Baby in a Box

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Baby in a Box

Postby Miki Yamuri » Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:05 pm

Baby in a Box

by: LilJennie and Miki Yamuri


Sparkle Twinkle ( Tanya Tremoan ) - 18yo female exotic Adult Baby photo model

Suzette (Susan Zimmerman) - 19yo female exotic photo model

Chad - Photo shoot director

Jim - Exotic photo producer

Greg - Personnel director

Jack - Photographer

Dave - Stagehand

Jennie - Costumer

Mistress Elizabeth - Sparkle’s Mommy

Ms. Sandy - Sparkle’s Nanna

Intro Scene:

In a local sleazy photo shoot


Suzette posed alluringly for the camera. “No, don’t look at the camera,” said Chad, “we want them to feel like they’re voyeurs, catching a glimpse of a secret world. Pretend the camera isn’t there.” She threw her head back, resting her palms on the pink carpet she was sitting on and letting her hair fall back, exposing her naked breasts to full view. “Good, good,” Chad said, and the camera’s flash went off a few times, “but we got the toys for a reason. You gotta make back the money we spent on them.”

She picked up a large Teddy Bear and hugged it to her bare chest, making sure that at least one nipple was still in view for the camera. “Perfect, perfect,” said Chad as the flash went off again and again. “Now turn over and let’s see you crawl, like you noticed that toy box over there. Show your diaper to the camera.” Setting the bear aside she rolled over onto all fours and turned toward the colorful toy box, reaching for it with one hand as the camera flashed. The diaper was all she was wearing for this shoot, and she’d posed wearing less, but this was one of the odder shoots she’d been involved in, though far from the weirdest.

“Now crawl toward it like you want it,” Chad ordered, “like it’s where you keep your coke,” and she did her best to make it look like she cared about the box and whatever was inside, getting closer as the camera flashed more. She reached the box, and Chad said, “Open it, open it,” as if that wasn’t the logical next step after getting there. “Give her one of the blocks.” She opened the box’s lid and saw a large alphabet block being pushed into the box from behind the set wall by one of the stage hands, as the toy box was against the wall of the set. “Oh look, a big block,” said Chad. “Look like you’ve never seen it before.” Suzette tried to look confused and interested as she held up the block, took it out and turned back toward the camera with it, sitting on the floor with legs outstretched. The camera flashed.

“OK, remember, you’re playing with it,” said Chad. “You’re expressing your inner baby girl, and you’re discovering it again for the first time.”

She really couldn’t imagine what that meant, so she just tried to keep looking fascinated by this block as she put it down, pushed on it, crawled on top of it, got up to sit on it, and sat with her back to the camera, looking off to one side as she sucked on the pacifier they’d provided along with everything else. This baby stuff did nothing for Suzette, but it did something for somebody, she supposed, or these photos wouldn’t sell. Other fetishes sold better, like when they dressed her up as a dominatrix in black leather or latex or as a sexy schoolmarm in glasses and a blouse and long skirt, and there were photo shoots like that going right now in other parts of the house they used. But there was still enough demand in these small niche markets that all the girls who worked for Jim had to do a baby shoot at least once every few months.

“Now go back to the toy box,” Chad said, so she did, “because you saw something else in there. Jack, give her another block.” She crawled back over to the box and opened it, finding another large plastic alphabet block, and held it up. “And bring it back and stack it.”

She knee-walked over to the first block and set the new one on top of it. There were people out there working 9-to-5 jobs, and here she was modeling for exotic photos. She’d started doing it as a way to get some extra money while she went to college, but then Jim had told her she was a natural and started getting her more and more shoots, and there were the parties.

Suzette saw several people walk toward the staging area. One slender and very beautifully sexy woman dressed in a jet black romper, matching fishnet pantyhose, along with six inch stiletto heeled knee length shiny black boots. In her hand she held a golden leash, connected to a golden ring on a beautiful black choke collar that had a large diamond in the front, worn by another smaller female person.

Suzette looked the person on the end of the leash over carefully. The girl appeared for all intents and purposes to be a little girl of about three or four, just taller -- not much taller, though. She was dressed in a bright yellow babydoll sundress with matching yellow ruffled panties peeking beneath. It was obvious this girl was in a thick diaper.

The third person was the man Suzette had come to know as the personnel director, a groping sleazebag named Greg. He spoke loudly and excitedly about the little girl in yellow. Apparently, she was rather well known in Adult Babydom … what ever that was. Sparkle Twinkle was her name, and her Mistress had agreed to allow Sparkle to come and “play” with me in photos. Suzette hoped this “Sparkle” was 18, or they could all be in trouble. This studio didn’t do anything illegal -- unless you counted the drugs, but those were under the table.

Suzette could tell by the expression on the girl in yellow’s face … she was scared and looked lost. She clung to the leg of the woman in black shyly as she sucked her thumb, the woman smiled and knelt.

The woman in black cooed softly as she patted the girl on her ruffled bottom, “There, there, Sugar Pie. It’s ok.” Suzette saw the woman in black point in her direction, “See? There’s just another little girl and a whole playpen full of toys.”

Suzette saw the eyes of the girl light up and she began to toddle adorably over to the playpen as any other girl of about three years of age might. Jack went nuts with his camera, getting shot after shot of this, his flash almost like a strobe.

The woman stopped the girl in yellow, and knelt next to her again. The woman in black cooed softly, “We are going to play in just panties and diapers. Don’t want to mess up your pretty dress.”

Suzette watched as the woman in black, undid the cute yellow sundress, then pulled it over the head and off the arms of the girl. The girl giggled as she bounced up and down and clapped her hands, her small, firm boobies jiggling for the cameras. Maybe she was 18 after all. Jack was going nuts again, seeking the best angles to take shots. Suzette shook her head as she noticed that Jack seemed to like Sparkle’s current attire and the way she acted a whole lot more than he liked her own efforts. Suzette now understood what Chad was trying to get out of her.

But what was this girl’s deal? Was she mentally disabled? Stoned out of her mind? She hadn’t heard this Sparkle girl say a coherent word since she’d entered. Was it really legal to take advantage of a mentally disabled girl like this? Well … Suzette decided it wasn’t her problem. She’d seen girls posing who were far more impaired than Sparkle, barely coherent and in fact barely conscious. But Suzette needed a paycheck to pay for her meals and clothes, and she was already feeling like her buzz was wearing off. The stuff wasn’t free.

“OK, now, Sparkle, I’m Chad, the director, and we’re doing a little story here. See how Suzette here made a stack of blocks? Now you’re gonna come crawling in and knock it down. Jack, just make sure you get some good shots of her diaper and her chest as she comes in. Doesn’t matter which. Both if you can.”

Suzette watched Sparkle’s eyes light up like this was one of her favorite things to do. Well, assuming that the girl was playing a character, what would Suzette’s character do if this was happening? She looked on in surprise as this new “little girl” crawled up, diamond collar around her neck, and enthusiastically began attacking her pretty block tower. If Suzette were really a little girl, she would get upset, so first she frowned at the newcomer and stretched out her arms stiffly as if attempting in vain to protect her tower, with her mouth in a little circle as if saying “no.” The camera flashed and got these poses. Then Sparkle knocked the top block over.

Well, if she were a real baby girl, Suzette figured, she’d be even more upset now. She burst into tears, her pacifier falling to the carpet. She put on a good show. She’d had to cry in a lot of other photos and videos, so she’d gotten pretty good at it. The tears rolled down her cheeks, and through them she could see the camera flash more, so she knew they’d gotten it. She flopped her hands helplessly on the carpet.

“Oh, that’s perfect, Suzette, just the right time to turn on the waterworks. Speaking of which, upset babies wet their diapers too. C’mon, this is why we had you drink a lot before the shoot.”

Suzette kept crying and tried to get herself to wet the disposable diaper she had on. It looked just like the diapers babies wore but had these colorful stars on them that were supposed to disappear when it got wet. She couldn’t believe that there were enough ABs out there who actually paid for these things to keep their makers in business, but apparently there were. She was feeling quite full, actually, so it wasn’t hard for her to let go and make some of those stars disappear. This wasn’t the first time she’d wet in diapers, or on top of other people, or through clothes -- again, it didn’t do anything for her, except get her paid. She’d just take a shower after the shoot.

“Perfect, perfect, you’re so upset you’re crying and wetting your diaper, poor baby girl,” Chad said, Jack’s camera flashing. Then he turned to Sparkle. What would he have her do in response?

