though," Ashlynn giggled, smacking the diaper again. "Look at this big present she made you, Nora!"

"Oh, no, for once this one isn't for me," Nora shook her head, reaching out and tickling Sierra's tummy, making her laugh again, not having expected that. "But don't worry, sweetie, I don't mind changing you once you're back from this little game, now that we know about your diapies. But we'd better let you go for now... It is getting awfully late, and we know how cranky you get when you don't get enough sleep!" Nora kissed her on the forehead, just like Sierra had seen her do with their babysitting charges. She tried her best to communicate that this was not what she wanted through her eyes, but it didn't work.

"Be a good girl, squishy butt!" Ashlynn told her, giving her diaper one last smack. And with that, they were gone, leaving Sierra alone with the woman as they ran off, laughing to each other while Sierra was yanked in the opposite direction by her leash.

As the woman pulled her back through the park, Sierra's pace was slowed even more from the large mess in her diaper, blushing as she felt it shift and squish with every toddled step through the park. She was pretty sure Nora was wrong, and she didn't leave the poopy diapers for her EVERY time, but it had definitely happened a couple times. Now she felt a little guilty, since she knew all too well how the kids felt, between this and her experiences at school.

"I think we have time for one more ride," the woman announced. "Let's just see if we can find something around here that you're big enough for." The woman paused and pretended to look around, though Sierra wasn't fooled. She had no doubt that the woman had intentionally stopped right where she was before saying that, because the merry go round was right across from them. Sure enough, that was the ride the woman chose. "That looks like fun!" she exclaimed, tugging Sierra over to it, choosing a horse for her and lifting her up onto it, setting her down on her full diaper and then wrapping the leash around the pole above the horse before stepping back and pulling out her camera again.

Siera squirmed and blushed, but at the same time, she realized this might be her best chance to get out of this. She waited until the ride had started up and the horse began moving between her legs, making her wriggle even more in her messy diaper in embarrassment, then reached up with her mittened hands towards the leash. The ride wasn't going that fast... If she freed herself, she could just jump off and, hopefully, run away before the woman had any idea what was happening. She wasn't sure where she would go, or how she would get out of the ridiculous outfit she was in, but she'd find a way.

She had to pull her hands away as the merry go round spun back around to its original position so the woman wouldn't see her, then started again. For some reason, it was even harder to grab at the end of the leash than she'd expected. With the mittens, it obviously wasn't going to be easy, but somehow, she couldn't get it at all. Groaning behind her pacifier, she tried again, and again, to no avail. The leash wouldn't move. She grew more and more frantic, just trying to budge the thing, not even to unfasten it, but it refused to do anything. She didn't even care if the woman saw her anymore, as the ride sped up, the horse bucking more wildly underneath her.

Then it came to a stop, and the woman walked up to her, pushing her hands out of the way and easily unwinding the leash from the pole. "You could have fallen off, you naughty girl! I think you need a real spanking when we get home - bare bottom, with a hairbrush!"

Sierra mumbled desperately behind her pacifier, but it was no good, and the woman began to tug her back through the park, out of the exit, and into the parking lot. "Alright little baby, once we get home I'll feed you a nice bug dinner and it's off to bed! I hope you had a fun day at the amusement park because you'll be spending your days in very messy diapers!"

Sierra had hoped that the woman would change her before they left, but instead she was plopped right down on her bottom in the seat, the mass in her diaper squishing even worse than ever, and buckled tightly in, with the promise of even more messy diapers to come.

Sierra squirmed uncomfortably on the way to the woman's house, each bump reminding her anew of her position. While she didn't want another spanking, she would have preferred one of those for doing something so babyish to the prospect of being expected to do it again the next day. One dirty diaper was bad enough, but as a regular thing again, like with Anna? She shuddered at the thought. And the woman had said 'days'... How long did she expect to keep Sierra? It was just some leggings! They couldn't be that expensive. And a diaper - or three now, she supposed - but still, there was no way it could take that long to earn enough money to pay her back for them! Sierra began to suck on her pacifier gag nervously, as she started to seriously worry when, or if, she was going to escape from this crazy woman.

The house the woman took her to was quite large, and rather fancy looking, making Sierra feel all the more certain that it wouldn't have been any problem for her to just pay for a pair of leggings and a few diapers without taking her. "It's just about your bedtime, but first, we'd better get you that spanking!" the woman announced, getting out of her car and walking around to Sierra's door, opening it and pulling the girl out and into the house.

Sierra didn't see or hear anybody else there as she was pushed into the living room, the leash wound around one of the legs of a five tier corner stand displaying photos and a few knickknacks while the woman left to get the promised hairbrush. It was relatively small, and didn't look all that heavy, but for some reason, when Sierra could once again not unwind the leash from where the woman had put it, she also couldn't move the shelves one inch, no matter how hard she tried. It was only after a few moments of struggle that she looked at the things adorning the stand and noticed something quite worrying. Besides what looked like an inactive golden snitch and an ancient looking wand, there were quite a few pictures. There was a girl in nearly all of the pictures, about her age, who looked very familiar.

"Now have you figured it out?" the woman asked from behind her, smiling as Sierra turned around to stare at her with wide eyes. "Olivia was just devastated that you would cheat her in a fair fight like that. She's with her father right now, and he's doing her best to console her, but you know what they say - mommy knows best. And I think what she needs to cheer her up is you, as a perfect, obedient little babygirl sister that she can do with as she pleases. We have a full month before her father drops her off here to get you to that point. I think we can do it, don't you?"

Sierra gulped and began to suck her pacifier nervously, watching the woman tap the brush she was carrying against her palm. She would have liked to think that she could avoid that fate, but after just a week with Anna, who was just younger and less experienced, and stuck with all the rules of Hogwarts, that had already very nearly happened. Who knew what a month with this woman would do to her? She shook her head desperately, but already, as the woman approached with the hairbrush, she could feel her bladder dribbling nervously into her full diaper, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was already too far gone.
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Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:21 am

Re: Sierra's Struggles - Complete (For Now!)

Postby TiresiasRex » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:24 pm

Dear Sierra: Thank you so much for posting your stories on Miki's site! For those of you who do not know, Sierra's adventures (or mis-adventures) also appear at Although I think they are a bit edited there....alas.
Posts: 57
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:05 pm

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