“OK, Sparkle, you’re surprised; you didn’t know you were gonna make her upset,” said Chad. “You’re looking for a way to cheer up your new friend.” Sparkle started to suck her thumb as she looked around the play area. Obviously, the blocks were only superficially noticed. Sparkle took her thumb from her mouth and crawled over to the makeshift toy box and opened it. “OK, Dave, she’s going for the toy box, she’s opening it; give her a stuffed animal.”

Suzette could see Sparkle’s expression of surprise as she saw the inside of the toy box, empty except for whatever Dave had just put into it. Sparkle began to giggle, “Silly box, isa big hole inna back.” She reached in and pulled out a huge white and black snow leopard plushie. Sparkle crawled back over to Suzette and sat with a perfect infant plop on her hinny.

“Good, good,” said Chad, “you’re thinking maybe if you give the toy to her, she’ll stop crying. What a sweetheart!”

Suzette had been watching this, but now that she was back in the frame she went back to acting, crying again, until Sparkle held out the plushie to her and said in that cute baby voice, “Me sowwy. Am Sparkles … what ur name? Wanna b friens?” then started to suck her thumb once again once Suzette took it from her.

“Um, this is just a photo shoot,” said Suzette, perfectly clearly since the pacifier had fallen from her mouth to the floor while she’d been crying, “you don’t have to speak any lines -- it’s not being recorded or anything.” When Sparkle looked at her in confusion, she said, “I’m Suzette. Hi, Sparkle. Sure, let’s be friends.” Poor girl. Her Mistress or Mommy or whatever over there was probably collecting the money for this.

Sparkle said in her cute baby voice, “Knos itta pwetend stuffies.” she nodded her head, “but isa goo time fora baby ta meets new babies … yes?”

“Uh, I’m not a baby,” Suzette said, “I’m just acting. I guess … maybe it’s not just acting for you?” She was still trying to look like she was still sad about the blocks.

Sparkle cocked her head to one side and looked Suzette over from top to bottom. She said softly, “You … looks likea baby … an an … I wanna pway wif u at home.”

She poked out her bottom lip in a really cute pout, Suzette didn’t know what to say -- not that it would make any difference in a still photo set. Jack was going nuts with his camera again, though; that probably meant that Sparkle’s juvenile poses and expressions would draw lots of customers for this set. Suzette wasn’t bothered by much anymore, but she was a bit troubled by the thought that the younger a subject looked and acted, the better the photos sold.

Suzette noticed the woman in black talking to Chad and pointing in her direction from time to time. Greg came over to them, and they both began to animatedly talk with him. He looked over at Suzette and nodded. Suzette wondered what that was about -- was she doing well, or badly?

There was a knock at the front door of the house they were renting for the week, and a group of four pretty young girls entered, probably for the video they were going to be shooting next. Greg looked over his shoulder, saw them, and called out, “All right, off with your clothes and go see Jennie.”

The newcomers went over to what would normally be the house’s dining room, and although she couldn’t see it from here, Suzette knew Jennie was there with her racks of outfits and makeup chair. She heard Jennie saying, “OK ladies, come on over here for wardrobe and makeup.” Two of the girls’ expressions turned to total disgust -- Jennie must have been holding up diapers and plastic panties, which was all they were going to wear -- just like Suzette and Sparkle.

“OK, now, Suzette, you’re feeling more friendly toward Sparkle, but you’re still not happy,” said Chad. “Why? Because you’re wet, and because you lost your pacifier when you started crying. So what do you do?”

Actually she could barely feel the wetness anymore -- it had been warm and wet to start with, but the diaper was actually doing its job, absorbing the urine and keeping her dry. Still, acting was acting. She began looking like she was on the verge of tears again and struggled to reach for her pacifier, just barely out of arm’s reach. She could have set aside the plushie and stretched to grab it easily, but she was acting -- it seemed to her that a baby wouldn’t want to let go of the plushie, and thus it would be a hindrance, and she kept her movement awkward, scrabbling with one hand at the carpet and not quite reaching the wanted object.

“Perfect,” said Chad. “Now, Sparkle, do you try to help your new friend? And if you do, will you succeed? Or will you only manage to bump it further out of reach?”

Sparkle looked at the pacci on the floor. She leaned over until she’s on her hands and knees, then wiggles her ruffled hinny at the camera as she crawled over to it and got it. She returned to Suzette and once again plopped on her butt as any baby 3 or so years old would have and handed it to Suzette.

Suzette took the pacci and put it in her mouth and began to suckle. Sparkle picked up the plushy snow leopard and offered it to Suzette as well. Suzette pretended to be ecstatically happy now, because the baby whose role she was playing would by now have forgotten all about her wet diaper, and the fallen block “tower” was now ancient history.
Jack shouted, “Hold that pose, I want several angles of it.”

Of course, being a baby, they didn’t exactly do as he had instructed, but it also produced even more adorable pictures as the 2 girls snuggled and hugged. Jack didn’t seem to mind.

“Aww, yeah, they’ll eat that up,” he said. Chad seemed to agree.

The voices of the other diaper models could be heard softly through the other noises. Apparently they mostly thought these kinds of pictures were weird and strange. Suzette inwardly rolled her eyes; they hadn’t seen anything yet. They also didn’t like the fact they were being diapered and treated as if they were babies now instead of adults acting like babies. Of course, they weren’t actually being treated like babies; Jennie was just havin some fun with them, as Suzette could hear from here.

“Hold still, now, while I get your dipee on you. We don’t want Baby making a mess, do we, hmm? That’s my good girl.”

“Shut up! What’s wrong with you?” the model shouted. “Just get the costume on so we can do the scene and get on with it.”

“Jeez, just havin’ a little fun,” said Jennie. “You oughtta know -- as these things go, this is actually pretty tame, and adorable too.”

Of course, Suzette could plainly see Greg doing what he did best, being a sleazebag and groping and grabbing the half naked girls in as many personal and private places as he could. The girls, needing the money they were going to be paid, and also being porno stars, allowed him to do as he pleased.

Chad had left temporarily to set up the other girls in their own play areas and insure their photographers and videographers had clear and easy visuals of every angle possible.
A rather tall older woman entered the staging area wearing a black dress with white turned-up cuffs, a white apron, and a white frilled headpiece. Clearly this was supposed to be the nanny figure for this scenario. Stereotypes were very important to fetishists, though of course they were all quite particular about what exactly got them off -- the maid uniform might do it for some, but others would prefer other types of figures, so other photo shoots had featured Suzette playing against a woman in a nun’s habit, a schoolteacher outfit, or a 1950s-style house dress.

The woman dressed as a Nana came to Suzette, pulled open first the front, then the back of her panties and diaper and made a big production of checking her diaper, reaching in with her hand and giving Suzette a wonderful caress in her private place. Suzette pretended to be upset at the interruption of her “playtime,” just as the baby she was imagining would be, and the caress caused her expression of wide eyed surprise to be so appropriately adorable, Jack totally lost it. His camera flashed more rapidly, the sound of the auto advance whining in rapid fire. The woman was large enough that even if Suzette tried to resist, she still would have had no choice as the Nana changed Suzette’s diaper right there on the spot, with Suzette flailing and kicking and fussing along the way.

Jack had his flash going so fast that Suzette was surprised it wasn’t catching fire. He was totally in heaven as he filmed the change in its entirety, ensuring he got as many pictures as he could of Suzette nude. This was why Suzette kept her body in as good shape as she possibly could, because she couldn’t rely on clothing to hide any chubbiness. Of course, it was also what had gotten her started on coke.

Then, once Suzette was securely diapered again, the “nanny” turned to Sparkle. Sparkle looked uneasy, and Suzette saw what looked like real fear in her eyes. She looked at the woman in black who had brought her here, who said quietly, “It’s OK, Baby. She’s not me, but think of her like Ms. Sandy or your babysitter Alanna.” Seriously? Sparkle had nannies and babysitters at home? Was she a baby all the time? That … kind of freaked Suzette out a little. That wasn’t the kind of life she imagined ever having.
What kind of life did she imagine having? She realized she hadn’t thought about that question for some time.

Suzette sat back up, still sucking on her pacifier and holding her plushie, while Jack photographed Sparkle getting her diaper changed. Sometimes Suzette watched, and sometimes she played with her plushie or the blocks, knowing Jack would want some shots of each. He would organize the best of today’s photos into a sequence that told a story, so it was best to give him a variety of images to choose from. Why not just take a video? The fact was that low-budget videos looked and sounded just like that, low-budget, while photos could look quite professional with just a little effort. They did sometimes take videos, because that’s what some people preferred, but customers online paid the monthly subscription fee and looked at the photos, so it was profitable to keep them coming.

Suzette saw a large door open. Inside the other room was a huge crib. It had a barred top on it and within, was what looked like a … wait, that was no girl, that was Jimmy, dressed in a frilly babydoll dress and panties. He had on leather shackles restraining him in the large crib. Suzette could see he had some sort of mittens on his hand and could also see the over large diaper pins were more like locks than diaper pins. Around Jimmy’s head was some sort of strap, holding something in the young man’s mouth. Then the door closed, blocking off any further observations. Suzette heard the voice of someone she’d never met before asking, “Hey, Greg, got any other victims for my photo shoot? Hehe.” Greg’s eyes turned for an instant and looked at Suzette. Whatever. It was up to Chad, really.

Chad clapped his hands sharply as he said loudly, “All right, children, we are bringing in several riding toys. There’s gonna be several tricycles and push cars, all properly proportioned to fit.” He pointed to Suzette, “I want her in the bouncy chair.”

The large woman dressed as a nanny came over to Suzette and picked her up as if she really were the child she appeared to be. Suzette was amazed at the physical strength the woman had -- she’d heard of this woman, who she thought was named Katrinka, but she’d never worked with her before. The “nanny” placed Suzette in the bouncy chair and fastened the belt around her middle. Suzette figured she was probably trapped, since the belt had a lock and Katrinka herself turned and took the key, doing so in plain sight of the camera, for viewers who got into seeing that kind of thing. Her toes barely touched the floor, as the heavy-duty springs only allowed her to bounce up and down slightly … just like she remembered her cousin’s baby doing in a chair of her own.
Suzette bounced helplessly, trying to look as if she were having fun and giggling, though of course no audio was being recorded. “What a cute baby!” said Chad. “Perfect, perfect, just like that, trying to reach the floor -- you’re not old enough to walk yet, are you? But you’re trying anyway -- so cute! This audience is different, you know -- more than half of ‘em wanna imagine they’re you; not so many wanna do this to you. Draw ‘em in! Make ‘em believe they’re right there with you.”

Yes, some of the fetish freaks who paid to see the pics would be the kind who’d want to diaper a grown woman, or perhaps a man, and lock them into what were basically baby-themed bondage devices -- but the majority of them wanted that to happen to them, in a safe way of course, where nothing bad could really happen. Whenever she was doing a dangerous scene where she couldn’t escape, move or might be really hurt -- like this one -- Suzette just tried not to think about the risk. After all, in a relationship with a caring partner, there would be a safe word she could say if things went too far and she was no longer enjoying herself. Here, she wasn’t enjoying herself to begin with, and she wasn’t sure what she’d do if things got out of control.
Meanwhile, there was a problem. Sparkle’s Mistress, or Mommy or whatever, was having what looked like angry words with Chad. They’d brought in the perennial favorite, the rocking horse with the built-in dildo in the saddle, and Sparkle didn’t want to get on it. She had backed away from it, crawling backwards against the outside of the crib -- if it weren’t for the fact that the side gate was down, she’d have been hiding under it. She wasn’t taking her eyes off the rocking horse, as if it were going to jump out at her. Jack had stopped taking photos, because this wasn’t part of the scenario. Katrinka was just standing around, waiting for instructions. Suzette stopped bouncing, because if there was a pause in shooting while this got worked out, there was no point in giving a show for no one.

Suzette couldn’t hear what Chad and the woman in black were saying, because they were speaking in tense whispers across the room, and there was a lot of talking from elsewhere in the house. But she imagined that Sparkle’s Mistress was saying that Sparkle didn’t do that, and it wasn’t part of the contract, and she was going to pull her out of the shoot and cancel the contract, meaning that Jim wouldn’t have permission to put any photos showing Sparkle on the site. Chad was trying to calm her down, suggest alternatives -- that’s what he always did. He was kind of lascivious sometimes, but he was also diplomatic; if it weren’t for him, personality conflicts would probably tear the company apart.

Finally they must have come to some kind of agreement. “OK,” said Chad, “strike the rocking horse. We’re going with the high chair instead for Sparkle. Dave, if you could do the honors.” Dave, the black-bearded stage hand with the baseball cap and the worn American-flag T-shirt, rolled the rocking horse away and came back shortly with the high chair, a white wooden thing with sturdy pink straps to keep its occupant firmly in place. Sparkle looked visibly relieved with the horse gone; apparently there was nothing about the high chair that triggered her.

Suzette watched as the large woman dressed as the nana began to feed Sparkle. It was obvious that Sparkle truly enjoyed making a huge mess at mealtimes as she got more of the photo meal on her, than in her. She looked just like any baby after feeding time.
Suzette was paying so much attention to Sparkle, she didn’t realize Nana had come for her as well. The belt was unlocked, Suzette was once again spirited off and then placed in another high chair similar to the one Sparkle was in. Another locking belt was fastened around her middle and the tray lowered over her head. Suzette could see the strobe like flashes of the camera as Jim continued to take photos of everything.

Suzette tried to do what Sparkle did, trying her best to play with the food and get it on her. There were sploshers out there who got off on pictures of girls with food all over them. Clearly Chad was playing to a variety of audiences with this sequence. As Katrinka tried with some difficulty to feed her mashed peas and carrots, Suzette kept dodging the spoon or outright trying to grab at it and get what was in it so she could spread it on her face or on the tray in front of her.

All the while Chad was going on with his running direction. “Yes, yes, get that spoon, catch it, you don’t want to eat, you want to play! But no, Katrinka, you’re trying to feed the babies so try to get it in their little mouths!”

But there was one big difference between Sparkle and Suzette: Suzette was trying not to get food in her hair, while Sparkle clearly didn’t care. Suzette had a centerfold image to maintain; she avoided getting anything in her hair, while Sparkle was going to need a bath, or at least a shower. And that might be part of Chad’s plan. Whatever. It beat trying to squeeze herself into that rubber costume and gas mask.

“And how’s my baby doing?” Greg boomed, coming into the room. “Awright, Baby Suzette’s got herself a baby friend! Some girl-on-girl action? That’ll sell some photos! Say you’ll make it happen, Chad!”

“Uh, maybe next time, Greg, this one’s script is already done,” Chad said.

“Hahahaha!” Greg laughed quickly, looking at Suzette. “Look at you! Now you don’t need to go get a facial! And who said we didn’t offer job benefits? Put some whipped cream on you and you can be a Crepe Suzette!”

“Actually Crepe Suzette has caramel sauce,” said Chad. Suzette knew this because he’d done a Crepe Suzette scene the previous month. Don’t ask.

“Hahahaha!” Great laughed, and not very humorously really. “You guys are a riot. You coming to the party tonight, Suzette? It’s required.”

“Well, I --” I began but was interrupted by Katrina taking the initiative to pop a spoonful of mashed vegetables in my mouth. “Mmmmf! No fair!”

“Gotcha!” Greg winked at Katrina. No, he hadn’t worked that out ahead of time; it was just his way. Greg walked over and leaned close to Suzette. The booze on his breath smelled stale. He said with a leer in his tone, “I think you would make a perfect item for any man’s babydoll collection, babygirl.”

Then spun on his heel and walked over to the large door. When it opened, Suzette caught a glimpse of a young man that looked more like a girl, having a rather large toy inserted into a certain place, then the door closed again, blocking any further viewing.
The large woman playing the Nana, arrived with a warm and very soft facial towel. She cleaned Suzette’s face and hands in way, that made Suzette actually feel the part for an instant. Deep within her, she felt something move … and it felt really nice. Of course, Sparkle made a complete comedy out the whole face and hands affair. Suzette had to admit, Sparkle was totally adorable when she got in her element.

After the cleaning, Suzette was released from the highchair, but was returned to a large playpen, then locked in. There were many baby toys of appropriate size all around inside. Suzette realized the shoot had ended, but she was in the playpen just the same.
The very sexy woman in the black leather romper walked up to the playpen and cooed softly, “My, aren’t you a very pretty baby. Would you mind being … Sparkle’s playmate at the party tonight? A gathering of that sort is a bit … old for her.”

“Well this scene isn’t my thing,” said Suzette, “but I do a little bit of everything on camera. Sure, I guess.” Around her the stage hands were taking apart the nursery scene. One of them unlocked the top of the playpen and started to disassemble it, putting the toys into a crate labeled “BABY SCENE TOYS.” “That means I don’t have anything to … you know, wear for it.” She looked down at her diaper.

“Don’t worry about that,” said the woman in black leather. “Just arrive early and we’ll get you taken care of. I’m Mistress Elizabeth, but Sparkle just calls me Mommy or Mama, of course. I know you’re Suzette.”

Suzette walked with her to the shelves where she’d left her carryall bag with her street clothes. “Listen,” she asked Mistress Elizabeth, “what’s Sparkle’s deal? Is she … OK?” She pointed to the side of her head.

“Oh, she’s just as much of an adult as you or me,” answered Mistress Elizabeth, “but we’re in scene 24/7 -- as much as possible, of course. Being in a baby head space is her favorite place to be, and I find her absolutely adorable when she’s there, so I try to help her be there as much as possible. If she acts just like a baby, it’s because she basically is one, almost all the time.” She was keeping an eye on Sparkle as they spoke, and just then Sparkle started to get upset, back in the room where they’d been shooting, because a stage hand was trying to pack up the large plushie snow leopard, which Sparkle had been cuddling. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just get her calmed down.”

“OK, see you tonight, I guess,” said Suzette as Mistress Elizabeth went to get Sparkle taken care of, distracting her with what must be one of her own plushies. Suzette watched, then turned toward the bathroom, which was fortunately free, going inside to get showered and dressed again.


Suzette had dressed in her short shorts and flutter top. She had to maintain her centerfold image … that’s what sold. She arrived at the large estate where the party was being held. The guard at the gate knew her name, and even told her the “Mistress of the Manor” was expecting her.

Suzette pulled her Fiat Spider into the place the guard had told her to. As she exited the car, a man in a very impeccably tailored long tailed Tuxedo came to her, bowed formally, then said in a wonderfully accented voice, “Good evening, Miss. Zimmerman. Please follow me this way.” He gracefully waved his white gloved right hand towards a French Door amid a large flowering rose bush.

The man led Suzette through the door into a huge anteroom. It was impeccably furnished. The runners on the floor looked as if they were all hand woven. The man led her through a maze of twisty halls, up and down short flights of stairs, then opened a door. He stood at erect attention as he indicate Suzette should enter.

Suzette entered the room, her mouth fell open as her eyes grew large with surprise. It was the plushest nursery she had ever read about, complete with a room off to the side that was obviously a playroom. Sparkle was dressed in an adorable babydoll playsuit and crocheted booties, the loud murmuring sound of many people enjoying themselves drifted in from somewhere.

“Ah, there you are, my dear,” said the voice of Mistress Elizabeth. Suzette turned to see her, this time dressed in a black sequined dress with a silver brooch shaped like a stylized baby bottle. “And you’re even early.”

“Hello, Mistress Elizabeth,” said Suzette. “Is … is this whole place yours?” she asked.
“Oh, my, no,” she said. “I suppose it must belong to one of that … Greg’s business associates, because I know he can’t afford a place like this. They have some interesting tastes, given some of the specially-furnished rooms. But please, come join us. We’ll get you all ready.”

“But they said you were the ‘Mistress of the Manor,’” Suzette said. “What did they mean?”

“Oh, it’s the reason why I needed you this evening,” said Mistress Elizabeth. “I’ve agreed to oversee the party, which means I can’t pay as much attention to Sparkle as I’d like. You’re free to mingle if you want … just please take her with you. And please, if she gets overwhelmed, bring her back to the playroom. I’ll be checking on you both as often as I can, but I’m certain there will be other matters that will require my attention. Some of the guests will certainly be indulging in various substances, which is fine to a point, but if they overdo it, I’ll have to step in. I certainly won’t be taking part.”
“Doesn’t sound like it’ll be much of a party for you,” said Suzette.

“It’s my turn,” she said, shrugging a bit. “Next time, it’ll be someone else’s, and I’ll get to have fun.”

She led them to the playroom. “Sparkle, sweetheart, you remember Suzette, don’t you?” she asked the “baby,” who was sitting in a playpen, wearing a yellow romper dress with a big smiling sun embroidered on it, and the ruffled panties that it revealed beneath its short hem were obviously covering some very thick diapers. Sparkle immediately smiled excitedly, hopped up onto her knees and grabbed the side of the playpen, waving to Suzette enthusiastically.

“Aw, hi!” said Suzette, smiling and waving back at Sparkle. She turned to Sparkle’s Mommy. “Uh, I guess you want me to wear something like that?”

“I brought a few choices,” she answered. “You’re a bit bigger than Sparkle, but we have a few things that are too big for her and should fit you. I suppose you don’t have to be all diapered up if you don’t want to, but Sparkle’s happier around other baby girls.”

Before Suzette could object, she continued, “And I know you’re not technically a baby girl, but if you can be one for this evening, she’ll be so happy. She just hasn’t had any playmates since … well anyway, here’s a diaper, and here are your choices. I can get you diapered if you like, or I can leave it for you, and you can do it.”

“I … well, I’d rather do it, if you don’t mind,” said Suzette. “I can be diapered; that’s fine. I’ve dressed in just about anything you can think of for one shoot or another. Whatever makes Sparkle more comfortable.”

“Oh, thank you,” said Mistress Elizabeth. “I’ll just get out of your way, and I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have to check on some preparations.”

“OK, thank you,” Suzette said, and turned to look at the clothes as Sparkle’s Mommy left. She turned toward Sparkle. “Hi,” she said to the “baby” in the playpen, who was still looking excitedly at her. “Which one of these do you think I should wear?” she asked with a smile.

A few minutes later Suzette was wearing a jumper dress just as short as Sparkle’s, only pink, with a big elephant embroidered on the front. And her diaper … it seemed even thicker than Sparkle’s, though that might just have been because it was a bigger size. When she came back into the playroom, Sparkle giggled and clapped at her, obviously approving of her new outfit. Suzette saw the reflection of herself in a large mirror off to one side of the room. She was every bit as adorable as Sparkle.

A large woman dressed in a flowered summer smock type dress entered the play area. Sparkle squealed with joy as she toddled rapidly over to her and hugged her around the middle -- Suzette had helped her get out of her playpen.

The woman smiled warmly as she hugged Sparkle back. She looked at Suzette and said in a soft cooing voice, “Well, you are one pretty little babydoll.” She held out her hands towards Suzette, saying, “Come to me babydoll, let me look you over. Don’t be afraid, my name’s Ms. Sandy … I’m Sparkle’s Nanna.”

Suzette felt really strange at the way Ms. Sandy treated her. It was like she too was a little child. She started wondering something too; why was it Ms. Sandy called her a babydoll … instead of baby or little girl?

Ms. Sandy looked Suzette over in the exact same careful gentle manner, checking her diaper and making sure the leg openings sealed so she wouldn’t leak. That was when Suzette felt more than heard the small click of a lock fastening behind her. Was there …? She felt the back of her waistband and discovered a small cold metal object dangling from it. She was now locked into her cute plastic lined ruffled panties. Well … she had been locked into clothing before, even into diapers, though for photo shoots, not for parties.

“Um, Ms. Sandy, I’m not really into this, I’m just here to keep Sparkle company …” began Suzette. She was also doing this because although Greg and the rest of the company expected her to be at the party, being a baby with Sparkle was likely to be a lot more pleasant than what she usually had to do at the parties -- they used to be fun, but they’d gotten less and less so each time.

“Shh, sweetie, shh, don’t worry, I know,” whispered Ms. Sandy, putting a finger on Suzette’s lips lightly. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a babydoll any other night -- you’re one for tonight, and you make such a beautiful one, too!” She popped a pacifier into Suzette’s mouth, clipping it to the neck of the white T she was wearing under her pink jumper dress. “Now, just keep that there, and keep those diapers on, and maybe tonight will be OK for both of you!”

“Wha’ ya mean, OK fa bofe?” Suzette tried to ask around the pacifier. If she wanted her to have a pacifier, then she guessed it was OK, though it made it hard to ask questions -- maybe that was the point.

As if on cue, Greg and a couple of his sleazeball friends peeked in. “Well, look at you!” he said, looking Suzette up and down with a leering eye -- which was more or less the only expression Suzette had ever seen on his face. “Looks like Liz got you stuck with playmate duty -- look me up when you’re tired of playin’ around, baby!”

Suzette smiled and took the pacifier out of her mouth. “You sure you’re more fun than playing with dolls?” she asked. They played these verbal games, but she knew who was in charge; Greg could get her thrown out on the street, and she’d seen him do that to more than one girl who wouldn’t play his game.

“Whoa, Greg, this one’s got some attitude,” said one of Greg’s friends with a laugh.
“Yeah, she looks like a baby right now, but she’s all grown up,” said Greg. “I’ll be seeing you around, honey.” The three men left for other parts of the house.

Suzette turned around to see that she was alone, almost -- Sparkle was back in her playpen and Ms. Sandy was with her. To see what was going on, Suzette went back to the playroom. Sparkle was very upset, it turned out, and Ms. Sandy was trying to calm her down. “Now, don’t worry, Sweetie, we’ll keep those nasty boys out of here. You don’t worry either, Suzie -- here, get in the playpen with your friend Sparkle, and you can play with the toys.” Sparkle was still whimpering and crying, but she calmed down a bit when Ms. Sandy helped Suzette climb into the playpen, almost lifting her up with barely any effort. Mistress Elizabeth hired some pretty strong women to look after her “baby,” it seemed.

Ms. Sandy patted Suzette on her head lightly as she cooed softly, “now, you babies play nice and Nana will be right back with some snacks.”

Sparkle clapped her hands together as she bounced on her thickly diapered hinny, “She makesa bestus chocool … umm choksolt … umm …. ya kno … that gooey sticky stuffies that come in chippeded cookies.

Suzette giggled. It was so true, Sparkle had the little baby routine down to perfection. Sparkle even reminded Suzette of her baby cousin. Although … that had just been the most words she’d heard Sparkle string together since she’d met her.

Trying to get into it, Suzette said, “I wanna play sompin. Jus sittin here get kinna borin.” Suzette was sort of surprised at how she sounded … it was easy to copy Sparkle almost perfectly.

Sparkle yanked on the lid of of a box that was built into the footboard of the playpen. Within, stacked neatly, were many colorful numbered and lettered blocks. Sparkle took them from this cubbyhole and began to stack them in a large tower.

Suzette grinned. She remembered the shoot and reached over once the tower was several rows tall, and knocked it over. Sparkle sat up and looked at the blocks as they tumbled hazardously across the bottom of the playpen. Sparkle’s eyes get huge as she looked at Suzette.

Sparkle said, “You … done that jus right … likea baby.” then giggled.

Suzette felt a tingle run down her spine as she realized how quickly she seemed to be conforming to Sparkle. Was she scared … or thrilled?

Ms. Sandy showed up about that time and lifted both of them from the playpen effortlessly. Just as Suzette had suspected, she was a very strong woman. “Where we going, Ms. Sandy?” asked Suzette. But without a word, and with a resolute expression on her face, Ms. Sandy took both girls by the hand and led them into a huge ballroom. The place was filled with very well dressed men and women in the highest style of evening wear.

The sound of people talking and other noises of a large successful party ceased. All eyes turned and looked at them as Ms. Sandy led them in and lifted them onto a large flat, padded surface. She placed a large plate of chocolate chip cookies, all hot and fresh from the oven, between them. Sparkle dove in and made the biggest mess you could imagine and actually managed to get more into her than on her. This was probably a sign that they were good. Although Suzette was a bit worried about what they might put into the food at these parties -- not for herself, but for Sparkle.

So she decided to make a game of it. She tried to eat more cookies than Sparkle, to protect her from whatever … additives they had put in them. With all the guests who had arrived so far watching them, she was absolutely certain that she and Sparkle were part of the entertainment, and that made it even more likely that the cookies were laced. But she didn’t want to make a scene and reject them, because that might get her thrown out, and maybe even blacklisted.

“Hayyy,” said Sparkle as Suzette took a cookie that she’d been trying to grab. Suzette giggled, and Sparkle did too, and the onlookers laughed heartily as they watched these two “baby girls” trying to out-eat each other. In the end, Suzette thought she’d probably gotten two thirds of them … getting her hands and face quite smeared with chocolate in the process.

And it was a good thing that Ms. Sandy was there to lead her back to the playroom, because she was indeed feeling light-headed. “Woah … Ms. Sandy … me feel kinda dizzy …” At least Sparkle had only gotten about half as much of whatever the cookies were spiked with. For some reason Suzette felt protective of her.

“Don’t worry,” Ms. Sandy said. “You’re a baby girl for tonight. Nobody expects you to know how to walk good. Just hold onto my hand. Come on, you too, Sparkle.”
“You dunno … what kinda people these are,” Suzette tried to say to Ms. Sandy. “Gotta p’otect … Sparkle … Mistwess ‘Lizabeff shouldn’a brought Sparkle here …”

Lifting them back into the playpen, Ms. Sandy said, “Shh, baby, I know,” and put Suzette’s pacifier back into her mouth, wiping her and Sparkle’s faces and hands with a warm, damp cloth. She whispered to the two girls, “And she really shouldn’t have, but I’m not sure she had a choice. We’ll just make the best of it we can, OK? At least, after they got their show with the cookie thing, they’ll leave you alone for a while.”

Suzette felt really strange all over. The weirdest feeling was the one creeping slowly through her mind. She had done coke … and smoked a bit of weed on occasion. This, however, was something totally out of realm. She began to feel euphoric in a way she couldn’t describe, problems seemed to dim … and slide off somewhere in a haze of wonder and confusion. It became a real struggle to maintain some sort of … adultness, was the only possible thing it could be. Even then, Sparkle knew just what to do to distract Suzette enough she would lose herself momentarily, until she realized what happened. Sometimes, it took a bit before she came back to some sort of reasonability.

In the Grand Ballroom, a young man was escorted into the large crowd’s midst. He wore a rather expensive suit, but not a Tux. He placed a large, thick briefcase on a nearby table and opened it. Within, in neat, labeled containers, were large quantities of weed, coke, of course, and many other types of recreational drugs.

The young man smiled as another similar case was placed on the table beside the other. He opened its lid with a snap of the hasps. A smile crossed his face as many stacks of hundreds, 3 stacks deep, 24 stacks across were visible.

Over the sound of the briefcase hasps being snapped closed, the young man said, “Have a wonderful party. Those marked in pink … ought to make the girls more productive.”
Greg laughed, “More like, re … productive.”

The young man shook his head. “Glad I could help,” he said sardonically. “But I’ve got other parties to liven up tonight, so … ta!” With a large smile on his face, he waved to all in one grand gesture, before leaving, carrying the briefcase of money with him.
Greg wasted no time as he fixed a drink for one of the pretty pornstarlets. It wasn’t long after she had taken the first sips, that she began to snuggle close to Greg, and caress him softly. She sat up and snatched her top off, then thrust her beautiful breasts in his face.

She said softly, “I’m so hot … I wanna just …”

She and Greg did it right there on the floor beside a large couch. Amid many chants and cheers, the two of them went to it like they were making an epic porno. Like some kind of invisible gas had been released in the room, the pretty young starlets began to strip and cavort. The men, of course being men, took full advantage of the girls’ amorous advances.


In the playroom, Suzette was trying hard to stay together despite whatever was in her system. The pot in the cookies was trying to make everything feel far away, but the unknown quantity, which she could feel but not identify, was doing the exact opposite, bringing everything into sharp focus while trying to keep her from focusing on it, if that made any sense, and she suddenly noticed that while she had been thinking this she’d been carefully feeling the textures of one of Sparkle’s baby toys.

“Sooz?” asked Sparkle. “Sooz OK?” She turned to Ms. Sandy. “Sooz no talk. Sooz OK? Me feel funny inna head. Wanna go home. Where Mommy?”

“Your Mommy is trying to make sure no one gets hurt,” said Ms. Sandy. “Usually she wouldn’t have let something like this happen, though.”

“Already happenin’,” Suzette said. But she was still trying to get a handle on what the drugs were doing to her mind. This wasn’t acid; she was still experiencing reality, not a distorted version thereof. It was more like ecstasy, but different. Maybe some new synthetic thing. Meanwhile she’d found her pacifier and put it in her mouth. Sucking on it seemed to make the rest of her body stop exploring things without her consent.

“You’re still here,” said Mistress Elizabeth, jogging into the room. “Good. Is everything … OK?” She stopped and looked at Suzette. Ms. Sandy told her about the cookies.

“What?” she asked. “I told that Greg … but you said she had twice as many?”

“Yeah, I think she was trying to keep them away from Sparkle,” Ms. Sandy said as Sparkle’s Mommy reached down into the playpen to hug her “baby.” “She’s been to these things before; she knows what it’s like. She knows Sparkle shouldn’t be here.”

“None of us should be here,” said Mistress Elizabeth. “But business hasn’t been good, and Greg’s going to send some business my way, or so he says. So many people wouldn’t have come to this party if I weren’t here keeping the dungeon in one piece. Speaking of which, I have to get back down there -- thank you so much, Sandy; I didn’t mean to drag you through this.”

“I just hope I won’t have to hurt anyone too badly before the night is through,” Sandy said. She noticed Suzette was rocking back and forth in a corner of the playpen, her arms wrapped around herself. “Oh, Suzette, do you want a Teddy Bear?” asked Ms. Sandy in the voice she usually used around Sparkle. Suzette’s eyes lit up, focused on Ms. Sandy’s face.

“Bye bye Mommy,” said Sparkle as Mistress Elizabeth kissed her on the forehead and left, promising to be back soon to check in. Ms. Sandy walked across the room and picked up a large Teddy Bear.

Suzette’s mind had suddenly been brought into focus by a voice -- specifically, Ms. Sandy’s voice, and specifically her voice talking to her with that sing-song tone she usually talked to Sparkle with. She didn’t usually use it when talking to Suzette, but now that she had, it seemed to give her something to hold onto -- and speaking of which, Ms. Sandy was offering her a toy bear now, a large one, it looked like.

“Little Suzette wanna Teddy Bear? Wanna Teddy Bear, Sweetie?” She felt herself nod and saw her arms reaching out for the soft toy. “Oh, your paci’s fallen out, here you go, Sweetie,” Ms. Sandy said, again in that voice.

“Cookies make Sooz baby?” asked Sparkle.

“I don’t think so, honey,” Ms. Sandy answered her. “But I think … that kind of care is the best thing for her right now.”

“Oh come on, I gotta see the star,” said a man’s voice from the entrance to the nursery. “This is the only place I haven’t looked yet, so she’s gotta be here. Huh, different scene, but hey, it’s all good.”

“Oh yeah, she’s here, all right,” said Greg’s voice. “I think she’s a baby tonight, though -- a stone babe the rest of the time, but tonight she’s got baby duty.”

“Girls, we should be quiet now,” whispered Ms. Sandy.

Suzette found it easy to be quiet, just sucking on her pacifier and rocking and holding the Teddy Bear. Sparkle looked out at the nursery, though she didn’t see the men yet, just some of the party goers who were trying out the cribs and high chairs and changing tables.

“Hey, Jimmy, I didn’t know you were into this,” said the unknown voice.

“Well, how’m I gonna know if I don’t try it?” said someone else, presumably Jimmy.

“No, she’s back here,” said Greg.

“What, back there?” The man’s face finally appeared in the playroom’s doorway. If there’d been a door, maybe it would have been lockable, but there wasn’t even a door. “Oh, hey, I must say, those are the cutest outfits ever!”

“Good evening,” said Ms. Sandy, “but this isn’t part of the public play area --”

“Hey, the whole house is part of the party,” said Greg. “Sandy, this is Bill, who’s one of our biggest investors.”

“Er, great to meet you, Bill,” Sandy said, “but you’re not supposed to be in here. You either,” she said to Greg.

“Hey, what your lover doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Greg said.

“She’s the only reason why half these people are here,” said Sandy, “and she’s never going to do this for you again if either of them get hurt.”

“Hey, no one wants to hurt anyone,” said Bill. “I just wanted to meet your star. Suzette, you’re really … amazing. I don’t even know what to say. I’m a huge admirer.”

Suzette paused in rocking, looked at him, and said, “Bill … Bill … oh right … that Bill. Bill the … something.” Her pacifier dropped to the playpen floor, and her hands started to feel the Teddy Bear’s fur.

“We think someone slipped her something without her consent,” Sandy said, standing between the men and the playpen.

“Hey, Suzette, why don’t you come join the party?” asked Greg. “Don’t worry, Sandy, Sparkle can stay here for all I care, and your lover doesn’t care about this one. She’s one of mine, not one of hers.”

“Not on your life,” Sandy began.

“No … no, it’s OK,” said Suzette. She tried to stand up, letting go of the Teddy Bear and feeling the netting sides of the playpen and the bars of its frame. “I go, I give them what they want, nobody gets hurt.” Sandy tried to stop her, but Suzette pushed her aside gently. “I’ll be OK. Bill the Something wants some time. I get it.”

Inwardly she knew that if she didn’t go along with what Greg wanted she’d be out on the street before the end of the party. She’d have her car and apartment until the end of the month when the dealer repossessed the car and her landlord kicked her out, because it would be the end of her income. But she could protect Sparkle. She didn’t know why, but she felt like she had to. It was … important to her that Sparkle not be harmed, not be caught up in this hell that her life had become, as glamorous as it seemed from the outside.

“Greg, is she OK?” asked Bill. “She’s acting … messed up.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get her fixed up,” said Greg.

Suzette toddled over to the men standing in the door. Sandy looked on with obvious disapproval in her body language and facial expression. Bill felt a chill run up his spine as he saw the dagger look she was giving him. He looked at Suzette. Her outfit and the way her hair was done and the way she toddled made him think of a babydoll of some kind.
A leering smile crossed his face as she approached the door and Greg took her by the hand and began to roughly pull her along. Suzette couldn’t help herself as she burst into tears and began to cry loudly. The more she cried, the more she lost control of her mind and slipped into infantile behavior.

Bill felt himself become seriously aroused as he felt the weird tingle run all through him. He just had to have some of that. He’d watched her for so long.

Just as the two men tried to pull the crying Suzette into a room with a large round waterbed, Mistress Elizabeth showed up and stepped between them and the door.

She said with obvious menace in her tone, “Where do you think your going with that babydoll? And just what do you intend to do in the sex room with her?”

Greg suddenly felt anger flare just a bit as he stood up straight and said to her face, “I’m taking her in there, “ he pointed into the room, “and Bill and I are going to do it with her till the pigs fly. She’s ours, I pay her, and I intend to get my money’s worth.”

Mistress Elizabeth said quietly with obvious venom in her tone, “I think not. Not only have you managed to impair her and my babydoll, but now, you’ve made it personal.”

Bill released Suzette’s hand and stepped back. Greg, on the other hand, being used to having his way with all the wanna bees, stepped closer to Mistress Elizabeth and put his hand on her arm in a very rough manner to pull her out of the way. Wrong move on his part.

Bill’s mouth fell open as his eyes bulged in shock. He saw this very beautiful and sexy woman basically toss Greg across the hall with force. Greg slammed into the wall hard enough the Sheetrock crumpled on impact. Greg flopped from there onto the floor where he lay groaning loudly.

Mistress Elizabeth looked sternly at Bill and said with icy venom in her tone, “What are your intentions with this babydoll? If she were in her right mind and could choose logically, I would have nothing to say. As it is, she is in my care, I’m paying her tonight, not him,” she pointed to Greg who was wallowing on the floor in pain.

Bill threw up his hands in a surrendering motion as he quickly left for other parts of the house. Suzette sat on the couch like a rag doll and watched him go, quietly saying, “No … it’s fine … really …” then trailing off. She was frankly much less afraid with Bill gone. Something about him put her on edge even at her best.

Mistress Elizabeth said quietly to Greg, “Since this is how you act towards your best money tree, I feel you need to look other places for your … lurid pleasures.”

Greg gingerly rose from the floor. He kept a wary eye on Elizabeth as he very slowly limped away from her. “I am gonna …” he began, then stopped himself. “No. Look. Bill’s a big investor. Suzette was fine with it. Your interference may have just cost me a lot of money. But maybe not. Maybe we can get him straightened out before the end of the night. He’s really fixated on Suzette, though. He practically stalks her --”

“Bill the Stalker,” said Suzette absently, still sitting on the bed. That was it, now she remembered her name for him. “Not Bill the Something.”

“Oh, she already knows him,” said Mistress Elizabeth. “How sweet. ‘Bill the Stalker’ sounds like a real term of endearment. And you were gonna get her drugged up and leave her alone in a room with him.”

“He wasn’t gonna hurt her!” Greg objected. “Nobody was gonna get hurt.”

“He alone has intruded on the playroom tonight.”

“Well I showed him there.”

“And why did you do that?”

“Well …” Greg answered, “I heard him asking about her.”

“So you don’t think he would’ve found Suzette one way or another?”

“He probably would’ve, yeah. So? Nobody was gonna get hurt!”

“I am so done with this.” She took Suzette’s hand. “Sweetie?” she asked. “Would you like to come with me back to the playroom?” Suzette’s eyes focused on her. She was almost using that baby sing-song voice. “You can play with Sparkle some more,” she intoned. Suzette got up off the couch and followed Mistress Elizabeth. To Greg she said, “She’s going back to the playroom where Sandy can keep an eye on her until she comes down from whatever the hell you dosed her with, and she is NOT leaving there until she does. I am going back down to try to make sure nobody permanently injures anyone in that dungeon of yours, which is supposed to be why I’m here, not babysitting your investors. I know damn well Sparkle’s bringing lots of money to this shoot, and if you can’t behave I’m picking up my marbles and going home.”

“I … yeah, yeah, I know that,” said Greg. “Shit, I gotta find Bill. I hope he doesn’t pull out after this.”

He went one way, and Suzette and Mistress Elizabeth went another, pushing their way through the crowd that had gathered to see what the argument was about, but all Suzette felt was relief that Greg was gone.

“OK, Sweetie,” said Mistress Elizabeth as she led Suzette by the hand. “Does it help when I talk like this?” she asked in her baby sing-song tone. Suzette had been stumbling like a zombie, but now she focused and walked more purposefully. “It does! Does Baby like it when Mommy talks to her like a baby? Does she? Let’s get Baby back to the playroom where she can play with her friend Sparkle, OK?”

“Yes, please,” Suzette said. “It’s so hard to … concentrate …”

They entered the nursery, with Mistress Elizabeth cooing, “Well, let’s just get Baby Suzy back safe in the playpen with all her baby toys, OK? I bet Sparkle will be so happy to see Baby, won’t she?”

“I … I need … my pacifier back …” said Suzette.

“Don’t worry, Baby Suzy, I’m sure it’s here. Now, let’s check your diaper … oh dear, Baby Suzy is all wet! Well, that’s OK, it happens to babies, that’s why they wear diapers! Don’t worry, we’ll get you changed, won’t we? Then you can be all happy again.” Mistress Elizabeth finally had her back in the playroom.

“Sooz!” Sparkle was excitedly calling out. “Sooz back!”

“What happened?” asked Sandy. “Is she OK?”

“No worse for wear, but she needs a dry diaper. That Greg was going to leave her alone in a room with that psycho Bill guy, and in her state, too.”

“Oh no, he’s one of Greg’s big investors --”

“I know, but I also know he’s obsessed with Suzette here, and he’s not leaving this party until he gets what he wants.”

“But that means --”

“Yes, it means he’ll be back, but it also means he didn’t leave, and Greg went to try to distract him, so we’ve got at least a while before Bill comes back. Now, I have to go back down to the dungeon, because it’s what I said I’d do, and I keep my word. But … Suzette, you have my word, if you can hear me, you will get out of this fine, OK?”

“You go, I’ll change her,” said Sandy.

“Thank you! I’ll be back to check on things.” Mistress Elizabeth hurried off.

“OK, Suzette,” said Sandy, “I remember Baby likes it when I talk to her like this,” she went on, turning on the baby sing-song. “Let’s get Baby over to the changing table …” Sparkle was holding up a pacifier, the one Suzette had been using earlier. “Oh thank you Baby Sparkle, I’ll bet that’ll make Baby Suzy much better.” She took it and offered it to Suzette, who opened her mouth and accepted it immediately. “There we go. Now, let’s get Baby Suzy on the changing table …”

Suzette’s mind was in much clearer focus now, and her body was much more under her control now that she had her pacifier. Whatever this drug was, it seemed that just the sort of treatment that Sparkle got all the time was the best way to deal with its side effects. Fortunately or unfortunately, this meant that she was fully aware of the diaper change she was getting -- she couldn’t remember exactly when it had gotten wet -- and she felt every moment of the cold baby wipes cleaning her off and the baby powder being spread around and the thick new diaper being slid under her rear and closing around her. She didn’t feel safer -- she would never feel safe at this place -- but at least she was dry again for now.

Bill was downing a large straight up bourbon in a gulp when Greg arrived at the makeshift bar in the dungeon. Amid all the nude writhing bodies, Greg stepped gingerly, trying his best not to step on any of the participants in the current orgy.

Greg patted Bill on his back as he poured another large bourbon, “Don’t let it get to you, Bill.” Greg nodded, I will find a way to get Suzette and you in bed alone one way or the other.”

Bill turned and looked around the large room before he said with a strange tone in his voice, “I saw what that woman did to you. I thought she was just an actress, I didn’t realize she was a for real Mistress. She is quite capable of hurting you … or me for that matter. I’m not so sure I should. Probably be best to take my money and run.”

Greg snorted a laugh. The minor aches and pains from his encounter with Mistress Elizabeth reminded him that she was far more dangerous than she looked. Greg finally replied after thinking over things for a minute, “No, don’t take your money. I promise you will get your money’s worth out of Suzette. In her state of mind, she’ll be in diapers for at least a coupla days and totally defenseless. All we have to do, is distract Elizabeth and that other woman … ummm. oh yea … the nanny.”

Both men laugh as they gulp down several more straight up bourbons. Since neither had eaten since breakfast, it went straight to their heads. It wasn’t long before their tongues became thick, and they lost their ability to see things as they were. Both of the drunken men began to plot how they were going to get Suzette away from the Mistress and nanny and into the sex room.

About that time, a very young woman in just a pair of string bikini panties came up to them and wallowed all over them. She was totally lost in the drug haze that had spread around the room. She giggled and wiggled and even gently took several hand fulls of both men. She offered to do them both at the same time if they wanted. Bill refused, he wanted full charges when he and Suzette went at it.

Bill noticed that several men were actually filming the orgy. He snorted a laugh as he thought about all the money some slob was going to pay to watch this. It was then an idea came to his drunken mind.

He went over and whispered into one of the men’s ear that were filming. The man smiled broadly and nodded. He left for a few minutes, then returned with a torture rack, and a reclining sissy frame. Bill had told Greg his idea. Greg took hold of the young woman in panties and drug her across the room to the torture frame and locked her into the shackles. The woman, of course, didn’t want anything to do with this and struggled vainly.

The men with the cameras filmed the whole thing as the girl had her panties ripped off by another man who stood there drooling through his leering smile. He first picked up several spring loaded clothespins. The girl’s eyes get huge with fear as she screamed loudly. The sound of laughter filled the room as the man clamped the pins onto some of the most tender parts of the woman’s anatomy.

Greg and Bill left the room and took up positions around the bend in the hallway from the makeshift playroom. They heard when Mistress Elizabeth showed up.

Elizabeth said loudly, “And just what in Sam Hill do you think you’re doing to that woman?”

The man turned and snapped, “What F__kin business is it of yours? If you must know, I’m doing the best torture job of my career.”

Mistress Elizabeth tore the bottom part of her long evening gown away, revealing she had on just a black leather teddy beneath. As she kicked off her spiked heels, She said softly in a tone that made the rest of the room become deathly silent, “Such acts are to be done only on willing subjects with certain rules applied. This … isn’t part of the contract.”

The man spun with his fist headed for Mistress Elizabeth’s head with serious force. Like a cobra, Elizabeth moved and sidestepped the blow. She grabbed the man by his arm and pulled. The inertia of the blow being redirected that way, pulled the large man off his feet, and into a sidekick that would make any martial artist proud. A loud sickening squishy thump followed along with the man falling on the floor face first, and wallowing there in serious pain. Mistress Elizabeth released the young woman and helped her down from the rack.

At the same time, Greg and Bill dashed into the playroom. Ms. Sandy was occupied with making bottles and snacks for her charges and didn’t see the men enter. The men grabbed Suzette, clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle her screeches, then carried her out of the playroom unnoticed by Sandy until they had gone, taking Suzette with them. Sparkle had been too startled to even make a noise, but as soon as she regained her senses she screamed louder than any fire alarm.

Sandy whirled around, saw Suzette was missing, and said, “Oh no …” with a sad expression on her face, and first went to try to calm Sparkle, then turned on her cell.

Suzette was being carried. The drug cocktail in her system had actually started to wear off a bit, but she could tell there were two of them, so it wasn’t likely she’d win if she tried to fight now. Best to let them think she was more out of it than she really was, until the right opportunity. Was it Greg and Bill the Stalker? Probably. If so, Greg would leave Bill alone with her to get back to the party and the other investors. But where were they taking her? The noise of the party was getting farther and farther away. It was somewhere up on the house’s third story, probably, where there was more privacy -- and less chance of her being found before Bill had had his way with her.
Suzette was helpless as the two men forced her through a door. on the other side, was another huge super king size water bed. Greg threw Suzette on the bed, then Bill began taking the cute little babydoll dress off while Greg pulled her rumba panties off.

Bill commented, “She is so cute this way. I think I’m going to do doubles with her more often.”

Both men laughed as Greg undid the large diaper pins and removed the diaper. Suzette realized that Greg wasn’t going to leave, so she probably wasn’t going to have the chance to escape that she’d been hoping for. She began trying to scream, but it only came out as sort of a breathy wail. She tried to fight back, but she still didn’t have full control over her body. She knew if someone didn’t hear her soon, she was going to be raped by these two men.

Just as Bill had his pants and undies off and crawled between Suzette’s legs, the door seemed to explode. The men turned and saw Mistress Elizabeth there. She was wearing a jet black leather teddy and was barefooted. The expression on her face said it all.

Elizabeth said in a tone of voice that sent chills down the men’s spine, “I told you, this babydoll was off limits to all tonight. She’s here to be with my babydoll, and I am paying her.”

Elizabeth grabbed Greg, then snatched him into a knee. She spun around like a rapidly spinning top and caught Bill beside his head with her heel. Bill flopped over and impacted the floor. His nose was totally broken and bleeding.

Greg shouted, “You will …”

He never got to finish his threat as Elizabeth caught his chest with a solid fist several times before she slapped what was left of his senses away. Greg fell over and lay silently, twitching slightly.

Elizabeth came to Suzette and cooed softly as she rediapered her, “It’s OK now babydoll. Just relax. Auntie is here now and will take care of you.” She picked the whimpering Suzette up and carried her just like she was the infant she appeared to be.

“H-how …” Suzette started to ask.

“Cell phones,” said Elizabeth. “But I think this is enough for tonight. I was considering becoming a business partner with Greg, but I think I’ve seen enough to know that that was a terrible idea. Yes, I need the money, but I’m not willing to go that far to get it.”

She was carefully carrying Suzette back downstairs.

“But … but Greg … me …” Suzette mumbled.

“It’s up to him what he does about you,” Elizabeth interrupted, “and it’s up to you whether you want to keep working for him, but if it were up to me, I’d get out of Greg’s business right now. Yesterday.”

“Can’t,” said Suzette, seeming to struggle as her arms did whatever they wanted for now.

“Well I can’t really talk about the details with you right now, with your system still full of whatever those drugs were,” Elizabeth said, turning back into the nursery, “but I can tell you that we are getting out of here now, and you are coming with us. You’re in no fit condition to be making decisions, and you need a safe place to make them from.”

“Mistress?” asked Ms. Sandy, looking at them through the doorway to the playroom, where Sparkle was trying to peek from the playpen. “Is she all right?”

“She’s fine for now,” said Elizabeth, “but we’re leaving. A business partnership with Greg is obviously not a wise move. I don’t know now why I was even considering it. His circles are the worst of the worst, and most of the people here deserve to be arrested, not just ostracized from the community. Not that it will ever happen, because the cops turn a blind eye.”

“Right,” said Ms. Sandy, starting to pack up Sparkle’s things. “Be ready in a few minutes here. C’mon Sparkle, it’s time to go home.”

Greg stumbled from the hallway into the grand ballroom before he stumbled against a table and fell into the large punch bowl. The table bent in the middle and collapsed, causing all the food and a large messy cake to slide on top of him. The room erupted with a roar of laughter.

A nude, and very sexy young porn-starlet came up to him and said softly, “Aww, didums have too much party time?”

The room burst into raucous laughter once again.

Bill came into the room, wiping his bloody nose on his sleeve. He saw one of the large gaff hands and said to him, “Come with me, I need your help.”

The man asked, “Ta do what boss? I won’t kill nobody. It looks like someone gotcha good too.”

Bill snapped, We have to stop that … that … that woman and her freak show from leaving with one of my girls.”

The large man’s eyebrows rose as he said, “Ya mean that cute little woman in black done that to ya?”

Bill gave the large man a look of hate, “Shut up, you dork. Just come help me stop her from taking Suzette.”

The large man left with the limping Bill. Just as Elizabeth and Miss Sandy approached the rear exit with their charges and baby supplies, both men stepped in front of them.

The large gaffer said with a growl, “Aww right there girlies. That one belongs ta us. Yer gonna leave ’er here or else.”

Mistress Elizabeth kicked off her spike heeled shoes once again. Sandy picked them up and backed away from the large man.

Elizabeth looked the man over from head to toe then said softly, “I don’t think you should get involved in affairs you know nothing of.”

The very messy Greg stumbled into the hall about that time and pointed, “You bitch! You drop Suzette right now! She belongs to us.”

Elizabeth smiled sardonically, “And you and whose army are you employing to stop me?”

The large gaffer frowned and said angrily, “I no ever hitta woman before. But am gonna maka ception on ur cuz ura whore bitch.” With this, the large man rushed Elizabeth and swung one of his large meaty fists.

Elizabeth moved like a striking cobra once again. She spun around the man’s fist, thrusting out a side kick that caught him squarely in the groin. At the same time, she had grabbed the man’s arm and pulled. Inertia did the rest as the large man went down with a meaty thump.

Bill and Greg looked down at him on the floor. They looked at Elizabeth. They looked at each other.

“Stop them!” Greg shouted.

“W-who?” said Jim, who was by the punch bowl.

“Me?” asked Chad, who was standing by the wrecked dessert table.

There was a lot of general confusion as everyone tried to decide what to do. They had just seen what Elizabeth had done to the large, strong cameraman and wondered whether they would fare any better. Elizabeth took that moment to turn and leave, pushing her way through the crowd, which closed around her and Suzette, just as it did around Sandy and Sparkle.

“All buckled in,” said Sandy, fastening Suzette’s seat belt and gave her her pacifier. She had already fastened Sparkle into her adult-sized car seat. “Are we ready, Mistress?”

“I am SO ready to get out of here,” said Elizabeth as Sandy got into the passenger seat.

The car started up, and Suzette saw the city lights start to move by outside. She didn’t know where she was going, but at least it was better than where she’d been.


Suzette woke up, feeling comfortable, warm, and clear-headed. She seemed to be in a bed surrounded by plush toys and … bars? There was … a brightly-colored mobile dangling high above her. And she was very hungry. She tried to remember how she’d gotten here … but the last thing she remembered was being in the car.

“Umm … Ms. Sandy? Mistress Elizabeth? Sparkle?” she called out, sitting up and realizing she was in a large crib. “Are you here?”

“Sooz! Sooz awake! Hi Sooz!” came the happy voice of Sparkle, apparently from somewhere in the same room, though Suzette couldn’t see her.

There was the sound of a door opening. “Good morning,” said Ms. Sandy, coming into view. “Let’s get you out of there.” She fiddled with the side of the crib and lowered the bars out of the way. “Oh, this old crib. I’m glad we got Sparkle a new one. Sounds like you’re feeling better!”

“Lots better, thanks!” Suzette said. She sat up, her legs dangling off the side. “Um …”

She realized she was in a one-piece sleeper, and that the diapers she wore underneath it were quite wet. She raised her hands as she looked down at the thick diapers she couldn’t actually see.

“Oh!” Ms. Sandy giggled. “Yes, you’re probably soaked, aren’t you? You were still on that drug, so we made sure you were well protected and put you to bed as comfortably as we could. We didn’t want you falling out and hurting yourself, with all its side effects, so we put you in there with lots of soft plushies. But don’t worry, we’ll get you all fixed up -- any way you want.”

“Any way?” asked Suzette. “You mean …”

“Well, either I’ll help you get cleaned up and you can put on the clothes you came to the party in last night, or I’ll clean you up and get you into a nice dry diaper and some cute play clothes for the day,” Ms. Sandy said. “Your choice. Either way, then I’ll get Sparkle all ready and we’ll all have some breakfast.”

“So … I can decide to …?”

“You can either be Suzette, or baby Sooz, Sparkle’s playmate,” said Ms. Sandy. “I know what Sparkle would like best.”

“Sooz! Sooz! Sooz!” shouted Sparkle enthusiastically from her crib across the room.

“But … just for today,” Suzette confirmed.

“Well, of course,” said Ms. Sandy.

“No one’s going to force you to stay here,” said Mistress Elizabeth from the doorway. “And if I have my way, no one’s going to force you to do anything you don’t want ever again.”

Suzette relaxed and took a deep breath. “Hey Sparkle,” she said, “you know what’s not fair? We never really got to play, did we? We kept getting stopped by stupid head meanies.”

Sparkle giggled. “Yeah! Soopid hed meenees.”

“Nana?” asked Suzette, looking at Ms. Sandy, “can you peeze change Baby Sooz?”

“Of course, Sweetie,” said Ms. Sandy warmly. Mistress Elizabeth smiled from the doorway as Sparkle cheered excitedly.

~~ The End ~~
Miki Yamuri
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Re: Baby in a Box

Postby LilJennie » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:05 pm

I know not a lot of people reply to the stories here, so it's hard to tell how they were received, but this one was my idea. It came from seeing comments on Twitter, Tumblr and other places of photos that were obviously staged for various adults sites, talking as if these were really pictures of adult babies when it's so clear that they're not. They're models who are paid for their time. Now of course there are sites where women who actually are ABs have decided to capitalize on the demand they know is out there for images and videos of them, and that's fine I suppose, but do keep in mind that on the Internet very little is what it seems. Photos like those exploit the subject, and they exploit you too. If you pay for them, what kind of culture are you supporting?
Sunshine & rainbows,
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